Was the personality change too fast? I agree. in the first scenes where i heavily implied he was injured heavily and almost died CAN explain his actions in knocking out the guard not so gently.
While in the flashback he is bitter and mocking for no reason, While i do kinda have a reason it isnt entirely explained, I hope i remembered to imply that Luci was annoyed that despite his control over his power yada yada yada. and how Hana basically did order Luci to take off his cloak when he is knows his features have rapidly devil-fied? and him being an ass is like his coping mechanism. It makes his outburst less, why I wrote him like that this chap? well my friends never fail to remind me that I'm an ass at times and I was in one of those none too pleased moods, but you can't really deny the logic can you??? hopefully? and his Indifference is him forcing himself due to his volatile magic and yada yada yada, Besides I think an mc that isn't driven by emotions is boring at times.
So while yes his attitude kinda sorta made sense it doesn't really mean he is a perma ass.
and he was like that to Hana since he isnt just gonna bend over to the will of the queen, it would've been the smart thing yes but meh.
Also when the fuck was hisui born. in this fic she is currently 11 so when the 7 year time skip is over she is gonna be 18, yeah and Kagura, I meant to include her in one flash back scene just not today.
so yeah comment if you agree his attitude is kinda yeah that fits kinda. and don't worry he isnt immune to the charms of wahmen
Well if I wrote the last chap wrong I'm gonna seem like an idiot... Also a demon lords hero on FN made me cry after the kokabiel arc and the rooftop scene. I did drop after the sibling of issei showed. read it fun different from canon shiro, but still a nice read.
I'd recommend shinigami goes yokai but I'd advise you against it, it seems to be dropped and ended on a rather high cliff.