Wassup old DFT readers, To be honest when I posted the other day I was expecting not many people caring much about my old fic. I mean, It is pretty trashy, Rushed and whatnot. I found the beginnings of chap 9 and realized that I was way too rushed, like he was already around Spriggan levels of power.
So, with a not heavy heart I have made a rewrite. Will this get dropped like ALL my fics? I can't really promise, I've been busier than ever but, I promise to write in my off time, and how much free time do I have? I haven't even started watching newer anime. I've been sticking with some Manga and mostly Fanfics on QQ or FF.
Old DFT readers might not like the changes but the premise is mostly the same, SI with powers similar to Rin from Ao no Exorcist in Blue exorcist.
A beautiful thing, Yet fickle in nature, The progeny of the rich would live in comfort, in ignorance for the darker side of the world. People die daily, Yet the thought of being one of them, Part of the collective, just a statistic never truly occurred to me.
Fleeting thoughts of my death yes, Especially so on activities I have doubts about. Yet to truly be part of that? to die? the experience was terrifying...
The feeling of the creeping chill as I bled out. The blurry conscience I retained not really registering at first. But as the adrenaline pumped, my heart beat rapidly, and the feeling of pain across my entire body? Willing myself to move only to realize things were wrong... My arm gone, my leg twisted. and most importantly the pain, doused by the adrenaline but very much there.
Praying, screaming for help, the realization of your life slipping by with every passing second.
That is an experience I would never want to experience again.
It was strange... the sudden nature of my death, and the abrupt nature of my reincarnation.
I looked upon the rising sun, clutching the ragged cloth called clothes and ignored the cold. I have been reborn. But not like my daydreams, not like stories of heroes, of people that reincarnated full of power, the ability to live as they please.
No, Instead I came into being as a small child no older than 2 in an rundown orphanage surrounded by other kids in ragged clothing. steps occasionally bringing along a creaking sound in the old floorboards. The walls chipping away with age, Beds smelly and creaky, pillows hard and uncomfortable.
Food scarce, water a precious thing. and smack dab right there was me, with my frail body and unstable mind. I woke up screaming, unable to accept reality and breaking down. Since that day a stigmata has accompanied me, the weird kid, the insane kid, even the caretakers have done the same.
2 years have passed... The situation unchanging, Worsening even. Our town was fairly small, and a business it offered were bed room services, popular among mages. more often than not a kid from a whore would be dropped off. I was told to be much the same. Of course not all were children born out of prostitution. But the steady increase has been attributed to that.
knowledge of contraceptives seemingly none, abortion not a thing. It is no wonder that there would be many undesirable births.
My 2 years have brought upon the knowledge of Mages, Magic, Guilds, and the continent, all scarce and most from books that tell children stories. The path to learning the language fully and reading not as arduous as I would've thought. Thankfully I have assimilated the memories of a young child, every experience and feeling. If it were a teenager no doubt my mindset and personalty would have changed, drastically so if it happened to be one of a strong character.
And I have come to realize I have been reborn in the world of Fairy Tail. A world where it is implied literal Gods are in some unknown place. A place filled with mystery, an eternal adventure just waiting to unfold. This caused me to whoop with joy. But come crashing down, then be elevated with the realization that most causes for children like me were Mages hiring for a woman to join him. So I have a decent chance of having enough Etherano to become a mage.
But a very important thing occurred to me. Magic is learned, Some through tomes, some through lacrima, and all those costing money, rare are cases like Mirajane and Erza it seemed and the probability of some sort of intelligent magical creature taking me in and training me astronomically low, virtually zero even.
My path to success shot down by logical reasoning in an instant I chose to remain hopeful and slowly strengthen my body, even if I haven't a chance, a strong body would be required in the future should, when I work as a helper, maybe carry heavy things.
4 whole years have passed, day by day of slowly strengthening my body was not as smooth, I couldn't fatigue myself and I couldn't work myself to the bone since nutrition for muscle growth wouldn't be reached. So I divided my times between that and training another aspect of myself, My mind. I wrote down all the equations I could remember and started making random equations and slowly ramping up the difficulty as I solve all of them virtually in the space of my mind.
To go with it I would practice basic movements in a fight over and over, This causing muscles overlooked in my physique training to have a chance for growth and use. Basic kicks, punches, hooks, and knees and elbows. Slowly bringing my kicks higher and higher with more ferocity. My punches launching like a serpent and with the force not being wasted as much. Hooks with the full weight of my body yet remaining in control to be able to follow up within a second of landing or missing.
My balance being trained along side it as well as general mobility. Punching trees and palming it to develop callouses and get used to the pain. doing errands for money for extra nutrition and saving some each time.
Of course my social life hasn't improved much due to my busy self improvement. Adults thought of it as weird but admirable, Kids thought me to be a weirdo and sought to make fun of me. I ceased that when a bully thought to fight me. He stood no chance, despite taking some punches myself my physique being better let me win.
But there are ups. Lux a girl I came to see as my little sister somehow grew close to me, At first I thought it to be simple curiosity when I spotted her watching me, It grew to the point where she asked if she was able to join, hesitant I gave an uncertain answer, after all what I am doing is not for one with a weak mentality. Whilst I was able to handle better there have been many, many times where I wanted to quit.
