

Lola walked down the street

She had decided to find a solution to her problem since the dream never ended

But how was that possible she didn't know but decided to find the man she always saw in her dream

She has a feeling she was getting closer to him because when the dream started he never could reach her ,hold her before she died ...but last night he held her ,he sheded tears for her before everything blank away

So since he could hold her in the dream she felt then he was closer within reach

She rounded two buildings in olane street but nothing

She didn't even know where she was going she let her instinct guild her

She was so tired that she decided to stop at the nearest bar to have a drink

Madam what her you going to have

Please I just need cocktails she replied tiredly

She took a seat close to a nearby window and saw a man come into the bar

Hmm..he seems to be a rich man,she said to her self

She could see his long hair ,she didn't know a man hair could grow long like that.his face smooth ,he had apointed nose ansd pink lips which glitter making them almost the first things one would notice if he wasn't handsome

She observe this man for a long time and saw him talking to the waitress he has perfect white straight teeth also

Seems like God created special time when creating him

Mam.. mam..

She didn't observe when the waitress even came to her

Mam here is your drink

Oo thank you, seems you are attracted to him

Really ,who is he

Oo one of the richest man in town ,he lives with his cousins ,all of their dad is dead so their grand gather is taking care of them

Hmm ,thanks for your help

Any time mam she decided to drink in silence

She kept in stealing gleams of the man she couldn't get I eyes off him

The man turned and their eyes collided

She looked into his eyes he got ash colured eyes ,she couldn't think straight ,she gulped all her drink ,put some money on the table and left the bar

She decided to go straight home and then thought of what brought her out in the first place she remembered she was searching for someone

And then something hit her ,the man she was looking for was the exact look alike of the man she saw at the bar

Who was she kidding he was the man ,she ran to the bar to meet the man but to her disappointment he was gone

Please where is the man I ask about earlier

He left almost immediately

Oo ,she felt disappointed and walk out the door

She took the path to her he and she noticed someone was follow her ,who could that be

She took a turn to the left and then it happened to guys came out of nowhere and tried dragging her into an incomplted building she screamed but no one could hear her

She bit one of the man in his hand and he screamed

He was about hitting her when he couldn't move his hands anymore ,he looked up and saw an handsome man holding his hands,the man shoved him aside and grabbed lola waist

The other guy took out a dagger to stab him

He dodged easily and hit him hard on the stomachs

He started bleeding in his mouth he was inabble to recover from it

The first person shoved aside tried using his dagger on him but the man held onto the sharp side of the dagger

The other guy tried pulling it away but it wasn't possible

And then he felt it something iron hit him on his face ,he didn't have enough time to think of it was the man hands

The two thug got up and ran away


That was easy