
Ch:5 - Is dis Angst?

My words left the guild in a tense atmosphere no doubt thinking deeply about what I said. Erza though doesn't seem as righteous as what I would've expected. so her escape from the tower of heaven is only somewhat recent, Why laxus is with them I have no idea.

"Still that doesn't mean you should kill them Lucifer!" Natsu screamed at me, I shook my head at this, in the series he blasted his enemies with fires capable of burning through many many tough materials. his punches eventually able to break the iron dragon scales of Gajeel and he tells me it is wrong to kill. how many mobs has he killed before the series started? left with internal injuries?

"You shouldn't be saying that to me, after all your father is one creature with a penchant for destruction. Tell me how many habitats have you lot destroyed in the name of training and amusement?

how many animals were affected, killed, forced to flee in order to find a new home. imagine a village relying on hunting, suddenly fire destroys the local wildlife forcing the game to flee and making their hunting far more dangerous in not so familiar lands. maybe the animals fled farther and farther forcing their village to starve?"

And if animals can detect the crushing pressure of magical power then they would've fled anyways, Igneel should be smart enough and maybe compassionate enough to not hang out near villages and towns but this will get Natsu thinking. Besides if this talk makes him try to limit his destructive habit and practice more control I am doing Makarov a favour.

"Huh? and what does penchant mean?" Instead of the silence I expected from him he naively asked a question practically Oozing with confusion.

it isn't just me but I felt everyone either twitched or face palmed at this, I myself having a twitching brow as I did my best to remain stoic.

"You utter imbecile, you complete and utter moron, such a barbaric oaf. In other words for you to understand, How many people did your Father made to suffer when he destroyed mountains and forests. how many people starved because food became scarce."

I am pretty sure the more perceptive of the fairy tail members quirked their brow at hearing the mountains and forests part, in recent history no mountain destroying or forest destroying has happened.

"..." Ah there, Natsu has fallen silent no doubt thinking about it. he has boasted about the times where Igneel's roar were able to tear mountains and forests apart.

"Makarov, I have no doubt you are stronger than me by a mile, but I also have no doubt I'll be able to burn this Building down as well as injure and kill your weaker members if you attempt to detain me." To prove my point I let some Magical power leak, Many of the mages here are weaker than canon Natsu and now I think I'm only just a little weaker than him, to prove a point the pressure caused some to sweat.

"Oh, is that so boy?" Makarov said slowly, not taking kindly to the threat. He himself let some of his Magical power flow, I sweated a little but refuse to be captured. I only need to play on his weakness for his Guild.

"Quite so, Dreyar." I let my Demon form burst into life, wind kicking up causing the weaker ones to shield their face, My Hood got knocked back and exposed my face I let my tail unfurl now just peeking under my cloak.

What they saw is a child wreathed in flames, 5 balls of flames in particular on his shoulders, his two budding horns, and his tail just peeking under the cloak. His Pupil becoming a red slit and his ears elongating as if an elf's, His previously black as night hair a stark white.

the flames themselves are abnormal it is an ethereal blue, the same as the one from the night before, it gave off an indescribable feeling, the presence gives a chilling dreadful sensation while fascinating you by its sheer beauty, yet the bite of heat showcases the dreadful heat despite the limited amount of flames.

"What do you say Dreyar, Back off and let me live in peace? or capture me at the cost of this building and the lives of your children." I am confident in myself to be able to at least kill many before being subdued, after all a majority of the mages here are basically canon fodder. not to mention the children they'd turn to ashes in the blink of an eye.

If one stumbled upon this scene it may seem somewhat comical, an obviously child devil and a diminutive old man staring at each other, one wreathed in flames and one is letting off a heavy presence.

"Tell me child, do you truly believe they deserve to die? to be maimed? what if they have a family?" Finally Makarov spoke, asking me a question as if determining by true beliefs.

"... Do you know among the Dark Mages I killed one pleaded for his life? do you know what he said? 'Please I have a family.' He had children Dreyar." I said slowly looking him in the eyes as I did so, He raised a brow and in the corner of my eyes I saw people growing nervous. probably dreading what I did to the man.

