
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · Cómic
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16 Chs

Demon Town: Land Claim


DAY 0.


Wailing sirens from speeding police cars chasing some idiot were what woke the sleeping bulk on his far too small bed in his bedroom. The tall teenage boy groaned as the sound of crunching metal and a dull boom announced a car accident and he sat up to look at the watch that served as a alarm for him. 7:01 AM. The teenager sighed as he rubbed his tired brown eyes, his voice a tenored bark full of irritation.

"Greeeat. Now I can't go back to sleep."

He sighed and got out of bed before gathering the stuff for a morning shower. Once in the water he cleaned his bulky 5 foot 11 inch tall, 230 pound frame and scrubbed his buzzed short brown hair and his pasty white skin. Once clean he got dressed in his usual battered jeans, work boots, an black shirt he'd had custom printed with a chessboard on a spiraling red circle background and the words 'Gremory Family Values' over the thing. It was a nod to his favorite anime waifu Rias Gremory. Over this he slung a thick leather jacket of deep black and grabbed his backpack. His breakfast was an energy drink and a bagel and he was out the door heading to school. The tall teenager yawned as he walked by the house the fleeing idiot had crashed into while police swarmed over it doing nothing of real worth yet pretending to as they waited for some higher clearnance to enter another person's home....dispite the fact a fucking car had crashed into it. The tall teenager walked to his school more on autopilot then anything. at the school he walked up to the class on the second floor and settled in his usual spot at the middle wall seat and rested his head on his arm to wait for the day to semibegin. The teacher walked in and chuckled as she saw the boy at his desk.

"I should make a bet with someone on if you'll be here, Tyler. I've known rocks more unpredictable."

Tyler, the hulking boy at the desk, shrugged.

"So you hang out with rocks? well. Makes sense."

The teacher chuckled again as she sat at her own desk.

"I was expecting a jab or a joke."

"Sorry you're a math teacher. You're ALREADY at rockbottom."

"There it is."

Tyler chuckled at that as more students started filtering in. The teenager didn't really move as they all took their seats. One of the, a rather pretty brunette, sat in front of him and smiled at the unmoving bulk.

"Nice to see YOU'RE comfy, Tyler."

"Mornin Hailey. That a new perfume?"

The gir; smiled as the boy didn't sit up.

"It is actually. Like it?"

"It's alright. Vanilla's better."

"I forgot you're simple."

"Keep it simple, stupid."

She chuckled and Tyler sat up with a minor yawn.

"Oh the beast awakens. Morning jackass."

TYler chuckled as he fistbumped the boy to his left.

"NOW I know I'm having a nightmare. Hi Jack."


The teacher chuckled at the exchange as another kid walked in and she looked at him curiously.

"Oh hey Matt. Did you need something?"

Matt pulled a loaded machinepistol from his pants.

"ON your knees. NOW."

Tyler sighed as the class froze.




Tyler stood now and the gun was pointed at him.


"If you were gonna shoot me you woulda already."

THe taller boy walked towards the guntoting boy with a slow, deliberate feel without breaking direct eyecontact with the now shaking boy. Matt had huge eyes of fright as Tyler's unflinching gaze bored into his.



Tyler took a spot directly across from the idiot with his hands in his pocket opening a switchblade. Matt noted a few other students were regaining their composure as he did nothing...and his eyes went cold. He swung the gun to aim at Hailey....only for Tyler to hit him like a freight train. The gun went off and the rounds pierced Tyler's body as he slammed his switchblade into the idiot's heart.

"Only a COWARD uses a gun to solve their problems."

Matt died and Tyler stood with blood pouring from 20 holes in his body and he sat against the wall as the students looked at him in frozen horror. Hailey most of all as she realized he'd taken a bullet for her. Tyler chuckled as he started feeling cold and limp.

"YOU owe me a favor Hailey. I'll be sure to collect next time."

His vision went black.


DAY 1.



The next thing Tyler knew he was falling through a solid black tunnel surrounded by many many more lights that he knew were other people. He was still dressed in his school clothes as he fell through the tunnel. He looked down the hole and noted a white light was approaching at a rapid speed.

"I'm on the highway to hell!"

He and the lights slammed into the white light and he was blinded. When next he could see the tall teenager was laying facedown in soft green grass. He blinked at this and got to his feet, dusting himself off as he did so. Then he looked around. He was in the middle of a large group of people that had also been dumped on their face in the middle of a forest clearing surrounded by hulking trees. Tyler looked up and noted the sky was bright blue while a pair of massive blue planets hung in the sky so close he halfway felt a good leap could let him touch it. Looking down to the forest he noted a pile of large backpacks were in a pile loaded with survival equipment. Tyler looked at the other people around him now and noted there was a large sattering of boys and girls near his age all looking around very confused. THe teenager shrugged at this and walked over to the pile of packbacks. He grabbed the one he thought was pretty and found it to contain a tent, woodaxe, matches, everything a woodland hermit could need to carve a suitable dwelling from the wilds. He shouldered the thing and buckled the straps....and a panel appeared before his eyes. The thing was semitransparant and Tyler smirked.

"Gamer skills are a go."

He cracked his knuckles and looked at the options. An image of himself was seen standing on a fully rotateable pedestal while on the side was a list of buttons. Status, Bio, abilities, Magic, Bestiary, Equipment. Tyler hit the status button and was presented with a list of attributes

"Okay what's the damage.....10 Strength, 50 Defense, 100 Intelligence, 30 Stamina, 10 MAgic, 10 Mana, 15 Dexterity, 15 Agility. Hm. Not bad for a basic build."

He hit the X in the corner of the panel and the thing tattooed itself onto the top of his right wrist. He looked at it like a watch an d chuckled as it functioned like a watch. How the teenager looked around at the clearing....


Only for a girl's voice to come from behind him. He looked and blinked. Standing before him was a truly BEAUTIFUL girl with knee length blood red hair and pale skin. Her eyes were a sparkling blue and her frame slender with a massive bust on her chest. Her lips were soft with a light pink hue to them and her outfit was a highschool girl outfit that seemed to struggle to contain her massive melons and a skirt covered her hips. She spoke again in a soft, imperiously sultry voice.

"wow. YOU look like you've seen a ghost."

Tyler chuckled as he faced this beautiful redhead

"You could say that. I'm Tyler."

"I'm Rias Gremory. Next head of the House of Gremory.....and you know me."

He opened his jacket...and Rias chuckled at the T-shirt.

"Okay THAT'S kinda funny."

"You're kinda famous in my world."


"Gold standard ecchi anime."

She sighed.

"Annnd you bought the shirt?"

"This one's custom. it's kinda of an inside joke to those that know."

"Ha. Nice subtle poke."

"yeeeah with the stigma we weebs and otaku have? Better to fly under the radar....."

