
fall to the dark

It had been a few months since Jack had been captured by the demon king he Is chained his eyes are empty he has heavy bags under his eyes his body has a bunch of cuts and scars on them as he looked up he saw the demon king: Adam, Adam then says "you know I was just like you once" jacket looks up at him in curiosity "Really....?" He asks Hesitately, Adam responded "who cares though I sense something in you jack that potential you could help me whether you join willingly or not so I'll give you a choice" jack stays silent but Intrigued "so what is it will you join me help me with my goals and pledge your loyalty to me" Adam smiles jack then responds "Yes...Master I will do whatever you ask" Adam then says to him "good boy I'll unchain you and I'll give you need armor" Adam then uses a spell to cut him free from the chains then saying "now go wash up you have a job tomorrow" Adam then walks away, jack gets up weakly limping his way to the bathroom -------------------------------------------------------------- Once in the bathroom jack would wash his face off as he finishes cleaning his face off he would walk to the throne room bowing to Adam who's sitting on a throne "Adam my master you said you we're going to give me new clothes?" Adam looks down at the curly brown-haired man before then saying "they should be in your room your new personal maid will show you where it is" Jack then responds "OH okay so where is she" Adam then points at the woman beside the throne "her she'll show you to your room" the maid then starts to wall to jacks room jack follows her He then says "so uhhh what's your name?" She then says in a monotone voice "my name doesn't matter.... but you can call me nemuri" as they finally reach his room she then opens the door jack walks into his room he looks in amazement "Wow this Room is nice" nemuri then says "you should get some sleep your mission starts tomorrow" he then responds "OH okay" she walks out of his Room He then speaks to himself saying "my name is no longer jack my name is now demon knight Revan" he then walks to his bed then, he Lay's down closing his eyes ------------------------------------------------------------—