
Deku: the villain

the story about Me and how I become the greatest villain one day I was getting through a bad day my friends my classmate and my teacher turn on me when they found out about my quirk or rather lack of one but I still don't understand why they bully me for only a genetic lottery in junior high in 3rd year our teacher announce about our choice of career that day was the worst day of my life if you don't count the visit to the doctor my idol said I couldn't be a hero I want to take the advice kac- no Bakugo gave me to jump of a roof and hope for quirk in my another life but I couldn't do that to my mom

Rafi_info · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 11 Nano

Chapter 11


Today was Izuku's day, and he would rock it harder than anything his Nanos could form.

"Alright, I'm going to be heading to UA guys," Izuku said to all of the members of the League, who were all in the bar to see him off as he stood by the door, his backpack being held in one hand as the Quirkless mastermind looked at the people he considered family.

Everyone was here, all gathered to see him off for his plans, and for their reality. Tomura had even put down his video games for once to see him off, despite how distant he was from everyone. Compress wore a new mask, with fake tears drawn on to represent the feelings Compress wouldn't physically express since he never took his mask off for them to see. Kurogiri remained silent, but his pace in cleaning the same wine glass (EVERY FUCKING DAY ITS THE EXACT SAME ONE, JUST CLEAN IT AND PUT IT WAY DAMN IT!) was much slower than normal. Stain looked at Izuku with a smile, proud of the boy for what was to come, which made Izuku proud seeing as the man was one of the only few he'd call his father, All For One being the only other person. Gentle and La Brava were in casual clothes for once, the two also looking proud of Izuku, and for all the reasons that Izuku knew about.

Rappa was silent, but Izuku could sense that the goliath was excited for a fight. Chisaki had even come to pay him a visit, though he was muttering about 'being closer to the infected', which Izuku knew was inevitable for the clean freak to say. Toga, or Himiko as they were on first name basis since Izuku's… encounter, with her instincts unleashed, was smiling and blushing next to the bar island while her hands were behind her back and she looked at Izuku with a happy gaze, which Izuku was glad she had, despite how drained he felt after giving her blood donations, but that's why he's turning towards his darkest project yet, and it yields great results so far.

Not that anyone knew about the project at all.

"Izuku," All For One began. "Despite the fact you're going close to that wretched fool All Might, and possibly putting your life and all of ours at risk, I want to say that even if you fail, I'll be proud that you tried. It takes a lot of courage to go as far as going to UA, and that's where the cream of the crop are manufactured."

Izuku smirked. "You act like I'm going to a sweets factory." Izuku looked at the monitor despite it being only voice chat. "But… thanks uncle."

"Anytime. Just know we're still going to push you even further once you are accepted into UA," the criminal overlord replied.

"I accept." Izuku was about to exit when Tomura stood up and walked towards him.

There was a long silence, and everyone knew as common knowledge and facts that Tomura felt jealous of his much attention Izuku was getting from his Sensei, his father figure growing up, and it was obvious how much Tomura despised Izuku in the earlier months of them meeting, but had grown quiet in the recents weeks, and seemed to be reflecting in recent days. The man-child, as the other members of the League but Izuku have come to known him as, looked at Izuku with a unreadable expression, before he suddenly wrapped his arms around Izuku and embraced him in a hug, which shocked all of the members of the League but All For One, who couldn't see shit.

"...you aren't that bad, ya know?" Tomura said randomly, before letting go of Izuku, and flashing Izuku a light smile. "...maybe I was a little quick to judge you at first, and in fact I hated you… but… thank you. You're honestly really nice." With that random flash of character change done, Tomura walked away to where his room would be, and Izuku was shocked by the genuine affection Tomura showed him.

"Oh… Okay?" Izuku said with some uncertainty in his tone, before he opened the door and put his backpack on his shoulder, like an army shoulder leaving home to go to war. "See you guys later."

"Izu," Toga began, before walking up to him and kissed his cheek, which caused him to blush because of how random that was. "Okay, you can go now~!"

'That's it?!' The members of the League thought in response.

"Is there anything else anyone wants to do before I leave for the day?!" Izuku questioned while sounding very flustered.

"Break a leg!" Compress joked, before Izuku walked out of the door and closed it shut.

"That's the best you got?" Kendo Rappa questioned Compress.

"To be fair, we were just mainly teasing Izuku there," Gentle said. "Or at least, All For One, Shigaraki, and Toga."