"Annnd yet you don't?"

"I got nothing to be ashamed of. Not mah fault anime tells the better story."

Rias chuckled at that flat retort and smiled.

"Okay. so how bad are you?"


"Are you a CREEPY weeb or a fun weeb?"

"I'mma MESS!"

She laughed at THAT cheery reply.

"Okay. You are making me laugh and your jokes should not be that funny to me but they are."

"eeeh it's just having a lowball sense a humor."

She smirked now.

"Are you saying I'M lowball?"

He looked her over with a thoughtful expression now.

"eehhh I'd put you on the medtier. Hair needs a good brushing, you're covered in dust, that shirt has dirt on it....yeah. Clean UP and you're toptier supermodel."

"I had no idea where you were going with that.....thanks!"

"Sure thing, Rias. So. BeSIDES flirting with a guy outta your league,"


"What's ya need?"

She shook her head at this most arrogant of boys.

"I was going to ask you what you knew. And my HELL are you arrogant."


"I like that I am keep it."

"ONE hug."

"OOOOOH you slick bastard."

He got a hug...and he leaned in ehr ear.

"Wow. Hotter an ya seem."

"MY knee is in PERFECT position to destroy your balls."

"OH you can beat mah meat ANNNY time ya like Rias!"

she laughed and she stepped back with a smirk.

"YOU are HILARIOUS...and so REFRESHINGLY cocky."

"Heeey if I don't believe I'm the best damned thing you've ever seen, why should you?"

"OOOh you're good. I have a boyfriend."

"I'm single....annnd you came to me."

She shook her head with a smile.

"Dammit. I outfoxed myself with this one. Okay. For real now."


He let the cocky flirting die and looked at the packs.

"we've been isakied. That much is obvious. Other then that I got nothing. There's a pack for everyone so might as well loot up."

He passed her one and she nodded.

"Our powers were locked away outside a few basics."

"Raswesia's world hopper?"

"ALL of our world hoppers. Even if our MAGIC is still as potent along with our physical abilities too."

"Hm. Durandal?"

"Is at full strength. I see those gears turning."

He nodded.

"I'm just piecing the board together. It SOUNDS like we got a level playing field out the gate. Only question is why?"

The redhead nodded.

"See any weapons?"

"I was looking but I think we need to take our packs before we can arm up. OR it's one a those worlds we're dumped in with just a single pack and told to figure it out."

The redhead sighed.

"Alright. Let's get ythe packs out then."

"Allow me to help you with your baggage, Mistress."

"Why thank you humble servent."

"I'm your servant? Yes!"

Rias laughed at that sudden excitement.

"Well played you slick bastard. Sorry! MY board is FULL."

"Ahh dammit. Come on, Red."

"Oi. Use an original petname."

"I'd rather just call you mine."

She whistled at that one.

"Okay. THAT was kinda smooth."

"Ha. I got ways."

"NOT interested."

"Damn. Twice in a row? Must be serious."


Tyler looked at the rest of the now looking at them group.

"Alright people. Safe to assume we're stuck here for the time being. Grab some baggage and we'll go from there."

There was a mass shrugg and they got to taking packs. Rias and Tyler helped pass them out with a few other go geters until the last one was handed and Tyler looked at the clearing now...as a low rumble was heard. A part of the ground opened up to reveal a selection of steel forged weaponry and the teenager chuckled.

"A level playing field alright."

He walked over to them as a floating icon appeared.

"ONE weapon per person. Makes sense."

Tyler walked over to a 6 foot two handed greatsword. and gripped the hilt. The weapon came free from the ground and he smiled as he felt the balance and the weight.


The weapon was 6 feet long and forged from steel. The blade was close to 8 inches wide with a double edge and vicious needlelike tip. The hilt was a simple thing with a crossguard and red pommel stone. Tyler hung the weapon on his back and found the sword pass right through his pack as he hung it from right shoulder to left hip. Happy with the thing he walked out of the patch. Rias whistled at the image he cut with his new sword.

"wow. I kinda like it."

He chuckled at that.

"Me too. Plus I know how to use it too."

"THAT'S a plus."

She went in with the rest as Tyler watched....and she threw in an extra hipsway which made him chuckle.

"Okay. That girl is way too damn sexy for her own good."

He heard a chuckle from beside him and was faced with a tall beauty with long purple hair that dropped right to her feet. She was a slender beauty with teasing pearl pink eyes set into a tear drop shaped face and her bust was massive. Even bigger then Rias' double Ds. Her attire was the same school uniform and in her hair was a yellow ribbon that held her ponytail up. She spoke in a teasing, warm purr as Tyler looked at her.

"Oh Rias is VERY sexy!"

"Ha. I guess her boyfriend's main competition is YOU."

The pink eyed beauty struck a pose with her hand on her cheek.

"Oh my! Perhaps I AM his main challenger for HER heart!"

"I am loving that image. I'm Tyler."

"I'm Akeno. And you already knew that."

"Course I did. But, having you introduce yourself got me to listen to your voice for longer. It's rather soothing. I like it!"

Akeno chuckled.

"Damn. Okay. You ARE good."

"Whhhy thank you! I work at it!"

"Oh my. Tbis is gonna get complicated quick. Rias has your attention."

"Akeno. It's RIAS for fuck's sake."

"Okay that's a very fair point. Annnd me?"

"OOoh I got room for a sexy seductress. Never you worry."

She chuckled as Rias came back with a lance.

"Oh. I see you met him, Akeno."

"Oh Rias, you did not lie."

"I'm awesome. I know."

The pair chuckled as his dry tone and Akeno smiled.

"I am curious now."

"Just be sure to sharpen them claws."

A light appeared in her eye now.

"YOU know."

"Uh-huh. If this is gonna go wild, ya BETTER be prepared to GO wild."

She licked her lips seductively now...and he leered at her with a longing smirk. Akeno blushed at the fearless retort and Rias whistled.

"Damn, Akeno."

"I can tell already, Rias."

Tyler chuckled as he let it die.

"I'm not afraid to go for it, Rias, Akeno. You say the word we'll go as far as we can."

Akeno smiled.

"I am a tease. NOT a whore."

"Oh hell no. You're YOU. And that is beautiful."

She smiled.

"you know."

He patted her back resurringly.

"So much I wanna see em."

A pair of wings came out of her back. One was a skeletal demon wing and the other was a beautiful blackbird wing. Tyler whistled as he saw her new image.

"Okay. In persont that is HELLA intimidating. I LOVE it. Should keep em out, Akeno. it works for ya."

she smiled at that.

"Thank you. And I kinda CAN'T keep them out. Thye might get stuck."

He patted the blackbird wing curiously.

"Huh. Like a raven. Sorry you're really freakin cool to me, Akeno."

She chuckled as her wings were returned to her back.

