
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · Cómic
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16 Chs

Demon Town: Getting the Damn Bath working.


DAY 3.



Tyler woke the next morning firmly entrenched in Belfast's heavenly bosom. He'd moved in his sleep to snuggle the naked beauty with his head in her cleavage and his arms around her like vices. He smiled as he kissed her awake.

"Oh dear."

"Mornin Belfast."

She smiled as he hugged her.

"Good morning. And we will build a bathhouse today."

"Sure. Only question is one or two?"

"One to start."

"Sure. And DAMN lady. You're a warm one."

She chuckled as he retreated from her breasts.

"And you are cuddly. Never a word."

"YOU enjoy your interrogation."

".....Oh dear."

"yeah. Well. Come on."

She and him got dressed and went to the well...where she splashed water in a certain place and he smiled at her.

"No seed. i got hit in a chemical spill a few years back."

She blinked.

"How unfortunately lucky for you."


She smiled as she cleaned herself as best she could.

"And I want a proper bath."

"At once, Milady."

"Oh dear."

He chuckled at that one as they walked back inside and Belfast was pegged by a rock from Rias' tent. She sighed.

"And now I must attend my OWN council."

"Have fun."

She went to the tent and Tyler noted Mina, Asuna, Akeno, and Hestia inside. Tyler shrugged and relit the pit fire as Erwin came over with his own smirk.

"So you ARE a man."

"Ha. I've been there a few times, old timer."


"Sorry, I don't teach dudes."

"HA! I don't need lessons, kid."

"You sure?"

Erwin smirked at that as Tyler had the flames going.

"Anything claimed?"

"Nah. was a fun time though."

He walked away with a chuckle as Kirito came up with a smirk.

"Okay. Should I be concerned for my wife?"

"Nah. Not MAH type a redhead."

"Ha. So which IS your type a REDHEAD, Tyler?"

He smiled.

"The DEVILISH kind."

"Oh. She got blue eyes?"


"Good luck."

"YOU too."


Rias' bloodred hair flicked from her tent and Tyler smiled as he saw her smirk. Tyler smiled as he laid out that morning's mass of deer meat...and Rias came over with a smirk.

"So you seduced her."

"She LET me."

"KEEP that mindset. So, a DEVILISH redhead huh?"

"With sapphires for eyes. Can't forget those."

"NO you cannot. So, fuck or ring?"

He smiled.

"I don't believe in marriage. Never seen a happy one. So till the day we die."

She smiled at this as she helped roast the meat.


He smiled and she smirked.



The Jarl and his redheaded friend made breakfast for everyone and Tyler smiled.

"We got two projects today. One is to get the perimeter wall situated. The SECOND is to get the damned bathouse set up. Not gonna lie....it's startin to stink in here."

They smirked at this and Asuna cracked her knuckles.

"Then i guess you better build the bathhouse....FIRST."

"Yes Asuna."

"Hey! Only KIRITO gets to use that on me!"


They chuckled and Tyler nodded.

"Alright then. We'll get the house set up."

The Haveners got to work with a will. The house was built beside the river and Tyler diverted a portion of it to give the water cycling properties as the place was built on a slope. The bathhouse had two stalls and Tyler had enjoyed designing the girls' section as it was also part open air sauna. The pool filled from the river and when full gave off steam when the fire was lit underneath. Once the water was dirty, a lifted sluice gate drained it and the river would refill it. The pool was floored by stone and had several benches in the water for soaking. The guys' side was more or less the same but for the wall seperating them to made of lead mounted stone. A sign was hung on the front door....

"You peepin you losin the eye."

As several long needles were hung on the girls' wall with signs,

"In case of peeper....jab in hole as hard as possible."

Tyler smiled as the entire building was walled by more stone and the fire lit.


They laughed and Mina smirked.

"AFTER the day's work, Tyler."

"Alright let's get back to it."

The bathhouse was situated by the last house in the horseshoe and had a covering from the wall to prevent wallpeeping. The town populace turned en mass to the remainder of the outerwall and within four hours frenzy had the perimeter secured. From above it seemed a large bell shape of grey was enclosing a small settlement. Tyler smiled as he stood in the longhall.

"Alright. NOW we need crops, leather, and other such quality of life. Wulf."

The smith stood.

"we also need a proper smithy for me and my works."

"Any other buildings we need?"

Yoshkia stood.

