
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · Cómic
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16 Chs

Demon Town: Things that like to go boom





Tyler woke the next morning with his face deep in Belfast's massive melons. He'd shoved his face in her breasts and held onto her for dear life. He smiled at this and kissed her nipple.

"Morning Belfast."

She woke with a minor squeak.

"Oh! do not arrouse me and leave me for the day."

He kissed her and she smiled thinly.

"NOR do I lay first thing in the morning."

"Ha. Come on, Belfast."

She chuckled as he carried her to the shower.

"Oh dear."

"NOW i can brag I can carry a fully armed cruiser."


They showered and he reloaded his rifle for his patrol. Belfast looked at her battered maid uniform and smiled.

"Some new wardrobe is inorder."

He chuckled as since coming to that world, he'd stopped wearing shirts and his jeans were still in good condition.

"Why i like denim jeans, Belfast. i can do nearly ANYTHING to them and they'll be fine. My BOOTS need a refit though."

"I shall have a word."

"Thanks Belfast."

He climbed onto the walltop and walked around the town whistling a tune. After a while he found himself at the maingate and looked out at the far end of the clearing....and smiled as he saw a group numbering several dozen leaving the forest heading towards the city. He pulled his spyclass and found the group to be Rangers clearly mapping the route to the town. He nodded and went to the large bell they'd cast from gold for alerting the town to visitors. There were a number of alarm bells throughout the town with whistles being handed out as well. Tyler rang the bell and the clanging had the defenders running and he waved.

"The Rangers are here!"

Leon smiled as he climbed up to the wall.

"I'll signal them. Otherwise they'll be standoffish."

Rias had a spyglass up as the elven ranger used a reflective mirror to flash at them. Tyler smirked as he recognized morse code and it spelled out,

"Safe Haven. Ranger Leon. Station Open."

The other Rangers approached on their horses now and Tyler smiled as he looked at Mina.

"Good thing we put up the stables."

She chuckled.

"And paved the road. That's gonna sound so cool."

The Jarl smiled.

"Open the gate!"

The wheels were turned and the portcullis were raised to admit the group of 48 Rangers before the gate was sealed again. Leon and Tyler dropped to the ground as the blazers made for the Ranger Station. Leon explained.

"Their first duty in any fresh town is to secure the Altar and contact our deity, Pandora. She'll bless the station and we're free to work."

Tyler nodded.

"Alright. If she DOESN'T?"

"Then you'd need to make an offering to her."

Hestia chuckled.

"She will. OTHERWISE I'll bust out my paddle."

"That's something i'd pay to see, Hestia."

"YOu are a dirty minded prick, Tyler."

"I know."

Leon chuckled as the Station glowed neon green.

"Approved. Now we more to the next step."

The leader of the Rangers turned out to be a dwarf of all people. The 3 foot tall burly man had weathered skin, red hair and a fiery beard while his frame was corded from years hitting metal. His eyes were sparkling blue and he spoke in a gruff yet kindly tone.

"Borloc Metalbender at ya service! Now who be this Jarl I been hearin bout?"

Tyler came over with a chuckle.

"That'd be me. Jarl Tyler of Haven. nice to know ya!"

Borloc looked at the town and chuckled.

"Kid can we hire you to design towns for us? AND lead our builders? ALL this...in a WEEK! Good on ya."

"Thanks Borloc. Come on. We'll argue this one out in da Hall."

The dwarf chuckled and was amazed by the crude yet hardy homes of the HAveners.....then he tilted his head at the Lightning Towers.

"Laddee, what is that waste of good copper?"

Tyler chuckled.

"It's our Lightning Towers. When there's a storm the lightning will hit them and not our houses."

"Ah. I take it back. That be a WILY ploy indeed!"

"Lightning LOVES copper."

"Well learned! I'll send word to the Guilds as this be a new trick!"


"I see that light. YES we'll pay for the designs."

"Nice to see we're gettin somewhere."

Tyler led them into the manor and to the maps of the known area. Borloc tapped the main gate.

"The news is all good. This ere gate is facing the proper direction for a good highway to the Queen's Road. It be a bit a work to dig it out but we can do it."

TYler nodded.

"The distane involved, Borloc?"

"About 20 miles of solid woodland. The good news be it be all flatland with no rivers or streams."

"That IS good news. And the other wallgates?"

"We'll connect the town to the Queen's Road and then to other lands."

TYler smiled.

"Alright. Let's get to it."

Borloc chuckled.

"Ya SHOULDA been a DWARF! Move lads!"

Tyler and the entire town grabbed axes and their treefelling equipment and headed to the edge of the wood where Borloc pointed out markers on the trees.

"Follow the eyes an they'll guide you to the road."

Tyler nodded.

"We'll start paving once we break through. All wood is to be added to the banks and ah hell you know the rest."