"And yet I don't feel degraded. If anything I feel flattered."

He smiled and looked at Rias' lance a d she shrugged.

"I know how to use ti kinda sorta."

"Pro tip?"

"Oh ha ha."

He took the 6 foot weapon and hit a button on the haft. The thing collasped to a mere 1 foot rod and Rias blinked.



He flicked the lance an d it extended to full length. Rias smiled as he passed it back.

"Oh okay mister badass."

"Why thank you for noticing! I AM really freakin badass!"

The girls chuckled at the nonstop arrogance as the last weapon was claimed. Once it was, their panels appeared and a message was heard.


Tyler chuckled as his panel went out.

"well THAT'S not ominous or anything."

Rias nodded.

"BUILD? What the hell are we supposed to build?"

TYler looked at the clearing and noted the number of good trees, a river in the distance and some rockfaces decorating the area.

"I think....we're to build our own homes. Huh."

Rias looked at him quizzically.

"BUILD our own homes?"

"It makes sense. This area has all the needed raw materials to build some decent places. I guess this is a tutorial area. we need to go through the motions before we can progress the game."


"YES I'll help you. I've actually done this before."

she smiled as he got moving.

"Oh thank hell. Hillbilly?"

"ah. Uncle owned his own construction company and I was lead foreman for a while since I'm KIND of a hardass and work like a dog so."

Akeno looked at the area.

"There IS a lot of space here Tyler."

"We got all the space for a VERY cozy little cul-da-sac here, Akeno. And I think there are grids too for the places."

Tyler walked over to an oak tree and pulled his woodaxe. He tapped the tree with it and his panel appeared with an overview of the clearing.

"I thought so. Heads up! we need to choose our plots!"

The heads nodded and the teenager looked at them.

"Set it up right people. It's permement."

and like that the group all moved around the edges of the clearing to keep the center clean with every plot flush with the others. Tyler chose his own plot which so happened to include part of a river flowing through the forest and also had a slight incline. All told his plot was 25 acres. EVERYONE had a plot of 25 acres. Tyler hit the select button on his panel and a feature for border color appeared. THIS he made neon blue like Rias' eyes and his border rose into the sky as more and more such borders appeared in a myriad of colors. The property owner looked and smiled as he saw Rias was his neighbor and she waved from her own plot. The clearing was oval shaped and roughly half the oval had been marked with property borders. The center was a massive grass field and Tyler chuckled as everyone gathered by his plot.

"Alright. Looks like we got a lotta work ahead a us. we'll start with the resources and go from there. I made a living doing this shit back in my world. I'll do what I can to help. And yes this is going to SUUUUCK."

Rias looked at the sky and Tyler smirked.

"NO this is NOT going to be done by dark, Rias."


"We'll get there. Come on. Start at the trees and we'll go from there."

The group shrugged as no one had a better idea and Tyler walked to the same oak tree he'd poked before and tapped it with his axe. He got no panel and so SLAMMED the thing into the wood with a ferocious force. Chips flew from the wood and the teenager removed his jacket and shirt before he got back into the swinging, elliciting a few whistles from Rias and Akeno....before they gasped in shock. Tyler didn't hear them as he buried the axe into the wood again with a smirk on his face. A deep V shape appeared in the wood as he cut at the northern red oak. 5 minutes later Tyler stepped back from the trunk and moved behind it whistling a tune to start hacking at the untouched section. He cut a shallower V into the wood before taking some good sized rocks from the ground to make improvised wedges he tapped into place with the axe. Then he looked at the gawking group.

"I'd move if I were you. This thing falls it WILL crush you."

Rias nodded as she looked at him.

"But FIRST, what the hell happened to you?"


"Your BACK is COVERED in scars."


He stepped into a bit of light and his chest was also covered in hundreds of scars and he smiled.

"Relax. These are from runins with cougars. Damned cats love maulin me for some reason. These are from a black bear, angry fox, exgirlfriend, exgirlfriend, her sister, her mother, exgirlfriend, moose, exgirlfriend, her sister again, gunshot, these are from a streetfight when the PRICKS pulled knives, brown bear, this un here's a boar. Hmmm, annnd I think that covers it."

Rias smirked.

"I counted like 7 girls in there, Tyler."

"OOoh I been around, Rias. Some had VEEEEERRY pointy fingernails. An I'm 15."


"I'm American."


Tyler chuckled as he hefted the axe.

"Move please. I don't wanna drop the tree on anyone."

They stepped aside and the lumberjack slammed the back of the axe into the wedges. there was a heavy cracj and the tree started to titter....only for TYler to plant his feet and push the trunk to wards the open section.


The tree snapped off it's base to crash to the ground with a slam. Tyler chuckled as his panel appeared and he noted something.

"Hey I just got 50 experience points from a clean felling. There ARE levels involved and this IS a tutorial area."

They nodded and another boy walked out of the group. He was half a head shorter then Tyler with pale skin and black hair in a slender frame. His attire was a heavy black jacket and pants as he spoke in a hard tenor.

"I'm Kirito. How much to level up?"

"About....YIKES. 5,000."

"HARSH grind."

"Yeah. safe to assume extended lifespans are in play."

"Scary. Alright. I got this end.:

Tyler and Kirito dragged the near 90 foot tree from the edge to the center and Tyler looked to Akeno.

"You and Rias get to work trimming branches and kindling off thing. Get a group for each. Kirito, we'll get a group and start feeling trees."

"On it."

"Asuna here?"

"Over here."

A pretty redheaded girl came over now. She was half a head shorter then Tyler with long red hair and pale skin. Her eyes were a birght green and her frame was slender while her green eyes burned with an inner flame Tyler kinda liked. Her attire was a white and red gown with a metal chestpiece as she spoke in a soft yet firm belltone.

"I'm Asuna. Now how do you know my name?"

Tyler chuckled.

"Kirito's story is famous in my world as an anime."


Kirito chuckled.

"This point, nothing can surprise me."

Tyler looked at Asuna.

"YOU get a crew together and see about some ore from the rockfaces. We need resources and we need them badly."

She nodded.

"And YOU'RE charge becauuuuuuse?"

"I was head foreman on a construction site for my uncle's company."

"Good enough. Alright."

Tyler smiled as she walked off, and he looked at Kirito.

"Dude she's intense."

"Oh you have NO idea."

"Ha. Come on."

The two boys went to the next tree....as the first tree Tyler had chopped down's trunk glowed and a fresh tree appeared in it's place. That one made them blink and Tyler smile.

"Yup. Tutorial."

Kirito sighed as he hefted his axe.

"Are we in another deep dive, Tyler?"

"I HIGHLY doubt it, kirito."

"Yeah whysat?"

"Cause I was shot to death in a school shooting before I woke up in the grass."

He and everyone else around him blinked and Tyler chuckled as he got to work on the second tree.