"A proper hospital for wounded."

"THAT is our VERY next project."

They nodded and Tyler smiled.

"Once we got doors on our houses we actually USE them."

They chuckled and the village got to work on their hospital. Yoshkia led the design and even dictated it's placement. Right beside her own plot of land and her own little manor. The hospital was 30 feet high and square shaped while ALSO made entirely of stone to create a cool interior. The surgery was encased in pure white stone to Yoshkia's level of approval and when they were done the hospital was the highest quality building in HAven. Tyler smiled at this as they regrouped in his longhall.

"Alright. Now we need a smithy. We'll move down the line of essential buildings until we've run out of ideas."

The Haven Smithy was constructed across from the bathhouse with a larger smelter, forge, anvil, and room for projects. Another square shape, it was built flush with the wall and Wulf smiled as he lit the furnace himself.

"I'll get back to it, Tyler."

"Alright. NOW is a lookout tower around the perimeter."

The military leaders smiled at this tradition and these were constructed either side of the main gate that was blocked with a drawbridge of logs. The towers were 50 feet tall while fully enclosed with plenty of slits for arrows and scouts. Two sets were positioned at every point of the compass as Tyler had learned many a lesson from other sacked towns that did not exercise proper defensive thinking. Once the towers were in place, the town once again regrouped in the LongHall and Tyler leaned on a wall.

"A meeting hall now? Like a REAL one?"

Mina smiled.

"We getting bothersome?"

"Nah. Just thinking what ELSE we need. Aside from interiors."

Yoshkia came over.

"I took a party scouting for seedlings and useful crops. There's a field of wheat not too far from here we were able to get some healthy plants from."

"Good. We'll cultivate a section inside the walls. I'd like us to have as many resources inside our walls as possible in the event of a siege."

Erwin frowned.

"You are already anticipating war."

Tyler nodded.

"war IS coming for us, Erwin. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not this year. But sooner or later we WILL be found and we WILL have to defend what is ours."

Mina crossed her arms.

"Prepare for the inevitiable eventuality. Okay. We can cultivate a few acres inside the walls."

"Use crop rotation based agriculture."

She smiled.

"We need an expert in that."

Tyler used a piece of canvas.

"Rotate them in this order."

He passed it over and Mina chuckled.

"wheat, barley, corn, and beetroot and sugarcane. we'll need to do more scouting."

Erwin smiled as Tyler looked at him.

"I'll have a team outbound first thing in the morning."

"we'll also need a survey of the land."

"Of course. Finally something I understand."

Tyler chuckled at that one and looked at Asuna.

"What's the status on our mines?"

She crossed her arms.

"we're still pulling wagons of coal, copper, tin and iron from the ground. No sign of the veins depleting yet. And the quarry is stable since we JUST carved it. Mostly granite and it's derivitives."

Tyler nodded.

"We'll put up the first storehouse tomorrow Asuna."

"Agreed. At our pace we'll put up two. One for meat and the other for raw materials."

The Jarl looked to Belfast.

"How are our banks?"

She smiled.

"Well stocked and the fur bank is rapidly growing. We have an ample supply of deer, bear, fox, beaver, and even a few bobcat pelts waiting to be worked."

"Good. Hm,"

He looked at the group now.

"We'll need resources to SELL as well. Wulf's works can be one, but we'll need some way to make coin if we're to truly etch out a life in this world."

Hestia smiled.

"We can worry about that once our town is fully established. We still have far too much work to do before we can consider meeting our neighbors."

Tyler nodded.

"Alright. Well done ladies and workers,"

The guys chuckled at that one,

"We'll pick it up in der morning. Asuna, patrols are in play. Morning, noon, and before sundown. Squads of 5 or more."

"Understood.....YOU'RE included."

"Lady I BUILT them walls. Course I am."

They laughed at his offended tone before he and the cooks made dinner from the meat pit. Once fed Tyler took a group of 5 on a patrol around the walls. The maingate was secure and Tyler smiled as he leaned on the battlements looking out at the fields.

"From getting shot to death in my class...to Jarl of a small town of anime characters. WHAT a swing."

The patrol concluded the warriors returned to the Longhall...where a sign hung.

"NO access UNTIL YOU CLEAN TE FUCK UP! Signed, Asuna."

"I freakin love her."