"What do you mean?" Toga asked Gentle.

"That kiss was just teasing him, right?" Gentle questioned the teenage female.

"No, I meant that from the bottom of my heart. I really love Izu~!" Toga smiled. "Oh, I can't wait for him to answer my question~!"

"What question?" Chisaki asked.

"You'll find out~." Toga then fled to her room upstairs, before La Brava brought up a topic that she could finally bring up.

"So uh, not to question Izuku's genius, but isn't the Hero Course exam for UA in one week?" La Brava asked, which made all of the villains besides All For One pause.

Was Izuku accustomed to lying now that he was a villain? Damn right he was. Of course it wasn't right to lie to his teammates, his family, but he knew that they'd find out eventually. Plus, he was still doing everything according to plan. Or at least, his master plan.

But even they should've known today was the day of the UA Support Course Entrance Exam.

Upon entering the train from Kamino Ward to travel to Shizuoka Prefecture, where UA was located, he found himself listening to the news that played on the train intercom as a way to pass the time, before he began to listen to it with great interest as the report played out.

"-almost 12 bodies were totally burned by what looked like a hit and run, all of the bodies belonging to Pro Heroes who had a bunch of dark rumors circulating in both the public, the web, and also from what it seems the criminal underworld, evidence of different crimes committed by the 12- oh wait, it's now confirmed to be 13 Heroes, but there was evidence of the crimes all 13 Heroes committed which would land them a dozen years in prison, but also the suspension of their Hero License! Amongst these crimes are accepting bribes, abuse, a few murders of innocents that from the evidence gathered were all on purpose and seemed to relate with the past a lot for a few of these Heroes, along with maps for the shipping of drugs that the Heroes, or at least some of them, were going to escort. The drugs which are said to be Trigger would be shipped within a week of this hit and run, but it turns out the same perpetrator who killed these Heroes destroyed the warehouse holding the shipment of Trigger, which was confirmed upon a thorough police investigation. We'll now go to Hanzai no Yoken-sha to see what's been found."

Izuku grew interested now, before pulling up an article of the attack, and saw the handiwork of the new murderer on the loose, and already deduced this down to a flame Quirk. A powerful one. The warehouse was nothing but ash now, even with its brick base skeleton. Whoever was doing this was a vigilante, or was exposing the corruption in this world their way. But Izuku's question was who?

This person caught Izuku's interest, before reading further into the article and learning this attack took place over a week ago, 10 days before the Exam Izuku would be going to today, today being February 19th. There were detailed notes on everything wrong in the Heroes' behaviors, which meant this person, or perhaps even people since it'd be easier to pull this stunt with a group, was observing from afar, and then placed the pieces around the board correctly before putting the false Heroes into Checkmate.

What caught Izuku's attention even further was the terms of the Heroes used by the perpetrator, using 'False Heroes' or 'Filthy Stains', and even as far as 'Disgraces of the System', which showed a hint of anger in the last one, but Izuku could tell this person wasn't doing this just kicks, or themselves.

They were a follower of Stain's Ideals.

'A new recruit for the taking,' Izuku thought with a cruel smile, already plotting this perpetrator's recruitment. Izuku sat back in his chair before he thought to himself, 'I wonder who was the man responsible for this…'

"Mmm-hmm-hmm-mmm-mmm," a man hummed after he got out of the shower and put jeans on before exiting the bathroom, his skin and hair mostly dry from using his flame Quirk to dry himself off, while humming a rhythmic tune as strode to the dresser in the new house he's borrowing for the time being. "Mmm-hmm-hmm-mmm-mmm." He then grabbed a pair of tweezers from the shelf and grabbed a staple that held part of his skin together because of the burns he received when he was younger, the tune now sounding more violent. "Mmm-hmm-hmm-mmm-mmm-aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" He then violently pulled on the staple and shouted in pain as he pulled it out of his skin, blood coming out of the newly opened wound. "God fucking damn it!"

After arriving in Shizuoka Prefecture, Izuku began his mostly non-eventful walk to UA with his hands in his pockets.

"UA…" Izuku said aloud randomly. He clenched his hands and wanted to punch something. Just thinking about it made him think of All Might, which made him want to punch something. "Tch…" Izuku grabbed his backpack off of his shoulders and pulled out a water bottle and proceeded to take a drink, chugging it halfway and was half tempted to crush it, but he knew it wouldn't do him any good. He would just have to deal with his situation for now. Put on his favorite act of playing innocent and kind.

