
Demon slayer:Demons vs slayers

In this time all of Hashiras and Only upper moons are still alive and this is non canon universe where everything was quite in a peace. But everything will change when Kagaya make Hashiras meeting and When Muzan make upper moon meeting.How will this war start and how will it end.You will find out.

Burhan_Selimovic · Cómic
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9 Chs

Chapter 5:Will for the win!

After Kanao and Shinobu had a chance to kill Daki and Gyutaro and when they were so close to do that Gyutaro gave Daki one of his eyes to add power up to her,Daki neutralized Shinobu poison and blow her away and Gyutaro blows Kanao on the other side

Now they had to battle them one on one but will they both come home alive?

Daki gets to the Shinobu while she was lying on the floor

Daki aproached her and said if she lost the will to fight

Shinobu got up on her legs with a few wounds on the shoulder and arm while Daki looked stronger than ever before

Daki said that she won't see her friend ever again because her big brother will kill her and she smiled

Shinobu while in pain said that Kanao will kill him and that she will kill her

Daki smiled and said that there is no chance for her to survive this and she said that no matter how many of poison she inject every time

Shinobu said that she have more up on her sleeve and she smiled

Daki smiled again and launches her obi and Shinobu blocked but she got blown away again

While Shinobu looked at her she goes toward Daki,piercing her with blade and inject poison

She backs off and she pierce her again injecting poison

Daki smiled as she launch her obi while Shinobu dodged

Shinobu smiled as she teleport with her speed and agility behind Daki

She was close to pierce Daki through throat but Daki pretty closely to Shinobu,launch her obi and cuts open her other shoulder as Shinobu felt pain but she stopped bleeding immediately

Daki launched her obi multiple times and Shinobu blocked all of them

Daki's every attack looked faster than previous ones and tempo of battles looked faster because Shinobu dodges every attack

Shinobu jumped and uses butterfly dance:caprice and stabbed Daki in chest and inject her poison and backed off

Meanwhile Gyutaro saw that from her third eye that he gave and he was impressed with Shinobu speed and agility

He said that despite she was heavily injured she is still fast and he said that if she don't have these wounds she would be faster than her

Gyutaro looked around as he saw Kanao jumped on roof and swinged her sword to slice his neck but Gyutaro blocked and back off as house was destroyed inside

Gyutaro was impressed that she can still fight

Kanao without any word jumps toward Gyutaro and used flower breathing Third Form: Camellia Ascension and launch few powerful slashes which result in cutting one arm and one leg as Gyutaro looked in shock

He said that attack that she did is so fast that he didn't even saw it but he sees that her attack aren't stronger than before

Kanao used Third Form: Camellia Ascension again to cut his other leg and arm but he smirk and regenerates both his arm and leg

She looked in shock but still trying to cut him again he tried to attack her with sickles and almost through her jaw

She saw and and she backed off instantly

Gyutaro was pissed of that she was faster and that she dodged that

Gyutaro smiled as he got close to attack her with sickles but she blocked it while both of them got faster with every attack

Kanao goes toe to toe with Gyutaro and it caused in almost destroying roof

Gyutaro almost hit her but Kanao defend her self with flower breathing Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum and blocked all of his continuous attacks but when Gyutaro tried to kill her she dodged beneath him and she uses flower breathing fourth form crimson hanagoromo to twist slash and she cutted off both legs and arms

Meanwhile Daki and Shinobu started to go toe to toe

Daki smiled as she uses blood demon art:eight layered slash and completely destroyed the house

Daki thought that Shinobu died from her attack but as she saw in the air was Shinobu who smillingly uses butterfly dance:caprice and inject almost half of her poison agaim in the chest but this time poison started to get through body as Daki feel the pain

Daki was nerveous but she was still confindent that she will neutralize poison but poison still gets through the body

Shinobu smiled as she said that she inject almost half of her poison and that there is no way for her to neutralize it

Gyutaro saw that poison started to work and if poison got in her neck she would die despite not being cut off

Kanao smiled as she know that Shinobu is smartest person she knows and that she always prepare for battle

Gyutaro said that he need to kill Kanao as fast as possible and to save Daki and kill Shinobu

As Gyutaro said that Kanao got near his neck and she uses Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo and she almost got in touch with his neck

Meanwhile Shinobu uses Dance of the Centipede: Hundred-Legged Zigzag and at full speed and confused her

Daki launched her obi but as she did that Shinobu was close to her face and she injects poison in her neck

Shinobu smiled as Gyutaro got pissed off because he saw that Daki got injected with poison in her neck

Kanao almost cuts her neck but he uses blood demon art:rotating circular slashes and backed off Kanao and she got pissed off because she couldn't decapitate him

Kanao tried to slash him but he uses blood demon art:rampart arc rampage

and blocked her attack

Meanwhile Shinobu was standing as she smiled that her poison worked

Daki started to scream in pain as her neck almost died out

Meanwhile on the other side Kanao used flower breathing fourth form:crimson hanagoromo and curves her attack and Gyutaro blocked it again and he got faster than before and attacks her with both sickles

Meanwhile Shinobu said that she need to help Kanao as she don't have much more strength to continue fighting

Shinobu tried to ran toward Kanao but in that moment Shinobu looked in the air as Kanao was in the air,bleeding from her chest and from her shoulders

Shinobu looked in shock and tears as she saw Kanao bleeding

But to get worse Daki somehow neutralize poison as Shinobu looked in disbelief

In that moment Shinobu saw that their chance to win this battle get lower than ever...