
Mission Impossible! [2in1]

Astaroth The Sexiest Demon Arc: Chapter_010 (Mission Impossible! [2in1])


A loud voice called him.

"What is it, EH?!" he replied loudly not even weaker than the call.

Danu is still furious with the words Elan turns and want to vent his anger before glued to a pair of sharp eyes of a girl.

It's over!

"It's time to go!" shout Kirana in unfriendly tone.

Before Danu could answer, Elan stood up and said. "If you're unhappy you can go on your own...." Elan paused, drew his gaze and faced a few tired group member then turned and went on, "They will not be able to follow you if you keep acting arrogant and demeaning them."

Kirana turned back to him with a hostile look.


Throw it away, went off with a haughty face hanging there.

Elan does not care about her attitude and only responds with a thin smile. He stretched his hand up and said, "Come on, we should go too..."


A minutes later they started again their journey.

Entering the end of Outer Circle area.

Kilometer 20.

Tap, tap, tap...

Dina jumps from branch to branch just like monkeys. She was the strongest Pendekar after Danu in the group, her movements were agile and fast, her attitude was so humble and loyal to the group.

In front of her, about 50 meters away, a group of Black Wolf looks strolling around or may be just hunting a prey.

The Black Wolf belongs to a low level demon beasts species but moves in groups of pack. The hardest of their kind is the Leader Pack and the attacking formation.

The Leader Pack of a black wolf is always two Steps stronger than the average of its group. Coupled with their cunning and cruel nature, leader pack of the black wolf can bring them to hunt demon beasts Level 2 on Early-step. Their group can even survive the attack of a Mid-step Level 2 Demon Beast even with some sacrifices.

It is quite dangerous for their group to meet directly with this group of Black Wolf. Luckily, Dina is quite sensitive to the forest atmosphere and senses danger as soon as possible.

At first no one believed in the 'instinct' of the country-bumkins girl which happened to be from the 1-B Pendekar Division. When viewed from her appearance, the only thing that looks 'clean' from her body is just a uniform given Academy which also looks a bit dirty here and there. Almost her whole body filthy unkempt, her face looked dirty as just came back home from plowing the fields like farmer.

This young girl really did not take care of herself. How could they believe such a person?

Unlike the case with Elan who feels there are some gloomy aura approaching their group path.

Hearing the phrase from Dina, Elan certainly be more sure again. Just because of that, he even helped convince the group for her. Except a young man who hated him and the daughter of a noble family who was in a state of cold war with Elan now.

When Dina spotted the Black Wolf group from afar, her expression shrank at loss.

More than a dozen Black Wolves consist of 12 early-step level 1 demon beasts, a pair of mid-step level 1 and a leader pack of a Late-step level 1, a Leader Wolf that is twice the size of the other wolf, a little over two and half meters tall.

Elan and the others looked up. A small, lively figure landed on a limb before it came down quickly in front of them.

"How?" Elan asked between worry and curiosity.

But when he saw Dina grim face, he could vaguely guess the outcome.

Looks like our opponent is not something easy to take...

Human race are naturally the weakest creatures when compared to other creatures, the difference is only in humans can adapt and develop faster than other creatures. When the Early-step Level 1 Demon Beast and Early-step Level 1 Pendekar's are fighting, the outcome would be the Pendekar can last only a few dozen minutes before they run out of energy and lose.

The Demon Beasts has a stronger body and energy. For that, humans always hunt in groups of 3 to 4 people for one demon beast.

So Elan had already guessed the answer to his question from the gloomy expression on Dina face, if there were a group of demon beasts not far from them and with a total amount of it not far from their group or even more.

This is because they are still in the Outer Circle area, the strongest of which is only Late-step Level 1 is almost invisible.

"Hard, its very hard!" Dina replied to Elan. "T—"

Before Dina could continue, Agus cut harshly said, "Tell me clearly! What is hard! Huh?! What you call hards may not means heavy to me too..." he put his hands on his hips in a mockingly and boastful way, "You are only in the last rank in Class B and only the country-bumkins. Don't just compare the power of the enemy to you who are still amateur."

No one cares or helps to deny it, Danu is already looking annoyed and about crashing him but Elan is holding him back. Both actions appear unnoticed to other members.

Meanwhile, Dina herself is not in opposition to or against his statements. She is obviously coming from remote villages, her family is poor and almost difficult to just eat something.

