
Demon slayer: The highschool remake

Let's take away the demons and the slaying, change the universe and switch up the timeline a bit. Keep some characters alive, does anything change? Yes but for the worse. Tanjiro could actually be the villain here...

Joemanjiwrites252 · Cómic
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4 Chs

The coin

After tossing and turning in bed for more than two hours, Tanjiro decided that he might not get the sleep he wanted that night. This usually happened to him and he'd go to his study to fill out the night, leaving him with eye bags the next morning. His insomnia was caused by his PTSD and the reoccurring memory of that night. All form of abuse was done to him by both Muzan and his henchmen. The type that could make a grown man cry while shitting himself.

Opting to not think on it anymore, he left his room and padded down the hall on his way to the common room. He could study or continue his workouts but he did have a craving for some fine green tea.

He had meds, but they gave him excruciating headaches by the time he woke and in his opinion, or any normal human who could feel pain, skipping the meds were better option.

He was almost at the entrance when the sweet smell of lavender hit him.

She was here...

Kanao sat at the counter in the kitchen section sipping on tea. Her hair was fully down with her hair pin nowhere to be seen. She wore a lavender hoodie with butterfly imprints -she must really like butterflies- she wore dark tights on her legs and lavender flip flops. Since her back was turned to him, he couldn't see her face.

Oh, the universe was so kind to him! This was his chance, this was the only time he could get to really talk to her without the others getting in the way. He smoothed his hair out and fixed his pants that had twisted to the side.

Kanao, on her own end sat quietly, enjoying her tea and the silence.

"Hello." She had not expected another person to join her but she was able to control her reaction, only sending Tanjiro a look of shock.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" He asked in a concerned tone while she nodded yes. The red head sighed but with a smile he apologized again.

"Couldn't sleep too well, mind if I join you?"

He watched her fish out a gold coin from her hoodie and flip it. Tanjiro watched the round piece of gold flip continuously in the air before succumbing to gravity and falling into her palm.

He let out a small chuckle and a wow as she covered it and opened it to reveal heads. At that, she turned at him with a smile nodded.


Tanjiro raised a brow. "Wait, what you did there..." He said as he sat by her. "You just flipped a coin before letting me join you."

"That's right." She answered easily. "I flip this coin to make decisions for myself."

Tanjiro's brows pinched together at this confession but then he placed his fingers on his chin in thought. "If you use a coin, that means you don't listen to your heart..."

But who was he to talk, all this time he'd been simply disobeying his heart. His thirst for vengeance for his father. However...

"Listen to my heart?"

Tanjiro glanced back at her with a smile before taking her hand and placing it on his left chest. "Right here. Your heart is... right here." He said all this while his crimson orbs bore straight into her violet ones. "It's like a voice that tells you what to do and not to."

Kanao was stunned silent, too lost in his eyes to speak. "Here." he took the coin from her.

"Now I'm gonna flip this coin," he left his seat next to her and backed up a few steps, keeping some distance between them tossing the coin in the air as he went. "And if I get heads then you'll have to follow your heart." He caught it and sent a smile her way. "You ready?"

Placing her hand on her chest, she nodded silently, curious of how the results will turn out. Tanjiro grinned and went ahead to flip the coin too hard that it spent a lot of time flipping in the air so the result was in suspense.

Finally the coin landed safely on the back of his hand while he covered it. Grinning at her childishly as he hid the result from her curious eyes.

"Now, let's see what we got..." He took his time to uncover the result. Kanao leaned in to see what it will be as Tanjiro completely revealed the result.

It was heads.

"Yay!" Tanjiro leaped into the air with childish mirth that Kanao found adorable although, she was stunned silent at the result, she didn't know what she was going to do now since she'd literally lost. But then Tanjiro was already before her and grabbed her hands in his. Staring straight into her eyes, she was immediately trapped in his spell mesmerized by how beautiful those eyes were.

"Promise me you'll follow your heart from now on, Koucho-san." He said softly before releasing her hands. Kanao's cheeks reddened a bit reminiscing in the warmth of his bigger hands.

"I...promise."she managed to say before he grinned and left.