They chuckled and the Haveners went to work with a will! Borloc blinked as trees started falling in minutes with the stumps hooked onto and torn out of the ground by Tyler's pulley systems. The fallen trees were fed to the weaker members of the town for trimming and then attached to more pullies for travel to the town. Then the cycle reset. The dwarf watched the rapid progress and smiled.

"I will send word to ME king to meet with the laddee. His mind would aid our kingdom like a Pinnical."

"Hey! Borloc! ya gonna gawk or help?"

Tyler's amused callout had the burly dwarf laughing as he gripped an axe.

"Aye lad, lemme show ya how a DWARF works!"

The townwide effort carved a nearly 50 foot wide trail through the forest with the timbers, rocks, adn moved earth all being funneled back to HAven to aid in her growth and maintaining. Tyler led the project the entire time with his usual fire and zeal...and unusual ideas. The road was flattened using stone rollers to make paving easier and the edges of the road were trimmed for better access. whenever they came to a larger tree, Tyler had them dig out the roots then wedge a blaststone demolition charge in the hole under the tree and it'd work like a charm. The hole was filled in with access dirt and the tree collected. The workers were also armed with rifles and pistols as they were deep in teh woods by the time the sun was high overhead. Tyler smiled.

"It might be a good idea to have an outpost set up here for defending the road."

Mina chuckled as she got a drink from a canteen.

"We'll talk defending the roads when we get back."


They were well over halfway to the Queen's road and Borloc was utterly amazed by this feat as the town kept moving. He looked at Rias beside him as the redhead directed a fresh shipment of wood to Haven.

"YOUR leader is quite impressive, Lassie."

Rias smiled.

"Thanks. He works at it. We'll reach the paving step and he'll call it a day."

They did indeed reach the Queen's Road that day. Tyler smiled as the last trees were felled and removed before the dirt was poured to connect the nesrly 100 foot wide dusty trail to the back padded earth of Haven. He walked onto the thing and looked along it's length. In the distance to the left was a majestic castle that was far enough away it seemed to be covered in blue haze. The castle soared into the sky with a knuby base and Borloc smiled.

"That is the capital city of Merlot, Berlot. Queen Sophia and her daughters live in the tower there."

He pointed a thick finger at the tower in the center and Tyler waved. Then he looked up the second direction and Borloc sighed.

"THAT way be the Kingdom of Malchia. I hate that country."

"Too tall?"

"Laddee I break stone with my bare hands. Don't piss me off."

Tyler laughed at his sudden irritation.

"Worth it."

"Ya be a funny bastard. Anyway. Malchia looks down on ANYONE that is not from Malchia....or human. They are a SLAVE country as well."

Tyler frowned.

"OOOkay. we'll makr their convoys."

Borloc chuckled.

"Oh they raid other countries too."

"They attack US we'll set their kingdom on fire...with a BOMBING run."

The dwarf smirked.

"I know not this attack. A BOMBING RUN, Tyler?"

Tyler chuckled knowingly.

"You'll see. Kinda our people's ace in the hole."

"Would ya be willing t meet with the dwarven king?"


Borloc smiled.

"Good. Ole Olric would be HAPPY to sign trade deals and work out deals for those designs a yours."

"Sure. The GUNS are kinda our people's secret."

"I'm sure we can come to an agreement. I looked over your kar. And laddee? Olric would offer you a blank contract."

Tyler crossed his arms.

"I'll talk it over with the Council and your King. Cauuusee you have no idea what OUR guns can do. And how LITTLE training you need."

"Ah. A just fear I see. The King's wisdom may aid and I shall send word."

TYler nodded before he looked at Mina.

"We set?"

She nodded.

"We're ready to start paving."

"Alright drop the slabs."

And the town began the process of paving the road with lead mortar and white stone slabs. The much practiced town moved at a startling speed along the road and left behind a glittering passage to Haven. The sun was sinking as they dropped the las slab and poured the last bit of lead. Tyler smiled widely as he saw the softly glittering road stretching into the distance under the moonlight.

"Alright! Well done people. Tomorrow we'll put the finishing touches and then start on the one leading to the next road."

They nodded and Borloc smiled.

"The NEXT road is the Border Road of the Archon. This pass will cut four weeks off any trip to either country."

Tyler looked at him.

"Any other towns along the road?"

He shook his head.

"Nor villages. That region be a rather desolate place populated by brigades and monsters. They prey on the merchants you see."

"I do see. Mina, we'll need the tanks soon."

She smirked.

"The T38 is ready for assembly and field testing. And we have plenty 3.7cm shells too."

Tyler nodded.

"Good. The T38 will be our main road patrol. The IV our assault with the M3 and STUG backing it up. The Typer 89 will back the T38."

"Smart. I see exactly your plan."

