
Chapter Three - Slave Merchants Chased Off

Castalia (?) World

Castalia Kingdom

Draeska State

Tkemali Segment

Very Late Evening

Even as Kata prepared to fight off the bullies who were spreading all kinds of nasty odors within the cavern—haven't any of these creatures ever heard of hygiene? —Loud shouts shocked her speechless.

Flashes of bright lights, detonating explosions and screeches of fear came from the loud-mouthed bullies.

"Are you inside there, Cora?" A gentle male voice inquired.

"I am, dearest Corvine Catalis." Cora replied. "How did you locate me?" The surprise in her voice was evident.

"Tanya shot off a flare when those idiots caught her." Corvine Catalis entered the cavern once Cora confirmed her existence. He was an imposing sight indeed. Long black hair pulled back into a bun, his piercing light green eyes studied the newcomer and children. He scanned for anything else that seemed out of the ordinary and found nothing. "So, this is the one who was part of that black hole and bright light phenomenon detected earlier?"

Kata sensed nothing but curiosity from him. He wasn't interested in her beyond the connection with the bright light and black hole, the latter which mystified her. Wasn't she supposed to have arrived another way? Well, no matter. If she could either integrate somewhere or find her way to another State or Kingdom, Kata didn't mind where she wound up.

"Yes." Cora remained fixated on Corvine. "She hasn't given any other name than 'Kata' at this time." She shrugged. "We've figured out she's a feline hybrid. Those are children she just bore." One hand gestured in disinterested motion at the eight babies that remained motionless, but their eyes were opened and aware of their surroundings.

"I see." Corvine looked from the children to Kata. "You obviously came without prior knowledge of this world, I'm assuming."

Kata nodded.

He tossed an object at her. "This will give you all the information you're going to need to survive." Corvine sighed. "I would assist you, but our segment is at its limit as far as accepting newcomers with dubious appearances." He frowned at her. "Good luck. Supplies have been left for you." He added in afterthought.

Kata inclined her head politely. "Thank you, I'll make my leave once I'm able to do so."

Corvine hesitated. "One last thing, if you chose to come out through the entrance, more of those slave traders will be lurking around. However, if you continue further into the caverns, you'll find another exit out of here."

Hmm, Kata wasn't sure what to think. So far, she wasn't overly impressed with this entire world. It didn't sound much different from the pantheon she'd left behind.

Corvine eyed her coldly. "Do you have any final questions?" He evidently hoped that the answer would be no.

She was forced to disoblige him in that sense. Kata thought long and hard about what she wanted to inquire of him. Finally, she sighed. "Where do you think I would end up, Kingdom or Country-State that is?" She would look at the device if necessary but thought it would be more interesting if she could get the information out of this young man.

He clearly knew more than he wanted to tell her, especially in front of Cora. Who appeared very fascinated with him to a very creepy degree? Corvine wanted no part of this situation but had to handle it in a very careful fashion. He frowned at the spate of questions but answered them though he clearly didn't appreciate the delay in being on his way.

Corvine shook his head. "No idea since I've not gone down that path. Only the insane or magically inclined can travel the depths. The mists of yore have accepted you. Therefore, you can walk through the cavernous paths without harm coming." He paused. "Unless that is of course you have no sense of direction and are a complete dunce when it comes to common sense."

"I'm glad to inform you that I'm not a complete dunce." What an asshole. "I'll make use of this as I travel through the cavern, or rather once I'm out of it." Kata rubbed her forehead.

Corvine nodded. "True, it won't work within these thick rocks." He wrinkled his nose at the stench now rising. "Good grief what is that horrid scent."

Kata bit her tongue. So, tempting to make a snotty remark. She was saved when Cora snapped testily. "Believe it or not, most births are accompanied with mess." She glowered at him.

No longer a slave to admiration and awe, how cute. Kata knew that wouldn't last long. She could see the fighting common sense slowly disappearing under whatever charm he apparently exuded. YAWN. Boring.

Corvine's eyes slitted when he glanced at Kata. "Hmm, well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have someone watch over you while you're recovering."

Tanya scowled. "Not interested." She tugged at Corvine's arm. "We need to leave now." She stared at Cora. "So, do you. The Elders want to see you asap." She sneered in disgust.

Cora shook her head. "I'm not leaving. Go find someone else to play with your officials. I'm done with being a pawn." She folded her right arm and shooed them off with her left hand. "Beat it, scram, go away."

Huh? Kata blinked as she watched Cora in disbelief. The hell was going on now? When did she flip a switch and become this…authoritative feline, I guess one would say? Utterly confused, she wasn't going to say anything.

Corvine shook his head. "I'm not leaving until you do, Miss Cora. You have to go report, now." His tone took on an authority's command.