Tyler went to the newly minted bathhouse and found most of the town was inside enjoying a VERY well earned bath. The taller Jarl smiled as he hopped into the 40 by 40 pool and added his own miasma of blood and grime to the pool as the rest of the men laughed. Kirito looked down...


Tyler chuckled as he won the battle of superior firepower.

"I am ALWAYS well armed, kirito."

"I hate you."

erwin chuckled as he worked the lever to cycle the water....and it refilled in a mere 2 minutes.

"I admit. I feel satisfied in a way I haven't in many years."

Tyler chuckled.

"We're enjoying a soak in a bath WE built, in a town WE BUILT with our own hands, Erwin. we built this town. And we're not down yet."

Bell smiled from his spot.

"NO we are NOT. what's next once the storehouses are secure, Tyler?"

"Hm. We'll look into more resources, Bell. Better ore, better wood, better building material. Oh! Oh we'll need to do something about that. A lightning tower."

Erwin frowned.

"I am not familar."

"A tower for lightning to hit that is not our houses."

"Ah. I see your worry."

"We'll built it in the morning. We'll use the copper to forge a giant rod to the sky."

Wulf crossed his arms.

"It'd work better if we used another watchtower tipped by copper, Tyler."

"Long as it's taller then the trees and is solid that's fine."

The town cleaned up until the water stopped running red and black and they returned to the Longhall. Belfast had a refreshed smile on her face as she settled on her bedroll with her meal of roasted deer meat and water.

"MUCH better."

Tyler chuckled at that one and she smiled sweetly. He smirked and joined her by her tent and she sipped her water. Once fed the pair vanished into her tent for another few rounds in the sheets. Belfast smiled as they snuggled after.

"I am a MOST active lady."

He chuckled as he stroked her silver hair.

"I'm all too happy to sate you, Belfast."

"I will be sure to enjoy this.....until we find proper paramours."

"YOU'RE proper."

"Thank you. And this is just good lay."

"As you wish."

"Ooooh NO romance!"

"Yes Milady."


He kissed her lovingly

"Good night, Belfast."

"Good night you rogue."


DAY 4.



Tyler woke the next morning to find Belfast asleep on his chest and his arms around her. He smiled as her massive breasts were firmly pressed into his chest and her face under his chin. He hugged her tightly and she smiled.

"Good morning."

He kissed her lovingly.

"Good morning Belfast. I could get used to this."

She chuckled.

"I will be sure to prevent a dependency."

"Sure. Not every day i get a fully loaded cruiser sleepig on my chest."

She smiled at this.

"Be VERY careful with how you say that, dear."

"Fully armed?"



They got dressed and cleaned up in the bathhouse before Tyler climbed to the top of one of the maingate watchtowers He leaned on one of the railings looking out at the forest and smiled as he surveyed his lands.

"This is kinda nice."

A sound of footsteps on the ladder behind him announced the arrival of Rias. The redheaded beauty smiled as she stood beside him looking out at the forest.


"Morning Rias. Lonely?"

She smiled warmly as she leaned on the railing beside him.

"More to let you know Belfast's kinda loud."

He smiled at that as he patted her.

"I'm okay. Just...."

He hugged her and she smiled warmly.


"YOU are NOT. ALONE. Okay?"

Rias shivered at that one and held him tightly.

"Thanks, Tyler."

"If you need a hug come find me. I'll make a fucking record and make you listen to it on replay."

"Thanks. And...."

"I got plenty of room in my tent for a snuggler."

"JUST. Snuggles."

"Of course."

She smiled and he held her tighter for a moment as he leaned in her ear.

"You are NEVER alone, Rias. Not in with ME around."

"Thank you, Tyler."

"I gotchya."

She smiled with relief and he spotted Akeno's purple hair by a house and smiled.

"Your Fallen One wants a word with her diabolical mistress."

"OOOH I like that."

"I'll see ya later, Rias."

She dropped to the ground and he smiled at her as she ran to her friend. Tyler looked out at the forest now as the dawn patrol ran by along the walltops.

"This is gonna be kinda fun."

He dropped to the ground as Erwin and his 6 scouts dropped the drawbridge on their survey. All 7 armed to the teeth in their chosen kit and Tyler waved.

"You get into trouble, make something explode."

"Will do."

The gate was raised and Tyler headed to get breakfast. Asuna came over as he roasted some bear meat.

"We got the Scouts out and the Dawn Patrol said all clear."

