
Demon Island

Demon Island is a fantasy novel that tells the tale of an ordinary urban youth who, after inadvertently consuming a wish fruit from a strange realm, finds himself in the mysterious land of Demon Island. The story unfolds in a vividly fantastical world divided into four major regions: the Dragon Clan occupies the northern territory, the Demon Clan rules the west, the Ghost Clan governs the south, and the Human Clan resides in the Central Plains. In this realm, the forms of life are diverse and extraordinary, ranging from ethereal beings that transcend the cycles of life and death to demons that achieve immortality through various paths. The central plot of the novel revolves around the protagonist's adventures on Demon Island, brimming with elements of magic and exploration.

DaoistSmIuyR · Fantasía
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154 Chs

The ferocious cave demon hounds

Lilis's body trembled incessantly, and seeing her terrified expression, I interrupted Snoke's lengthy monologue. 

"I must first complete the training camp mission! That's non-negotiable!" Snoke shot me a resentful glare, his voice heavy, "Do you realize how precious our time is?"

I responded calmly, "I don't believe your time is more valuable than my life. I need time to increase my strength; completing the training camp's mission will aid me in gaining greater power."

Surprisingly, Snoke didn't explode this time; his face darkened as he asked, "If you complete the training mission, would you then agree to join us in finding the treasure map?"

I turned to Baito Shinfuku and Jack, and this time Baito Shinfuku readily answered, "If there's a Rainbow Fruit involved, I'm willing to take the risk." 

As Wang Lin said, after finishing the training camp mission, I would join the treasure hunt. 

The Wolf King shrugged his hands, saying, "It doesn't matter to me! Just don't forget the reward you promised me." Melinda, slipping free from Jack and Baito Shinfuku's hands, looked visibly upset. Hearing the Wolf King's words, she muttered, "You've already taken an advance from me, and the eighty million demon coins are ready to transfer whenever you want!"

Jack, murmuring to himself with an odd smile, finally raised his voice after a long silence, "I heard that the Rainbow Fruit, which has grown for a thousand years, grants eternal youth. I hope to stay just like this. Fine! I'll join, too."

Snoke and Bullet looked ragged, so Baito Shinfuku handed them a blanket, saying, "Let's rest for tonight. Tomorrow morning, we'll set out to hunt the cave demon hounds; we'll need all our strength." 

Snoke hesitated but accepted the blanket. Our group expanded to nine, and I quietly sighed for the unfortunate Sonic Pulse. 

I patted Lilis reassuringly and said, "Sleep beside me. No one will hurt you." My assurance brought her some comfort as she nestled close, wrapped in a thick coat, and fell into a deep sleep.

Romira was overjoyed to see Snoke's return and immediately rushed to plant a lingering kiss on him, making Jack and Baito Shinfuku visibly uneasy.

Night on Devil's Island brought a chilly sea breeze. Though I was protected by the qi from my Platinum Glory and Nameless Martial Arts, sitting for so long was draining. Gazing up at the night sky, I witnessed a brilliance unlike anything on Earth. The clear city nights rarely revealed stars, but on Devil's Island, the sky dazzled with a firework-like array of sparkling stars—a cold, invigorating feeling washed over me.

Taking a girl to the mountaintop to stargaze is indeed romantic. I wondered if I would ever have the chance to bring someone I love here to see these stars.

That night, I gained a rare sense of serenity. The cave demon hounds roamed the southern mountains of Devil's Island. These formidable beasts surpassed even the giant spider monsters in power; they moved as fast as the swiftest cheetah and had the endurance of a camel, their enormous heads nearly a third of their bodies, and their sharp fangs capable of crushing stone. Our group of nine hid behind a massive boulder on the mountain, observing the demon hounds hunting boldly in daylight, which sent a chill through all of us.

"Look! Another team has come to hunt the cave demon hounds." Baito Shinfuku, with his keen eyesight, spotted a twenty-person team from the training camp. Apparently, they regrouped after finding themselves vulnerable following the giant spider monster battle. 

These were seasoned warriors, and as they encountered the demon hounds, they quickly unleashed a swarm of giant spider monsters. With these decoys distracting the hounds, they set up powerful long-range weapons, swiftly taking down over a hundred hounds. 

Seeing their tactics, Lilis whispered to me, "We could do the same. We're not short on long-range weapons, and we have four spider monster troops."

The Wolf King, his expression grave, muttered, "The cave demon hounds aren't so easy to kill. They'll soon pay the price."

The Wolf King, with the most military experience among us, made a precise assessment. It didn't take long before the scent of blood attracted a massive horde of demon hounds—thousands swarming at once. The giant spiders, after a futile struggle, were shredded to pieces by these ferocious creatures. With the first defensive line broken, the others quickly scrambled onto their pre-arranged vehicles, driving desperately across Devil's Island's rough terrain. Their cars barely managed over a hundred kilometers per hour, rattling and constantly on the verge of overturning. Meanwhile, the demon hounds effortlessly traversed the rugged terrain, and after a relentless chase, tore apart two slower vehicles, dragging the passengers out.

Watching, the Wolf King muttered, "The demon hounds won't be back soon; the leftovers are perfect for us to rack up our own achievements. Let's move!"

I noticed that group had lured away at least seven or eight hundred demon hounds, stirring a hint of anticipation within me. With the Wolf King's command, all nine of us descended upon the remaining hounds lingering at the mountain's base.

Under the Wolf King's guidance, Lilis and I withheld our giant spider monster troops, while two others released two thousand well-rested spiders. As we set up our long-range weapons, doom descended upon the demon hounds.

During the battle, the Wolf King reminded us, "Finish off this group swiftly. We'll use a helicopter to reach the next mountain; other vehicles would only alert these beasts. Let's be patient. We're not the kind to charge in recklessly."