
1 Prolog

The red light alternated with the shadows as he stormed through the corridor. Never before in his life has he run so fast. Especially not with his equipment. He sweated from all pores not only through the effort but also through the fear.

The saving door came into sight, the trembling hand already stretched towards the distant door handle. The passage trembled, accompanied by the sound of groaning metal. He fell to the ground. He immediately trying to get up, but the whole corridor tilted. Only slowly then faster and faster did he slide towards the door. He could opened the door before he smashed into it. Behind the door lay a small round room with 5 seats. He jumped into one of the seats, pulled down the safety bars and then kicked the start button.

There was an impact then the capsule was accelerated only to be braked abruptly again. Red light started to shine inside the capsule. On one of the screens an exclamation mark was to be seen. Below it an "ATMOSPHERE ENTRY" was to be read in large Blockiger writing. Not that He would see that, his focus was to pinch his eyes together and pray to every God he could think of. This landing is too bumpy to remain an atheist, or choosy.

There was another bump when the landing engine together with the parachutes started to brake the fall. There was one last bump when the capsule landed, but its occupant continued to cling to the safety bars and didn't even think about opening his eyes. It took him a few minutes to open an eye. Then a second one. The eyes searched the capsule for further dangers, but found nothing. Then the hands finished their screw clamps grip. Now, as if in slow motion, he opened the safety bars. Still not convinced that the danger was over.

He looked down on himself and checks for injuries, but apart from a few bruises and the shock of his life, everything seems to be fine. He took a trembling step to the small round window.

A pile of dirt. The ground seems to be loamy dirt, the walls of the crater? Gorge? Valley? Are Brown Rugged Stone. Nothing moved, no further danger.

He dropped himself on one of the seats and breathed deep out. As he sank deeper and deeper into the seat, he pulled out a necklace under his shirt. He looked at the slightly curved metal plate, something was engraved on it in small bush letters.




Blood AB+

Venture League