"Good. We're erecting a lightning tower today."

"SMART. Metal?"


"Good. I had a neighbor lose her house to a lightning strike."

Tyler smiled as he fed.

"We'll use a watchtower style rod."

"Wulf has plenty of copper and the forest is still solid on wood."

"Are trees regenerating?"

"No. Not anymore. We're planting fresh trees in the walls from saplings and now logging outside the walls."

"Good. Once the forest has been pushed back a bit we'll use a different direction."

"Smart. Hestia says trees grow far faster here since the nature gods are that type of on the ball. AND the river too."

"Good. Go easy on the fishing."

"Beat ya to it."

He nodded as he got up.

"I'll clean my firepit out of coals and ash later. Alright. Let's get this done."

The town gathered to plant the 80 foot logs in the ground that would serve as supports for the lightning tower when Tyler had the idea to make them from stone.

"We're channeling lightning. Less flammable material the better."

So they used stone pillars welded together with lead to support the tower. Tyler smiled as he used the 80 foot hammerster wheel crane to raise the tesla cage style top of the tower onto the struts and Akeno used her own lightning spells to weld it in place. The entire metalic construct was made entirely of copper and the contraption was shaped like a pear with the tip aimed at the sky and a mass of copper leadwires embedded in the ground. Once that was done Tyler had the town go over their homes and buildings again with more clay. Then he and Wulf went to the forge to churn out doors and shutters for the settlement. This made them laugh as they erected the portals over the perfectly shaped holes in their homes. Tyler smiled as he nailed up his double doors to his manor and installed the locks.

"Alright. we have a city bitch."

The next step was furniture. Tyler used good oak for his bed that would be layered with animal furs and his pillow would be a deer pelt stuff with foxtails. Then the Jarl used a wheelbarrow to clean the ashes and coals from the firepit. Once he'd scooped the last from the pit he dumped the ash into a waste pit they'd dug by the wall. Next was the meat pit he scrubbed with a pelt and water from the well. Once that was done he walked out to meet Erwin and his returning Scouts. The blonde man smiled as the Jarl approached.

"Good news. we discovered a fresh vein of coal 2 hours south. and we have seedlings from the needed crops."

Tyler smiled.


"Plenty of deer, moose, gamebirds, and even some bison. we loaded out packs with deer."

"Smart. Alright. We'll start our own map of the region."

Erwin passed him some canvas.

"Already there."

"Oh good a professional."

The older man chuckled at that one and Tyler had a thought.

"Any sign of people?"

Erwin shook his head.

"None. We ventured 5 hours from the walls. and saw the Lightning Tower be raised. No other sign thus far."

"Hm, that thing marks us, but we need it more then it's a risk."

Tyler nodded.

"Another mission tomorrow in a different direction. I'd like to not use the same direction twice."

"Agreed. we'll have the area mapped in no time."

"Good. for now we'll cultivate our fields. YOU guys take five."

They nodded and Tyler placed the inprogress map in his Hall. Then he went to where Yoshkia was digging at the ground by a wall with others skilled at farming. The white smiled as Tyler walked over.

"Oh. Good. Your hoe is over here."

"Wow, Yoshkia, have some self esteem."


He laughed at her redfaced realization and patted her fondly as he took the steel farming tool.

"I had to."

"I'll tell Barkhorn you're picking on me."

"Sorry Ma'am."

"WOW. so THAT'S what that feels like? I kinda like it!"

Tyler chuckled as the others groaned at the bad influence and he got to work digging the rows for their crops. The work progressed rapidly and within a few hours they had a fully irrigated feidl of wheat ready. Tyler smiled as he looked at the river now flowing through wooden tubes that would keep their crops well tended.

"Now it's just keeping them alive."

Yoshkia chuckled as she came over.

"We've got the barley and other fields set, Tyler. About 2 acres per plant."

"Good. We'll need animals next."

"Yeah. We'll get to work on the storehouses now."


The foundations for the large stone barns that would serve as the town storehouses were laid and Tyler smiled as they were built in the style of cattle barns with a second floor for stores. The rooves were pointed again and Belfast looked at this curiously.

"Tyler, why DO you stress pointed rooves like this?"

He smiled.

"So when the snow flies it doesn't pile on them."


"Yeah I'm from a northern town and EVERY year some idiot's roof collaspses cause he didn't shovel it."

