"Come on Lydia move your ass, we're almost halfway through the regiment." Ren shouts behind him leading the charge of the sprint, his bare feet becoming more and more rugged from the rough terrain.
"Only halfway you've been working me like a horse for the last hour." Lydia struggles to catch her breath trying to keep up with Ren's stamina.
"You'll thank me for it later when your muscles can support your escape or counterattack." Ren says with a confident smirk flexing his muscular bicep.
"This is torture." Lydia says nearly tripping over herself from exhaustion.
"Oh don't be such a baby Lydia. That was only the run. We still need to do push ups and sit ups especially while we can still feel the burn. It's the best way to induce muscle growth. Many training books say this." Ren says making a clever white lie to his experience with training.
"Why does it have to be so agonising?" Lydia chokes out through the burn in her muscles.
"No pain no gain." Ren smirks confidently gripping on his forming strength in his biceps.
"Fine, fine." Lydia sighs accepting her fate in the intensity of this training.
"Atta girl. We're almost done anyhow. That was a good run." Ren says with a smile before preparing to transition the both of them to the next exercise.
[2km/2km Run Complete]
[5t/20 Pushups]
[10/20 Sits ups]
[10/20 Pull ups]
"Almost there now, why do i get the sense that i'm getting more out of this training then i would normally, is it the system's doing, my body feels way more limber then it would normally do." Ren comments to himself feeling the strain and burden of the usual training becoming way lighter.
"There we go on a nice run to start the day, now while the sweat is still pouring time to finish the rest of push ups, sit ups and pull ups."
"How do you even manage to get through this Ren?" Lydia exclaims barely able to with the constant switching of exercise and increasing intensity.
"Well i have a goal to reach so i need my body to be the most reliable tool the red bear already proves that." Ren says feeling his seething hatred for the three families and the dissatisfaction with his current prowess.
"What's your goal then?" Lydia says trying to get in deeper to what a child might possibly be thinking up at this age.
"Well i want to be able to start my own Company to accept all walks of life." Ren says with a bright eyed smile.
"You want to start your own company? What, like that commander's platoon?" Lydia says as sher face drops in shock from the idea shattering her already shattered expectations of Ren.
"Exactly. But a commander has to have the strength to back up their platoon when needed. That's what the books say at least, there will always be unexpected threats that you need to have an eye out for." Ren says getting a flash of dread from the mantis from his last life leading his fist to unconsciously clench.
"Damn you're really going through your whole inventory of books aren't you." Lydia says with complete shock trying to find some semblance of normalcy to excuse Ren's intelligence knowing full well there probably isn't one.
"Well I tend to follow the mindset of knowledge is power. It has served me well so far I think." Ren says tapping his index finger to the temple of his head.
"Can't disagree with you there." Lydia says with another sigh struggling to be able to disagree.
*2 hours pass and the two are drenched in sweat Lydia managing to complete the training but not without some struggle.*
"Are we finally done?" Lydia says the lactic acid in her legs cramping her legs to the point of feeling like an immovable stone.
"Yeah that should be about good now, Why? Are you struggling to keep up with my training regiment?" Ren giggles to himself feeling a satisfying burn in his muscles accompanied by sweat, the true sign of progress.
"Definitely more intense than I expected, how long have you been doing this now Ren?" Lydia says, still trying to gain the rhythm in her breath back.
"Around 6 months now it's been doing me well. I'm able to keep sprinting for much longer than I could before I started this." Ren says shifting his weight from one foot to another burns off the rest of his energy.
"You've been doing this for 6 months. How long do you plan on doing it with us? It can't be longer than a year right? Right?" Lydia questions as steam starts to plume out of the top of her head.
"2 Years.Then I have other training to prioritise until I'm old enough to have the harsher training i have in mind." Ren's smile shifts to a more serious focused expression knowing full well how far he has to go there is no time for dawdling.
"It gets harsher than this!?" Lydia squeals out already barely able to breathe from the current training.
"Hey what are you two doing out here and why are you covered in sweat? Are you playing tag or something?" Reiner says coming out of the in lured by his own curiosity as his innocent eyes lock on to the pair training covered in sweat.
"Nah we're not playing today, reiner were training. Why are you interested in joining?" Ren says with a confident smirk standing tall despite being drenched in his own sweat.
"Training for what?"
"Anything, it could be anything you want to protect others sto gain strength to be able to grow higher in ranks."
"Yeah training can definitely help you protect people that you care about, you will make your body the greatest tool at your disposal if you do so."
"I want to be able to protect myself as well as my loved ones. Ren, Can I really do that?" Reiner bitterly swallows down on his grief, reliving his past regret.
"Of course you can as long as you have the will to keep doing it. This isn't just a one time thing, this training will happen everyday even if you're exhausted."
"Then, then i'll do that, i want to be there for the family, i don't want to just be a liability to look after. I already failed this family once." Reiner says reliving past pain locked away in the depths of his mind.
"Reiner, it isn't your fault." Lydia says knowing full well the pain that Reiner is going through.
"I know sis but I just can't accept that. Please train me Ren." Reiner says with a solemn bow his eyes burning with determination to overcome his own flaws.
"You think i was going to reject you, looks like i've got two students to train up now. Starting tomorrow you'll be joining me and Lydia for training at 6am sharp." Ren says with a chuckle, already preparing to increase the overall intensity of the training regiment.
"6AM!" Lydia complains already starting to feel worse for deciding to join in on this training.
"Yes you need to be able to get up at a moments notice whether morning or night you don't know what might happen when you sleep so you need to be able to get up quickly." Ren says already beginning to justify the torture hes thinking of.
"Next time Lydia we need to try and get a hold of warbows. The books say that people who wielded one of them would go through a massive growth spurt as their body becomes stronger and more flexible to operate such a gigantic bow." Ren explains with another white lie covering up how he knows such a thing.
"A warbow!? Ren I doubt you'll ever be able to pull back the string." Lydia says her hair becomes more and more frazzled at the thought of such intense training for a child let alone herself.
"Exactly I won't, that's why I'm training up to it to develop my strength so that i can in the future. You would be surprised to see how destructive a warbow can be close and far." Ren says with a smirk full of teeth as remembers the days of exploding through tree tunks with just an arrow.
"You really are a training fanatic, most kids your age would be playing outside or with toys not training their muscles." Lydia lets out another sigh as a worried sweat starts to form on her forehead.
"Got to take what opportunities I can to hone my body even if I'm young." Ren says curling his fingers into fists pressing down on the newly forming calluses. Reflecting on how easily he was taken out in his last life.
"You bleeding ren?" Lydia questions full of worry.
"Yeah but it's fine my skin is getting trained along with the rest of my body." Ren says as he bares his fingertips into the bloody calluses.
"Even still you shouldn't just let blood drip off your hands you need to cover that up, here ill help you wrap your hands up i have some bandages." Lydia says trying to dissuade ren as much as possible from creating any further damage.
"There. That should help." Lydia says wrapping thick white bandages around Ren's hands covering his palms and the backs of his hands.
"Thanks sis, it's already helping with that annoying stinging sensation." Ren says, trying to comfort lydia through his smile alone.
For the next 4 years Ren worked diligently every single day training himself and his siblings just like his father used to train him in his past life. The system is ever present alongside this making sure that Ren completes his daily training whether exhausted or not.
In the ten years of his new life Ren's new body has become honed and muscular despite the age. Now finally having the age to wield a warbow properly again he gets right to work having spent the last couple years training his draw strength for this moment.