
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasía
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62 Chs

Dreams Don’t Last.

My eyes linked twice, the blurry image it held, then I saw it clearly, it was my home, my real home. This time I was completely healed but a scratch on my knees.

Then, a beautiful pink haired woman with a youthful look was bandaging up my wound, she looked worried, my muscles instinctively softened at the sight of her.

It was my mother.

"You really need to stop running around!.."My mother scolded, carefully placing the bandage on my knees, tears formed and dripped down her eyes, "I don't want to lose you too.."Her throat began to sore.

Even though it was nowhere close to a fatal wound, it looked like it impacted her a lot despite the factors.

I tried to speak out, but nothing came out of my mouth, not even a word, instead it was a tiny squeak.

My mother immediately took it as a sign of injury and cupped my cheeks in her worned out hands, I could feel her calluses and the multiple scratches.

"What's wrong?!"She exclaimed, but I shook my head as if nothing was wrong, sure I didn't just nearly die and then hallucinate into this dream.

I instead took her hand, pointing to the scratches and calluses. One of the few things I remembered about my early childhood is that my mother and I weren't in the best of wealth.

She would work for days, and little Kylar thought that it was a good idea to begin to try and grab her attention by getting hurt, of course that didn't help, she just focused more on me then herself.

"Oh- this? It's nothing."My mother hid her hands behind her back, hiding it from me. She still thought about me as a child that shouldn't know the hardships of life.

This time, I persistently pulled her hand, and bandaged it for her, laying the bandages precisely on her little wounds.

This time i was the parent, i finished bandaging up her hand, it looked fine now, the cuts were gone, at least disappeared from under the bandages.

Once I was finished, My mother showed a smile, a soft one that embraces her especially youthful and beautiful features.

At this moment, I could see why even a God would fall for someone like this, "Thank you darling.."She said with a embracing smile.

Her voice wasn't sore anymore, instead it was a soothing and sweet rhythm.

Right as I was about to move, I was pulled into a specific person's embrace, I could feel the soft but thin fabric of her clothes.

"Kylar my dear, you'll stay with me forever right?.."She spoke with a quiet tone, I nodded just slightly, as I rested my head on her.

She started speaking more, but i failed to interpret it, a sudden feeling of drowsiness overcame me,

My eyes slipping closed, soon falling asleep in her arms, that warm and comforting embrace of my mother, I finally felt it.