
Guys, Read this.

Hello dear readers, I'd like to say I was able to make chapters during school days but unfortunately not, In fact my sleeping schedule got fucked.

Don't worry I'm gonna be making 2 maybe 3 chapters all 2k or more in words.

So this is not really a notice, I don't need to do that. But a way to vent on something, and hopefully to help someone.

For context I'm a 10th Grade student, I am fairly good friends with most of the class and I started to recently spend more time with my best friend who I grew a little away from.

And do you know what I realized? He was an outcast. The butt end of everyone's jokes. He literally has like 3 solid friends among the boys. Me included, The rest are low key bullying him with verbal abuse and just isolating him, doesn't give him the time of day and whenever stuff is being done and he is there it is expected for him to do anything.

I'll admit, I have said a few pointed words towards this friend, but only on things I know are true. He is a bit immature at times but a genuinely kind and caring individual, He is great to be with and most of all he won't backstab you.

The reason we grew apart from each other was because my one friend from the other section transferred in to my section and I hang out with him more. and he grew to be closer with a transfer student from gr.9 but things have changed.

The transfer student has a girlfriend among my friendgroup. just because she is a nice individual and an even better friend that is supportive and helping, (Lets call the out cast friend Ernie, the transfer Curly, my friend Bulky, the girl Angel) Ernie, This made him jealous. And he is helluva jealous.

They had a fight just because Jaira was paying attention to Ernie when he needed help. and he screamed at the two best friends of Angel even low key threatening them.

He said, "Go! Invite him! Why are you so choosy!" Not the language but closest translation to english. because they were planning to hang out to help Angel cope, and they were planning to invite Ernie but realized Curly would be too jealous. Hell, if you think Curly is only jealous of him, I think me as well, My reason to suspect so?

Angel and her regular group of best friends ate out, I joined in as I was recently starting to get integrated to their close circle of friends, Normally, Curly would be fine with them eating out cause they are solid friends, and at this moment of time he had no money at hand. But then I found out he wanted a picture to be sure we were only eating out, and when Angel scoffed at it and wolfed down her food (not kidding she eats more than me, and I'm a good head and a half taller.) Curly suddenly arrived as if he couldn't trust his own girlfriend.

and only cause I was part of that group.

Curly is the type of guy that wants the attention on him, low key he was supposed to be the bestfriend of Ernie, but suddenly he was instead making snide remarks, hell nearly everyone of the boys do.

I should've seen the signs earlier, but I always thought Ernie was used to their, and a lesser extent, my asshole ways.

But one day, hell it was yesterday, I was going to be absent, cause I had a bad toothache and planned to go to the dentist later. So letting time pass by I opened up messenger and saw the myday of ernie. I'm okay.

I messaged him with the mentality of thinking he is being a little over dramatic. But when he opened up? I'm not kidding I cried.

He told me how he has been contemplating leaving, changing schools because he feels so, hated. An outcast. the one that is always made fun off. He did nothing wrong. He isn't given the time of day by the guys not even because they were busy, they are just assholes.

I found out the reason the pent up emotions almost burst, his cheating ex, scoffed at him for calling her a cheating bitch, and instead sniped back that Ernie is an immature brat. Not really something to make nearly a year worth's of emotions to burst right?

It was said by who he once thought his closest friend. Snide remarks known by her.

For more context nearly the whole classroom knows about the stuff Ernie does at least in terms of relationship.

There has been a running gag of him being a play boy and having a brand new 'flavor' nearly every month, what they don't know is that it has either been the girl was actually a bitch, or they broke up because they aren't really that compatible. Girl readers, Ernie has only been actively dating for 6 months and has had 4 ex girlfriends.

He isn't really a playboy, just easy to fall.

He fell for this one girl that I admit is pretty cute, but was actually a bitch, she not only entertained, but also flirted back with various guys despite her being in a declared relationship. Of course Ernie felt betrayed, and like all teens vented on social media.