His craving for tea had vanished now satisfied with his conversation with Kanao. Boy, was she a mystery and he liked it.


Kanao was distracted. Always zoning out during classes to day dream about Tanjiro and their moment in the kitchen. Apart from the coin flipping, she enjoyed his company. His warm gaze, his smile, the fact that he was a vibe. He was so charming, that she didn't really mind listening to him speak all day.

He'd made her promise him to follow her heart but she wasn't so sure but, she'd lost the bet so she had to try.

At least it was cause she lost.



Her heart began to beat two times faster at the thought of him. Why, why, why?

She couldn't understand what made him different. Other guys who had tried were barely noticeable and hardly registered themselves in her mind. She was that uninterested, but then there was Tanjiro...

Even the mere thought of his name made her cheeks red. It annoyed her, that her two big sisters were right.

She'd already fallen for a guy. She looked up as two guys entered the classroom and froze stiff when she saw none other than Tanjiro walk in with the other guy who was Inosuke. The red head found her eyes immediately and lit up at the sight of her while she turned bright red and hid her face.

Tanjiro's eyes scanned the classroom in search of any of his friends as he had gotten up a bit late. Thanks to Inosuke, he was practically dragged out of bed. Zenitsu sat Infront of Aoi who sat by Kanao leaving a seat for him that happened to be Infront of Kanao.


He would thank Zenitsu later.

With a spring in his step, he bounded over to the empty seat. He didn't catch her blush and how she quickly hid her face since Sabito and Zenitsu started talking to him. He began to complain about how they didn't bother to wait for him and had to deal with Inosuke.

"Sorry,Tanji but we had to make sure we saved seats for you guys." Sabito apologized while Tanjiro shrugged.

"Okay cool but at least don't make Inosuke wake me up next time."

"There's not gonna be a next time cause we're gonna make sure you go to sleep every night before we do." Sabito said sternly like some strict mother.

"Do you have insomnia?" Makomo asked catching Tanjiro off guard. He didn't know how he was going to answer but luckily, Inosuke and Zenitsu's bickering saved him.

Tanjiro's eyes flickered over to Kanao as she watched with a smile while Zenitsu and Inosuke argued and, my was she a stunning view. She'd styled her hair in a neat side ponytail with her butterfly hairpin in place, diamond stud earrings on her ears and a butterfly pendant on her neck.

Her soft smile looked so beautiful and he thought he saw her eyes shine with mirth, but he could still smell the void.

It seemed this was going to be a hard choice for her to make, given that she was still holding onto the coin.


He blinked a few times before blushing, realizing that he'd been staring blatantly at her. She aimed her soft shy smile at him before whispering, "You're staring."

"I'm so sorry, was I making you uncomfortable?" He quickly apologized."

"No it's fine."

"You're really beautiful, though. That's why I was staring." He grinned. "Sorry again."

She released a small gasp, taken aback by his sudden declaration. She had not expected him to be so straight and now she was the one blushing.

His grinned at her as she found her eyes going back to his beautiful face. He was indeed handsome.

"I wanted to tell you yesterday, but you're really good at Kendo." He went on to compliment her skills and she shrugged.

"My father and sisters taught me everything I know."

"Do you spar with them?"

"Yes I do."

"Ah so lucky." He sighed and pouted. "No one at my home likes to spar."

"Why?" She cocked her head to the side in curiosity.

"They keep complaining that I'm too hard on them." he just realised that she was carrying their conversation really well. Well, he was the one making her talk but it was still good.

She giggled softly. "They're not wrong, you kind of are but I could handle you." Tanjiro almost side eyed, still feeling up for a rematch as it wasn't a fair win for her. "While we sparred, I saw how you moved and it felt like you've handled a real katana."

He stiffened as the image of himself holding a bloody katana flashed before his eyes. Clearing his throat, he managed a chuckle to mask his mild shock from Kanao's probing stare.

"You could tell that much."

She smiled and nodded innocently. "It's a small...talent I have, other than Kendo." She blushed hoping he wasn't creeped out by her. Instead his beautiful crimson orbs sparkled with childish delight, like an excited child being let on a secret. She fought back the urge to giggle at the way he looked so adorable bouncing in his seat.