"Kid was the class ghost. No one really paid attention to em and NO. He was NOT bullied. His parents were decent, and his sister a kindhearted camgirl. We dated for a while. Was a LOTTA fun on the weekends let me tell ya. She did yoga, was a pro free runner, and a professional contortionist. And was 19."

Kirito chuckled.


"Ha. She was a DAMN good friend a mine even after. Anyway. Her brother was just a lazy kid that thought he deserved better without wanting to work for it. Was in class an this punkass walks in, pulls a machinepistol and tries to order our teacher on her knees. I get up, get in his face as he is TERRIFIED at the fact I wasn't folding like dead back....and he aimed it at my friend Hailey when he saw I was NOT afraid. I tackle him to the floor and he empties the magazine in my chest. I stabbed him in the heart and I was the only real casualty."

He shrugged as he got behind the tree.

"Watch yourself."

Kirito stepped behind the tree with him as the rest of the group moved.

"Sooo, is this the afterlife?"

"I'm leaning that way. It might be. But for the time being we got bigger fish to fry."

"True. Set."


The two workers tipped the tree over and they both got the +50 exp token over their heads. Kirito smiled.

"Classic resource grinding."

The tree was dragged to where Akeno had a group trimming the branches to the trunk and then the log was added to their pile of wood to be turned into building material. Tyler and Kirito went to the next tree as Asuna and her own group of ten was seen dragging a mass of ore behind them. The redhead smiled as Tyler came over.

"Coal, iron, copper and tin. Several hundred pounds of it too."

"Good. I'm a skilled blacksmith too since i did it as a hobby. I'll get us a furnace built. I need some clay and stone."

"On it."

Rias came over in a halter top as her school uniform wasn't a good idea with such hard work. Though the bikini top looked like it was about to burst from her lovely melons. Tyler smiled as she came over.

"Find anything?"

"We've got five logs ready, Tyler....WHAT are we gonna do with em?"

"ever heard of Lincoln logs?"

Her eyes flashed.

"A simple log cabin."

"Exactly. It'll be CRUDE as HELL, but it'll do for a starter home till we get better mats to work with."

"HOW will we split the LOGS?"

He smiled.

"I'll build us a smelter furnace and a forge. Then I can get to work on the ore we found."

".....YOU are a weird guy, Tyler."

"Aww thanks!"


"Oh yeah. NIIiice."

She chuckled as her melons bounced in her streetlegal bikini.

"TOO bad you'll never get to touch em!"

"Already did remember?"

"You son of a bitch!"

"Ha. You got a good hug, Rias. Should charge people for it."

She had a smirk at that.

"BACK to work you idiot."

"Yes Rias."


He left her with a chuckle to return to Kirito as he and another boy with snow white hair slammed axes in unison at the tree. Tyler looked at the tree and smiled.

"Ooh good find. More red oak."

Kirito chuckled as he wiped sweat from his brow.

"This is harsh. And yet I like it."

The white haired guy chuckled as he straigthened up. He was the same height as kirito with short white hair and bright red eyes set in a kind face. her frame was slender with a well cut frame and he was also shirtless to help with the hot work. He spoke in a soft yet friendly tone.

"I've done this kinda thing a lot back in my world. I'm Bell Cranel. Nice to meet you."

Tyler smiled as he looked at their cut.

"Same here, Bell. Hestia come here?"

"She did. She's helping trim the trees."

"She say what the hell happened?"

"She says this is just a fresh world for us to live in. Seems we were rescued by it and get to start over."

"That makes sense. Alright. Tree's ready to go down."

They nodded and Tyler took a spot behind the tree and he pushed it over. The tree fell and was added to the pile before Tyler looked at the number of people dragging trees and nodded.

"alright. Now my group is switching gears. We need food for them."

Kirito nodded.


"And hunting. I'm decent with a bow."

Bell smiled.

"I'm a decent hunter, Tyler."

"You with me then. Kirito?"

"I got the river."

Tyler and Bell headed into the forest with loaded bows. Nearly immediately, Tyler dropped a knee and fired an arrow. The shaft slammed into the shoulder of a large white tailed buck and it dropped. Bell also fired his arrow and it slammed into the shoulder of another buck. Tyler smiled.

"Good kill Bell!"

"Thank you."

The two hunters skinned the 300 pound bucks there and walked away with well over 200 pounds of good meat. Tyler looked around at the forest when Bell took aim and dropped a second buck. Tyler chuckled.

"Deer in this country are kinda stupid."


This buck was another 300 pounder and Tyler nodded.

"We've got 600 pounds of good meat between us. Let's head back and and unload."


The hunters returned to the clearing where Tyler smiled at the rapidly growing pile of building logs and kindling beside it.

"Good. I'll see what Asuna found for stone and clay and go from there."

The boys unloaded their meat deposit on a pelt and Tyler walked over to the pile of smooth stone slabs as Asuna came over.

"we've got plenty of good clay."

"Good. I'll get the smelter set."

Tyler then got to work constructing a dome shaped smelter with clay as motar and the stone slabs in a near seamless construct. Once the thing was set he took piles of kindling and coal and stocked the firebox of the smelter to capacity. Then he lit the thing. A plume of smoke rose from the top and he nodded.

"Good. I'll start with simple metals till I get the temp right."

The redheaded girl passed the copper and tin.

"We've got regular ore shipments coming."

"Good. Once the bars start coming it's on to step four."

She nodded and Tyler set the raw material into the smelter through the pizza style opening and slid a stone slab over it to lock it in place. Then he opened a second hole for the molten metals to form bars. As he worked a taller man with red hair came over. He was a lanky man in a black robe with his hair tied back and blue eyes. He spoke in a gruff yet friendly tone/

"Hey i got this. Wulf Crozzo. I'mma blacksmith."

"alright. Thanks Wulf. I'm decent."

"I can tell. Make a second smelter."

"OOOH good call."

Tyler swapped places with the more experienced smith to build another smelter for the clearing. Once this one was fired the proper way he took the remaining stone and clay to make a forge for each smelter.

"Now all we need is an anvil or big enough stone."

Asuna came back with a fresh pack of ore.

"Those deposits refill magically. So we're set on ore."

"Good. Wulf?"

"I got a few dozen good bars of bronze coming out."

"One for steel the other bronze."


Tyler swapped with the man and Wulf got to work smelting good quality steel and Tyler bronze. Asuna smiled as she looked at the pile of logs.

"We're a good crew."

"Ha. You any good at hunting?"

"I am actually. Bow too."

"We'll need plenty of food."

"On it."

Tyler and Wulf worked through the mass of ore and in it's place was a pile of steel and bronze bars. Wulf smiled.

"I got a small anvil in my pack. I can make us some simple stuff till I get a bigger anvil."

"we'll need long saws."

"On it."

