

Sorry if you thought this was a chap.

no instead this is my recommended reads if you are like me and have too much time on their hands.

my recommendation are on a site called Fanfiction. net because webnovel and FN are the only sites i really frequent now.

notice I don't claim to remember exact details so when my quick summary isn't accurate please no flames.

Bleach Rebirth of the Guardian by fanboy913

This is the classic after Aizen arc where Ichigo lost his powers but before the fullbring arc.

Ichigo became a little irritated and felt powerless due to his lost of power and when his friends 'baby' him more or less, and he transfers to Kuoh.

This is a slow paced but very well written story, There may be minor hiccups in reading it but I don't remember being annoyed reading this. I believe he only got his powers back by chapter 9, each chapter is quite the lengthy read mind you, So far this story has 18 chapters and is sitting at 156k word count

personally this story has me hooked.

Moon and Shadow by ShadeMystic

this is a harry potter naruto x over and is heavily AU. how heavy you ask? Naruko is the GWL, the daughter of Minato and lily, Natsumi is the kyuubi container, prolly still between Minato and Kushina but from an affair or some sht.

James potter has a son called Charles potter who is a snobby arrogant prick reminiscent of the times James was a bully.

the main character is Revan Morgan Le Fay, Son of Morgana Le Fay and the triple goddesses of an old religion. just like his Mom Revan is 'Dark' but not necessarily evil, he does do some heavy shit like torture but he also has mental problems, PTSD and sht leading for his hate of muggles and others, he doesn't want to massacre muggles but he heavily dislikes them.

in this fic Voldemort is also a misunderstood guy and judging by the way the fic is going a demon, Danzo, Minato, and Dumbledore will be the antagonists thus far. Malfoy and co is better, Ginny is a slytherin, and Revan had a one time thing with Fleur so I'm looking forward to the triwizard arc.

So far chapter count is 18 with 238K total word count

The Root of Darkness by Amorphis760

Gamer in Naruto but doesnt have previous life memories, he knows he is a grownup and therefore sets off into his journey of power as a toddler but is discovered by a former root operative bringing him into the attention of Danzo because of a toddler meditating and using chakra.

oh and he is emotionally dampened kinda like Ainz? more or less. I don't remember if there is too much dark themes here...and Danzo isn't a dark dark power hungry fool here. too much atleast. oh and latest chap he ends up in a different verse as a tutor of a certain someone.

38 chaps with 247k total word count.

My life is a game now? by jhonb666

Gamer is Dante. need I say more? basically hops into multiple verses to do missions and to just mess around. and to clarify he isn't really Dante he just emulates Dante most of the time.

55 chapters at 221k word count.

The Serpent Sorcerer by T. Kareon

Harry Potter naruto Xover.

harry is Kabuto, was power hungry, amasses a harem, gets summoned to a very AU Harry Potter world where in the grand scheme of things he still isn't that OP. There is dark themes tho.

319K word count at 39 chapters.

so this is 4 fics.

I don't remember all the fics at the top of my head so yeah, I could reccomend more but those are nowhere near complete and is dropped.

should I do this more? recommending stuff I mean??