Of course the fucktards white knighted and called him immature, She is a girl you should have respect! and shit like that. Like Ernie didn't out right badmouth her but made his frustration known.

When I chatted him I found out about all his feelings, an out cast, no allies, people he once thought as friends low key bullying him, he felt he had no solid allies.

And I don't read much depression stuff, but I realized the signs he could be going into the deep end. I gave him a heart to heart chat and advised him. I told him transfer schools if he wants, he deserves a happier school life, a good friend, a genuine one, and someone not afraid to stand up for a friend.

Like writing this? I feel my eyes water at the recollection at yesterday's happenings. He insisted on wearing a mask.

"It's okay bro. I'm okay."

but as the chat went on he allowed more of his emotions to be known. "I'M PRETENDING TO BE HAPPY" and each of these were with a laughing emoji.

'It is hard to feel like you don't belong, when you don't know why it is as if you are all alone. When you have done nothing wrong it is as if everyone has a grudge with you, like everyone is your enemy. Bro that isn't healthy. Open up, you have people worried for you. Your mother, grandparents, cousins, us.

That isn't okay bro. Change schools. this isn't healthy for you. maybe not physically, but emotionally and mentally. NO ONE deserves to be treated like that.'

Hell, I even got angry.

'Our classmates really are some fucking assholes, it's okay to have only a few friends, at least you know every single one is true to you. not unlike them who will back stab at nearly any chance they have.'

I was a little blinded by anger. That isn't true, they may be assholes but a fair few are really good friends with me there, enough for me to share some secrets and deep seated stuff.

at this point I kept on repeating how it isn't healthy for him, and bad mouthing my classmates. I chatted another friend, let's call her Beauty, (inside joke) and informed me that Ernie was crying She told me to come to school and help him out and I'm ashamed to admit that I wasn't really going to do so. Sure I thought about it, but I thought about how many people would see me going to school so late, the stares and maybe the questioning, I have some anxiety and self confidence issues and would rather avoid situations where I stand out so much.

I was too selfish and considered my own comfort.

It was only when my friend who I low key have developing interest in asked me to come. I'm no selfless individual, I considered my own comfort, hell, I only moved when my budding crush asked me to.

Anyways. I'm ashamed I was such a bad friend to not have realized it, to only know take notice to the fact he is low key bullied and has been going through some tough times. I'm ashamed it took my crush to make me go.

True my concern may be genuine, but actions speaks louder than words. I almost threw a punch when a little later a friend came up to me and said. "What did you tell him? Realtalk? ahahahah" Not the exact translations, but he had a tone that spoke volumes of how concerned he was. zero, he considered it funny.

So, Guys, this is basically to tell you that anyone could be suffering for things like that. I thought Ernie was okay and I was joking and laughing with him this whole week.


Don't be as much as a useless friend as me, Help people like this. No one deserves to be treated like that, I'll make a few exceptions to criminal scum and cheating bitches and backstabbing friends. But I'm being serious. Take a good look around you. This could've led to depression. hell, he might already be suffering from it, just hiding it.

A thing that shocked me was that he had a knife. How frustrated and angry and betrayed must he have been to consider bringing one?

I'll admit, he is fairly immature at times, a little slow but a genuinely nice guy.


To not be a hypocrite I'll also vent my feelings.

I AM REALLY FUCKING JEALOUS. MY crush has a guy as her myday. not some celebrity, but literally someone she was with.

I'm gonna distance myself and let my feelings for her die out. I'm not selfless enough to endure pain be a supportive friend to her. Not again, I have experienced being the rebound, that friend you vent your feelings on. to offer advice. to offer a lending shoulder, (metaphorically) to cry on.

Don't mind me~ I'm just a little, moderately, okay, Massively jealous.

If I don't drop a chapter today then fret not I will tomorrow.

AsuraMonarchcreators' thoughts