Tyler walked to the pile of logs and nodded.

"There's enough here for a few basic walls. Alright."

He took one log from the pile and laid the thing on the dirt before he took a hatchet from his pack to start carving away at a semicircle hole in the thing for the next log to rest in. This tedious task took maybe 10 minutes for 5 logs and Tyler continued the grueling work for well over an hour until the logs were ready to be placed. He dragged a set of four 60 foot logs to his plot and set the things in a square grid in the center of the plot. The logs interlocked like puzzle pieces and glowed once they clicked together. Tyler smiled as he saw this.

"They become solid once placed. And then it's up to me to weather proof them."

He walked out of the perimeter wall and noted he still had plenty of room on the sides for wings and so dragged over another set of logs. He used his axe to cut a second couple mount in the joints and slotted the logs into to create a rather intimidating winged outline and then he went to the rear of the house to be and laid out a set of smaller logs in a circle shape that would become his tower he'd use to look over the surrounding area. The outline situated Tyler went back to the pile and found Rias waiting by the pile. She smiled sheepishly.

"Can I ask a FAVOR?"

"where do ya wanna em?"

She smiled as he dragged her logs over for her to outline a similar style manor like his own but with two towers looking over the landscape. She smiled as he finished,


"Sure thing, Rias. Looks like we're neighbors."

She smirked.

"Looks like it."

"So you're the girl next door? was warned bout you."

she chuckled at that classic warning as the man went back to the log bank. He then took another set of logs he laid on the first to raise the walls by one foot. He and the rest repeated this until the bank was empty. Tyler looked at his soon to be home and found it was merely 4 feet high.

"Alright. REload."

The group chuckled and more trees were felled as he went to check on Wulf. He found the redhair smith adding the next addition to a pile of nails 5 feet high and he chuckled.

"THIS is tedious."

"Yeeeah. Annnd we'll need to upgrade too."

"Ha. Start over from scratch they said."

"It'd be FUN they said."

"This sucks."

Tyler chuckled as Asuna came back all bloody.

"we got lucky, Tyler. Bison."

"NIce. we got a food bank on that pelt."

"We'll need to do better."

"On the list. Wulf, think you can get us some dishware?"

"Oh sure. I got plenty of metal."

"I'd help but ya know."

"Only one that knows what the hell they're doing."

Tyler chuckled and headed to where Akeno was using a paddle on a string to flatten the dirt inside her own outline. She smiled as he leaned on the open door.

"Oh my. A breakin!"

"Ha. You good?"

She nodded as she moved around her house.

"I am. I've actually done this kinda thing before."

"Alright. Need a hand I got two for ya."

"Ha. I'll be sure to keep them close."

He left the flirty girl to her work and headed t his own house. There he used a makeshift roller made from a stone wheel and wood to flatten the inside of his place as well. Once that was done he took the mass of clay and applied it to the seams between the logs. This tedious task had a near instant impact on the interior of the roofless construct as the draft was removed and an oddly cozy feeling began to permeate the thing. Then he returned to dropping trees. The bank was refilled and overfilled with building logs and Tyler helped cut them to shape. Then he laid another batch on his walls to raise the walls by another 4 feet to a solid 8 foot tall ceiling. Tyler nodded as he saw this and used a saw forged by Wulf to cut open sections in the walls for some windows before he used a full set of logs to reinforce the corners of the walls and the centers as well. The result was his winged manor's skeleton being visible but adding to it's robust image. The industrious teenager crafted himself a ladder he then used in the growing tower to raise it another 8 feet to a full 16 feet tall. This he had several logs reinforcing it against the wind and he sealed it with clay on both the INSIDE and the OUTSIDE. Once that was taken care of he dropped to the ground and did another coating of clay.

"Now all I need is the roof and I can work on reinforce."

Rias poked her head in the empty door frame.

"Heeey, Tyler?"

"I'm coming."

"Sorry. I've never raised a house before."

"It's okay. I'm having fun."

She smiled gratefully as the teenager helped her lay logs and seal her walls with clay. Once that was done, he went to the log back and carved some logs with angled lopped for the rooves. Then he lined them up perfectly to thread a single log on the top of the angled shape. Once the pieces were situated, Tyler built a grand wooden crane powered by a running wheel like a hamster wheel he'd seen in a movie once and the result was the group having heavy lifting capability. Though once the long coils of woven rope were in place and the teenager presented it to them, a fair few slumped. Rias saying it.

"we're useless."

Tyler chuckled as he wheeled the nearly 40 foot tall construct to the side of his house.

"I'm just the weird kid in class."

Kirito and Bell came over as he attached the first set of logs to the crane.

"We got it."

"Alright. I'll get it in the air, you two guide it in. It DROPS bail."

They nodded and Tyler got walking inside the hamster wheel and the logs were lifted into the air without issue. Kirito and Bell had lead lines attached to guide the logs to the links andonce they clicked into place and glowed they moved to the next set. Rias watched this with Akeno beside her and the redhead had a smile.

"Okay. THAT guy is kinda cool."

Akeno nodded as the work progressed rapidly.

"VERY. I kinda like him."

"As do I. Issei?"

"He's....over there."

The redhead looked to see her lanky boyfriend lounging in the dirt.

"His house?"

"He has his walls set up and needs a roof....buuut Koneko and Xenovia did most of it."

Rias nodded as she looked to where Tyler was working the hamster wheel style crank of the crane he'd built with his own hands.

"And yet TYLER has been more or less LEADING this entire circus the entire time, built his own house and TAUGHT us how, and yeah. I kinda felt bad bothering him."

"ME too. And he;s not ONCE grumbled."

The last triangle of logs were in place on Tyler's house and now he attached the longer log that would serve as the pinacle. His manor soared to a surprising 25 feet high with the tower 30. The last logs were laid before the entire structure glowed a bright blue and Tyler smiled as he got a panel.

"Got an update. I how own a player home. We're inside a gamelike world and everything is done by hand. I'll finish the details and go from there."

The group nodded as Tyler dropped the boom to prevent an accident and vaulted out of the crane. Kirito and Bell came over and the Builder opened his panel.

"I leveled to 2. I have 10 points to [lace in my stats."

Kirito smiled.

"A VERY harsh tutorial. And yet you'll be an expert by the time it ends."

"The tutorial never TRULY ends Kirito."

"An RPG player's wisdom."

TYler looked at Bell and the white haired guy smiled.

"I'm good. TIRED, but good."

"You all take five. My place is secure so enjoy the roof. I'll finish up weatherprooving and get started on the interior."

Rias blinked and looked at Akeno in surprise.

"He BUILT it like that so we'd have a shelter?"

Her pink eyed friend was also surprised.

"AND he knew we'd not be able to secure our own before nightfall. Explains hs pace."

"Um. I feel like REEEEALLY bad now."