Since childhood she had to struggle to survive with her mother who was left dead by his father since the age of 9 years-old. In the end her mother died of a lingering illness that was never been treated. She have to hunt in the forest to survive in the last two years, collecting the money she eventually used to enroll in the academy.

The reason is simple, her mother's last wish for her to enter the Chyrma Academy continued to strive for life until the last when she meets someone who can help her out of trouble, "When someone who sincerely reaches out his hands to help you... give yourself to him, give your loyalty to that person. Its because people like him who can take care of you later in future..."

Dina always believe in her mother words, so unconsciously she always pay attention to people around her until now. As if waiting for the person her mother meant to come to save her.

Although Dina come from the lower class of community and never formally studied martial arts for the preparation to be pendekar, she has trained herself in the forests all alone.

For a girls who turn 12-years-old, hunting wild beasts themselves in the forest to meet the needs of life for two years is certainly not something that can be done by girls of the big family.

Even stubborn daughters like Kirana who have the ability above the average young nobleman of other noble families, may not be able to survive more than 3 days in the same situation without prepration.

Elan was still frowning. He looked coldly towards Agus, 'this young man is quite 'good' for the youngest son of elite pendekar. Unfortunately he's too much stylish and boasting...

"Agus, Eman, Gunawan, that's your name, right?" Elan interrupted his attention.

He deliberately spelled his name with a mocking tone. A thin smile hanging over his face seemed to taunt him more and more.

Agus suppresses an overflowing rage and responds only slightly, "That's my fullname."

This does not mean he does not understand Elan's intentions that provoke him with the mockery. Obviously though Elan is not first decendant and his status in the Cakrabuana Family is still doubtful. Although only in-name, He is still a person from Cakrabuana, not to mention rumour Aris Cakrabuana's beloved brother.

Because of that, Agus understands Elan tried to reverse his taunts, but because of that status Agus dare not to act rash. His goddess, Kirana, even had to swallow her anger in front of Elan let alone him.

"There is nothing. I just remember something.... " he seemed act to remember something, "if I am not mistake, Gunawan Family is experiencing financial crisis and should be indebted to Kencana Family who also colleagues as well as their boss, as for reason is... for them to still be able to provide training resources to the younger generation." Elan stop hanging there while staring Agus with his cold eyes.

Agus face grows red with anger and shame.

"Do you think.... your family still has enough debt to pay off. But why are their youngest sons here trying to humiliate others because they are poor?"

Elan glanced slightly toward Danu.

As if understanding the sign from his friend Danu adds, "Gee, Elan! You are, like you do not know how stylish he is... Their young generation always wanted to show their bourgeois appearance in public, how could they confess that now they are fall—"

"Shut up!"

Unable to resist his anger again, Agus shouted and was about to pounce on Danu with his two-foot short sword.

* PA! *

Elan clapped his hands hard enough to break their concentration, while Agus stiffened one step.

"Let's stop here." He said with a cold smile.

Agus who almost lost his senses because his rage has filled the contents of his head turned and want to cut down the source of the sound who trying to stop him.

The look on his face turn green and was something unsightly to see, he was completely upset but can't let it out. Just as a beast tries to pounce on a prey but stops when it sees its prey changing into something that hunts it down.

Elan puts a cooler face, his eyes narrowed sharply towards Agus plus a cold aura looks seeping out of his body. He did not even realize if he lately often releasing a frightening cold aura.

At that moment, Agus felt intimidation that he had never seen before. The great pressure dropped on his body instantly wiped his rage, replaced by unfounded fears.

Unconsciously Agus took a step back before finally looking down to ground, "S, s, so-sorry," he said while trembling.

In the meantime, in the vicinity they can feels cold aura piercing the body. The other members could not resist to glance at Elan shortly after seeing Agus turn trembling.

Unfortunately, they can only find out if Elan face has changed more cheerful after hearing Agus apology.

Kirana and the others could not resist to inhale gulp of cold air due to shock, awe and fears they feel. It is no exception for Danu, Rini and Dina who have a good impression on him.

"All right," Elan said, breaking the silence, "Dina, explain the details. We will determine the next step after that."

Elan said that with a casual, childish face, trying to conceal the hidden pressure that made him uneasy since seeing the look on Dina face before.

