

"Like..?" Lucas questioned. Dein's jaw almost dropped. 'He doesn't know what like is?! What the heck is wrong with this man?!' Dein thought. "Like is when you feel attracted to a person." Dein just explained. "I'm attracted to you, does this mean I like you?" Dein almost collapsed.  'He's too innocent!!' Dein screamed in her mind. ________________ The story revolves around Dein Malfein. As cliché as it may sound, in her high school year, she experienced being betrayed by someone she trusted. A betrayal that led to her downfall. A betrayal that changed her life. However, with only herself to rely. She pulled some strings and worked as an ordinary self defense instructor to survive and support her studies. She succeded and got a degree with the highest praise, however, it was almost impossible for her to find a job because of her history. Dein's goal is to become a succesful woman, where she doesn't need to worry about her daily expenses and future. So successful that those who trampled her in the past will look at her in regret. But in her present situation, everything doesn't seem to work. Not until he caught the interest of a certain man, Lucas Carlton. _______________ PS. THE PLOT DOESN'T 'ONLY' FOCUS ON REVENGE. THE STORY REVOLVES AROUND SITUATIONS IN DEIN'S LIFE, HER STRUGGLES, JOURNEY TO SUCCESS AND LOVE LIFE. WARNING: THIS STORY IS NOT MEANT TO BE PERFECT.

xenos_ · Ciudad
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9 Chs


"Ahhm..." Dein yawned as she walked towards the entrance of the building after stopping by at a restaurant for her breakfast and skipped dinner yesterday. She had a complete eight hours of sleep but she felt as if she just slept for an hour.

"I want to sleep more..."Dein whines as she fixes her things on the locker. She yawned again and Hera who just entered the room noticed it.

"Didn't have enough sleep?" Dein looked at Hera and nodded.

"Yeah, I was so tired yesterday." she answered.

"Yesterday was hectic. Business is booming that's why." Hera said and walked towards her locker that is located next to Dein's.

Dein sighed and closed her locker "Must be nice having a lot of money."

Hera nodded in agreement "That's why you should find a rich guy to marry now while you're still young." Dein looked at her with an unbelievable expression.

"I'd rather marry a poor guy if that rich guy is two times my age." Hera laughed at Dein's remark.

"True true" Hera said chuckling.

"Anyways, I heard there's a new hotel restaurant that just opened nearby. I really want to try but ugh! My pockets give up." Hera grunted.

"Hotel Restaurant?" Dein's expression saddened. She wants to go but the food there will surely be expensive.

She felt Hera pat her back "It's okay Dein, we're the same. Let's just accept the fact that we are gifted with strength but granted with a poor life." Hera said dramatically and they both sighed.


Dein just finished teaching the last session for the day and she's already exhausted, more people are lining up on her schedule and she feels restless already.

"Guys listen up! Boss is will be treating us today at the newly opened hotel and restaurant!!" Dein heard Fynn one of her co-instructors shouted and everyone cheered.

"Wow, what's gotten with boss?" Dein said to herself, feeling surprised. The food there will surely be expensive, the boss must've hit a jackpot for him to treat them today.

While sitting on the bench and wiping her forehead with a towel. Hera suddenly popped up and grabbed her shoulder and started shaking her.

"Oh my gosh! Food! Thank you Boss!" she screamed in excitement as she continued to shake Dein.

"Yah! I know! I know! So let me go!" Dein shouted. Hera stopped and smiled at her sheepishly.

"Anyways, i'm excited!"


Everyone is astonished and amazed at the detailed structure of the building and their eyes are rotating 360 degrees per second as soon as they enter the building. The decorations looked sophisticated and the walls are as if shining in cleanliness.

Dein is also amazed but her mind mostly consists of the word 'food'. She can't wait to eat already!

"This way. Please follow me." a staff appeared and guided them to their room. They all sat down and everyone is busy taking in the beauty of the room.

"Wow, my love for boss has just deepened for more than a hundred feet." one of them said.

"Me too. Gosh! This room is so extravagant how did the boss afford this?!!" someone interjected.

Soon, the food came and Dein is mentally drooling inside as they serve the food on the table. Once the waiter was gone, everyone immediately started to dig in.

Few minutes later passed and everyone was so full to the point that they were all slumped against their seats.

Dein excused herself to go to the comfort room because she felt her stomach aching and she felt like puking. As soon as she entered the comfort room she immediately threw up all she ate.

She wiped her mouth with tissue and massaged her stomach to ease the pain. Her eyes went to the toilet bowl and her expression was about to cry as she stared at the mess "I just wasted a thousand dollars." she muttered and sighed.

She flushed the toilet and washed up afterwards. Tiredly, she opened the door sullenly and was about to leave when a voice erupted.

"Did you throw up? Was the food not to your taste?" Dein's forehead creased and she turned around to look at who was asking.

Dein was surprised to see a gorgeous man in front of her. He's wearing a suit that looks expensive and his face is too good to be true. 'He looks like a model' Dein thought.

"Are you... the one who's asking?" Dein asked, trying to make sure.

The man nodded and Dein was confused. Does this man know her?

"Umm...I beg your pardon but do you know me?" Dein asked.

The man stared at her for a few seconds before answering.

"Dein Malfein, 24 years old, a self defense instructor and a professional martial artist. Lives along Mayleif Street, singl—" Dein's eyes widened in shock "Y-You!! Who are you?!" Dein said as he cut the man from talking.

The man just stared at him making Dein feel disturbed.

"I asked, who are you?" Dein asked with gritted teeth.

"My name is Lucas Carlton." the man answered shortly.

Dein rummaged in her mind trying to remember if she ever encountered that name but no, he's a complete stranger to her. Dein glared at him.

"I don't know you and your name isn't familiar to me, why do you know me?" Lucas stared at Dein.

"That's not important, i'm asking if you didn't like the food." Lucas answered and Dein gritted her teeth.

"Mr. I don't know, don't mess with me or I'll hunt you down." Dein threatens and Lucas sighed.

"Since you won't answer me..." he stared at Dein "I want to make a deal with you." Lucas said and Dein stared at him confused.

"Are you kidding me? Why would I make a deal with a person that I don't even know." Dein interjected and crossed her arms.

"I will help you take revenge against Cynah Forson and give you a job in my company, aren't you looking for an office job?" Dein's eyes widen, she's confused on why does this man in front of her know about her revenge? And company?! He has a company?!

"How did you know about my revenge, I never said it to anyone, not even my friends." Dein said with seriousness lacing her voice.

"I have my ways." Lucas said and Dein stared at the man trying to figure out who the man is.

"Look, if you're a stalker or a con man, you better stop, I don't give a mooncake." Dein said and turned to leave. She needs to find out who the man is and why does he know about her revenge. Dein feels disturbed.

Lucas on the other hand was confused on why did she mentioned 'mooncake'?


If you like my story please support! The next chapters are gonna be interesting so stay tuned!

Thanks for reading my short note, hope you have a good day!

xenos_creators' thoughts