She has went with my training just scaled down exponentially and a lot being removed, There were whining, Of course it would be, she is just a young child for fucks sakes. But she persevered, this brought us closer. Enough that I spoke to her of my ambitions.
To become strong enough to travel and see the wonders of the world. No longer would I be confined to a small box and only see snippets of the outside world with my own two eyes. I wanted to travel, to see what this world has to offer, to see spectacular sights, to taste local delicacies, to see travel beyond the great seas.
She spilled the beans behind her mysterious past, She one day showed up with a little blood on her clothing as well as looking famished and unhealthy, soaked in the rain and most of all without foot wear and obvious signs of tear due to use causing her feet to bleed.
People wanted her, cultists I realized when she described the ones. Her parents were mages, and she too despite being small had a strong amount of Etherano inside her, unable to be used and can be changed. The perfect lab rat or sacrifice for some dark magic I thought to myself.
When young at least till the age of 10 maybe twelve, most children are unable to tap into and use their Magic power. undeveloped and raw if forcefully used or opened it would lead to their deaths. This is common knowledge among aspiring children, and what do you know, young children are perfect for sacrifices due to their raw and purer Etherano compared to adults.
But I was still doubtful, If she were only a child of mages and therefore had potential it wouldn't be enough to warrant Cultists chasing her, and she has lived in this orphanage for nearly 2 years. But she herself told me that her mother said to run, they'd be looking for her.
Further confusing me was the fact I didn't recognize the names of her parents, Even from rumors of powerful mages and whatnot. And the fact that a child was able to run so far to a rural and far off town.
Of course when I tried to pry I found no answers, she'd either get defensive or truly not knowing a thing.
But, Today was different, We were coming back to town from the woods when we spotted smoke and fire. I told her to hide and I stealthily moved closer using the cover of trees and whatnot. What I saw were obvious cultists but not from those of Zeref like I initially thought. But the crests I don't recognize. I saw them kill, it made me nearly throw up, I was unable to stand the horrors of seeing them slice up humans. The eyes of a single woman that saw me, looked me in the eyes. I was horrified but unable to look away as she was practically begging me with her eyes. Crying and choking as a particularly cruel one choked her and lifted her by the neck.
I saw her eyes dim and finally her head slouch and remain motionless. With a laugh the cultist tossed her off to the sides and I slowly backed off. Horrified, scared and wanting to vomit. but to my horror I found someone gripping me. I spun around and punched at the person only to hit Lux with a back handed punch hard. Her head snapped to the left but she held in her pain and only lead me away.
I couldn't find it in me to apologize, the scenes I bore witness to haunting me. I was suddenly pushed to the side and unprepared I dropped. I found out why as a rock the size of our heads shot past us with the force of a cannonball.
"Target acquired boys, and lookie here, your little boyfriend ain't gonna live past this day!" A voice spoke, on a normal day I would've been amused at the manner of speech, but today? It was the call of the devil.
"Don't! You only want me right!" screamed Lux, I wanted to tell her to get away, to run off. But I couldn't find it in me. A part of me wanted her to turn herself in. For me to survive. and that part was winning out. I guiltily admitted to myself I'd rather a girl be subjected to torture or be a ritual sacrifice than to die.
"That's right, then come on here..." He gestured with a hand, the cultists have already surrounded us, each of them wearing black robes with red armor pieces seemingly fused into it, visors and a helmet that hid their identities and not an inch of skin revealed.
I saw Lux not hesitate and start walking with firm steps towards the man, the seeming leader of the group.
A part of me was overjoyed, I would be living! but another part of me begged me fight back. To help her, to scream at her and make her run. But I am a selfish individual. Naive as well it would seem.
A small fireball shot into my slowly standing figure nailing my back and forcing me to the ground. I felt my skin char and I screamed in pain.
"NO!" I heard Lux yell, and when I looked up it was to the sight of her being restrained by a man and one of the bastards approach me.
"Did you really think we would let him live? And why would you want to do it anyways, he has stayed silent but his silence is answer enough, he doesn't care for you, He only wants to live." I didn't answer. But I couldn't look at where Lux is, her words of denial of that being the case stung more than the fireball and I could only release tears. Partially because of fear, and because of the guilt.
My head jerked up as the man kicked me. I spat out a tooth and I could only roll over pitifully. He walked over and pressed his foot against my chest and put his weight on it. I desperately clawed at his armored feet wheezing and hurting.
I felt fear, but like a wave of it I felt anger. Anger at the injustice, Anger at my lack of power, Anger at these bastards, and Anger towards myself.
"Ha! I like the look in your eyes kid!" The man sneered. He brought a palm up and conjured a fireball. I felt it's heat and I could swear I could see a ghost of a smile despite the visor.
"But, this is goodbye." He slowly brought his palm down.
Suddenly the world slowed. The pleadings of Lux muffled, The palm descending slowed, and instead I felt all my anger, hate and wrath rush out. Something inside me throbbed. and as I embraced it more and more I felt something build up. and suddenly the world became ablaze in blue flames.
Content is like 2k words.
So Some of you, hell maybe most of you won't like the beginning, and hell, I was actually contemplating at starting from around 1k again cause the writing could be better.
I wont be promising any updates but sure as hell wait for one. chapters will be 2k words or more so yeah.