Tyler was climbing all over the outside of his new home applying clay to every seam he saw until the outside was a slate grey and the interior was rather solid. The window holes were covered in wooden panels to prevent a draft and a deer pelt hung on the door. Then Tyler, still wearing a halfsmile, used clay and stone to craft a fireplace inside the house near the far wall. He even built a simplistic chiminey for smoke to funnel. When you walked inside the deer pelt door, the first thing you were met with was the dark and dreary feeling place and the dirt floor. Further inside the longhall style manor was the tower door at the rear of the manor that had a ladder to the upper area. Near the tower were two wings stretching in either direction that also had extra space. Tyler smiled as he lit the fire in the fireplace and a warm light bathed the interior.

"Alright. Now it's lighting in general."

He opened the panels for the windows the interior lightened up immensely. Then the skilled worker dug a deep pit in the center of the manor he lined by stone slabs and clay to create a solid structure. This he loaded up with moss, dead bark, wood, and then he used more stone and clay to line the pit and even enclose it a fraction. Once that was set he climbed to the outside of the manor to use a saw and cut open small eyelit slits in the roof that had a shutter style covering to prevent rain and snow from getting in easily. Once that was done he tossed a match into the pile. The hall firepit came to life, flooding the centeral hall with light and warmth. Tyler smield as he dusted his hands off.

"Alright. We got a sound shelter and wamrth."

He walked out and looked at the humbled group.

"My place has plenty of room for you until we get your flopspots set up. Use your tents and we'll have a campin."

They smiled sheepishly and Rias came over.

"Thanks for that, Tyler."

"Don't worry bout it, Rias. I did this for a living. I didn't expect you to get as far as you did. Come on. We'll get the meat in the second hole before it starts to rot."


Tyler dug another pit in the left wing and lined it with more stone before the meat was stored inside. Tyler used the stone to seal it inside a surprisingly airtight coffin that could be opened by simply moving a stone. Wulf smiled.

"we've plenty of cookware, dinnerware and sundries, Tyler."

"Good. water carrying?"

"We got jars and hogshead buckets."

"Good. Next up is glass and quality of life. You any good at tanning and pelt working?"

"I'm not the best but I can do some stuff."

"Good enough. We'll get good at lots a things."

The next project was gathering fresh water. Tyler used an old trick with thin rods to searching for running water underground and found a source in the clearing by his plot. Here he dug a 30 foot wide hole in the ground that nearly instantly started filling with fresh water. Once the water was secure he lined the place in stone and even raised a small fence of stoneslabs around it,

"This is our fresh water. Fuck with it, and I will PERSONALLY fuck with you."

The heads nodded and Tyler smiled.

"Alright. Regroup in the Longhall. WE got a lot to go over."

The settlers returned to Tyler's hall and the tall teenager sat by the blazing main pit and they all sat around him.

"Alright. we have food, water and shelter with the means to gain more and improve it."

He looked at the group.

"There's about 40 of us here. And we have no idea about this world other then it's game based. We need a plan. Tomorrow the order of the day is finishing up the settlement and reinforcing our new home. There is NO WAY we live alone here."

Rias crossed her arms.

"We also need a village leader. Safe to say, we live here now."

A gust of sighs were heard and Tyler chuckled.

"Least the rent's free."

The sighing turned to snorts at that soild point. Asuna came over now.

"I agree we need a leader and a plan. Or at least SOMETHING. I vote Tyler as leader."

The group looked at the tall teenager and Tyler blinked.

"Ummm, don't I get a say in this?"

They chuckled and Bell smiled.

"You WERE the first one to have a plan or at least figure one out, Tyler."

Tyler smiled.

"Appreciate the faith, guys, but never led a town before."

Rias chuckled.

"Why not a council then, Tyler?"

"That works."

Tyler looked at the settlers.

"Anyone ELSE wanna be leader here?"

A lanky guy stood now with a smirk....and Rias sighed.

"Sit down Issei."

The guy sauntered over now. He was half a head shorter then Tyler with short brown spiky hair and a slender frame. His skin was white and his eyes were bright green. He was dressed in a highschool jumpsuit and spoke in a snarky bark.

"I wanna be leader."

Rias grabbed the guy and dragged him down in irritation.


Tyler chuckled.



The tall american looked out at the group.

"For real? Just cause I seem to know what i'm doing doesn't automatically make me a leader."

Asuna chuckled.

"It KINDA does. YOUR house is DONE. And is KINDA cozy in here."

Kirito smiled.

"Just take it dude."

"well. Alright."

Tyler shrugged.

"Weird. Okay. My council'll be Rias, Asuna, Hestia there, Mina over here, annnnd...oh. Score. Belfast there."

The named nodded and they all walked over to sit at the front. A tall beauty with lower back length silver hair and pale skin was looked at him with a polite smile as she sat down. She was Tyler's height with a slender frame and massive bust on her narrow chest while her outfit was a dusty and blood covered maid outfit. her eyes were a bright blue and she spoke in a soft, warm breath.

"May i ask how you know my name, Tyler? And I appreciate the trust you seem to have in me."

He smiled.

"you're famous in my world, Belfast. Same with all of Azur Lane."

She blinked.

"Oh. I see. In what manner is this fame?"

"Hmm, well you started out as actual warships, then became characters in a moble game for your phone...and then you became a TV show."

"How strange."

"Lady try it from my end."

"I can see your headache."

"Ha. sorry kirito."


They chuckled and Belfast smiled.

"MY purpose in the material?"

"EXTREMELY pushy therapist."

"Oh my. That is.....I cannot deny this."

Tyler chuckled at her bemusement.

"One reason I trust you.....you're RIGHT usually."

She smiled and then Rias smirked.

"Was HER show ecchi?"

"it was. Buuut not to extremes of yours."

Belfast lifted an eyebrow now.

"What is this....'ecchi'?"

"Partially nude show. OR overly flaunty with choice camera shots."

"Oh dear. So you've seen."

"I promise to never reveal your secrets."

"GOOD boy."

"Yes Mistress."


She SHUDDERED! Tyler smiled.

"Are we agreed to NOT go there?"

"We are. I feel unclean."

"Look fine to me."

"Thank you."

Tyler looked at the next lady now. She was a head shorter then him with long reddish copper hair and pale skin. Her frame was slender wth a large bust on her chest and a blood smeared green military jacket and no pants. Her eyes were bright orange and she spoke in a soft yet firmback.

"You know me too."

"Mine Lindebran. Commander of the 501st Joint Fighter wing. The Strike Witches. Sorry, you're famous in my world too....and is one of MY favorites."

Rias smirked thinner.

"Even more then MINE?"

"Oh you guys swap places daily."

"WOW. Why?"

