
Delinquent in Another World

A delinquent that's not really right in the head transports into another world(a merge of anime worlds) while doing a job. Read as he struggles to live in such a ridiculous world.

parkgun · Cómic
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19 Chs

Chapter 2

Kenzou was sitting in the apartment he rented thinking about ways to approach his current situation, last night after taking that guy's wallet he extracted 3 million yen from the six credit cards, he was surprised to see that they had so much money but he wasn't complaining.

He knew that those credit cards could be stolen or even theirs but he didn't care, money is money. He bribed the lessor with two months of rent for one month so he can stay without id.

He even bought a phone that he uses for mostly looking up any information on the internet. He tried to search about wars between delinquent gangs but he couldn't find any information even on police articles.

He started to think if becoming a delinquent again was really the best choice, since they aren't that deep into society. So after thinking about it for a bit he decided to go with with an approach he had in mind for some time.

He started looking on the dark web for people who make fake ids so he could buy all he needs for starting a new life.

He found someone who does passports, fake ids, birth certificates, etc. He messaged him and after about three hours he got a response, they agreed today since they both live in Tokyo.

He got up from his desk and dressed himself in a fully black short sleeved tracksuit with short jeans. He had a black and white teeth mask on his face and a hood on his head. He took two wrenches that were connected to each other with a chain and put it in his pocket.

He went towards the proposed meeting place and knocked on the door.

An old man opened the door and greeted him. "You are No Name?"

"Yes, I'm here for the pictures."

The old man went to the side and said. "You can enter, there's no need to be so stiff."

Kenzou looked at him and then started walking inside. 'He's not that surprised by seeing my expression, looks like he's used to working with criminals.'

He looked around and saw that the apartment looked like an workshop, all kinds of electronics and other kinds of stuff.

He sat down on a chair and said. "It looks like you are pretty relaxed accepting a stranger you met on the internet in your house."

The old man waved his hand and said. "There's no reason for me to be nervous, I did this kind of thing all my life."

Kenzou crossed his eyebrows and thought. 'He's very confident in his fighting skills?

No that's not it, he's probably armed.'

"Go and sit on that chair."

The old man pointed towards a chair where the background was just white, like it has to be when you take a picture.

Kenzou took of his hood and mask.

The old man looked at his face from the corner of his eye but he said nothing.

Kenzou had on the left, lower side of his face a scar.

He sat down on the chair and took the pictures, after he was done he put his face mask back on and his hood.

"Leave half of the money here and come back in two days."

He took two million yen from his pocked and gave it to the old man. After he counted the money Kenzou went to the door and said. "Have a good day."

After that he left leaving the old man to his work.

The old man looked at the photos of Kenzou and said. "That's a big scar, paired up with that look in his eyes I can see that he's went through some shit."

Despite the words he said he felt no pity for the man, he saw what people like Kenzou are capable of so he didn't care at all about them, he just has to do his job and everybody will be happy.


Kenzou in the two days he was waiting for his id mugged multiple delinquents so he could make some money, he even asked around for the best high schools he could enter.

Kenzou, despite being a delinquent is highly intelligent, he is especially knowledgeable regarding the human body. He could probably enter the top high schools in Tokyo with how smart he is.

After he got his documents he had to say that he looks a little menacing in them. But now that means that he can attend school and live a somewhat normal life.

Unlike other people Kenzou didn't really have high goals in life, now that he is in another world and couldn't even get his revenge on his brothers he feels more empty than he usually does.

But if he did have one goal that will be to take revenge on his family.


The very first present Shimohara Kenzou gave his mother was a ring he'd made with a bead and some wire.

It made his mother very happy. And she always kept it close.

His mother was someone's mistress...

And the more time went by where she couldn't meet him....

The more she beat Kenzou.

Afterwards she would always cry and apologize.....

But Kenzou never resented his mother for it...

Ironically, the only time he could feel at ease was when his mother was apologizing to him....

Because he instinctively understood that to reject his mother would be to reject himself...

When he was 11, his mother killed herself.

Kenzou was relieved....

Not because he was freed from the endless beatings at the hands of his mother....

But because his mother finally doesn't have to suffer anymore....

What HE was sad about....

Was that in the end....

His mother hadn't chosen Kenzou...

But rather that man. (While she was in the bath with blood all over the place, on her finger wasn't Kenzou's ring, but that man's.)

His name was Shimohara Masahiro.

But Kenzou didn't resent him.

It was decided that Kenzou would enter the Shimohara family. Now he had two stepbrothers, Kazumasa and Kouji.

Contrary to what you might expect from his new stepmother. She was as kind to her husband's lover's son as she was to her own children.

But at no point did Kenzou feel the slightest hint of love from her. Because he realized that her kindness towards him, was nothing but her own way of revenge against her cheating husband, Masahiro.