He is very aware of his abilities. Although his big brother always gave directions and taught him everything about magic and martial arts, but in practice he could barely pass the standards set by his brother. It can be said that he was a "failed child" like a rumor circulating among the people.

If there is anything to be proud of, it may be just calmness and calculation of action. That's why even though considered a failure in Cakrabuana Family, he still can survive in such a heavy environment.

Dina looked back at Elan, her eyes watering, perhaps touched.

"The number is more than a dozen. 12 tails on Early-step Level 1, 2 on Mid-step Level 1, an Leader pack on Late-step Level 1. The distance is about 300 meters, they are moving toward the southeast, missed about 20-30 meters from our direction. But judging by the ability to hunt from the black wolves, they will surely realize our existence is approximately 25 meters."

After hearing Dina reports, everyone simultaneously pulled cold air from their gaping mouths.


'The black wolf group is big enough.' Thought them.

Rini who since the beginning of departure was silent because she was not permitted to speak by his master, looked at Elan worried.

Their group, Group IX at least noticed how Elan survived with Rini from a big magic explosion on the previous field. Although they can not see the process of the sequence, deep down they believe if Elan is not an ordinary kid even as the 'failed child' is said in the rumor.

Currently, Elan is probably one of the strongest voice among them. If Elan convinces them to attack, other than the little girl Kirana who else will be against? Agus? He's just a coward of the young noble class!

Elan took a deep breath and calmed his thoughts again. He understood after the incident this morning, they put much hope on him. What he proposes will most likely do.

"Thank you, Dina." He said smiling at Dina.

"As we heard... the first 'prey' we encountered in this hunt was quite heavy. Even if one of us has a power of Level 2 though. However, this may be the first and last chance in the hunt, next change will be hard to find."

"Why is that?" Interrupted Feri, one of the weakest members.

As students of Class 1-D Pendekar Division, you could say he did not have much hope in this hunt. As long as he can give a little result, that's enough for him. So when Elan says this might be his last chance, he can not help asking.

Hearing someone interrupt, Danu looked unhappy even though Elan was still explaining without complaining.

"That's because each group of black wolves has their own hunting grounds. Seeing the size of their group, the territory of the black wolf group is pretty vast. It may include 2 to 3 kilometers or even more, if their leader pack capability is strong enough, then a 5 kilometer area coverage is not impossible.

With the existence of their group, the demon beasts with similar abilities will choose to avoid and seek other areas. While the weaker demon beasts will hide more often. Under such conditions, it would be very difficult to hunt for a kind of demon beasts or a weaker magical beasts."

Elan stared at Feri, who seemed to be digesting his explanation.

"Although it is not impossible to get another prey. It will be very time consuming. But to fight a bunch of cunning black wolves, we are certainly can not challenge them openly or head-on. It will only be a suicide mission."

They nodded at the words of Elan.

"So... do you think we should ambush the group of wolf as they move? Aren't they could realize our existence in not more than 30 meters."

Asked Iwed who felt the mission against the wolves was near impossible.

"You're absolutely right... eeh..." Elan could not remember his name.

"Iwed, my name is Iwed." Obviously the young man was big enough for his age.

Elan continues. "Yes, as Iwed said. The blind ambushing them will still be seen by them. The only way is of course a trap. However, if we only rely on traps, it is likely that only 3 to 4 wolves may be trapped.The rest will still be difficult to conquer."

"Elan, you mean we will not win whichever plan we take because it's too small to survive from the wolf leader pack."

Danu finally spoke his mind.

Elan nodded.

Others seemed worried.

"Then what we will do. What's the point of our discussion if there is still no plan that can be executed." Agus complained that he wanted to reduce the authority of Elan in the eyes of the group .

Obviously Agus has never taken seriously what Elan said after their previous arguments. However, what is unexpected is the attitude of Kirana who just responded to Elan words seriously and snapped Agus.

"We are now discussing how to conquer the group of black wolf. Finding the best way to conquer them is the purpose of this discussion. If you can not suggest something better then be quiet and listen!"

Hearing Kirana rebuking him, Agus can only shut his mouth down in shame.

"Besides..." Kirana turned to Elan, pushing herself though she was still a little afraid to look Elan straight into her eyes, "No need, too much twist. You also know that we do not have much time."

Sighing, Elan just turned his head for a moment before saying to them all.