"Ummm, these girls fought aliens in flying pants with MACHINEGUNS. When they're NOT fighting aliens in flying pants, they don't wear pants. Mina here is a force of natrue I'd rather NOT be in front of, her heavy is a chick called BARKHORN and she duel wield MG42s for REPS. She runs outta bullets she'll BEAT ya to death with those same guns. I can keep going."

Mina smiled.

"So THIS is what it's like to have a fan gushing over you? I kinda like it."

"Ha. How many witches came?"

"ALL of us."

"Hey yo Yoshkia!"


A smiling girl hopped up now. She was a tiny thing with short brown hair and white skin. Her frame was petite but her bust added some curves to her while her eyes were a warm hazel. She was clad in a white sailor shirt smeared in blood and woodchips while her voice was a chirpy squeak. Tyler smiled.

"YOU I want up here. Your skills'll be useful."

"yes sir!"

"OH hey fun fact.....I'm 15."

They all blinked and Belfast was quite amazed as she did a head to toe.

"Oh my."

"I'm from Enterprise's country."


"A NORTHERN region as well."

"So your skills and scars are explained. Do they hurt?"

"Nah. They ITCH sometimes but that's a rare thing."

Yoshkia came over and sat beside Mina. The orange haired lady looked at him curiously.

"What's her role, Tyler?"


"OOOOH smart."

"Yeah. Yoshkia's one a those rare types a useful. Skilled in defense magics, GUNS, mundane healing and is a skilled herbalist and doctor. Her I'd like to build a crew for healin herbs and plants once we got a place to store em."

Yoshkia smiled.

"I already started Tyler. My pack has a few jars of marigold and burdock."

"Alright. THAT'S called Initiative. we need mroe like ya."

She beamed and Mina chuckled.

"I have that exact line on my witches. This is gonna be very interesting."

Tyler looked to the last girl. She was a head taller then Yoshkia with long black twin tailed hair and fair skin. Her frame wa slender and her eyes sparkling blue. She had a large bust on her petite frame and was dressed in a dirty white gown. she spoke in a happy chirp.

"And of course you know ALLLLL about ME!"

"Ha. Hestia. The goddess of hearth an home. Yo boy's a badass."

She smiled.

"Bell is tough as nails!"

"HA. Alright."

He looked at them.

"Rias, Hestia, Mina, Asuna, Belfast. Hmm, I'd like ONE more,"

Belfast frowned.

"It make an unbalance."

"Exactly. Which means a choice would be made REGARDLESS of what the problem is."

Rias smiled.

"I see where you're going with this. If WE got split down the middle as is, we'd be stuck. But YOU'D be the odd man out."

"And I'd have the final call."

Mina frowned.

"A dictatorship?"

"NOT as extreme but basically. I grew up in am America that was on the verge of collapse from their congress' bullshit and the political games. I am GOING to avoid this."

He looked at the group now as he sought one more member of the council....and smiled.

"Oh I see you. Erwin."

A tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes rose from the crowd now and stepped forward. he was the same height as Tyler with a well built frame and tanned skin. His eyes were blue and he had the air of a soldier about him as he joined the front. His attire was covered in blood and grime from working and he spoke in a firm yet kindly tone.

"I see you know me as well."

Tyler smiled.

"The commander of the Scout Corps. YOUR story is a damn good one....and is one the darkest I've ever come across."

"That is NOT reassuring."

"Why aren't YOU tryin to be leader, Erwin?"

The blonde man smiled wryly.

"I am a military leader and scout commander. i have no desire to lead a settlement."

"Ah. Well. How's about being the last member of the council?"

He looked at him.

"What is the purpose of the council, in your words, Tyler?"

TYler smiled.

"ease up the stuff I have to do. Once we HAVE a council we can better divvy up roles and the like. But at a base you'll help me decide the way the town'll go, be the ones any visitors need to go through first, and be the ones the people that live here talk to first."

He nodded and Mina smiled.

"Break up the task of caring for those living here into smaller pieces. Smart."

Erwin nodded.

"Very. I'll assist. Since you have proven to be a hardworking young man indeed."

"Thanks Erwin."

Tyler looked at them,

"Okay. Rias, Belfast, Erwin, Mina, Asuna, and Hestia. Alright. We got our ringleaders."

Tyler looked at Belfast.

"You and Hestia I'd like to focus on the town's supplies and quality of life."

The pair smiled and Belfast nodded.

"I see why you elected me."

"Best hands for the job."

"Agreed! and do know I will be watching."

"Greeat. i got a stalker."

They chuckled at that halfhearted grumble and Tyler next looked to Erwin.

"YOU and Mina can organize a town guard and oversee our defenses. we're not alone out here. And I am willing to bet there are monsters too."

They nodded and Erwin smirked.

"YOU are wily."

"I know who to look for."

Tyler then looked at Rias.

"YOU and Asuna can deal with town workloads and shifts."

Asuna smirked.

"I'll be sure to get my whip."

"Yikes. Talk to Akeno about that kinda thing."

"What? Hey!"

"Oh my, Asuna! I'll be waiting!"

"damn you!"

Rias chuckled and smirked at Tyler.

"What will YOU be doing, Tyler?"

"Well. I'll be in charge of construction since I DID do this for a living."

"Ah. Okay."

Tyler looked at his council.

"Any questions on roles?"

Hestia crossed her arms.

"Who will be the one to handle CRIME?"

"We'll get there."

"Okay. I'm set for now."

He nodded. then faced the settlers.

"Alright. NOW town rules."

They all nodded and Tyler smirked.

"Open your mouth, deal with the consequences. I am a VERY big believer in an eye for an eye. If you think bullying people is a good idea? They are HIGHLY encouraged to shatter your jaw."

Mina chuckled.

"Trudy is gonna LIKE you."


Belfast nodded.

"So long as the retaliation is justified."

TYler nodded.

"Next up. You do not have to like each other, but you DAMN well will respect each other. They are the exact same as you, treat them as anything LESS....and I'LL treat YOU."

Rias chuckled.

"I heard Koneko say that."

The heads nodded and Tyler smiled.

"NO work. NO FOOD. In THIS town you'll bust your ass like the rest of us. Got a problem? DEAL WITH IT. This is our home now. And we WILL treat it better then we did the last one."

Asuna nodded approvingly.

"Duty shirkers?"

"first offense, no food and made to work it off. SECOND is getting smacked. and the same. THIRD....you spend that night in chains hanging from a tree. And the same. There will not be a forth oooor you're thrown out. if you get injured, you get an out. Yoshkia here will be the judge a THAT one."

The brown haired witch smiled.

"You can count on me, Tyler."

He looked at Belfast.

"Her and the healers fall under your purview."

"Ah. I will coordinate with her then."

"wow, Belfast. You're GORGEOUS....and huge. Dammit."

Tyler busted up laughing at Yoshkia's squeak and her own dejected sigh at her flatness.

