
Demon Slayers: Library of Wonders

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, an unassuming soul, Ace Walker, stumbles upon an extraordinary inheritance – a dimensionless library housing countless worlds. From futuristic galaxies to medieval realms, anime-inspired landscapes, and beyond, this library holds the keys to an infinite array of realities. His journey unfurls as he steps through the thresholds of these fictional worlds, each with its unique wonders and perils. With every tale he explores, the line between reality and fantasy blurs, and he finds himself on a quest to uncover his own origins. Delving deeper into the library's boundless collections, the very fabric of the multiverse becomes his playground. But can he discover the secret that lies beyond the veil, or will he succumb to its boundlessness like his predecessors? ********* Patreon link: patreon.com/NexusPrimodius

NexusPrimodius · Cómic
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84 Chs

Chapter 13: Injuries on the mend

Butterfly Mansion.

With the announcement that the food was ready, we all made our way to the dining area. The atmosphere was significantly lighter now, and the peculiar silence of moments ago was replaced with the warm chatter of people coming together for a meal.

Mitsuri, with her being the glutton, was the first to break the ice. "I can't wait to try the food here. I've heard great things about the Butterfly Mansion's cuisine."

Shinobu smiled in response, "Yes, it's quite delicious. We're fortunate to have Aoi here."

Aoi smiled gratefully at that.

Ace followed them to the dining area, Yuki by his side, who was trying to be in her best behaviour as it will be her first time eating with distinguished figures.

As we took our seats at the long wooden table, the aroma of the dishes filled the room, making our mouths water. Plates of various delicacies were laid out before us, a feast fit for the Hashiras.

Mitsuri, not one to hold back, began serving herself with enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Oh, all of this looks so good! I don't know where to start!"

Shinobu, more composed but equally appreciative, began to serve herself as well. "Please, enjoy your meal, Ace. You've had quite the morning."

Ace nodded in gratitude and began to fill my plate, savouring the taste of each dish. 

Mitsuri didn't waste a second before striking up a conversation. "Ace-kun, How did you get injured ?.

Ace looked momentarily dumbfounded by the obvious question. "It was from a demon," I replied, his tone casual.

Mitsuri quickly realised how obvious the question was, and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Seeing her embarrassment, He decided to answer her with a playful grin. "Well, I was saving a damsel in distress." 

Mitsuri laughed at my answer, her vibrant personality shining through. "You're like a knight in shining armour, Ace-kun."

While Shinobu chuckled at the response. "Of course, a hero's duty, right?" She seemed to appreciate the touch of humour.

Chuckling at her comment, Ace began to eat the food at a slow pace. Unsurprisingly, the food tasted very good. As he savoured each dish, he couldn't help but appreciate the skill of the Mansion's chef.

After some time, he glanced over to Mitsuri and was a little surprised to see a tower of empty plates accumulating beside her. She was eating at the same pace that she had started .

He couldn't help but think to himself, 'She could give sumo wrestlers a run for their money in an eating contest.'

Thinking about this,he was amused by her boundless energy and appetite. It seemed that Mitsuri's love for food rivalled her passion for finding her love .

With my meal finished, I turned my attention to Shinobu and asked the question I had been waiting to ask, "Kocho-san, when will my training start?"

Shinobu considered for a moment, her eyes thoughtful, before responding, "It will take at least a week for your injuries to heal. After that, you will commence your training under Mitsuri and me, with each of us for three months. Mitsuri will be staying here for the first three months of your training. Only after completing this extensive training will you be allowed to take on missions."

She then shifted her gaze towards Yuki and continued, "Yuki will be training with Kanao until she conditions her body sufficiently and develops some combat instincts."

Ace nodded in acknowledgment of the plan as this aligned with his plans too.

"Where's Kanao?" Ace asked, curiously seeing her absence.

Shinobu replied with a complicated expression on her face, "She likes to have her meals alone in her room."