"Wow, that's so cool!" He cooed and then leaned closer so she could hear his dropped tone. "I've got a talent too."

Her eyes widened a bit and Tanjiro found it cute. "You do?"

"Yeah it's..." His lips curved in a small smile. "It's a bit...wierd but, I have a really great sense of smell."

She tittered while he ducked his head in playful shame, also snickering.

"Really, super smell?"

"It's way more than just smell," he explained. "You see, I'm very preceptive about things because of it, like; I can tell what one truly thinks or feels."

He noticed how her eyes began to loose their playfulness and focus on what he said.

"Sounds crazy, right?"

"Yeah..." She admitted with a soft chuckle and took her bottom lip between her teeth as she thought of something. She wasn't aware of how incredibly sexy she looked to Tanjiro right now. "If...you can really sense true emotions..." She mused. "Then can you tell how I really feel?"

He thought it over for a few moments, thinking that this could help with her problem of indecision. But, just as he was about to answer, the teacher walked in and everyone was at full attention immediately.

He had to see her again, so his intelligent brain devised an excellent plan in a second. Taking out a piece of paper, he began to scribble down before passing it to her.

Kanao blinked before reading.

Meet me at the dojo for a rematch.


A smile curved her lips as she looked at his back that was now facing her. If she was before him, she would see his proud smirk.


As planned both met at the dojo, which was empty and Kanao was the first to arrive.

Tanjiro walked in while she was doing her stretches. My, my did she look absolutely gorgeous in a simple ponytail. She wore a body fitting tank top and tights that hugged her curves. Outlining her perfectly for his roaming eyes. Did she wear this on purpose?

In order to avoid being labeled as a pervert, he went ahead to grab a Shinai, taking advantage of the fact that she hadn't noticed him yet to pretend he just arrived.

"Ah, you're already here." He said placidly, trying very hard to keep his betraying eyes off her alluring body.

She turned her head to glance at him over the shoulder and smiled. "I figured if we wanted to have a rematch, we need to be alone."

"Oh?" He raised a teasing brow, "If this wasn't about our rematch, I would think you're trying to get me alone, Senpai."


"I found out today that you're older than I am."

"Aoi told you." She deduced almost blushing at the fact that he was asking her childhood friend about her.

"Yes, she did but don't get me wrong I didn't ask her for your age." He took a Sonkyo which she mirrored getting ready for their match. He blushed at the look she gave him.

"I-I asked other stuff but then she told me you're older."

Kanao chuckled. "She must have suspected that you were trying to chase after me." Even though Aoi literally pressured her into dating someone like her sisters did, she could also be very protective. However, she had no idea that Aoi was actually rooting for her and Tanjiro.

The beautiful sound that was Tanjiro's laughter echoed in the dojo. His crimson eyes gleamed in the lights. "She's right, I mean who wouldn't want to chase after you but right now, I'm curious about the girl who beat me in Kendo."

Kanao smiled as she relaxed herself, all the guys she had met only saw her for her looks and nothing more, could Tanjiro be different or was he just using what she loved doing as a medium to get closer to her?

As they clashed she felt a powerful shudder with each stroke of Tanjiro's sword. He wasn't planning to take it easy on her because she was a girl, she loved it. It reminded her of father.

But...she still wanted to know what was really wrong with her.

One day, you will fall for a person who will free your heart...and then this coin won't be of use anymore...

Father had told her that, after gifting her her special coin. If Tanjiro was the one who could free her heart then she would gladly be saved by him.

She sped up her attacks, catching Tanjiro off guard, he lost his ground and was pinned down by her.

He was, mesmerized. She looked so good on top.

"About our conversation in class, how do you think I really feel?" She asked him, trusting him for an answer and yes, he delivered it, touching her soul.

"There's nothing..." He said softly and smiled. "Your heart isn't free, because you don't want it to feel anymore. You're scared and it's fine to be scared but sometimes you have to give feelings another chance."

