
Chapter One - Awakening Kata

Unknown World

Unknown Location

Unknown…the hell, am I?

"Good gracious, Tanya." Someone exclaimed. "We found the source of that bright light and explosion."

"That's good Cora, but what did you find?" Tanya wanted to know.

"One hell of an exotic." Cora murmured. "Need to find out if it can understand us." She tapped the nose of the curled creature, and promptly jumped backwards. "Oh my, she's a wild one."

Tanya sighed in disbelief. "I would be too if some stranger tapped on my nose. Back off, would you?"

Cora shook her head. "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt just to observe her for a bit." She shrugged. "It isn't as if we've got anything else to do right now."


Pain flooded through the extremities of the creature curled in a fetal ball. That landing hadn't been the best one and she still didn't know what exactly happened to her. Were the children safe? Uppermost concern in her mind, she focused on communicating with them.





Hastily she recoiled from the varied reactions of the kits. Yes, they were fine. Pissed as all hell about the landing but they were uninjured. She sighed inwardly. Somehow, she needed to figure out what was going on around her.

At best, she needed to see if she could even move. Then she realized voices approached and that made her curl up tighter than before. The offspring immediately stilled. None of them reacted to what was going on at first. She sighed because something didn't seem quite right.

Squeaky voices and guttural noises confused her. What the hell was going on?

Nose twitching, ears pointed flat against her head, she hissed when something tapped her nose. She swiped at it with a vicious warning. ~Stay away from me~ She had no idea of what was going on.

A calm voice mentioned. "Tis a female who is quite definitely adult. Not from around here." There was a sigh. "This is going to be awkward when reporting to one of the Elders around here, Senior Cora."

Two females, named Cora and Tanya, obviously working on something. Too bad she still didn't have a clue as to where she was. Did she even have a name? She grimaced when a headache hit. Well that wasn't useful. Plus, the two females jabbered at each other so much she couldn't concentrate.

The other speaker, Cora grunted. "Most likely sent here as a form of punishment, Junior Tanya." This speaker prodded the newly arrived female. "Well get up!" She leapt back when another swipe came at her. This time fully extended claws shone black and red. "Oh my, we've got a frightened one it seems."

~That fucking hurt! ~ The yet unnamed female growled at them in warning. Her eyes narrowed slightly as they focused on the two nuisances driving her crazy right then.

"Senior Cora, she's trying to move but cannot because you're distracting her." Tanya sighed. "If you'd stop prodding her, maybe she'd calm down." She moved slightly to look at the feline growling and hissing at them. "A real beauty."

"That's not useful." Cora grumbled. "I can see she is tall and well built. Most likely a hunter when she's not injured."

All these observations voiced aloud gave the amnesiac female something to think about. Evidently, she had skill. Right now, though, she couldn't figure out what she was supposed to be. Infuriating and awkward to say the least.

Tanya was still making observations. "Mmmm…Lustrous violet and silver coloration in her fur. Eyes are silver and sapphire. She's covered in scars and bruises, I think she was badly abused." She sucked in her breath. "She's pregnant." Strange sigils glowed around her lower body and where the infants moved energetically within. "Well, at least she's healthy."

When the sigils erupted, she winced. At least she now understood what was being said and knew what her name was. Diona Trevallas Castalia. Some names had meaning but until she learned what world she wound up on, she would reveal nothing to these strangers. In fact, she was better off not even remaining within their sight. Now if only she could get rid of them and escape into the woods or find a convenient cavern.

An insistent female voice interrupted her flow of thought right then. ~Mum, I wouldn't do that. Stay with these two until you learn the area~

~I second that. ~ This time a shy male voice stuttered.

"In total agreement with that notion. ~ the third was male. ~You've gone through too much already. You need some medical attention for injuries you can't feel yet. ~

~I think we all need examination. We may come out earlier than expected. ~ A fourth voice warned. ~We've a few others in here too, but they're not quite awake yet. ~

Oh, good grief, how many was she carrying? This seemed far more than the assumed four that Diona knew about from other worlds. She sighed and tuned into what the women were yapping about now.

"This is problematic though." Cora muttered. "What to do about her. She cannot go to the village in a state of gestation. Those males will tear her apart." The notion didn't set well with her.

Tanya sighed. "Oh, she's looking at us." She stared at the female in bewilderment.

Diona blinked at them. Her sight wasn't nearly as blurry as it had been earlier. "Names?" She gestured at them. Then pointed to herself. "Kata." She was not giving her real name. Who knew what would happen if she did?


Thrown thoroughly off-guard with this latest advancement, Tanya stared at "Kata" in disbelief. "Is it just me or did something happen when those sigils flared?" She whispered to Cora.

