
Proud Warrior Bird

The Roc heard the calming sound and stopped struggling. It looked disturbed, but its mind became clearer. It looked at Aisling with a tilted head, its mean eyes sizing her up with unconcealed interest. However, the madness started to grasp its mind again. 

Aisling spoke again in Irish Gaelic, and the softened sounds soothed the disturbed and crazed mind. The continued calming voice that chanted words of comfort caused the bird to remain still. Then, it squawked at Aisling, as if expressing its pain. 

"Let Rock out," Aisling said to Abaddon who was hovering behind her. 

"No. It is too dangerous." Abaddon refused.

"I will be fine. I promise. I just want to draw out the malicious energy from its head." Aisling said. "There is darkness clouding its judgement and causing a loss of sanity. It has the same taste as the darkness we found on that hill near the Temple of Oracles." 

Abaddon was surprised. "Where could Rock have been contaminated?"