But his stepbrothers were a different story. They were unhappy with Kenzou from day one, and their mother's attitude towards him only accelerated those feelings.

They inflicted violence on him every day, under the guise of "training", one time they even broke his neck.

But what was worse than even physical abuse was Kazumasa's psychological abuse.

Kazumasa forced Kenzou into self denial, and claimed it was all necessary to make Kenzou a part of the family.

But at this time, Kenzou didn't resent his brothers.

But why? Why didn't Kenzou feel any resentment?

Long before his mother died, he learned of the existence of the Shimohara family.

And he had sworn to himself that one day he would exact his revenge on all of them.

[Backstory finish]

Now that the documents problem is solved he has to deal with enrolling into a high school. It will be a bit weird since usually the legal guardian would have to enroll him and do all the legal work etc...

He emailed the principal online giving him his personal information and formulated some kind of transfer request and he accepted it in the end.

Today was his first day of school so he got dressed in a black t shirt, short black jeans and a normal black mask.

As he arrived in front of the school he had to say that it was big, the middle school he went to was nothing compared to this one, but that wasn't his focus today. He had to take a special exam so they can see what academic level he's at.

He entered the school and all the students were looking at him but no one approached him, he walked around until he found the principal's office. He knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"Come in."

He opened the door , entered inside and closed the door behind him. He looked at the principal and said. "Sorry for disturbing, but I am here for the transfer."

The principal was a middle aged man, he saw dressed in a suit and he was sitting at the desk, he smiled and said. "No need to apologize, I knew that you would be coming today, we discussed this some time ago. Please sit down."

Kenzou sat down and looked at him and said nothing.

"Can I ask you a question? Why did you submit the papers exactly when the new school year started?"

"I had some personal problems that I had to solve, plus I had to focus on my financial situation and then worry about education."

"Right, I almost forgot that you are an orphan."

Kenzou nodded and then said. "When will the special examination take place ?"

"Don't hurry, first you have to present your id card and take your mask off so you can identify yourself, it's in the rules."

He took the id out of his wallet, put it on the table and then took his mask off.

The principal was a little surprised seeing his scar, he already saw it when he read his documents so he didn't find it that disturbing.

After he confirmed that he was registered in the computer and all the other stuff he pulled some files from under the desk. "These are the tests, you can complete them here."

"Can I put my mask back on?"

"Of course, normally I wouldn't let students hide their faces but you are a special case."

He put his mask back on and looked through the tests.

It was all manageable, he took a pen from the desk and started answering the question. After about half an hour he put the pen down and said. "I'm done."

The principal stopped doing work on the computer and took his papers. After looking through all of the answers he said. "You answered most of the questions correctly, the only problems you had were in history."

"Yes, my knowledge regarding history isn't all that good."

"No problem, I am confident that you can manage."

"Thank you, does that mean that I can come to school from today onward?"

"You were already accepted, this test was only so we could see your academic level so we can see if you need any help but it looks like you don't."

"I see."

The principal looked at him in the eyes and said. "To be honest I expected you to be a delinquent from how you look, but you are a very well spoken person."

Kenzou closed his eyes and said. "I understand where you're coming from, how a person looks makes a heavy impact on someone's first impression."

"You are right. Now can you wait a little bit since I have to call a student to show you around?"

"No problem."

While the principal was making a phone call Kenzou thought. 'This guy's understanding, fitting for a principal. He would make a good friend.'

After a while a girl opened the door, she had average stature, black hair and brown eyes. She was a bit startled seeing the new transfer student.

Kenzou got up from his chair and said. "Hello, I am Kenzou Shimohara, the new transfer student."

She put her hand forward for a handshake and said after Kenzou grabbed her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Misaki Ayuzawa, the student council president."

The principal said. "Alright, Misaki go show him around. I am kind of right now."


As they got out of the room Misaki said. "I heard people talking about a scary looking dude walking around the school, I guess they were talking about you."

"That's harsh, looking scary isn't my goal, that's just how I look."

"I have to agree with them, you look exactly like a delinquent."

Kenzou looked at her with his usual face and thought. 'She's got a sharp tongue paired with the guts to tell that to my face, the women in this world really are different.'

"I am not one, delinquents will never make more money than the average person. Becoming one would just ruin your life." 'If you play in the small league that is.'

"You sound like you know about the life of a delinquent."

"I can't deny it, I know some people who lived that life and regretted it."

"I see."

After that the she showed him the important places and left to do her own thing. It was still break and Kenzou was thirsty, he went to the cafeteria and took some water from the vending machine.

After he got his bottle of water he went to a table in the corner and started looking at the other people present here. Everybody who met his eyes looked away.

'I guess some people are scared of my appearance for real.' That they were, but it was mostly his eyes that terrified the other guys, they were like black dots with no light reflecting of them whatsoever.

As he was thinking of what to eat today someone sat down at his table. "I didn't expect to see you here today."