"It makes sense. And we will need upgrade."

"We will. Once we've got the material and the means."

She smiled and the storehouses were secured and built entirely of cool stone. Tyler then climbed to the top of the Lightning Tower and smiled as he looked at the town.

The bell shaped outer wall now housed a full horseshoe pattern settlement of buildings and 6 acres of crops. The main gate faced the Jarl's Longhall while the council homes were fanned out around the Jarl's house. A full bathhouse, smithy, two storehouses, 8 watchtowers, and the space for mroe all lay within the walls. Tyler smiled as he looked at the town he now oversaw and remembered he had numbers to place. He opened his panel and found he was level 8 and had 120 points to place. He smirked.

"alright. i had 10 Strength, 50 Defense, 100 Intelligence, 30 Stamina, 10 MAgic, 10 Mana, 15 Dexterity, 15 Agility. I could do 15 per. 20 to strength, Stamina, Magic, Mana, Dexterity, agility. 30 Strength, 50 Defense, 100 Intelliegence, 50 Stamina, 30 Magic, 30 Mana, 35 Dexterity, 35 Agility."

He hit apply and smiled as he felt the new stats take effect. He dropped to the ground as Rias came over with a smile.

"We've got the first batch of furniture in place, Tyler."

"Good. We'll be able to enjoy a meal at a table for once."

She chuckled.

"we did another go over with clay to make sure the rooves don't leak."

"Good. I think now it's just reinforce and oversupply."

The pair walked to his Longhall and Rias smiled.

"The noon patrol went out. Nothing yet."

Tyler nodded.

"I doubt we'll be visited so soon. we just got here and have just finished setting up. I'm more curious to know if we're it or if more are coming."

The redhead frowned at that as well.

"THAT I'm not sure of myself. Hestia thinks more will arrive but it's just conjecture at this point."

The pair walked into the Longhall. The rest of the town were seated at oaken tables around the merrily blazing firepit and Tyler chuckled.

"Nice to see we're leaving the stoneage behind."

They chuckled and Tyler noted a pelt covered chair at the head of the hall and he walked over to it. The thing was a massive throne constructed out of the bones of numerous animals and covered int he fur of a large brown bear. Asuna came over as he looked at the thing.

"That's your Jarl's Throne. Since you DO need to play the part."

He looked at her.

"I thought i was?"

"You are and we love the fact you're out there in the dirt WITH us. THIS is for the OTHER aspect of being a town leader."


She nodded.

"Yup. You're the Town Jarl. So, sooner or later, we'll have crime or those that need punishment. THAT will be YOUR job."

"Yeeeeeeah. That's a bridge too far for me. Sorry. I'm not interested in being someone that decides fate like that."

A MASS of relieved breaths went up and Hestia came over with a smile.

"I trust you more now, Tyler. And this is why you're the leader here. I'll be here to help with this and so will Belfast, Erwin, Mina, Rias and Asuna."

He smiled at this.

"Still doesn't sit right with me, but okay."

He sat in the thing and found it to be oddly comfy. He looked at Hestia and she chuckled.

"Sometimes trials drag on."

"fair. We'll lay out some stone for a dias then. If we're gonna do this Jarl thing, might as well go all the way, Hestia."

"I HATE the way you said that you dirty bastard, but fine."

He looked at her strangely.

"I meant BUILDING. Wherever you are, hestia, please come back."

The goddess slumped.


He patted her.

"wow. You really want me to hit you."

"Ha. so any word on other people appearing here?"

She crossed her arms at this.

"I'll say it's most likely. WHEN I have NO idea."

"eh good enough."

He got out of the fancy chair and took a seat at a table by Rias. the redhead smiled as he made a meal of bear meat and water like she was. Once fed the jarl looked at the town.

"Alright. How are we looking on supplies?"

Belfast smiled.

"we are well supplied on very basic sundries and it will be a few weeks before the crops come in. We can subsist on our stores and the local region until they do."

"Good. Any threats in the immediate vicinity?"

ERwin stood now.

"we encountered numerous trails of predators and larger beasts. Nothing newer then a week however. We will head to the west next and have more to report."

"Good. NO overnight trips until we've fully explored the immediate vicinity."


Mina smiled.

"Patrols are regular and so far no issues."

Tyler nodded.