'It's all for you Sensei…' Izuku thought as he put on his best smile. It amazed him how easily it still came. Maybe it was because of how easy it was to lie about how he really felt for years. The times he's lied to his mother… 'All for y-'

Izuku felt a hand grab his shoulder before his training instinctively led him to grab the mysterious person's arm and twist it behind their back within the matter of seconds and he gave it a rough pull. Judging from the black ski mask they wore and also the brief instant Izuku saw someone behind this person, they were trying to mug him in broad daylight, and his smile faded to a dark scowl. "Back off."

"Owowowowowowowowow!" The criminal Izuku was about to break the arm of yelled, their partner in crime's jaw dropping in disbelief.

"How the hell did he do that?!" The second mugger questioned.

"I'm trained to kill," Izuku muttered, practically spitting venom in his words from the amount of hate that dripped in his sentence, before he let go of the first mugger and began to walk towards UA. They didn't come after him. He would've beat them both senseless if they did.

Eventually the young teen made it to UA, and was somewhat surprised to see that there wasn't anyone even around, and UA looked like a ghost town. It could be considered a ghost town because of how big the facility was, right?

Izuku walked into UA, before following several signs and making it to a large theater area, that he saw had only one other student, which surprised him that they were the only students so far taking the Support Course Entrance Exam for UA. It was immediately after he entered the room that someone else stepped in from a door close to the back right corner of the auditorium, who proceeded to walk to the podium in the back. Izuku recognized this person to be the Excavation Hero: Power Loader.

"Alright, young man in the back," Power Loader began while pointing at Izuku. "Yeah, you. Take a seat." Izuku did as he was told and the Hero cleared his throat and pulled out a piece of paper which was probably a whole script of what he needed to cover. "Alright, before we begin, it's to be noted that there isn't… many applicants this year. Normally, we'd… have a lot, considering we're UA, but after that new fancy schmancy Support Course school opened three years ago, we've seen a decline in students for the Support Course, but this is the only time in UA History we're only seeing two students in a Class. Minus Aizawa's, mind you." He cleared his throat and muttered a few things to himself while going over the list again. Izuku realized he was speaking out of line and he was trying to prepare himself for the actual speech. Did he seriously have bad stage fright in front of just two teens?

"Okie dokie, so in order to be accepted into UA, you must do three things!" Power Loader raised three of his fingers. "First, you must pass the written exam. This one is waaaaaay more difficult than any of the other exams here in UA. That's what the Support Course is after. The smartest, most responsible kids that are sensible enough to make proper gear that won't kill the user of it, and also because of how dangerous a lot of this shit can be. So, uh, try not to make things explode." He coughed into his hand again. "Second, you will demonstrate one or multiple of your gadgets to the five judges who will give you an approval rating between 1 star to 5 stars. Get an overall of 9 stars to pass that portion. Normally it would be 7, but since there are less students this year… uh… yeah…"

"And the third thing we must do?" Izuku asked Power Loader.

The Hero in return shook his head and said, "Pray to whatever god or gods you believe in that you succeed."

'Pray to whatever god or gods you believe in that you succeed.' That stuck to Izuku as he walked onto the stage in another room inside of the school's grounds. After all, Izuku had never really been religious before in his life. He knew a lot about different religions, plus he's seen a few movies and read a lot of books, but the fact Power Loader brought it up just started this nagging feeling in his chest that just made him feel a bit hollow. But why?

He shook the thought out of his mind, and brought his attention to the judges he needed to impress. Three males, two females. All of them look like the sort of people he'd hate the most; elitist scum who think themselves higher than everyone. And he knew this was a fact as he's seen them on TV before. Each was rich, had a tendency on heroes, and had dark secrets he dug into so he could destroy the fortunes of many of the self-caring people in the world. They were but five small pieces of the whole.

These facts applied to them all… save one of them.

"Hi there," Izuku said in his tone of voice that he used solely for greetings while putting on the brightest fake smile he could muster, which seemed to trick the judges as some also smiled back. "My name is Izuku Midoriya. It's nice to meet you all!"

"It's nice to meet you too, Midoriya," the first of the male judges responded. "I take it you wish to become a professional support designer?"

"I would like to, yes, but maybe as a side hobby," Izuku answered. "Sure, making gear for others sounds appealing and makes it seem like I'm helping someone out via the Pro possessing my gear, it's not quite the same." Izuku started to fiddle with one of the gadgets he's brought that wasn't his Nanos with a finger. His story needed to sound legit. "I do wish to continue making tech though, but I also want to help people on the front lines. After all, it's no good being a one-trick pony."

