

                FIVE MONTHS LATER

"King, please come down for dinner."


"It's your favourite; lettuce salad."

King snorted.

"I'm kidding. It's spag and meatballs. You've been in there for months and I'm tired of sliding a plate under your door like you're in solitary confinement or something. I'm not trying to be insensitive here but don't you think it's time you got over it?"

Funny. Get over it. If only it were that easy.

For two weeks he'd been in a coma, before he came around. It was all in a haze watching different people coming and going in and out of the ICU to speak to him.

He'd been moved to a new ward a while after, undergone sessions of light physiotherapy and psychology.

A glance at his medical report told him everything he needed to know. Multiple fractures in the hands and nose. Bullet wounds in the thigh, as well as both feet. A miracle all three missed major blood vessels, especially the femoral artery. Or else, he'd have died from massive bleeding.

He'd been warned he might suffer mental trauma and that might change his personality for good. It was one thing to be shot repeatedly. But another to stare into the single eye of a gun, unable to do anything. Helpless. Hopeless. Broken.

Medically cleared, he'd been summoned to her office and debriefed. An honorary occasion was suggested but King turned it down. He just wanted to go home.

And here he was.

So why wasn't he satisfied? He'd taken down a high profile criminal. Sure, it wasn't in a clean sweep but hey, mission accomplished. There was this feeling inside of him that he couldn't shake off. A thirst for danger. A compulsion to cheat death again and again, despite his earlier-.


He was jolted out of his thoughts by a sound coming from his window and hastily switched on his bedside lamp.

"Jesus, what is it with boys and having things strewn everywhere?"

King raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing here, Blue?"

"What, old friends can't visit?" she replied haughtily, leaping onto the bed and sprawling next to him.

"What are you doing here?" King asked again.

"You feel it, don't you? The  excitement that comes with risking your life?"

"What are you talking a...?" King asked, trailing off when Blue stared at him pointedly.

He turned away.

"I almost died, Blue."

"You came back for me."

"And you came back for me. Debt repaid. No big deal"

Blue sighed.

"How did it feel?"

"To be shot? Painful."

He glanced at her.

"I need information about my parents. Pierre said my mom worked for them."

"And how do you think you're going to get that?"

"You're not in uniform."

It took Blue a split second to realize what he was talking about. She'd donned a hoodie over a sweatshirt with ripped jeans and sneakers. Her hair, usually in a ponytail, was loosened and fell around her shoulders.

"Stop changing the subject, Kingsley."

"Don't use my full name. That's for family."

Blue scoffed before she could stop herself, "What family?"

"Thanks for that."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-."

"Get out. Get out of my room."

"Hey, I apologized!" she protested.

He sprang up and tackled her. They hit the floor and she found herself pinned beneath him.

"What's wrong with you?" she snapped. Her head was throbbing.

"Did they send you in here to kidnap me again?"

He scowled.

"Let me guess, you have backup outside, as well. Typical. Can't do anything on your own, can you? Not without help. Not without your big, bad daddy by your side! And look where he is now! Suspended from duty!" he sneered.

He paused then grinned.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that." he said mockingly.

"I hate you." she replied quietly and bucked wildly, throwing him off. They glared at each other, breathing heavily, as a few moments passed.

"We've got months until our next mission and they gave us some time off. I came to tell you that. And that the door's still open if you change your mind."

He walked over to her and helped her up.

"I'm sorry about what I said earlier." they both said, then laughed.

"Come on, let's move downstairs. You must be starving." King said, heading for the door.

"Your guardian isn't going to think we had sex?" she asked and laughed at the grimace on his face.

"Hopefully not. Aren't you coming?"

She sidled up to him. Before he could move, she leaned in close and pressed her lips to his cheek.

"Thanks for not dying." she whispered in his ear and wrapped her arms around him. Her fragrance, a tangle of lemon and roses, wafted through his nostris, making his head spin.

"Blue, I-"

"My name's Chloe. Call me Chloe, off duty." she smiled, and let go of him. Moving past him, she'd reached the stairs when she realized he was still standing there, wide eyed

"You coming?" she called over her shoulder.

Shaking his head, King jogged after her.