
Demon Lord karos

The strongest demon Lord was killed by his son and was reincarnated as a human,after his reincarnation as a human and with his new name as Leo, with his friend they started cultivation form childhood and Leo becoming the outstanding one at a very young age he ascend and become a demi-god with his friend they fought through countless battle ,kill the Gods and finally encounter a very powerful opponent which they have ever dream of, After countless battle they finally resided in the Ratient kingdom and made a world of cultivation to prepare a battle between them and the ORIGIN,Their creators, Now let enjoy the mesmerizing future of the young youth.

Jackson_Sonic · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter three: Leonard contemplating about human

It has been four years after the battle with the drake and every weekend Leonard and Valdez along with Elizabeth and Lisa always accompany them to fight off some magic beast.

The ground were covered with blood and in the middle stood a boy with a long sword on is hands, These body is to weak and I have to face all these stupid emotions when I was still a demon lord I won't even use five percent of my power to kill these magic beast, Leonard said to him self.

Hey Leo how about we hunt down a small dragon,Valdez said.

if we were to hunt down a small dragon if we combine how powers together we will die, Leonard reply, when I was still a demon lord if I were to hunt down a real dragon I will go even if it will cost me my life but now that I am a human and am full with emotions I can't imagine me dieing and causing my parent to cry for me, Leo said to him self. okay buddy how about we work for someone to get money so that we can enter a adventure school and hunt down some dungeons,Valdez said. hunt down a dungeon surely is Good, Leo reply a bit irritated, there is a competition go on in the city how about we join the winner whill be given one thousand silver coin, Leo suggested.

ok that is more interesting, Valdez said, go ahead I will go and pick Elizabeth and Lisa up, Leo said.

okay,Valdez reply just like that he disappear into thin air.

Leo then start thinking about how he will get stronger when he was still a demon Lord he can just go to the competition and start fighting with every one but now he is a human and his human body is weak and it as it limit because he is only a ten years old boy

ooo damn this body is fu*king weak, Leo said as he is running towards the direction where Elizabeth and Lisa are staying.