Kanao stared into his eyes as hers began to brim with tears. Tanjiro's heart fell, no no no no he fucked up. He sat up at once she backed away from him, this is what he feared. Taking a firm step, he reached for her hands and grabbed them, gently not roughly with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Koucho-san please I..." He trailed off as he felt her hold onto his hands with her trembling ones. He looked into her eyes once again and saw how her eyes were brimming with emotion. She had a different light to her and it was amazing. "Koucho-san..."

"No one else knew about this." She sobbed.

"I'm sorry I hurt you."

"No don't apologize, you didn't hurt me." She wiped at her eyes and smiled genuinely "I was startled you know at first, I assure you but now, I'm just...so happy I can trust you, Kamado-kun."

Tanjiro felt nothing but relief at that moment, he thought he'd lost her then and the fact that he earned her trust made him so happy. Truly happy.

"Koucho-san, I'm happy for you..." He said reaching over to wipe her tears and stared lovingly into her eyes. The stayed like that until a loud ringtone snapped them out of their trance.

"Damn it!" Sabito's voice echoed in the empty dojo as his fist went down hard on Tanjiro's head.

"Sorry!" Zenitsu bawled, frantically rejecting the call. "I forgot to put my phone on silent, dammit! You two were gonna kiss, weren't you?!"

"N-no we weren't!" Tanjiro stuttered and proceeded to bonk Zenitsu on the head as well. "How long have you been standing there."

"We just got here, I swear!" Zenitsu squeaked in fear of Tanjiro's wrath.

Kanao could only giggle softly, her heart warming up at the sight of Tanjiro's annoyed expression. She didn't know one could look good in different expressions.


Why did she just think that, why did her heart clench, why did it feel like she was turning to mush and...why was she still staring at him?


Tanjiro actually started sleeping better these days, mostly because Sabi took it on himself to watch him but he couldn't deny that ever since he watched Kanao decide to let go of her coin he felt more at peace. The nightmares were replaced with dreams of being with her and their friends.

"Tanjibro, looks like you finally made it!" Sabito grinned at him in greeting while Tanjiro just shook his head and rolled his eyes at the dumb new nickname.

"Good morning too you too, Sabi."

"You're lookin' like a real man this morning!"

"Yeah, I don't see the dark circles." Zenitsu agreed.

Tanjiro's hand found the back of his head as he smiled softly. "I'll admit I slept like a baby today."

"Good to hear." Inosuke said flatly while looking at his watch. "Now if we don't hurry your asses we will miss breakfast."

"Okay daddy." Sabito said and Inosuke stiffened with a grimace.

"Don't call me that."

"Sure thing, daddy." He attempted a punch to which Sabito dodged and sprinted off laughing with Inosuke hot on his tail.

Tanjiro laughed when Inosuke finally caught Sabito until his head hurt. He'd never felt this happy in a long time, could it be because he was always alone?


The girls had the same reaction when they all met at breakfast.

"Oh. My. Gosh!" Aoi gaped at him like he was some higher life form.

"Awwn, look whose looking so bright this morning." Makomo cooed with a smile.

"Good morning." He chuckled and spread his arms a little. "Do I really look different?" He'd actually thought the guys were overreacting.

"Yeah, you had dark circles and I thought you were going through an emo phase or something." Makomo answered causing him to cringe.

"It was that bad?"

"Yes." Aoi then snickered. "Although, you should've heard what your fangirls were saying."

Makomo joined in to snigger along with Kanao who hid her face and covered her mouth. Blocking any form of noise from spilling out. He could see the guys were also in on this and it only spiked his curiosity.

"What were they saying?"

Aoi cleared her throat. "Lord Kamado's eye bags are a testimony of his hardwork and dedication~" she mimicked the head of Tanjiro's fanclub with exaggerated gesticulations. She snickered before adding, "Also he looks like a vampire king."

That was the crux of it, everyone was clutching their sides and choking on laughter. Even Kanao was going red from so much laughing.

She was laughing?...

Everyone halted at once to gawk at her unusual course of action. She'd smile or on rare occasions giggle very softly but she was loudly releasing the cutest sound Tanjiro had ever heard.

It took her a few moments to notice the silence and quickly blushed out of embarrassment as everyone gave her shocked stares.

