
Degenerate Daoist

In the eyes of society, Khan was an absolute degenerate, a perfect depiction of the word ‘failure’. Food, wine, women... Robbery, assault, murder... Were these not some of life's finest pleasures? Inevitably, Khan's depraved lifestyle landed him in prison. After being stabbed to death in prison, he found himself reincarnated into a mystical new world. Would this life-altering experience cause him to change his way of thinking? Would he take his new life as a fresh start, leaving his evil ways in the past? Absolutely not. Khan was determined to continue living as an irredeemable piece of degenerate trash. This is the story of a degenerate seeking dao in the world of cultivation.

Degen_Writer · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs

Robbery is One of Life’s Greatest Joys



A boy flew backwards. His ribs fractured and blood flew out from his mouth involuntarily. He was injured for no reason out of nowhere, leaving him shocked and angry as he turned towards his unknown assailant.

However, his anger dissipated instantly and transformed into dread when he saw who had assaulted him. His expression dropped and he crawled backwards pitifully.

"You, what do you want?!" He had no composure at all and screamed out anxiously.

"Your spatial ring, hand it over!" Khan laughed as he pointed down at the depressed boy. The boy gritted his teeth, but in the end he did as Khan instructed.

"Another one Hui." Khan tossed the ring towards Hui and turned away from the boy, forgetting his face immediately. He started whistling as he strolled towards his next victim, which would be whomever he came across. If nobody appeared outside, then he would just enter a house and look around. Robbing people directly was much easier though, since most cultivators carried the majority of their valuables on their person within their spatial ring.

"Master, you're not going to rob everyone in the outer sect are you?" Hui asked nervously. "I know that the sect technically allows the outer sect disciples to fight and steal from one another, but generally people don't do this…I don't know if the sect will let you off if you really steal from everyone…"

"Don't worry Hui, I only plan to rob everyone in the luxury zone, since they're guaranteed to be rich. Robbing all the other broke fellows would take too long, it's not really worth it."

"I can't believe that you would target your own fellow sect disciple brothers and sisters…" The spirit in his soul said numbly. At first she was shocked, but after seeing Khan repeat the crime seven times already, she just became numb to it.

He injured them out of nowhere with a surprise attack to guarantee that they wouldn't be able to run or fight back. Then, he robbed them.

"I just don't understand why this place is so peaceful, given the difference in strength between the disciples and the fact that they aren't prohibited from robbing one another. Isn't the sect actually encouraging the outer sect disciples to battle amongst themselves, but instead they're all just sitting back and doing nothing?" Khan responded.

"I don't know about that master…and I feel like you don't actually care if that's true or not." Hui smiled wryly.

"Hahaha! You're right, either way, I just want to get rich quick before entering the inner sect." Khan laughed loudly, openly flaunting his good mood. Being the top ranked outer sect disciple, he basically had free rein to do as he pleased in this place. So long as he didn't break the sect rules, the elders shouldn't interfere.

The spirit became silent and pondered Khan's words. She had followed many, many different individuals over the years and had come to understand every type of sect, clan and school out there. He was actually right, it was very possible that the sect really did intend for the outer sect disciples to constantly fight amongst themselves, as a means of training their mindset and forcing them to persevere.

They probably didn't expect that the top ranked disciple, a figure who should be revered and looked up to, would actually bully the weak and rob all those below him though. Well, Khan cared about his reputation just as little as he cared about the depressed feelings of those he robbed, making him a bit of an unexpected case.

"God damnit…" Another disciple carried themselves away painfully after suffering from Khan's continued path of robbery.

"Ah, it feels so good to be out and enjoying life again!" He smiled, then shook his head with a sad sigh. "The last few days were too irritating, mostly because of that shitty pill spirit, forcing me to give up my free time to deal with her."

"What kind of cultivator even is this? To be so set on becoming stronger that he's willing to endure such torturous training, yet also being work-shy to the point that he feels genuinely depressed if he goes a few days without enjoying himself in depraved pleasures…" The spirit muttered to herself. She felt like her world view was being shattered during these past few days.

