To make this world a better place we must first of all be conscious of things we admit into our minds. Every single thing that exists today both good and bad started its journey from our Mind. Our minds are gateways to our lives. Both non prominent and prominent people were equally born with a mind as empty as that of a new born baby, Their choice of what to feed their minds with is what differentiates them. Just as you are careful with what you feed your stomach, So shall you be careful what you feed your mind with, Just as you are aware of foods that are allergic to your body so you have to be aware of things your mind is allergic to.
What gets to your mind affects the whole of your life unconsciously. I came from the part of Africa that believes that Mind is in the heart, causing many to take unnecessary risk just to prove they have mind. Our mind is in our brain And Nature didn't program our brain to take risk, we personally program our brain to take risk, Nature programed human's brain to protect us from harms. Every thing in life seeks your mind, they are all searching for a way to penetrate but you are the only one that has the power to allow any of them in. This is why it is very important for you to brainwash yourself by yourself first. Brainwashing yourself by yourself complies of discovering your nature, nurturing your nature, understanding your nature and mastering your nature. With these five things you can control what you admit into your mind. Learn how to guide your mind never let any rubbish settle on your mind for it is the gateway to your life, more than anything, say no to doubt, learn how to limit your options to only what you want (not either this or this) focus your mind on a thing and give that thing your best. If there is something you really don't want to take away from your mind please let it be TIME, for time and mind is inseparable, always be conscious of time to avoid " HAD I KNOW"
Expectations are the main cause of misery and depression. Expectations with yourself and in society.
We grow up thinking we are entitled to a perfect family, perfect marriage, perfect friends, perfect education, jobs, opportunities etc. This is all an illusion placed on us by society. Although it is maybe preferable to have all those things perfectly in your life , we are not brought into this world with the guarantee of any of that.
What we are guaranteed is the experience of being conscious on this earth and observing nature and humanity. Every moment and experience is a gift, experience is the fruit of living, good or bad. We don't understand what happens before birth or after death, but we are each chosen to be here and conscious able to observe and react.
If all humanity could see how precious and beautiful this reality is we could solve all the problems of the world. With gratitude over greed nobody would starve and we would not need to destroy our planet for the sake of societal expectations.
Bottom line is that we are not entitled to anything but living. All the structure in our minds of needing this or that or feeling worthless cause you don't live up to expectations is just a mental complex. Being greatful for this gift and beautiful experience of consciousness on the earth in the universe is true freedom and life.