"Oh so true!" The second judge, one of the females, called out and began to lightly laugh in a way that pissed Izuku off slightly.

"Why don't we begin his examination?" The third judge, another one of the men, asked his fellow examiners.

"True true," the first judge said. He gestured to Izuku, giving the teenage double agent the go-ahead to showcase his remarkably crafted gadgets.

Izuku smiled and decided to lead off with the best of them all. His Nanos.

"So, someone can't be in two places at once, save for people with clone Quirks, transformation Quirks, creation Quirks that create false doubles that aren't alive in the slightest and are pale imitations of the real deal. Nor can someone just seem to make things appear though that's not their Quirk." Upon this Izuku began to walk across the stage, much like how a CEO would and that's what he was aiming for. "Now." He stopped and turned to face them while he clapped his hands together. "People think they're limited to what they got. Well, that's the thing…" Suddenly a car seemed to crash through the back wall of the stage and create a hole in the wall before hitting Izuku, scaring the judges in the process, but stopping as soon as Izuku went flying before another Izuku appeared, formed by what looked like black grains of sand. "They're not."

Izuku spun his finger in the air counterclockwise and what 'happened' disappeared and turned into more black sand-like grains. "Even someone with nothing special like me can make something revolutionary," Izuku continued before swirling his finger around again and making a large ball of his Nanos, which seemed to impress the judges once they've gotten over their initial scare. "Behold." Izuku gave a sincere smile. "My Nanos."

Izuku made the Nanos swish back and forth, nothing but smooth movement coming from them which made him smile brighter. The judges were impressed by it as well, before Izuku made them catch fire. "And why make them just a kinetic force, when we can use the elements given to us and make it more?" They extinguished themselves, not creating smoke or steam in the process, the color of the Nanos that of embers before turning all black after a few moments of them cooling down. "The future is when we want it to be." Izuku made the Nanos turn invisible as he walked to his starting point in front of the judges and had his hands together. "I say the time is now."

Everything went silent and one of the judges clapped. They then stopped as no one else began clapping. Izuku felt he must've impressed them and he smiled, proud of himself for a moment.

"This is interesting…" The first judge commented. "So, you integrated cloaking tech into your Nanos?"

"Down to every last bead," Izuku answered honestly. "However, should I die or they get EMPed, then they'll all turn to normal and fall to the ground. At least that's my theory. I haven't died so I can't really test that… nor have I used an EMP, otherwise I'd have a lot of complaints from neighbors, and my mom."

"So how do you control them? You don't have a controller or anything from what I've seen," the third judge curiously asked.

Izuku tapped his head. "I got a Central Control Nano in my head, or CCN for short, so I can control them with my mind." Izuku shuffled his feet sheepishly while looking down. "Of course this all comes down to prediction and a lot of programming, plus a lot of other factors, including coloring, integrating camouflage, making sure the images form correctly, and then trying to get the texture and feel of the object I'm trying to make real." For demonstration, Izuku made an action figure of All Might (despite him not wanting to but it was the first thing that came to mind) and gave it to the judges.

After each took turns, they found the truth behind his words and saw that he could indeed copy the texture and feel for a normal one. "Amazing," judge four, the other female judge, said.

"Before we cast our votes," the fifth judge who was the other male judge and the one who clapped at first began as he looked at Izuku with an interest. "What did you mean by 'even someone with nothing special like me can make something revolutionary'?"

Izuku sighed silently, hoping they didn't pick up on that, before saying, "It's because I'm Quirkless." The fifth's eyebrow rose in curiosity and astonishment that Izuku didn't pick up on, while the others looked at Izuku in disbelief. "Yeah yeah, I know, shocking a Quirkless teen made something so-"

"I'm afraid we'll have to confiscate your Nanos then," the first judge interrupted, which made Izuku's heart drop a bit and accelerate. "I'm finding it hard to believe a Quirkless no one like you made something as advanced as this."

"But I did make it," Izuku countered while using his Nano's to hide his twitching eye, which twitched in rage.

"What proof do you have that you made it?" The third judge asked.

"What proof do you have that I didn't?" Izuku retorted.

"Well kid, in this area, it's our word against yours," the second judge began while drawing his attention. "We decide your fate. That, and you won't get into any support schools if you were rejected by UA."