"Kanao..." She hear Aoi call her and she turned to meet her teary blue eyes.

"Aoi?" Kanao asked confused when said girl wrapped her in a hug.

"Kanao, I'm so happy!" Aoi sobbed with tears of joy over her best friend's development.

Tanjiro's eyes softened at the display before him, it touched him how much Aoi cared for her. Also that Kanao was able to overcome her fears of emotions and open her heart. It made him fall even more for her...was he in love with her?

He helped her pick her butterfly hair pin as they left the cafeteria after breakfast.

"You dropped this." He returned her hair pin back to her with a soft look in his eyes to which she returned with more passion. Drowning in those violet eyes, lost in her returned gaze, he did not realize the others were watching them.

"Okay, what's going on here?" Aoi laughed snapping them out of their bubble.

Sabito and Zenitsu snickered. "Oh, you should've seen them at the dojo." They then proceeded to make lewd make out noises causing Aoi and Makomo to shoot up their brows and gape.

"Shut the hell up!" Tanjiro hissed threateningly at Zenitsu and Sabito who wouldn't cease their antics.

"K-Kamado-kun and I did not do that!"

Again, everyone fell dead silent out of shock. If the laugh surprised them, the sudden yell did worse and she felt even more embarrassed, hiding her face but this time on Tanjiro's chest. The red head who was also quite astounded, wrapped a protective arm around her while smiling nervously at their group.

"Holy shit, she said a full sentence." Inosuke exclaimed breaking the silence.


Aoi called Tanjiro before they got to their classroom after they'd left the cafe. She had a sullen look on her face and it had Tanjiro worried making him more anxious to hear what she wanted to tell him.

They stayed alone in the hallway leaning side by side on the wall. "I just wanted to thank you." She began.

"Thank me, for what?"

Aoi sent him an incredulous smile. "For saving, Kanao of course!"

Seeing what she meant, Tanjiro huffed a small laugh. "I didn't do much, I just told her the truth."

"I think she's in love with you."

He blushed a bit at the revelation. "Sh- she is?"

"I said 'I think'." Aoi chuckled, not wanting to give Tanjiro false hope. "That's just what I believe, Kanao would never let a stranger in if she doesn't feel anything towards them."

"Oh I see."

"She'd chose not to have feelings a long time ago. She completely locked her heart, pushing everyone out, I've known her since we were kids so you can trust me on that. You were able to open her heart again, and now she's laughing, blushing and even yelling." Aoi said with tearful joy. As her tears fell from her face, Tanjiro's eyes softened and he pulled her to himself for a comforting hug.

He held her until she stopped sobbing and was able to talk again. "I'm so happy she's okay now, thank you so much Tanjiro I don't know how to repay you."

At this, Tanjiro leaned away a bit so they were staring at each other. Her blue eyes clashed with his soft crimson eyes. "You've been an amazing friend to Koucho-san, so just keep being that." He said with a soft smile.

"Yeah..." She replied quietly.

Kanao's eyes searched for both her best friend and Tanjiro but didn't catch a sight of them.

But we all came to class together...

"Makomo, have you seen Aoi?" She asked the petite dark haired girl who was shook her head. Couldn't answer verbally reply because of the lolipop in her mouth. With a sigh, Kanao went off in search of Aoi but her search didn't take long because she stumbled upon them hugging each other in the hall. Tanjiro had his arms wrapped around her while she hugged him back just as comfortably.

They looked content with each other and it sent a pang in Kanao's heart. She clutched at her chest as her lips quivered.

Not long after, the bell for homeroom rang and Kanao quickly left so she wouldn't get caught. She saw them separate after the bell and Tanjiro smile fondly at Aoi.

It hurt her.

She couldn't phantom it, it pained her chest and her eyes threatened to spill tears at just the thought. This wasn't a good feeling, she didn't like it!

What was this feeling?

She felt it come with a bang as Aoi grinned at her and hugged her and when Tanjiro sent her those smiles that would turn her to mush. Except now it made her blood boil. She cancelled their stare coldly, confusing the red head and remained quiet through out homeroom.