
Hado #31

Ichigo followed the instructions that were given by Youruichi and got in a stance. She told him that one can do this with two hands aswell which would be much easier but she wanted him to learn the incantation with a single hand because it would leave his other hand available to deter any attack that was launched towards him during the time he's initiating the spell.

While listening to Youruichi's instructions he slowly raised his hand towards his head as he began his incantation

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hado #31 Shakkaho!" As each word passed from his mouth he could feel the spiritual pressure in his body stirring up and going towards a certain direction which was his hand and by the time he finished chanting the incantation his hand was now pointed towards another tree.

Ichigo waited with expectant eyes for something to happen but he was left disappointed as nothing happened. Youruichi who was watching him from the sides had her small jaw opened up in awe. She saw a small minuscule sphere that almost took form at the centre of Ichigo's palm before it disintegrated itself. It was so small that Ichigo didn't feel it but Yoruichi could clearly see it with her eyes.

The reason for her surprise and awe was that the normal time period it took for soul reapers to reach this stage, in general, was more than a year with some people like Renji still having trouble with Kido even after practising it for several decades. She had never seen or heard of someone being able to do something like this in their first try!

"Try to say the incantation at a much slower speed than earlier and give time to your spiritual pressure to flow before finishing it." Youruichi advised Ichigo after recovering herself from her awe and then waited in anticipation for what was going to happen.

Ichigo did what was told to him and chanted the incantations again but this time making sure to say each word slowly and giving time to his spiritual pressure to move around. He realized that a much larger amount of spiritual pressure was now being mobilized and moved towards the centre of his palm and slowly and steadily a small sphere the size of an egg started being formed. It wasn't perfectly spherical and had some deformities but Ichigo could see it trying to correct its shape slowly.

Maybe it was because of the excitement of being successful in just the second attempt Ichigo lost his concentration for a second and saw the red ball of light fluctuating increasingly and he finally realized that he had lost control of it. He remembered the scene of the sphere exploding right in front of Renji's face and prepared himself for the consequences of his distraction but soon a visible slash passed through the air and cut the sphere in two halves.

The sphere just after being cut in half instead of exploding, as one would likely think to be the normal way things progressed, it disintegrated into thin air. Ichigo looked in the direction from which the slash originated and saw Yoruichi who was retracting her claws. He took a sigh of relief and thanked her.

"Thanks for that," Ichigo said.

"You should be, a normal person who practises these techniques doesn't have a mortal body, as a result, they are much sturdier than you. I'm not sure but if that thing exploded then you would have most likely lost your limb or ended up dead. Keep this in mind from now on. Even a shred of distraction is enough for you to get yourself killed." Youruichi says gravely and then gestured to him to try again.

This time while practising the move Ichigo was much more focused than before as he had realized his blunder from earlier. He was too excited about learning something he had never thought was possible for him and forgot about the danger it carried now that he was reminded of it by Yoruichi it helped him calm his heart and mind down so that he could give his utmost focus to the task that he was currently performing.

Ichigo slowly closed his eyes as he once again recited the spell in the same manner as before and felt the spiritual pressure from his body being utilized. He could feel it moving from all around his body and converging towards his palm just like before. With each word, he saw the sphere that was forming increase in its size. The size finally stopped when it was around the size of a volleyball. Even Ichigo was shocked by the size but he didn't let it distract him as he knew the consequences of it exploding right in front of him would be quite terrible.

Seeing the large size of the Hado spell Yoruichi readied herself to take action in case anything went wrong but to her amazement, Ichigo finished the enchantment just at that moment and directed the red hot ball towards the tree. The moment the sphere hit the tree trunk the whole part of the trunk disappeared making it fall straight to the ground as it slowly turned into cinders.

She had long forgotten the number of times Ichigo had surprised her today. His being able to perform this Hado spell in just three attempts left her speechless. She had never heard of anyone in the soul society who was capable of doing something like this when they were young. She suddenly started feeling expectant for him. It was a feeling similar to when a boxing coach realizes that the one he had been coaching is going to surpass Muhammad Ali if he kept on practising his skills.

"Brat what kind of monster are you? Do you know how long it takes to be able to cast a Kido smell of this strength?" Youruihci said to Ichigo who was looking at the aftermath of his spell with the same amazement and surprise like Youruichi was.


For Supporting me/Advance Chapters


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