"You all understand if the two plans can not be done, do you?"

The group nodded.

"In order for us to conquer these wolves, at least... we must reduce a third of them or even more and leave the wolf leader pack, before attacking him simultaneously. Aren't it right?"

They nodded again.

"Then, the thing we must do of course... run those two plans in one!"

Kirana, Rini, Danu and Dina seem to fall in their minds. Others can only stare at the confusion.

"The plan is a trap with a raid, as well as an ambush with a trap." Elan cries out with a mild smile.

"First of all, we will divide the group into 2 teams first. Sneak Team; Kirana, Rini, Agus and Mawar. You are in charge of giving sneak attacks from a distance when the group of wolf is still in a state of confusion. Because this team must contain wizards, after they give a sneak attack then the next task is to attack the wolf that when they panic.

Just do it like make them fall and hit the stairs. But you need to remember one thing! The wizards will be greatly disadvantaged in the close-range combat with the wolves you must avoid the actions that lure the wolf leader pack. I can tell if the wolf leader pack has a movement two till three times faster than the others.

Diverting Team; who is left with me, Danu and also Dina. We are in charge of trapping the tactics in any way whether it's a simple way such as lure them into a hole or attack in a formation, the goal to distract them from the magic attack of Sneak Team."

Elan explained his fairly simple strategy in just a few seconds. He turned to the members of Group IX, feeling they were still watching Elan immediately resume his speech.

"The Diverting team is also have two more sections to tackle the wolf leader pack while it still in raging state and useful as bait. Since it's a tough role then I'll be the one take that part..." he looked at Danu and Dina who responded with a nod. "Danu and Dina will also take this part. In close combat only three of us which have, perhaps the greatest change to withstand it while waiting for the others finished with a little wolf."

They seem to admit it without arguing.

"Furthermore, executions were carried out by the group together. We will make a big trap to mess up their formation first. Can anyone use blast magic that has a time delay? Or something that has a similar effect?" Elan asked the sneak team.

Kirana tried to remember something when finally Rini spoke up.

"I, I can make a dense wind magic and control it... the distance is 10 to 15 meters." Rini said nervously.

The princess beside her frowns unhappily, making Rini face drooping almost buried in her chest.

Elan ignored Kirana expression and asked again, "Can your magic be buried in the ground? That would be more effective because it would be easier to outwit them."

"Sure, we can try." Rini raised her cheerful head to hear her useful magic. Before going back down to remember something. "Due to the magic accident this morning, I was able to use dense wind magic and can control it for a while. But..."

"But what?" Lamented Kirana who had been unhappy because Rini got more attention from them.

This girl, unconsciously always compares her ability with Rini. Even so she always considered herself better than Rini, that's why she is always unhappy when Rini gets attention because of her useful ability.

Her master complaints made Rini so fearful and insecure, she continued nervously, "B-but... but because the 'Pengobongan Technique' this morning my magical energy has not fully recovered. Maybe only a third of the energy I can use. So..."

"Useless! You're so—" scold Kirana.

"Enough." Elan said with a hopeful smile, while the others just watched from the side.

Rini stole a glance at Elan to see the look on her face. Unexpectedly, Elan's expression looked hopeful to her, making her feel very happy. This is something that has never happened to her all this time.

On the other hand, Dina looked at Elan in awe. She is not a person who likes to communicate with her classmates, even before coming to the academy she hardly ever talks to residents in her village. So, the first impressions were obtained when she know Elan certainly very good. Especially Elan is the one who has defended her many times.

Elan was still smiling at her and continued, "That's enough. At least three to four wolves will be trapped. The rest will be left 10-11." Elan turns to the others, hoping someone gives more ideas.

It was then that they fell into a moment's silence. They think, 'Is it that simple?'

Seeing Rini eyes glitter, Kirana can not take it anymore.

* Pa! *

A loud slap landed on her face.

"You are only from a branch family. Just a family servant! Rini Kencana, wishful to show off just because a little magic, is still useless!" she scold her, breaking the silence.

'Rini Kencana?!'

Kirana turned to Elan and said, "The magic energy is still lacking, you should know that. She will be a burden after using magic. I do not want to embarrass Kencana's family when it fails in mission because her servant can not use magic anymore in battle."

Elan's eyebrows twitched. He did not think Rini is actually a family branch of the Kencana Family. But... this girl treatment to her cousin is too rude.

