
Chapter 3

Then she slightly titled her head to see his cold and beautiful eyes, glistening with power. He was Perfect. For the women down there, everyone dreamt of this guy. He had been a hero since he was only 14. From the age of building, he was great. Now, he was a 26 years old Man. He had everything that everyone craved. He was a successful billionaire. He was the Prince Charming. Women drooled over him, dreamt of him. Everyone wanted to be friends with him, for money? or may be for fame? for popularity? or maybe for favours? He didn't care at all. All he cared for was his work, his passion; His Business. He was multi talented. He could do multi tasking, not only these he was glooming star. To him, his family had been dead long, Since he was only a child. He saw only cruelty since he was a teenager or maybe before that. His passion and his dreams meant nothing to others. They all criticized him, yet he only had one person he called family, he loved; His mother. She had been his only love. Dove was innocent, but she knew what it feels like being ignored. To her, her husband was her love. She wasn't before fame or money. She wanted him, she had accepted him no matter under what circumstances they had married each other. To her, Alexander was a gift, A light in her dark life. He was her light. He was her only man. She had long given her heart to him. Now... Looking at him, she felt he would scold her or throw her off his body and he would be angry, he would beat her? or worse he would throw her out of his mansion. He would show his powers. He would make her pay for all those mistakes she made living with him. The worse day of her life cannot come so easily, yet not now. Not when she was in the arms of her only family. When she was with her lover. He didn't cared for anyone, but forgave her all those times, she made a new mistake. He scared her, but he never raised his voice... except a little bit when he would be busy working and she would ask him to eat and drink. He had scolded her sometimes, like when she would make those silly mistakes or when she would insist him to take rest. Her hand subconsciously clutched over his chest and she sobbed. Alexander felt some liquid on his shirt followed by a sob. He looked down to see her sob on his chest.

"Are you that hungry?" was all he could ask.

Dove looked in his eyes to find nothing. It didn't concerned him at all. Her tears were nothing, but a liquid to him. She didn't wanted him to find out what she was thinking... She just looked him in his eyes and nodded keeping her lips closed. She made some distance between them, now to give him some space and sat on the bed. Then he was gone. He ordered some maids to prepare her a meal and then sat down to work again. Back in the room, Dove heard a knock on the door and then a maid came in followed by Mrs Margaret (the chief maid of the house) She was a maid to the Williams since Alexander and Harry were kids. She had been serving Mr Williams for ages and was a trustable woman. When Alexander separated himself from the Williams, Mr William appointed Margaret to work for Alexander. She did not wanted to agree at first, but Alexander's father assured her and move her to Alexander's own villa. Alexander never wanted someone in his house. He only wanted a house for himself to live alone, away from the cruelty he had faced for years, but as him being a global businessman. Government and officials offered him to take bodyguards and housekeepers. He indeed wanted someone to look after his villa, as he was a busy man. He appointed some housekeepers and Mrs Margaret took this opportunity and entered his house. She would always inform Mr Williams about Alexander's every move and every decision. Alexander never trusted the servants, but still they were appointed and verified. He kept them and payed a good amount of dollars. Mrs Margaret was very self discipline and well mannered lady. She had a little fat on her body and only sometimes she put spectacles over her round eyes. Dove always felt insecure and scared around her, but didn't informed anyone. Margaret always questioned Dove; everything. From her routine to her meals, Margaret took everything in charged under her gaze. It was as if she was her trainer or something. Dove never liked that, but kept quite because her sweet nature never allowed her. Mrs Margaret stood over her and passed the bread and eggs to Dove. The other maid put a table on the bed. Dove clutched her abdomen and said no to the breakfast. She could feel Mrs Margaret was offended, but she inhaled deeply and offered her a glass of juice. It always questioned other maids that Margaret was a maid herself and still behave that way with Mrs Smith. She was her Master's wife, yet still. After few sips, Dove cutely started chewing the straw. The other maid smiled, how this woman is so cute and serious at the same time. She was deep in thought, she didn't knew what she is up to... Mrs Margaret snatched the plastic straw and threw it in to the bin.

