

Did you ever imagine that something like this would happen? Did you search well to realize it? Don't be fooled, you know it's not true Shh… ..silence just close your eyes this won't hurt at all.

La_casa_del_terror · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Ep 5

-President is coming !! - Said one of the girls present

-Don't tell me… ah….-Sigh- Attention save all the equipment now!

-Yes !! - They all said in unison

I saw with just pressing a hidden button things were saved, the two boys pressed a button that was hidden on the floor, the girl reading the manga ran to the library shelf, she took out a book that you could easily pass for authentic, but it was false, hiding the manga leaving it in the same place. I hadn't noticed there was another girl present apart from the president, the girl from the manga, and me.

-Wait, how did you see who was coming? - It had seemed strange to me, but I did not pay attention to it since the other things distracted me

-Shh… I'll tell you later-He said making me shut up

They all stood in a straight line in front of the door, I did the same not understanding much of what was happening, then the door opens and Enora appears along with 2 boys behind her.

-surprise inspection-he said frowning-I see they were already prepared-Looked at Emiko who only showed a smile between her lips-No wonder you used some dirty trick to avoid being discovered-In her hands she had a notebook- Oh ... .I see you brought the new one- Looking at me- I can't believe you already want to contaminate her with your dirty practices- She opened her notebook- You know the rules. The others began to leave the classroom in order, leaving only Emiko and I in the classroom, along with the other two boys who immediately moved around the classroom stirring things up.

-I want to see the face you make when we confiscate your "little games" -Referring to Emiko

-ah? I want to see you do it- Giggling

-And An-chan, I hope you don't plan to be part of this dirty club? -Frowning

-Well, what a shame -said Emiko shrugging- Because I was about to sign the recruitment sheet

-Now his look of anger changed from Emiko to me feeling a few chills run through my body- Oh ... I see ... I expected you to enter my club, but I see that this dirty rat has already recruited you ... well a shame-Looking at Emiko again- I just hope you don't get carried away by her.

Something was not understanding and is that at first she was kind and gentle, but now she showed a serious side that was scary.

-Well, wait outside until the inspection is over-Enora walked away from us starting to review and write down in the notebook

-Let's go Ann-She takes my hand in the direction of the door

When I leave I see the faces of the others somewhat worried, Emiko lets go of my hand and approaches the group with a smile.

-ajja always have those faces when she comes-I did not understand why the commotion. In my old school that did not happen, they never worried about inspecting the clubs, and if they did it was for the end of the year where the director together with the president of the council went from club to club checking and managing that the provisions of the "Regulation", although if something was not in order the director would forgive them on the condition that in the next revision that he did, everything was correct.

-Emiko what's going on? -I approached her and the rest of the group in a low voice

-Well, you see ... -He looked away scratching his cheek

-I think I can explain you better -said the girl who gave the warning

-Oh… it would be very helpful- I indicated confused

-Well, in the regulation it is indicated that the clubs should have as theme "the study" -Comment the girl

-If that Emiko explained to me-

-Well… since the delegate took over as supervisor of the club, this has become a nightmare ...

-Then because of her they can't… -Trying to tie up the drama

-Yes-Nodding-Every time the inspection comes we must leave, apart from the fact that the delegate does not get along with our president-Whispering to me

-Ah… that catch ex- Laughing

to be continue