Cora blinked, shook her head, and stood her ground. "I just told you, no." She refused and bristled at him. This time the tabby underwent an astonishing change. She towered over the two felines. "Go Away." She stated firmly.

Corvine and Tanya slunk away.

Kata's jaw which nearly hit the ground, snapped shut as she watched Cora return to normal size.

"Uh, what was that?" Now she was glad she told those idiot females nothing of her real name. Well the name that her memories burped for her. Somehow, she thought those would change once she made her way through the cavern.

"Our form of a duel and establishing seniority." Cora told her shortly. "I'm the Senior instructor and clerk. I can refuse whomever I want when it comes to situations such as this." She sighed. "Beyond that, those mists must've influenced me. I hadn't realized how many of my memories were altered." She smiled at Kata. "I must thank you for the timely intervention, unorthodox as it may seem."

Intervention, huh? That was the last thing Kata meant to do. "Uhm, so what does this mean as far as your future?"

"Oh, I can remain here as long as I wish. I'll return to face the damage later." Cora shrugged completely unconcerned. "Besides, I wish to learn more about what is beyond the Segment that I was born it." She smiled slightly when Kata rolled her eyes. "You think I was going to say, that right?"

Kata eyed her warily. "Okay, so what do you want to know?"

"Why you wound up here in the midst of a very nasty feud." Cora regarded her soberly. "There is usually a reason for that happening." She shook her head. "Though I admit, this is a very unusual situation. One I've never come across in any other, legends, or mythos for that matter."

Kata grimaced. "Suddenly I'm very sleepy but hungry at the same time." Not to mention she wanted to use a toilet. "Bah, all the basic functions are kicking into high gear all at the same time."

Cora couldn't help but laugh. "Over here is an area designated for relieving bodily functions." She gestured with her left hand.

"Thank you." Kata supported her aching body as she slowly shuffled to the area. She cautiously surveyed it. Much to her surprise it was set up like any other toilet she'd seen. Not a basic hole in the ground either. That was good. She took care of business, frowned when she saw red in the remains. "There is blood still coming out." She muttered under her breath. She dealt with the unsightly stench and walked away after ensuring nothing followed her.

Cora must've heard her. "That is to be expected, so don't worry too much." She gave Kata some soup and liquid to drink. "This should promote healing and recovery of lost blood and other fluids."

Kata sniffed it and wrinkled her nose. She drank the fluid and was surprised because it tasted rather nice. "Some kind of chocolate?" Though she recalled it being poisonous to felines.

"Not exactly, more of a substitute for coffee. We can't handle that disgusting substance coming from any variant of a cacao bean." That Cora could understand what she stated relieved Kata. Cora sighed. "We've had people travel to Earth and other realms." She told Kata. "It isn't very often that they're dumped here though."

Kata shrugged. "As you guessed, it is punishment." She smiled slightly. "I can no longer remember what for." She didn't want to either. She merely chose to focus on the present.

"I still think you're here for a specific reason." Cora sighed. "I won't be too pushy about it though. That gets annoying after a while." She smiled at Kata. "Sleep, I'll take care of the youngsters."

It looked as if she would have a companion whether she wanted one or not. Kata didn't care if she didn't wake up and her offspring vanished. That would piss her off to no end. She watched Cora bustling around.

Cora saw her watching. "Sleep." She said sternly. "I gave you my word that I wouldn't do anything tonight or tomorrow while you're healing." She rubbed her forehead. "I'm too tired to do much more than request the mist guardians to keep track of everything that is happening around us."

Oh right. Kata focused her mind and intent into a request. Seconds later, Cora gasped in stunned shock. "I'm guessing we now have an illusion wall that'll block sight into here up and running?" Kata inquired with amusement.

"Uh yes." Cora swallowed. "Now I realize you're quite capable of dealing with situations on your own."

That's right, but Kata figured she had something else she wanted to do. "Is this something that you need to do, or just want to do?"

"Both." Cora was candid. "I'd been trying to figure out a way to escape the bonds of stagnation for a while." She shrugged. "I also didn't appreciate finding that I'd nearly been brainwashed either."

"Hmm, well stick around me long enough and you'll find out why I was banned." Kata didn't want that to happen but realized there was no escaping reality. This female wasn't going to budge from her side. She had the distinct feeling that others would eventually find her as well. Bah, she was going to get some sleep. "Good night."

"Good night, may your sleep be undisturbed." Cora murmured. "I will also take my rest, in between tending the children." She leaned back against a bundle of rocks that reconfigured to become a soft perch and resting place.

Kata blinked but couldn't remain awake any longer and fell into a deep refreshing sleep. A sigh escaped her as her body began the healing process without her even having to think about the starting point. How nice and refreshing it was to not worry about enemies breaking into the haven.