"One must not chew rubbish." She spoke through greeted teeth.

Dove got scared, she wanted to run away from this elderly woman and hide somewhere in her husband's arms. She looked on to the basket of fruits and asked the maids

"Can I have these?" Her voice was sweet and she cutely gestured to the apples.

"Cut her one of them." Mrs Margaret ordered. The other maid cut the apple and place before Dove. Dove hesitantly took some bites and lost her appetite. She placed the plate on the trolly and shover her hands down in the blanket.

"Why didn't you finished it?!" Mrs Margaret scolded. Dove looked up to meet an angry pair of eyes as if Margaret was done with her, she left the room quickly and shut the door. Who would not get angry, when they are asking you a question and you don't even say something. Dove sighed and tears filled her eyes. Will Margaret inform her husband about her behavior or will she get mad and scold her after she gets up bed? So many thoughts circled her head and she felt uneasy. The other maid still offered her food, but she rejected.



It was 10:30 in the morning when Dove woke up. She sat up quickly and remembered all the incidents from yesterday and today's morning. She had slept for so long since early morning. She decided to take a shower to sooth her self. She wore a beautiful orange dress, with full sleeves and a creepy pair of shoes, she brushed her hair and let them fall down and clipped some strands to the left of her head. She didn't wear any make up or jewellery, just applied some cream on her skin. She wore a belt matching with her shoes and climbed down the stairs. She was halfway the launch, when she heard someone shouting. She hurried her footsteps, but got scared. What if someone was here before her? What if there was someone behind her? No, She wanted to think positive. There was tight security around the villa, no one could sneak in here to look for her. She took deep breaths and climbed down. Her home was filled with some cheers and book readers. Jokes filling the room, one at a time and then laughing and joyfulness could be heard. Her colours were all left behind when she heard someone shouting here. Her jolly mood was vanished somewhere. She made her way to the hall and realized Alexander's friends were here. Miss Andrea Stream and her boyfriend Lincoln, Harry and Grace, John, everyone was here.

"Oh Gosh! look at the pretty lady!" Andrea screamed and hugged Dove.

"How are you, Dove?" She asked.

Dove hugged her and replied with a "fine" followed by a beautiful smile of hers. Harry came and gave her a little side hug. John and Grace greeted her too and then Lincoln greeted her, the most formal one. Louis, Liam and Oliver came one after other to greet her. They all sat down and their conversations resumed. Andrea made Dove sit beside her. They were quite enjoying, but this wasn't something that would happen in Alexander's villa. Dove kept searching for him, but he was nowhere to be seen. It was Sunday, usually at this time he goes golfing half hour with his friends. Since they were here, she wondered where he could be....

She couldn't help, but miss him. She stood up to take a glass of water when her foot got sprinkled and she fell back on the sofa. Everyone approached her and asked if she was hurt. At that time two maids who were passing through whispered something that made her heart crush in to million pieces.

"Why do she always troubles every one?" A maid whispered.

"Mr Smith might get angry, now! Who tolerates such a person. You know, he is very composed and this! this girl must get up his veins." The other whispered.

The first one agreed, "Yes, she must've made him frustrated by her injuries."

The second spoke again, "He is busy nowadays, very busy. He always had been, but nowadays work don't even permits him a meal....."

Their voices pierced her heart and she felt like crying, screaming and throwing up.

Grace gave her a glass of water and she gulped it down, quickly.

"You should rest, Dove." Liam said and assured her. She smiled in return and nodded.


Hi, People this is your Author. Hope yall are doing well. Actually it's just if you are reading my story, just leave a review so I can correct myself wherever I am going wrong. Do give it a comment if you like my work. Thanks

Take care beauties 🤍