"I grew angry, I became outraged, he himself had a family! yet he pillaged, killed, and raped! he even tortured a child trying to help his mother, who the man was raping!" Makarov is still stoic despite the revelations, I vaguely see the disgust in the the faces of others but paid no more attention.

"I'll admit... I felt a pang of guilt, overshadowed by my anger and disgust of him yes, but a pang of guilt nonetheless... But who was he to do all those inhumane things? My plan was to leave a good majority of them crippled and he was one of them, I burned his limbs so badly that I am sure only lost magics could've hoped to heal him fully. But I decided to kill him, an act of mercy in my part." Through my narrative I noticed a flicker of hope in Makarov's eyes at the part where I mentioned I felt guilt. Yet as i continued he seemed almost resigned...

"Mercy! you call killing someone an act of mercy!" A random from the guild shouted out, before more could join him in protest I merely flared my flames and spoke up once more.

"Would you be more angry if your father came back crippled? the once incredible feats of magic incapable? his once lively countenance slowly wasting away? unable to do anything himself always needing assistance? to slowly rot in a cell maybe? or be the disdain of the family even if he wasn't? to be a laughing stock?

I gave him mercy. even if he wasted away at a prison or at his home it would be better to simply die. no prolonged suffering, not just on a physical but mental and emotional level as well. what if I made it so you were incapable of doing anything? stripping you of your capability to move, to do magic, maybe even your sight?"

He paled at my words, no doubt finding existing like that to be unbearable.

"Exactly, I gave him an act of mercy."

I sounded self assured, sure I may have had emotional turmoil but it is still a fact I am sure I did the right thing.

"Boy... Your beliefs... are quite, outstanding. horrific yet admirable..." He slowly spoke looking at me, some quietly agreed but some looked dumbfounded at his words.

"Dreyar you should know yourself, the world isn't truly black and white, it is more along the lines of various shades of grey. in the eyes if some I did a heroic thing, saving their village and healing them. in fact one little girl truly believed I was a hero, yet in the eyes of the council, the useless law makers, those nobles and other bigots think I'm evil, true proclaiming myself as a Devil probably didn't help. but what should I care? this is a dog eat dog world, power matters above all."

He remained silent but shut his eyes, I have no idea what he is thinking of but I hope I can get out of this peacefully.

"Don't you dare try and sneak up on me or else I'll kill you." still looking at Makarov I spoke to the creeping presence behind me, I kept myself alert so this doesn't happen.

"Wakaba settle down. Let the boy... Lucifer was it?" I nodded " let Lucifer go, I don't want to risk his words becoming a reality... and despite what some of you may think he isn't really evil... just has different beliefs."

He looked me in the eyes and said slowly.

"While I don't agree on you in all the points you brought up I can see you truly felt some remorse for the man, you don't kill for pleasure you don't kill for amusement, you truly believe what you did is the right thing and though I may disagree I.. I respect your beliefs and firm conviction in them."

He stood to the side walking off and I cautiously walked towards the exit but I couldn't resist the temptation.

"Afterall Makarov even acts of love can be considered taboo, immoral, evil. Because as is beauty, things are in the eyes of the beholder..." I am of course referring to Fairy Heart. I may not be familiar with Fairy Tail too much but when I heard of this I searched it. I am pretty sure messing with life and death is taboo.

Makarov stiffened most likely thinking of Fairy Heart, I don't know if he knows of Hades' attempt to revive Mavis but he knows that something is just... wrong with Fairy Heart.

I started dashing away using strong but steady kicks and in the matter of seconds the Fairy Tail guild hall is out of sight.

first stop my temporary base and then moving it.

1706 words.

I rewrote it but I'm still not satisfied, kinda a writers block I guess. I could fill the 300 words but meh. this is like an Angst chapter no? hope this gives more depth to Lucifer's character. I know some readers like it.

but yeah atleast 3 chaps a week just not daily or in succession.

and if you haven't noticed I'm bad at chapter titles.

Edit. 1708 words fixed up some sentences I noticed when I skimmed through this chap.

btw did the aux.vol chapter get posted? called Howdy?

AsuraMonarchcreators' thoughts