
Deeds of love

Catherine, a beautiful, young girl lives with her mum in an apartment downtown. She is uninterested in love and believes all men are bad. Things begin to take a new turn after she joins working with the Kingsley family to fill in for her ailing mum. There, she meets Sebastien one of the young but cold sons of the family who does not like to associate with people or care about their feelings. Find out through the exhilarating chapters why Catherine is uninterested in men and how she is able to change Sebastien, bringing out a sense of warmth in him. Also, how Sebastien changes her idea about men, stays by her side at her most difficult moment and brings out the happiness Catherine never thought lies in her.

Habibat_Olanike · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter four

'Suprise!' Michael enters, extending his arms to his mum at the entrance .

'Oh darling,' she hugs him 'I thought you guys didn't want to come home ' she says jokingly.

'We wanted to surprise you' he replies happily, releasing her.

'Suprise indeed' she agrees. She has been the only one eager to come back home. Others were reluctant. Her husband had little work to round up with, Michael wanted to hang out more with his friends while Sebastien had never agree to coming back home.

Catherine moves in the luggages.

'Take it to the rooms' Bianca instructs. 'This is Catherine, Michael,' she introduces ' Mrs Beth's daughter, You remember Mrs Beth?'

Michael takes a closer look at her, covers his mouth in awe 'oh yeah,' he points out his index finger, 'Yeah she looks like here.' 

Catherine wonders what he just said. She shares no resemblance with her mum.

Michael faces his mum 'You know mum, I thought she's from one of those parties I used to organize in the house back then' he says jokingly

Bianca laughs 'Don't be silly. Catherine has never been here before not to talk of attending one of your numerous parties. Infact she just resume this morning, show her around darling'

Michael assists Catherine in moving the luggages upstairs to the passage. 

'This,' he points to a door close to them, 'is my room while the one next to it is Seb's. And that,' he points to a room with a bigger door, 'is mum and dad's room. Those two are the guest rooms. The store is downstairs beneath the stairs and your room.' He faces her 'Are you sleeping here ' he asks


'ohh' he is disappointed

'Let me clean your room first then' she says and moves downstairs to get the cleaning equipment.

She walks back to his room and opens the door. It is a big one, four times bigger than hers. Everything is tidy but dusty. The white bedsheet on the bed layers with dust. 

She touches the bed. It is so soft and big and can't imagine her mum and her sleeping comfortably in it.

She shakes off the thought from her head and begins cleaning. After that, she moves to the next door and knocks. On hearing no response, she opens it and enters.

'Sorry,' she addresses the guy standing close to the window, observing the daylight. He turns and faces her

'Can I help you?'

Catherine clears her throat. 'Can you please move out I want to clean' she says showing him the mop and bucket in her hand.

He walks to his bed and sit, not minding what she just said 'Go on' he looks at her 'or am I hindering you?'

'No, not at all' she replies and starts cleaning. She throws a look at him at interval to ensure he is not looking at her. She feels so uneasy in his presence.

Sebastien begins to press his phone pretending not to notice her glances despite catching some of it. After some while, he slams his phone on the bed.

 Catherine notices the grin on his face 'You okay?'

' I should be the one asking you that' he yells ' Why do you keep staring at me. Just do your work and go!' he storms out of her presence.

 Catherine is speechless. She has never seen someone so rude and this cold. She closes her eyes and breathes deeply thinking if she was to really work here, she won't tolerate being disrespected by him.

 Catherine finishes with the cleaning in the afternoon and makes lunch. She serves it at the dinning. Bianca walks in from the living room and ask her to call her sons. Mr Kingsley has hurriedly left same morning for a meeting.

 She hated the idea of going to call them and wishes her work is not entangled with the sons. Though Michael is okay, looks like her age though but Sebastien? his face annoys her.

She walks upstairs and opens the door 'Michael!' she shouts his name. He is on air pod, dancing funny to the unheard music. 'Michael!' she calls out once more. He turns and faces her ' Food is ready' 

She walks to the next door, pauses to catch some breath. She finally knocks gently but hears no response. She is not surprise cause she is not expecting one. With the few minutes encounter with Sebastien or whatever is name is, she has figured out the kind of person he is. 

With that, she opens the door and enters. She gasp and turns abruptly to the door seeing he is only on boxer.

'God! What the hell do you want' he yells 'Get out!' pointing to the door 

'Food is ready' she speaks fast and rushes out closing the door behind her. She takes in a few oxygen 'Lord!' She shakes her head, 'Today isn't mine' she briskly walk away.