"Hmph becoming stronger is simply a means to an end!" Khan snorted. "Only with strength can I properly enjoy myself without suffering from irritating consequences! And only with longevity can I continue enjoying myself, avoiding the buzzkill called death that insists on bringing an end to this great life!"

After saying this, Khan titled his head as he thought of something, and added:

"Actually, getting stronger feels pretty good in and of itself, so there is that."

"Why are there people like this…" A girl moaned as she glanced back at Khan hatefully. He didn't hold back on anyone - girl, man, child, chicken, if they had something valuable then he was going to take it!

So what if he punched that girl in the breast and disfigured it a bit? Hmph, caring about strangers was simply nonsensical, if they didn't want to get attacked, then they should be more aware of their surroundings! If they didn't want to get robbed, they shouldn't live in such a nice area that screamed, 'I'm rich, peasants!'

Well, Khan would also feel annoyed if he was beaten up and robbed. Just his reaction to the Void Blood Pill wasting a few hours of his time was enough to understand that he would never allow others to do to him the same things that he did to them.

"I can accept that perhaps this sect did intend for the outer sect to act as a tempering ground for the younger disciples, and I suppose you do need the resources, but still…" The spirit sounded sour as she spoke. She could see what Khan saw and hear what he heard right now. Although she couldn't see his face, she could imagine that he was smiling widely based on his carefree laugh.

"Do you really enjoy bullying the weak?" The spirit asked disdainfully.

"Do I enjoy bullying the weak? Not particularly." Khan shook his head with a slight smile. "The weak are simply easier to steal from, and robbery is one of life's greatest pleasures!"

"…That's basically a roundabout way of admitting that you do indeed enjoy bullying the weak."

"Hahaha, maybe!" Khan laughed with no shame at all. Money was money and treasures were more money, if bullying the weak earned him this much, then sure, he enjoyed it thoroughly!

"I have met many demonic path figures before, there is no doubt in my mind that you will be heading down this dark path. Well, that much was obvious from your soul, a soul completely devoid of light. I was hoping that this colouration may be caused by something else, but I see now that my initial thoughts were correct…"

"What's this demonic path?" Khan asked curiously, ignoring the insult that he didn't really consider an insult.

"Oh, I suppose that your cultivation is still low and your age young, you haven't been exposed to this side of the cultivation world as of yet."

Khan stayed silent as he robbed the next person, directly knocking them out and pulling the ring from their finger as he waited for the spirit to continue. He was still a bit irritated from everything she'd put him through, but his annoyance was lessened as she proved herself useful with all of her knowledge.

"Cultivators are often split into two groups: righteous and demonic. The righteous value moral principals and aim to uphold the goodness and virtue in this world. The demonic enjoy committing evil atrocities and often care only for themselves and their own benefit. The other major difference though, is that the righteous value community and are better at forming organisations and trusting one another, whilst the demonic often find themselves alone and without any backing."

"I see." Khan nodded. "Well, I can more or less infer the actual truth from your highly biased explanation anyway."

"What was that, you say I'm biased? Just because I appreciate the heroism of the righteous path doesn't mean I can't explain something objectively!"

"Oh, so you're also completely unaware of your shortcomings. For a self proclaimed 'un-classifiable treasure' with such a grand self-proclaimed backstory, you're really quite narrow minded." Khan replied casually.

"You, you actually say that I have shortcomings- and wait, you doubt my past?!" The spirit cried out.

"You managed to lose your body, so yeah, I doubt your ability somewhat." Khan admitted directly. "As for the backstory you gave previously, it sounded entirely fabricated. There were way too many mysterious sounding words that you only put in there to sound cool, like a story written by a six year old child. Even your own name, 'Void Blood Pill', was probably self-assigned, am I right?"

"Y-you, that's…anyway, the past I spoke of was entirely the truth!"

Khan smiled and didn't say anything, continuing to the 14th victim of the day.

"Elder, there he is, that's the disciple causing havoc around the outer sect! He's disrupting the peace and oppressing fellow sect disciples, he must be punished!" A shrill voice cried out.

Khan glanced around and found a girl besides an old man. He recognised the old man, but where from…?