Tyler smiled as they headed for the Longhall.

"Plus I got a hunch on who'll show next batch...and I think they'll appreciate something familar."

She chuckled.

"More characters?"

"Pretty much."

Borloc chuckled as well.

"There be many secrets in this town. And none I care enough to learn about."

The council gathered in the Longhall and Tyler smiled as the new road appeared on their map.

"we're halfway there. Once the other three are situated we'll have gotten the attention of many eyes."

They nodded and Belfast looked at the other two countries.

"The other two countries, are they peaceful, Borloc?"

The dwarf sighed.

"They be testy at the best of times, Lady Belfast. Malchia is a Slave country, and the Archon...well. They help. and their own culture of oppression."

Belfast looked RIGHT at Tyler and he looked at her.

"What do you want ME to do about it, Belfast? we're ONE TOWN. fancy tricks or not, we're no match YET for an entire country."

She sighed deeply at this.

"I let my emotions run away. Those poor souls."

Rias looked at Tyler with a halfsmirk.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out, Tyler."

"I could make a nuke."


"well. Okay. Maybe. It all depends on the circumstances. They like to attack places for stock. So. if they attack US, we have a catalyst I can spin....for a SADISTIC hammer drop."

They nodded and Belfast smiled.

"We will do what we can to help those poor souls. When it is a certainty we CAN help them."

Tyler looked at the map now and traced the old road with a finger.

"More PRESSING is the brigades and monsters that depend on his road for sustiance and livelhoods. The MERC bands that are HIRED to guard it will be outta of a job. I'll have Vestal put word we'll take them on as town and road guards. We'll use our hardware to guard the new roads and clear out monster dens."

Erwin nodded.

"My scouts have not had an real encounters worth mentioning. But we HAVE had skirmishes with goblins and other lesser creatures. No injuries and nothing of note so unreported."

Tyler nodded.

"That's MY fault as well. We'll keep more detailed records on any encounters in the wilds, Erwin. In this world information is key. Broloc,"


"Is there an adventurer's guild in the capital?"

The dwarf chuckled.

"aye. There be. And they be always be lookin for hires."

"They have a job board?"

"They do. And I think I see your plan."

Tyler smiled and looked at his council.

"we'll see about establishing an adventurer's hall in the town as well. There be plenty of work for them hunting the bandits and monsters along the new road, we'd get a TITHE for hosting the hall, and a cut of EVERY HUNT."

Rias smiled.

"Wanna go further, you could build a coliseum and host fights."

"Rome's coliseum was famous for it. plus with the magic we could set it up to switch environs. We COULD even set up an olympic pool."

Belfast smiled.

"I agree with the hall, but the fighting arena doesn't sit well with me. it seems.....unelegant....to glorify such NEEDLESS bloodshed."

Tyler smiled.

"That's fair. Yet, at the same time, Gladiators make good money, arena fighting is a lucrative business, and would also add to the amusement factor of Haven."

Erwin chuckled.

"I think we can hold on the arena Tyler. They tend to breed gambling. And let's secure the rowdy adventurer's guild BEFORE we open that door."

Tyler nodded.

"THAT's a fair one. I can BET this one's ut."

The ladies smirked, sensing something was coming and Rias looked at him.


"SWEET jesus don't do that again."

Borloc also shivered.

"LAddee, se be a SKILLED succubus."

"Nah that's RIAS."

The redhead chuckled.

"Go on."


The ladies smirked and Belfast cracked her knuckles with a smile.

"BeFORE i hit you, WHY suggest such a CRASS profession?"

Tyler leaned on the wall.


THe goddess chuckled.

"Because it's ingrained in the culture here. I've met many goddesses devoted to pleasure and some have even come forward to explain how it works here. Here it's nothing more then seeing a different type of healer. and so long as the Temples are PROPERLY maintained and DEFENDED, it's a much beloved cultural perk."

Belfast looked at Tyler.

"I will oversee them."

"Actually? I was going to give them to Rias and Hestia to work on."

The two chuckled and Hestia smiled.

"Heaven and Hell. And it works."

Belfast nodded sagely.

"It does. I will assist."

"And let's try to KEEP Yoshkia from them. I can see her being...active."

Mina chuckled at that.

"She is. Yoshkia is a VERY active girl."

Tyler chuckled.

"Yoshkia. I hope she's okay."

Mina nodded fondly.

"The Angels LOVE her."

"Good. Alright. We'll start with the road."

The meeting ended, the friends split. Tyler made a meal of sliced deer meat on bread and some apple juice as Asia poked her head in the door.

"Hi! Rias got kidnapped by Koneko."

"I always wanna hang with you, Asia."

She smiled and came bopping in for a hug and meal with the Jarl. Tyler snuggled with his favorite blonde devilgirl and she smiled.


"Good night, Asia."