After his family is slaughtered by a demon and he soon turns into one himself, what will Kyoshi do after being visited by a certain demon king. No Harem LI is an OC This is a Tokyo Ghoul and Demon Slayer mixup, but only some concepts are coming from Tokyo Ghoul. I don’t own them, obviously and that’s about it. Author: The_Pumpkin_Man
As he left his house, he was welcomed to a scene he wished he never saw. Blood painted the walls, bodies lay on the ground whether they were dressed or naked, kids his age were completely ripped apart, fires and black clouds of smoke reaching the heavens.
He ran through the streets in apanic looking for anyone who may have survived. He thought to himself, if nobody was in this village, then he could go to another place. He had no food, no map or anything, but he ran with his sister who was still breathing thankfully.
As he was running on the road he started to get tired, his steps got slow and his body started to heat up. He started sweating profusely and he dropped to his knees. He sat Hiina down and took the top of his kimono off but before he could, he passed out on the road.
After a while two boys in black baggy pants and a black blazer came running down the road. On their waists were katanas and they stopped once they saw Kyoshi and Hiina lying on the road.
"Damn it, I'm too late!!" One of the boys said to himself as he punched himself in the jaw.
"Are these the only survivors? Damn it, are they even alive?" The other asked himself. He knelt down and grabbed Hiinas' wrist and sighed as he felt the pulse of blood. He did the same with Kyoshi and confirmed he was alive as well.
Both boys were relieved of this and, but decided to do the full procedure. One of the boya opened Kyoshis' eyes and immediately jumped back with his hands on his katana.
"What the hell was that?" He asked himself.
"What are you talking about?" The other boy asked as he knelt down and opened Kyoshis' eyes. He too jumped back in shock.
"What do we do?" He asked.
"Obviously we kill it." The other boy said as he gulped.
"But he's not even our age. He looks ten years old. How could you kill a child?" His partner said.
"It's our j-job as demon slayers to kill all demons. Age doesn't matter." He said as he took his katan out and raised it above his head. His partner turned around and after a while of waiting he turned back and saw that his partner still hadn't swung.
"Check the baby." He said. He did so and saw her eyes were normal.
"Hey let's just hide the boy somewhere else and tell the corp that the baby was the only survivor." The boy suggested.
"…you know what, yeah. Let's do it." His partner agreed. One of them took out a piece of paper and wrote down that the only survivor was a baby who was on the road. Everyone else was dead and the village was completely burned down.
One of the boys picked Kyoshi up and the other picked up the baby. They ran off a bit far from the village and laid Kyoshi in some random shack that seemed abandoned and put his tanto on his chest for if and when he woke up.
With that, they took off back towards the demon slayer corp to give the baby to a doctor.
—2 Days Later—
(First POV)
"Guh, my head."
I got up and held my head as I felt the stinging pain of a headache.
"What happened?" I asked myself as I looked around. Looking at where I was it suddenly dawned on me that Hiina is gone and I'm in some shack. Immediately I got up and noticed the tanto that was on the floor next to me.
I picked it up and stumbled to my feet as I left the shack. I covered my eyes from the blinding light from the sun and looked down the road.
"Where am I?"
I couldn't see anything but grass plains and the dirt road. That's when it snapped back to me. The village was attacked by a demon and everyone was killed. Everyone but me and my sister, so I was left saddened and confused.
"Where did she go?" I asked myself as I ripped the tanto in my hand. Without thinking I ran on the dirt road with tears swelling in my eyes. I was lost and confused. My mother's dead, my sister was probably taken off animals and now I'm left alone in some weird place with nowhere to go.
As I ran feeling the air on my face a smell caught my nose. The smell was so delicious I started to drool and slow down on my run. I felt myself getting hungry and the more I smelt the air the more drool started to build up in my mouth.
With that I started running again. Instead of in some random direction, I ran towards the delicious smell of food. I haven't smelt something this good in a minute and I couldn't exactly point out what it was, but it smelt like barbecued pork.
As I continued to run The smell grew stronger and stronger. Far into the distance I was able to see people tilling land and walking on the road with baskets on their backs. As I continued to get closer and closer to the smell I started looking around like some lost kid…well I was at the moment.
I looked in all directions and tried to find anything that would lead me to the delicious smell of food, but there was nothing. No smoke in the air, no fires going, no anything.
"Boy, what're you doing around here by yourself?" I heard a man yell. I looked to my right and saw a guy in a straw hat and a farmer's attire along with a hoe that he was using to till the land.
"Come on over here, you look like you need a bath." The man said.
I started walking over to him and suddenly the smell grew stronger. I found my eyes lingering on the mans' arms and some drool escaping my mouth. They looked like you could easily chew into them, not so muscular that it would be tough, but not so weak that it would be chewy.
'Wait what?' I shook my head and wiped the drool from my lips.
"Hey what're you doing with that knife in your hand?!" The man asked.
"Give it here before you hurt yourself." He said holding his hand out. I moved it away from him and backed up.
"Fine, keep it, but follow me." He said with a sigh. I followed him through a path over the farm and we came into a small wooden house. There was only the living room with a futon and a small table along with a small kitchen.
I walked in and stood at the door. The man went to the kitchen area and after a while he came back out with a pot that had vegetables inside it. He walked back outside and started a small fire and sat the put up over the fire and he took the vegetables out and got a bucket of water and a cutting board.
He poured the water into the pot and placed the vegetables on the board and started cutting them. I watched him put the vegetables into the boiling water and we waited in the living room till the soup was done.
I was practically starving and couldn't wait to get some of the soup. Still though, at that point in time I started questioning my sexuality when I noticed I kept drooling at the sight of the man's arms.
Still though, I pushed through my hunger and waited for the soup to get done while keeping my hands clasped together. It was taking everything I had just to not jump and bite the guy.
Soon, the soup was ready and the guy poured it into a bowl and sat it before me with him on the other end of the table.
"So, are you alone kid?" The guy asked as he sipped on the soup. I took a spoon full of soup and put it in my mouth, moments later I spit it back out with tears in my eyes.
"Hey, are you okay? I didn't think it was that bad!" The man yelled as he stood over me patting my back.
"N-no it *cough* *cough* wasn't the food. I choked on something." I lied as I wiped my mouth. It was utterly disgusting and incogustable. It tasted like rotting fish and puke. It had a weirdly uncomfortable texture and was overall bad.
That being said, the smell remained in the air. I smelt it and I think I knew where it was coming from.
"Hey are you okay?" I heard the man ask as he probably saw me shaking. My hunger kept increasing and growing the more the man stayed here and in my mind It was like some natural urge screaming at me to just bite into his neck.
I felt tears run down my face as I started clenching my teeth.
'Eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat…' The voice raged on and soon the voice of the man was drowned out.
"No!!" With a shout I jumped up and ran from the house as fast as I could. I ran through the farms and past the people over the dirt roads and into a random forest going up what seemed like a mountain.
By the time I stopped and rested the sun had set and my hunger had skyrocketed. I felt myself getting dizzy and lightheaded. My arms and feet became numb, but I saw my veins coming from my hands up to my forearms and my feet to my calves.
"What's happening to me?" I cried while curling up against a tree. My nails started digging into my arms as I sat there.