"Especially with there being only one other student here!" The fourth judge began to laugh. This conversation was beginning to piss Izuku the hell off.

"I give him five stars."

"Huh?" Izuku was surprised and his Nanos faded before he looked at the fifth judge who gave Izuku a confident smile.

The fifth judge nodded with his eyes closed and held up a small sign that read '5 Stars'. "He can make it far. I won't rob him of his chance to shine."

"Are you serious?" The first judge questioned.

"We would be hearing something if a highly developed tech such as this boy's Nanos just went missing, and not to doubt the boy's mind, but how would he get into a high tech research facility to acquire these Nanos since the facility itself would have to have high security that would rival the Du'at Prison over in Okinawa, possibly even I-Island which would most likely be where these Nanos would be made. Nonetheless, this boy has quite a future ahead of him!" The judges, minus the fifth, turned to look behind them as an unexpected guest appeared and his presence shocked everyone in the room, minus the fifth judge.

"Principle Nezu?!" The judges exclaimed.

"Am I a dog, a mouse, or a bear? Either or, but it is I! Your pal Principle Nezu!" The High Specs Hero and also one of the few animals to have a Quirk: Nezu, announced.

"Chimera," Izuku stated, which shocked everyone from the suddenness of his word.

"What?" Nezu questioned.

"Chimera," Izuku repeated. "If you're not one and just a bunch of them, then you must be a Chimera."

"See! Open thinking like that is what geniuses are about!" Nezu smiled and the fifth judge helped Nezu onto the table for the judges. "Thank you my friend."

"No problem."

"Back to the point, I think you would make for an excellent student here, Midoriya!" Nezu walked up to the edge of the table and looked at Izuku Midoriya. "You made something revolutionary indeed, and I think you would be at home in this learning environment." Nezu nodded. "I accept you as a student!"

"Hold on, that wasn't part of our deal, Nezu!" The third judge said to the hybrid-like creature, before Nezu turned around and gave one of his serious and mad looks, which he normally never gave.

"And I never said that you can discriminate against potential students solely because this one happened to be Quirkless like you did here," Nezu said. "Our contracts are now terminated. You four should be ashamed."

"You damn rat!" The first shouted before trying to hit Nezu. He was stopped last second by a intense pressure suddenly interrupting him mid-punch and he froze still, as did everyone in the room before the four discriminative judges turned to look at Midoriya who was glaring at them with a harsh rage that spelt the message out to them just by looking at him. The fifth judge and Nezu were shocked at this development and also scared, as he (Midoriya) has shown that he was harboring an intense rage inside of him that could even scare people his rage wasn't targeted towards.

"Run or this won't get pretty," Izuku growled through gritted teeth, before dropping the murderous intent he showed off, and the four judges began running while Nezu and the fifth looked at him with an interest that made it clear to Izuku that he was a man of interest.

"You are beyond interesting," the fifth judge said, his smiling returning. "I'm ten billion percent confident that you'd make it well in this career."

"In fact, those Nanos you've demonstrated," Nezu began while very interested in them, "would make for a very helpful item in the field of Heroics." Izuku saw where this was going, and was surprised how quickly this was escalating. "If you so wished for it, I could put you into the Hero Course! Granted you'd still be a member of the Support Course, but I think I can see a way to make this cross-course student placement work!

"I…" Izuku wasn't sure what to say. He was offered the opportunity that he'd needed for his plans; for his uncle's plans! Was it really so easy to deceive someone as smart as Nezu? But, after a moment of intense thinking and personal consideration, Izuku shook his head solemnly. "I have to refuse."

"So you are looking to become a Support Master?" The fifth judge asked.

"I do want to transfer to the Hero Course, but I'm going to do it on my own terms," Izuku explained. He placed his right clenched fist to his side and pointed to himself with his other hand's thumb and said, "I'll prove I'm more than worthy during the UA Sports Festival. And no one will stop my rise to becoming a true Symbol of Peace."

Nezu and the fifth judge nodded, respecting the teen's wishes. "We understand," Nezu said.

"I think it goes without saying that you can expect an invite to my company's office and research facility after the Sports Festival during internships," the fifth judge told Izuku. He smiled confidently at Izuku. "You have a bright future!"

Izuku in return slowly smiled sincerely, able to at least rest easy knowing that the fifth judge was speaking the truth. "Thank you so much…

"Mr. Ishigami Senku sir!"