"We'll also see about night watchmen as well. We've only 40 people so we'll need to all pitch in as much as we can. Asuna, any slackers need an ass kicking?"

She smirked.

"A few. There's HIM."

She pointed to Issei and the guy blinked.

"Hey I help."

Tyler nodded and looked at Asuna.

"How bad?"

"If RIAS herself doesn't tell him to do something, he won't....and just hits on the girls in a REALLY freakin creepy way."

"Uh-huh. Okay. Issei, thanks for volunteerin for first watch in the south tower.....YOUR relief is BARKHORN. If she catches you napping she has full permission to BEAT the crap outta you."

A well built girl with twin braided brown hair smirked as she cracked her knuckles. she was half a head shorter then him with pale skin and firm brown eyes. She spoke in a hard yet soft bark while dressed in a white tanktop and no pants.

"I'll make sure he's on watch."

"alright. Use a mace."

"Will do."

Issei balked.

"Hey! I was on wall duty ALL DAY. What have YOU done, JARL?"

Tyler smirked.

"Oooh i worked the crane, laid the foundation for the two buildings, did three patrols around the walls as it's SOOTHING FOR ME BELFAST, helps me think,"

The lady smiled.

"Good. I am watching."

"Ugh. I helped dig the waste pit, till the crops on all three fields, hmmm, oh. Helped erect the lightning tower....and it's not even 3 oclock. I can keep going if you really want me to, Issei."

The brown haired boy just slumped at these facts and Tyler smiled.

"TWO nights."


"Keep talkin an I'll make it three."

Rias looked at Akeno.

"I feel like I'm watching a weird movie."

The pink eyed girl was right there with her.

"HOW many times have you done that EXACT same thing to him, Rias?"

Issei just sank into a sullen silence as Asuna next pointed out a sullen looking girl with blonde hair.

"Next up is Hannah. she has fought me tooth and nail to do anything. And only helps when FORCED to. Yet LOOK at her plate."

Hannah was a larger girl that easily weighed 350 pounds and Tyler smirked as she ignored the redhead.

"Okay. Hannah, YOU got north tower tonight."

"fuck you."

"Oh ho."

Hannah's sullen retort just made Tyler chuckle and he looked at Wulf.

"I know how to deal with this one. Hey Wulf, think you can whip up a gibbet style cage about....yay high?"

The redheaded smith smiled.

"Sure. whatchya got in mind?"

"She refused a night of duty in the tower....sooo she gets a night in the cage. No food, no water, and will spend the night there."

Hannah looked at him like he was amusing.

"YOu can't make me do that, JARL."

"Sure I can. I'll drag you there myself."

Asuna chuckled.

"That is such a CLASSIC! I'd expect a whipping post now."

"THAT we can use for other stuff. Liek say someone steals somethin or whatever."

ERwin frowned.

"YOU adapted to punishment quite well, Tyler."

The Jarl shrugged.

"I can come up with ways to hurt another person for HOURS and never use the same trick twice, Erwin. My world is a big fan of freedom of information. So. One month I got fascinated by my world's torture methods for a history project. I kinda freaked out my teacher by how deeply I dove into my research. I got an A....annnnd a note saying I was a future mass torturer."

Rias looked at him bemused.

"What the HELL kinda project where you doing?"

"We were studying the dark ages and my region was Walicia, Transylvania."

"Ah. Okay I see the slippery slope."

Tyler chuckled.

"I get like that. More something interests me the more I wanna know about it. I will HAPPILY leapt into the first rabbithole I find too."

Belfast smiled.

"An inquisitive. It explains where your various expertise came from. On THIS matter, however, I fear we need a LINE, Tyler."

He looked at her curiously.

"Okay. Whaddya mean?"

Asuna chuckled.

"She means don't go overboard with the torture thing."

"Okay. Um, isn't that why I put you all on this council?"

Belfast smiled.

"I am watching. and DO find this punishment a bit of poetic justice."

"I'm kinda good at that."

Wulf chuckled.

"I'll go get to work on the cage. Shouldn't take me more an hour."

"Coolzies. We'll also need a set of manacles. Siiiince we'll need to clap irons on people too."

Akeno smiled as he glanced at her as he said that.

"Oh my. I am CERTAIN we can enjoy that together!"

"So long as we have a proper word, Akeno. Had a buddy die from it."

"We will talk."

"YOU I trust."

She smiled warmly and Belfast looked at him curiously.