"Oh come on, Yoshkia. You're great."

She smiled.

"I just wish i wasn't flat."

"Look great to me."

"Thank you!"

Belfast sighed with a smile.

"Oh dear. I see she is an active."

Mina rubbed her hair sheepishly.

"Yoshkia is.....VERY affectionate.....and VERY eager."

"I will see to her."

"Thannnks. Sakamoto meant to....but we got never got around to it."

Rias looked at Tyler as he looked into the fire pit gauging it's fuel.


"Not my game, not my table."

They chuckled and Asuna crossed her arms.

"We need more buildings."

"I know. Right now my Longhall will serve as our resource depot till the others are built. Tomorrow we'll put in more work on the town. Next rule."

They looked to him.

"CLEAN up after yourselves. We live in the forest. NOT a slophouse."

Belfast smiled.

"We will need ANOTHER building dear."

"I know. We'll have fun with this one. Siiiiince the next rule."

He glared at them.

"I BETTER not hear of a SINGLE incident with the ladies, gentlemen. I DO, I will PERSONALLY forge a scissors to CASTRATE you with. Am I clear?"

The ladies chuckled as the boys gulped. Asuna smiled.


Hestia smiled.

"And if someone is SUSPECTED?"

Tyler chuckled.

"I'm SURE you ladies can get a straight answer."

The twin tailed lady smiled sweetly.

"Oh I am sure we will!"

Tyler chuckled at that one and thought for a moment before he looked at them.

"Next rule. NO one leave the village until we've secured it properly. If you're going hunting, inform one of the council. I DO NOT want ANY contact or issues with the outside world until we are in a position to actually do something."

They nodded and Erwin looked at him.

"When we ARE ready, Tyler?"

"CAUTION. Until we talk to our neighbors, DO NOT trust them."

They nodded and Tyler smiled.

"When it comes to the defense of the town, we are ALL the town guard. This is OUR HOME and I had BETTER see you ready to defend it."

They nodded and Tyler looked at Asuna.

"I think that covers everything."

The redhead smiled.

"we can add more as they appear."

He nodded.

"Alright. We'll sleep in here tonight. In the morning we'll get the rest of the houses situated."

They nodded and he smirked.

"Oh yeah. Town cooks....you poison us we got a problem."

They laughed at that one as Hestia smirked.

"So, Tyler, what's the name of the town....and what is YOU title as leader?"

He blinked and smiled.

"Our town name's easy, Hestia. It's Haven. Since this is our haven from the world around us."

Rias smiled.

"I like it."

The heads nodded and Tyler crossed his arms.

"As for MY title? I kinda like King."


He chuckled at the en mass reply.

"Ha. FINE. Buzzkills."

They sighed and Tyler tilted his head.

"I kinda like the sound of Shogun."

The Japanese natives chuckled and Rias smirked.

"Ya know this village kinda screams nord Tyler."


The friends shrugged and Tyler smiled.

"Alright. I'll be the Jarl of Haven."

The Jarl then looked at the hall...

"And I'll build my own throne too."


"Ah come on, let me have SOMETHING here."

Erwin sighed.

"Just don't let it go to your head."

"Too late. Gonna be fun telling you people what to do."

Rias smirked.

"Remember who we are, Tyler."

"Oh yeah. That's right. we'll have fun."

They sighed and Tyler looked at the deer covered door and noted the darkening sky.

"Alright. Wulf, how's the forge looking?"

The smith smiled.

"The fires are out and I looked it over twice. Lost a shop like that."

"Alright. That pit's hot enough for cooking and we got clean well water. Let's get to it."

The hungry Haveners got to work retrieving meat from the pit in the Longhut as clean water was retrieved from the well. TYler slid thinner slabs of stone over the fire and the cooks used them as makeshift stoves to roast the deer meat. The Jarl set his tent by the door as the inside of the hall wafted with the aromua of good meat. He got his own slab of meat and cup of water and Rias sat beside him as he tore into it. He smiled as she joined him.

"Got a crush?"

She chuckled.

"If I said i did?"

"I'd hug you....and say you're warm."

"Ha. I DON'T so you know."

"Ahhh dammit."

She smiled as they fed on fried deer....then the redhead sighed.

"Okay what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just wondering why I'm over here. And not with my boyfriend."

Tyler smiled as he leaned against the wall.

"Cause you're having fun."

She smiled.

"Yeah. I guess I am."

"So what's wrong with enjoying yourself a little, Rias?"

"I feel like I'm cheating."

"Oh come on. Not like you're my girlfriend. You're a damn good friend a mine but come on."

She looked at him.

"I'm NOT your girlfriend?"

He blinked at this question.

"Ummm we've never HAD that conversation, Rias. HAve we?"

She smiled.

"No. we haven't."

"Okay what is this REALLY about, Rias?"

She sighed and leaned against the wall.

"I just wanted to be away from him."

"Okay. That's fine."

She smiled at that as he settled against the wall beside her.

"Yeah. I guess it is. sooo, question."

"I'd love to have you as my girlfriend."

"Get out my head."

"why? it's nice in there."

"Ha. weirdo."

"Yo the one talkin to me toots. HOW normal are you?"


He patted her and she smiled.

"You'll be fine, Rias."


Akeno came over and smirked.

"OOOOH Rias! WE need to TAALK!"


Akeno dragged Rias away by the hand and Tyler chuckled.

"Have fun Rias! Akeno be carefu with her!"

They laughed and flipped their dirty friend off as they went into Akeno's tent. Tyler took a thin rock from the ground, waited fifteen minutes and flicked the thing at a certain pole in the tent. The thing shivered and collapsed on the now FREAKING out girls as Tyler sat there with a perfect pokerface at the grumbles and PISSED OFF deaththreats before a VERY angry Rias poked her head out.

"who's the deadass that did that?"

Akeno poked her head out too also VERY pissed off. Both girls' hair was messed up from the static electrcity and by unspoken understanding the ladies looked to where Tyler was looking at his panel. The Jarl looked up curiously and Rias had a FURIOUS smile on her face.

"I am going to GET YOU!"

"Huh? What I do?"

Akeno smiled sweetly.

"OOOH well played!"

He tilted his head as the irritated girls repitched the tent and went back in....and Tyler chuckled as he went for a second rock...

"ONCE is hilarious. Twice is being a dick."

Only for Belfast's amused shutdown to come from her own tent and he chuckled.

"It's a classic. I did it to a buddy a mine an his girlfriend on a camping trip. Tey were goin at it....and I droped the tent. They loved it....annnd then she nearly clawed my eyes out. worth it!"

The lady chuckled at the image as the Haverners settled in their own tents for the night. Tyler crawled into his own and settled on the bedroll before he smiled.

"So I'm the leader of a town of anime characters....in the wilds...off an isekai. What a swing."