
Demon slayer:Demons vs slayers

In this time all of Hashiras and Only upper moons are still alive and this is non canon universe where everything was quite in a peace. But everything will change when Kagaya make Hashiras meeting and When Muzan make upper moon meeting.How will this war start and how will it end.You will find out.

Burhan_Selimovic · Cómic
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9 Chs

Chapter 2:Searching for upper six

Shinobu and Kanao were on the road toward entertainment district

They gets few miles away and Kanao asked Shinobu if all of poison and Shinobu smilingly said that poison and medicine are ready if something goes wrong

Kanao smiled and said that she hopes for them to kill them and to make one step closer toward victory

Shinobu smiled and said that they are almost there and that they will search district right away to find demon

Meanwhile Kagaya was hoping that Shinobu and Kanao are okay and he pray for them to come home alive

Shinobu smilingly said that district look amazing

It was really beautiful and there was womens everywhere and and it have Light and lively mood

Kanao looked around and she was impressed how beautiful district is

Shinobu said that they will start to asking people around here what is happening and if there is demon they need to tell them

Kanao replied with yes and they started to walk around and She said that she can't believe that there are so many people around here

Shinobu smiled and said that this much people is common for entertainment district

Kanao saw women that came out of house and Shinobu asked her if she saw any demon around here and women said that there was situation where people saw demons but they are thinking that they didn't saw them

Shinobu thanks to them and they moved on

Kanao saw some man and she told Shinobu to ask him about demon

Shinobu accepted and they asked if any demons were here and the man said that he didn't saw any demon but Shinobu saw that man looked really worried and Kanao saw that to

Shinobu asked why does he look like he's too much worry about something

Man said that he lied to them and that he is indeed worried and he said that he saw female demon and he ran away before she can saw him and he stayed alive

Shinobu smiled and said that he helped that and they were thankful

Shinobu and Kanao continued to walk

While they was walking they saw women that were covered in blood and all people saw that and they started to yell in fear and all of them ran away

Shinobu and Kanao started to run toward that women but than...Purple long and sharp obi took the dead women and they started to ran faster toward that obi but when they came out there was upper six Daki

Her obi was on her back while she lick the blood

Shinobu said that upper six is her and Kanao said that too

Daki smiled and she told Shinobu and Kanao that they are Hashiras and that Lord Muzan was right when he said that hashira will be in this district

Shinobu and Kanao were shock about that information and Kanao said that they will behead her but Daki only laugh and said that they are atleast beautiful but not beautiful as herself

Kanao said to Shinobu that she wants to battle Daki alone while she will check if all people leave battlefield and district

Shinobu asked if Kanao will be alright and Kanao said to her to not worry and that she needs to go right away

Shinobu accept that and She ran away while Daki and Kanao looked at each other

Kanao said that Daki looks beautiful and strong but that won't be enough to kill her

Daki looked piss off and said to Kanao that she's piece of trash and that she will kill her

Daki attacked Kanao with obis from all angles but Kanao dodge every one of them but then Kanao ran toward Daki while she draw sword she tried to slash her obi but Daki attacked with obi from above

Kanao saw that and she jumped and slashed her obi but while she was in the air Daki attacked her with obi again but this time Kanao blocked it with sword and she got blown but she land on her legs

Daki said that she's not bad but it's not enough to kill her

Kanao smiled and battle continued

Meanwhile Shinobu said to all people to get out from district and all of them started to ran away in fear

Shinobu turned around and she asked herself if Kanao is alright and than she started to run toward Daki and Kanao

Meanwhile both Daki and Kanao were just standing

Kanao asked Daki will she attack or will she

Daki smiled and said that she will kill her now and gauge her eyeballs

Kanao wasn't scared at all and she used his speed and in matter of seconds gets to Daki neck but Daki used her obi and Kanao dodged

After that Daki was saying that she can't get near her neck and for a few minutes and Daki was attacking with obi from all angles and Kanao constantly dodge and slashed her obi

Kanao said that her obi is problem and she will need to attack stronger

Kanao used flower breathing:Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum

with that attack she slashed several obis at the same time

Daki was pissed off and she used blood demon art obi slash manipulation and she destroyed several houses and again Kanao hits Daki with second form and she was close to neck but in that moment her obi made a stretch on her left arm

There was little bit of blood on the floor but nothing too bad

Daki said that she almost killed her

Kanao said if that attack slashed her arm it would be almost impossible to fight

Daki said that Kanao will die soon and that she won't need help from her brother

Kanao looked shock because she was thinking that Daki is the only upper six

Meanwhile Shinobu came and she saw that Kanao arm have a stretch and she asked if she's alright

Kanao said that she's on equal foot with her and she need Shinobu help

Daki said no matter how many hashiras are ther she will kill them all

Kanao said to Shinobu that Daki have a brother who is possibly second upper six

Shinobu looked at Daki and said that it would be a problem if her brother came out

They were equal in this battle and this battle will continue in the next chapter