"Beats me. At least she can understand us. I think she was scared out of her wits." Cora watched her carefully. "I'm Cora Sinew, feline domestic." She stated her name and type of feline species.

Tanya sighed. "I'm Tanya Rialto, main coon, domestic." She was small, barely out of kittenhood and knew it.

When Kata's eyes widened at their information, they gained the distinct impression she was at a loss.

"What is this world?" Kata watched them cautiously blinking. She cautiously levered herself to her knees.

They were stunned to see that she could manage the feat. What concerned Cora were the ripples noticeable in the female's abdomen. "Tanya, where's the nearest birthing cavern?"

"Nowhere near, why?" Tanya frowned and gasped when she saw what Cora referred. "Oh dear, this isn't good." She hadn't the faintest clue how to birth children of any kind.

Cora grunted. "You're useless." She motioned to Tanya to stand aside. She pulled out a small device and tapped into it. "Found one and it isn't occupied." She frowned. "It may not have all the necessary supplies either."

Tanya swallowed. "Okay. Should I go to find some and bring them to the cavern?" She pulled out her device and tapped it to Cora's. "Hmm, it has a list of items that need replacing…all of them. This was destroyed when someone was infected with plague." She blanched. "We can't go there."

Cora shook her head. "No choice." She murmured and looked at Kata. "Do you wish to take the chance?"

Kata shrugged. "Is there any other option, other than right here?" She glanced around pointedly.

Tanya and Cora looked around as well and winced. No shelter, no way of keeping a fire going and no water. This wasn't a good place.

Kata tilted her head, sniffed the air and hissed. "Males are coming. Not good ones either." She looked at Tanya and Cora. "If you don't know how to fight, I wouldn't suggest remaining here. Where should we go?"

Wow this one obviously did have some innate abilities. Cora made the executive decision. "Tanya, we split here. You go get supplies or call for help." She wasn't staying around if predatory males were prowling. What made them head this direction, she didn't know and wasn't about to find out. "I'm not a fighter by any means, but I do know a few basic moves." She eyed Kata. "You're going to give birth at any moment now."

Kata shrugged. "Will fight to save babies. I won't let them die." Murderous intent flared in her demeanor and flames crackled around in the aura. She embodied crimson silver flames which meant she could become a spirit element warrior at any moment.

"Ease down the flames, Crimson Silver." Cora cautioned. "We can't have trees burning right now. That would just give us away."

Kata blinked. "Oh, oops." She winced as the first contraction hit her. She breathed through it. "We should go now, I think, before I cannot move."

Cora nodded in agreement. "You can take my arm or not, tis up to you." She offered an arm to the feline.

Kata eyed her warily and then accepted it with a nod. "Thank you." She glanced around and frowned. "They're starting to move faster. I cannot remain out in the open in this condition for much longer."

It was past time to move. Tanya already vanished.

"I think we can forget about extra supplies." Cora doubted she would even make it to the birthing cavern. More likely she would go tattle to a superior somewhere and make life a living hell for everyone involved. She didn't say any of that to Kata. For now, survival was utmost in her mind. She also figured that Kata wasn't up for too much more as far as energetic pursuits were concerned.

The fact that she'd scented the males long before either her or Tanya meant that her acuity was far from normal. Rather abnormal in fact and the sigils indicated she wasn't a good personage either. Probably killed millions of people somewhere.

A frightening thought came to Cora. Maybe even had something to do with what happened in that birthing cavern. Her mouth tightened because now she wanted to get away from this Kata feline as soon as she could.

That would have to wait until after the birthing occurred. Whatever the case may be, Cora wouldn't immediately abandon her. She would do her duty as a good citizen and then cut Kata off. She did have her own life to lead after all.

Kata glanced at her. "Thanks, but once we reach the cavern, I think you're better off getting away as fast as possible." Her words mirrored the shocked Cora's thoughts almost exactly.

She listened in silence to what else Kata said and found it odd and frightening that she would know what Cora was thinking.

Kata moved carefully and cautiously, only halting when a contraction hit. She murmured. "I'm nothing but catastrophe and misfortune to others who're just being good Samaritans. I don't want a bad fate to befall you."

Cora grunted. "You've read my thoughts." She dismissed Kata's wary silence. "I won't leave while you are in distress." She sighed. "I will answer basic questions that may be plaguing you." She considered what to tell her.

Kata shook her head. "Better not be the one who tells me. Else you'll get into worse trouble." She warned. "I think it would be best to remain silent for the remainder of your time with me."

Subdue, Cora nodded. Really, she couldn't argue with that logic. She found it interesting that Kata was already distancing them. Was it from habit or simply something she did unconsciousness? Well, whatever. Time for Cora to do what she could in preparation for the birthing to occur.