
demon's wit prologue prologue

I'm Tristan by name..... I'm an ancient demon who leave alone in a dark forest killing and destroying

l hate humans with everything in me....the are so mean and wicked... that why I derieved joy from killing and eating anyone who crosses the dark forest

initially, I wasn't a bad guy... I started being like this since the day I was betrayed my humans

what pains me alot was that I was betrayed by my best friend

I trusted him with my, and he decided to betray me....

let me narrate my story between me and the human...

Two Hundred Years ago...

I lived in the human realm.... as a young guy.. I don't wanted to associate my self with evil, and at the other hand I was very bored, life in the forest wasn't easy so I went out to associate my self with human.....

at first I enjoyed everything , I even started schooling which was the most interesting thing of it all.... there, I heard a friend which I love so much and value a lot, his name was kelvin.... we behaved like brothers and people thought we were twins

I did impossible things in school... it wasn't impossible but that was how they call it then.. the truth was that I did my things perfectly without mistakes this was what amazed people... this made my friend started becoming jealous and curious, but back then I didn't noticed it.

There was a girl who kelvin love and cherish alot.... Kelvin has woo her time with out number but she don't seems to like kelvin.... she seem to like me.... I didn't noticed her feelings back then because I wasn't interested

in girls, so I talked to her neutrally..... kelvin noticed this also...

I usually visit kelvin alot... he usually want to visit me but I usually look for suitable excuses


"my house is very far, "

"I don't want to stress you"

those excuses usually worked for me

I never wanted to tell him I leave in the forest

he told me to live with him since my house was far... I did that happily

later he started asking me strange questions


are you having mysterious powers"

"how do you do your things

"tell me your secret...I will keep it"

this is what he usually tell me

I became tired and I told him that I was a demon that I have never killed before I explained everything to him... I even showed him prove

which he took very serious

before one week my name spread.... police and other force where looking for me

I was very disappointed... but I still remained calm

Kelvin mother chased me out of her house that same day when I was going back to the forest.... Kelvin came out pointing a gun at me

I begged and begged but he refused

he told me that I have taken everything away from especially his girl

I was trying to explain when I heard police,and different types of force sounds coming towards my dirrecton

all of them came out pointing a gun at me

I wanted to say something when I started hearing gun sound they were shooting me me...

this made me very angry I turned all of them into animals.... they ran into the forest where I stay

since then I hated human especially girls

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