Some families prefer to call members of their branch family who still have the main family blood of their great-grandfather. In Kencana Family it is generally known that the branch family is descended from the sister of the First Family Head, while the main family is descended from the First Family Head.

This case is very special, considering that every head of the Kencana family always gave birth to their first daughter first compared to the first son. Furthermore, they will marry their cousin from the nearest lineage that is allowed to keep their blood pure.

'The Kencana Family is strange enough...' think Elan. He felt more and more sorry for Rini.

"If I say enough of course enough!" Elan said seriously.

Elan desperately wanted to bluff and give her a little enlightenment, though she was still her cousin. However, time is running low and he hasn't finished explaining the whole plan.

Not to mention, the stylish young nobleman next to Kirana seemed to think of spoiling his bad tactics. For that he can only focus on the plan and think of a backup plan to avoid the group from danger.

"I still have another idea. For the first trap must be done with a big surprise to distract them from the puddles."

Kirana gritted her teeth. "You mean?"

"I'm sure if the princess of this one is smarter in the magic of the water element than the other. With that we will make the mud-sucking. The Sneak Team can focus in long distance raid attacks to break formation. The Diverting Team pulls some of the wolves into the mud trap."

Hearing Elan's explanation, Kirana calmed down again and listened to the details.

'This little girl can be calm as well...' Elan not forget to comment in his heart.

In contrast to Danu who quietly brandished his thumb. 'Elan, Elan.... the longer you get better at manipulating a girl's feelings, hahaha.... I think you really can not handle the opposite sex. From what I've seen, you've got a natural talent for conquering a women heart.'

If Elan hears what Danu thinks, he might cough up blood. How could his good friend think that lowly about him? Its Like Elan is a 'player' like him, 'huh!

"As I said before the Diverting Team will be divided into two parts. I will lead as bait from the leader pack of the other two wolves. But before that, the traps must flew the first three wolves, the Sneak Team had to attack and finish at least two wolves when the situation was still chaotic among them.

The Diverting Team that I lead will attack two wolves in an ambush and divert the wolf leader pack attention. Iwed along with Lation, Sisti, Feri and Wadus, you just need to pulling 4 wolves into the trap made them paralyzed there, then beat the remaining 3 wolves, working together with the Sneak Team. Remember, the bottom of the black wolf's neck is their fatal flaw!" He ended it with confidence to make other members feel their fighting spirit increase.

Some members even put a hopeful smile on their faces.

Elan is pretty sure if they can drown 4-5 tails into the mud to paralyze their movements then the chances of this plan succeeding will be enormous.

Their discussions were no more than 5 minutes, even after some previous arguments.

When they are about to start a plan.

"Wait a minute!" Elan exclaimed to stop them.

"What else ?!" Kirana looked furiously, feels humiliated by having to hear his plan.

While Agus, his face darkened, the others just turned and waited for what Elan wanted to say.

"Dina, teach them to camouflage their existence so they aren't detected too early."

When Dina heard what Elan said. He did not think that Elan would suggest it. 'Looks like he's pay attention at me...' thought Dina. Her hearts feelings like full of flowery somehow...

Elan did notice Dina in the midst of his quick speech of strategy. Beside Dina nodding about the plan he proposed, she always seemed nervous about something else even until the discussion ended. Then when Elan focuses a little of his attention on Dina, he is made aware...

'Dina even dirtier than the time before she went to investigate. Camouflage! Right, the black wolf can detect the presence of its prey hiding within 30 meters apart.'

The crumpled girl looked at Elan again. Elan just nodded. The other members looked at Elan full of doubt.

"No problem." He said smilingly. His smile looked evil as he glanced over at Kirana.

"You just need to wallow in the mud and wipe some grass and young leaves to disguise the smell and color of the striking clothes... hehe," Elan explained with a small laugh satisfied by Kirana's expression.

The faces members of Group IX, especially women, change from smile to looking like seeing cow dung on their dishes.

Another person even makes a very attractive facial expression from dark to red and then green becomes darker again and duller again. For him who always keep the appearance in front of the crowd, put the dirt on his body is an insult and humiliation.

"Mission Impossible!"

They shout in unison.

Normally... I write a chapter within average range 1800-2500 words. So... it's doubled from usual chapter. Wish you enjoy it~

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