"ask her, Belfast."

"I shall."

Hannah just turned to her overloaded meal. where everyone around her had maybe two bits of deer or other meat and some water, she has 8 slabs of bear and water. Tyler smiled.

"Should we construct a jail next?"

Mina crossed her arms.

"I think we should. Just to have it should we need it."

"Cool. That'll be our next gimmick."

Wulf came in whistling.

"CAge is ready. It's moored to the ground."


Tyler grabbed Hannah by the neck and dragged the now screeching whale from the hall whistling.

"Hey! Lemme go! get off me! Help! Rape!"

The hall just looked at her as she screeched that one and Tyler irnoged her as he dragged her to the 6 foot tall cage and tossed her inside and slammed the door shut. There was a click and the thing locked shut. He turned and walked away as the screeching rape and assault blonde was left banging on the door like a monkey in a zoo. Wulf tossed him a set of keys as he walked back in.

"Thanks Wulf."

The Jarl passed out the keys to the council and they all nodded at the responsiblity. Tyler hung his key by his bed before he returned.

"If she refuses it's two nights in the cage, then three. Then four. No food, no water. And a water bucket thrown on her in the morning, at noon and once more at night. This goes anyone that refuses to do their part."

Asuna smiled.

"That is utterly fair and hilariously classic."

Erwin looked up now.

"I have to ask."

Tyler looked at him.

"Is death an option."

He nodded.

"Is it?"


The town looked at him now and Tyler leaned on a wall.

"I'll make this clear. Cross a line and there is NO going back. I am NOT that kinda kindhearted to grant a second chance. if you try to kill, rape, cripple, or some OTHER extreme harm to your town, I WILL kill you myself. And NO. Depending on what you do, it will NOT be a quick one."

He looked at them.

"wanna be a monster, I'll SHOW YOU A DEMON."

Belfast frowned and he chuckled.

"I know. we'll talk."

"I am glad you are aware."

"I don't have much of a choice."

"No. You do not."

"I am so glad we're talking therapy here. Caaaause that kinda mindset might getchya in trouble."

There was a few whistles at the dark nudge and Tyler chuckled.

"I REEEEALLY like dark humor too."

Rias smirked.

"I guess you should brighten up then."

He chuckled as the room groaned.

"I expected that to come from ASIA, Rias."


The irritated squeak came from a pretty blonde at another table and Tyler chuckled.

"Nice to see you, Asia."

Asia was a VERY pretty girl with long blonde hair hanging to her lower back while her frame was slender. her skin was white and her eyes were a lovely shade of sky blue and her bust was modest on her chest. She spoke in a soft chirp as she smiled.

"Nice to know you too!"

He chuckled and looked at them.

"Alright. I think that about covers it for this one. Asuna?"

The redhead smiled.

"The others are just out of shape."

"That's completely fair. there's a DIFFERENCE between being out of shape and TRYING to help, and being of shape and using it as a crutch. They'll be fine."

Tyler went to the bed in the right wing of the manor he'd set as his bedroom. The large room was still dirt floored but it ALSO had a large rocking chair looking out a window at the town. Tyler had left a large number of knubs in the upper roof area for a second floor and he smiled as he went to collect the logs from the bank for just that....when Belfast tapped in the door. He chuckled and let her in.

"THAT took longer then I expected."

She smiled sweetly.

"I see you were about to leave."

"eeeh was gonna put a second floor in in here."

She nodded and they sat on his bed.

"The torture."

"You fear a darkness."

The blue eyed lady nodded and looked him in the eye.

"IS there?"

He chuckled.

"Oh yeah. I'm a monster when you piss me off. I'm not kidding either. Like I get absolutely SADISTIC when you push me too far. Always have been. I've been arrested for it twice. Each time I'd beaten the crap outta a bully and he said or did something that just made it worse. And i nearly killed them."

Belfast nodded at this cheery confession.

"You do not feel regret."

"Nope. I gave them a choice. Cut the shit. Or be dragged to hell. I offered it to them three times. EVERY tiem they refused and continued. Soooo. I followed through."

She nodded again.

"You follow through on your promises and your threats."


"How far will you go in such a state?"

He shrugged.

"far as I feel like. I enjoy what I do in that mindset IMMENSELY. And only stop when bored."

She sighed.

