
Demon slayer: Reborn in Demon slayer during the Sengoku era(Original)

This story will base on the event that occured way before the original story, during the sengoku era(the golden era of demon slayers) This story will touch topics on the warring state era of the ancient clans and the creation of breath techniques, The strongest demon slayer, the first breath user, the first hashiras the secret behind the marks and so many more ––––––– Young Akira Shoujo later to be known as Tatsuya Uzui a staunch anime fan was just involved in a plane crash which led to his reincarnation to a world he doesn't know anything about yet Please do note that Vol 1: Introduction/ Build up Vol 2 Story Begins

bjbrown · Cómic
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59 Chs

Moments before deserters

Tatsuya's sunk into a state of countless emotions. Rage, anguish, numbness and many more, he was utterly stunned at the content of the letter, first he thought it was a mere prank, until he saw who was the writer of this letter


Yumi had no reason whatsoever to prank Tatsuya, although she was childish and all there was still mo reason to prank him with such a letter.

The maid servant was puzzled at Tatsuya state of apathy, she wondered what were the content of the later, was it a treat.

"Get me my katana"

Tatsuya's voice was flat and devoid of sentiment. The servant hurriedly went into the house and came out holding his meduim seized katana in both hands and handed it over to him

Tatsuya collected it and with a kick he began running, mind you it wasn't a normal pace running. Tatsuya was so fast that normal eyes couldn't match his pace

Using a caravan the journey from the Mizukiri to the Demon slayer corp will be a three hours journey, but Tatsuya had no time to waste he wanted to cut the journey short he decided to use his foot.

In less than a two hours Tatsuya was infront of Reiko's house, he was drenched in sweat and was panting furiously. As usual the place was quite after all it was still 1am in the morning going to 2am.

Tatsuya bangs the gate but no reply he had expected Yuki and Yuma to be awake but then it struck him 'there were still kids' he thought and climbed over the gate. He went straight to the door and gently knocks on it and the door immediately opens as though they were waiting for him to arrive.

"Uncle Tatsuya...." Yuma and Yuki greeted him with a worried and saddened face

"Where is she?" Tatsuya cut to the chase

Yuma and Yuki were saddened by Reiko's disappearance but in that moment what bothered them was Tatsuya lack of enotions, the funny cheerful Uncle Tatsuya was an emotionless stranger in fromt of them, but admist those unnecessary emotions the children were feeling was hope and that hope gave Yuma the courage to speak up

"It's been a week now, Reiko-nee left to a neighbouring village east from here, she went on a...."

"Get inside and rest I'll be back before dawn"

Tatsuya said and head towards the gate, the direction or location was the only thing he needed the rest he will handle when he gets there

"Be careful" They wished him luck.


Tsunan, a small village located East from the Demon Slayer Corp, it is located deep inside a thick forest with trees three times bigger than the size of a normal human being. The forest was so thick that a visitor would go missing once he or she steps foot into the village, you need a guide which will be a native of the village to walk you in and out of the village and that was Reiko's current predicaments

Reiko had left for the village three days ago and stepped foot in the village on that same day, she walked into the forest wirhout a guide and ended up guiding herself to a part of no return. She has been walking for three days now finding her way into the village but ended up walking in cycles.

She hasn't eaten or drank any water in those three days and was moving helplessly around the forest and that was when things got messed up. At night something like a dog will appear and she began to see some human figure on the trees as though they were trapped but during the day the trees went back to normal

She knew it was suspicious and looked into it but whenever the fog appears she tends to lose her strength and focus and just wander round the forest until daybreak it became annoying for both the first day, second day and now the third day she was approaching her limit of both physical and mental endurance.

Now it was night again and the fog slowly appears she instantly became weak and decided to rest on a tree for the night.

Even after resting in the tree she couldn't sleep, she felt very tired but yet to uncomfortable to sleep something like an insomnia.

To lumps of bags were beneath her eyes, she was pale and began to slim down, although not that noticeable, but Reiko was a little bursty, a meduim seized breast and a curved hips, long dark hairs and a beautiful fair color. She was a true beauty indeed but all that were fading away given her current situation.