Ace nodded in understanding, realising that Shinobu was likely concerned about Kanao's emotionless personality. The fact that Kanao had no will of her own was clearly something Shinobu saw as her responsibility, and she seemed to be struggling with it. 

Deciding to not poke the subject further, lest it destroy the pleasant atmosphere.

With Mitsuri finally completing her meal , there was a mountain of plates stacked near forming a tower .

Ace couldn't help but comment, "You sure are a hearty eater, Kanroji-san."

Mitsuri blushed slightly, responding with a hint of shyness, "Well, I've always been a big eater."

Ace reassured her, "You don't have to be shy about it, Kanroji-san. I like people with a big appetite." However, he wisely chose not to add the part about needing a body like hers to handle it.

Mitsuri was taken aback by Ace's response and quickly asked, "Really, you don't mind it?"

Ace nodded and replied, "Well, Kanroji-san, you looked quite cute while eating."

Blushing at his comment, she said in a soft voice, "You don't have to say it directly to my face, Ace-kun."

Ace chuckled at her response, and Shinobu couldn't help but facepalm. Yuki, on the other hand, questioned with a little accusation, "You can't stop flirting with every girl you meet, can you?"

Ace turned towards Yuki and said, "You don't have to be unhappy; you're cute too."

Yuki's reaction was undeniable. "You...!" she started but couldn't find the words to continue, quickly looking away. 

If anyone had seen her face, they would have noticed her blushing like a tomato.

"I will be in the garden. If you need me," Ace announced as he swiftly stood up and made his way out of the room.

As he exited, he caught whispers of their hushed gossip about him. Despite that, he didn't mind and continued on his way. Little did he know what they were discussing, or else he might not have left. 

As Ace walked down the corridor, he contemplated how to expedite his healing process. 

He thought of the breathing style mentioned in his martial technique manual. This unique technique could offer limited healing benefits when performed during high noon, and increase his spirituality during a full moon. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to harness the power of the sun and moon for his advantage.

As he reached the garden, Ace found a peaceful spot bathed in the gentle rays of the sun. The tranquil atmosphere here made it the perfect location to practise the breathing technique. 

With a deep breath, he sat down near a tree and began to recall the method. 

He began the style with taking short breaths, taking in air in a specific manner, and then transitioned to longer, more controlled breaths. Each breath was prolonged to last a full minute, and he repeated this cycle with various patterns.

As he practised the breathing technique during high noon, Ace felt an unusual warmth and vitality coursing through his body. It was as if the sun's energy was infusing his very being, accelerating his healing process. Ace could sense his injuries mending faster than expected, a pleasant surprise that made his mood much better.

Pushing himself to the limit, continuing the process until his lungs began to feel the strain, and each breath became increasingly challenging. Finally, he halted the technique, gasping for air. His lungs and neck were burning and he had a hard time even breathing.

Thankfully he stopped it before it could do him more harm, but the risk had paid off.

He examined his hands and found them greatly improved compared to before. The swollen muscles that had been ailing him now looked noticeably better.

Ace couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. 

'Hmm , with this level of healing , my injuries would heal at most in three days ' Ace thought.

Finally standing up to stretch his cramped legs and head back to his room, Ace sensed someone looking in his direction. 

Looking around he found it was Yuki, and her intense and somewhat possessed gaze in his direction was rather unusual. It sent a shiver down his spine, and he couldn't help but feel a little creeped out.

"Yuki?" Ace called out, his tone laced with concern.

She quickly snapped out of her trance and cast me a slightly nervous look. "Umm, it's nothing. I was just lost in thought," she explained.

Ace studied Yuki's expression with a hint of suspicion but decided to let it go for the moment.

Exhaustion was beginning to weigh on him, and he knew it was time to rest. "Alright, Yuki. If you say so," he replied. 

With that, he headed back to his room, deciding to get some early sleep. The sun was almost set, and he knew he needed to rest early in order to wake up before sunrise the next day.


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Future Yuki:


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