"When carrying out sentence, one must steel their heart and turn off their conscience to do the deeds. As town leader, I see you have elected to bear that burden yourself. I will say this."


She loked him in the eye.

"Do not lose yourself in the allure of the darkness of your soul. Or you will lose that which makes you human."

He smiled.

"Thanks Belfast. I'll keep that in mind."

she smiled.

"I am not afraid of you, Tyler."

"I'd be surprised if you WERE. I know I am a monster. I ALSO know that's not all I am."

"No. It is NOT all you are. I am relieved you see this."

He smiled and laid on the bed.

"Never lie to yourself on what you are, Belfast. When you do, all you're doing is weakening the strength you have and proving those that believed those lies right."

She rested her head on his chest with a thoughtful expression.

"Is that what you told yourself?"

"Yup. every time I looked in a mirror I'd tell myself that and then tell myself I am a monster, and a hero all rolled into one. Too evil to be a good person, too kind to be a villain. It's a weird place to be. After a while it sank in and I started telling myself I was the best damned thing to ever walk down those halls. THAT sank in too. Now I AM the best damned thing."

Belfast chuckled.

"You were bullied a lot."

"Yeeah. And it sucked. I've been bigger then most for a good while now and some found it intimidating. I was a gentle giant. Still AM. but now I appreciate the nessecity of violence and retaliation. Push me, and I WILL push back just as hard."

"So long as you do not cross the line and become just like them, right?"

"Sure. Though sometimes, inorder to BEAT the monster you have to BECOME a monster."

"Hench the darkside."


She nodded and he patted her belly fondly.

"I can appreciate this in that light. and will never reveal a word."

"Thanks Belfast. Rias wants a snuggle."

"I am jealous.....and needing."

"We got the time."

she smiled and the pair went for a round in his bed. Belfast got her needed orgasm and Tyler chuckled as he creamed her.

"Still freakin amazing, Belfast."

She smiled as they recovered.

"I enjoy it."

"So do I."

He held her and she smiled.

"And know I am not falling."

"We'll just keep it to fuckbuddy and therapist."


He kissed her and the pair got dressed before heading to the bathhouse. Tyler cleaned the day off his body and cycled the water before he took the logs from the bank for his project. Hannah had screeched herself raw and was sobbing in rage inside her cage as Tyler slotted the new floor over the knubs. Once in place he used resin and clay to seal it. This prompted him to have the town use resin to waterproof their homes. Once THAT emssy task was settled he made a ladder to the second floor and cut a large hole out of the roof he used to build his own balcony looking out over his own. This in turn added a rather lovely view he loved. Once new addition was situated Tyler sealed the upper floor and new door up tight and went on a walk around the walls. The Jarl smiled at the peaceful town as he walked. The metal mortar between the stones adding a shimmer that was oddly hypnotic as he walked while his boots thudded on the stone. The sun was going down and the night patrol was seen climbing the ladder for their run int he opposite direction of his own. Once he'd completed his circuit Tyler returned to his longhall and found Rias waiting for him by the firepit. She was alone for once and he smiled as he sat beside her.

"Seems everyone's at home now."

She chuckled as they made a meal of deer and water.

"Pretty much. We all have beds now and manors. It'll be kinda quiet in here."

He patted her.

"Lonely too."

Rias smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.


"At least we're together right now."

"Yeah. I....yeah."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"GOOD. Don't."

He hugged her tightly.

"I will NEVER leave you alone, Rias. Okay?"

She smiled and held onto him for dear life.

"Come on."

The pair fed on their deer meat and headed to his room. she saw the second floor and noted the window had a panel covering it.

"YOU have an old man's room."

He shut the door with a chuckle.

"I like my room to NIIIIICE and DARK. And also quiet."

The beautiful redhead smiled as she stripped down.

"Since you KNOW I sleep naked."

"I sleep shirtless."

"Don't abuse it."

"I won't. YOU can."

She chuckled as they climbed in the fur padded bed. Rias groaned at the surprisingly comfy thing as he settled.

"OH this is nice."


"Kinda. The girls take a lot."

"roll over."

She did and he pressed into her back...and she groaned as her spine popped.

"You do massages too?"

"I can do a few things to help you."

"I'll be sure to keep you close then."

He pulled her against him as close as they could get and he held her tightly.

"I gotchya."

She smiled and held him tightly.


"Good night, Rias."

"Good night, Tyler."