The sun crawled out slowly and behold it was the fourth day. Reiko woke up with feeling very tired, thirsty and hungry, it was a slow torture. Although its her fault for not taken a guide along with her butypu won't blame her entirely because she knew nothing about the village and their customs

Reiko began walking to and fro the forest again without reaching her desired destination and so the Sun set. She laid on a tree to rest and that was when she heard a loud scream her senses kicks back she picks up her katana and dash towards the place where the scream was coming from

She ran for some minutes chasing after the unending scream,it sounded like the scream of a little girl and so she thought to herself too. The scream stopped all of a sudden and it began again from the location she was previously staying she negligently ran after the voice.

As she approached the tree she she was staying she saw a figure beside the tree, a little figure 'a little girl' she thought and ran after her


Reiko blocks a projectile aiming for her from her blind spot, she turns back to see who had launched the projectile at her

"Awesome. You guys are really awesome..." A figure comes out from the tree it hard a masculine voice and a brown skin looking exactly as those of the tree

"...you are so awesome i want to have fun with you aunty"

"Don't worry I'll protect you" Reiko reassures the figure behind her without even knowing who it was

"Are you sure about that"

Reiko leaps back as the figure revealed itself

It was a female demon she wore nothing and her breast were visible, she has a brown skin like her brother's

"Onee-chan isn't she amazing neh?" The male Demon said

And sprung out from the tree completely revealing his complete body, he was also naked from head to toe and some pair of leaves covered his private part, he hard a black hair with a pair of brown eyes.

"Don't ask me ridiculous questions brat" he female demon was also naked but only her lower private part was covered her tits were open.

Reiko instantly knew she was very unlucky so unlucky. She hasn't gauged their strength though, but to be trapped in this forest for four days, she knew they were the cause and to be able to do that wasn't normal at all.

She began to diverse plans aon how to take them down.

Not to long enough cries and screams could be heard from both man and woman child and adult, the screams became louder so loud it began to affect Reiko

"Can you hear it Demon slayer the cry of your comrades" The Female demon said. This was part of their strategy. To crush the spirit of the Demon slayers they encounter

The fog began to fade as the tress nearby became visible, on the trees were human figures

"Those are your fellow comrades Miss" She said pointing towards the trees

Her plan to infuriate her wasn't going as planned at all, this is Reiko she might not look it but she is far experienced in fighting demons and know the basic tricks they use

She calmly looks at the human fiigures on the trees, she felt angered but never showed it. Each face revealed the terror they had passed through before being petrified.

Without wasting much time Reiko kicks and appears behind the Male demon she caught him unawares

She swings her blade immediately but the He ducked dodging the attack as though he had another eye at his back.

Now that movement was odd, Reiko thought and looked at the other Demon, they both had the same eye color but that was natural for siblings

"Be focused brat" The Female Demon cursed

"Haha sorry, thats my bad..."

"...for compensation I'll add her to one of the collections" he said

A wooden blade sprang out from his hand, although it was wooden it can still cut human in half

He ran at her and engage in a serious clash with her, je wasn't experienced at all and swing his blade here and there while Reiko handled it without much trouble and went for a counter

Now that was the problem, he kept reading Reiko's moves as if he knew she was going to attack before she could even attack, Reiko knew something was off.

She leaps back picks up a stone and threw it at the Female demon got her distracted and launched rapid slashes at the Male Demon he dodged few and some landed on him

That gave her her answer their visions were connected somehow

"Thats splendid of you Miss, you figured us out, not many have notice our technique, but now you do how will you fight us" Yes that's true, how will Reiko fight them evem knowing their Technique.

Reiko ran at her but got blocked by the male demon, he is truly troublesome, she was very exhausted.

"Hmmm it seems like you underestimate us Miss" she said and uses her palm to touch the groud.

Multiple root sprang up and shot at Reiko, Reiko used her katana to slice them in multiple pieces, more sprang out again and again she was able stop some while the rest impaled her.

The root rose up above her and trapped her in a ball like shape, she was so tired to cut through it or tear it apart

"You see little miss, you are no match for us"

"And i thought she was awesome haa, she is like the rest of them"

The ball trap enters into the group and from that same spot a tree shoots out from the ground and on the tree was Reiko's petrified figure

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