
Deception: New Problem, New Hope

Alarm ringing loudly on Monday morning as Chris stretches his hands to turn it off, sits up and sighs, "Up and awake, thank you Lord, how I hope mom and dad were here..., to share this day together.." as he got out of the bed and went to the washroom. "Whoa, I really need a new look, let me see" as he took the shampoo and other hair stylers. He changed his look and looked like a whole new person now, "And I'm done, I wonder how they'll react on seeing my new look" he went to dress up and left for breakfast but when he didn't see Miss Lynn nor Lydia, "oh..where are they?" as he went on outside. "Chris, we've been waiting for you for a while now" Miss Lynn said, "I thought I woke up early....I...don't go to school this early.." as he said smiling to Miss Lynn, "Well...she does" Miss Lynn said turning to Lydia, "Mom..how can I go to school with someone who wakes up late!!, it's not helping me Mom, please do something about him!" as she got into the car. "Oh Lydia.." Miss Lynn said as she turned to Chris, "You better get going before she started barking again" as Miss Lynn went in and closed the door. "He looks cool with his new look today, he's not that bad as I guessed" Lydia said to herself in the car, "Madam, are you talking about my new look?, I look pretty cool right" the driver said, "Ay, not you, just be ready", as Chris entered, "Uhh...Hi.." he said to Lydia, "Hey there..., just keep quiet and stay put, no noise" Lydia replied brusquely, as Chris kept quiet and ate the bread he took from the table before getting outside. Lydia pressed a button on her side and a TV turned on and pushed to the chair infront of them, "wow, cool" Chris said in a low tone as Lydia turned to look at him, "Okay, sorry...".What was on the news was a reporter giving report that the boy who was involved in the explosion is missing from the Hope hospital, and they don't know if he escaped or he was kidnapped, and they are still in search for him" as soon as Chris heard this, he had palpitations, "Oh...so sad, but why would he escape...well I hope they give his picture out and his name at least...". Chris felt the palpitations more and more and Lydia changed the station to a different one and they were also giving a report about the missing kid as the car stopped at once, then Chris sighed "just when I needed it" Chris said in his mind. "Why did the car stop?, and why is the TV also off?" Lydia asked the driver, "I don't know madam, but I think it must be a minor fault because this has never happened before" the driver replied, "Then fix it in 2 minutes!" she shouted at the driver and turned to Chris, "I think you're the reason why this car has stopped" she said to him, "uhh....what?" he replied, "Having you in my car for the first time and all this is happening, it's your fault, now get out!" she shouted at Chris and without a word and closed the door slowly and waved a bye to Lydia as he set off. "At least, I have the school in view so I can't get lost now" as he continued walking to school. "He didn't say a word and even waved, what have I done Lydia, I think I'm being rude to him..." she said to herself as she stretched to see where he was now and he couldn't find him,"he's gone, wow, he's strange and that's something I like about him" as he kept on looking to see if he could find him, "Madam, just a wire was plugged out" the driver gave a feedback, "uhh..just fix it...and let's go.." as the driver fixed it and they drove off to school. Sue hurriedly got off and gold the driver to come pick them when they close, "Hey, and also get me some hotdogs and milkshake, don't forget it" she told him as she was entering the school's gate, "I know he likes it, so I'll surprise him with it" as she smiled and entered the school, she quickly went to her class and there he was, she saw Chris seated at the back as he waved her the same way, and she just smiled and sat on her seat as her friends gathered around her. "Hey...Lydia, so how was your trip?","Yeah..tell us","How did it go", "Alright alright, I'll tell you guys later, I'm just tired", she replied their statements, "Have you seen the new guy with the curly hair back there, he's so cool" one girl said as she smiled to Chris and waved as Lydia got annoyed, "what's up with that wave?" she asked her friend, "oh..just to get his attention..maybe as she blinked her eyes to Lydia, "sit down already, a teacher is in" she said. "Hello Boys, hi girls, I hope you're all doing great today?" they all replied "Yes ma'am!", "Good, I think I'm seeing someone new, aren't you Chris?, stand up" as Chris stood up, "What's your name boy?" the teacher asked,"I'm Chris..." as he sat down. "Why did you sit down boy?"she asked again, "You asked for only my name madam" as the whole class went laughing whiles Lydia was staring at Chris and he turned to look at her, "I hope he knows what he's doing, he doesn't want to get into big time trouble" as she turned to look away, Chris's face changed a little because he heard her in her mind, "Something's not right, I....I heard her..speak in her mind?, no...no..I'm probably hungry" he finished off his statement in his head. "Well, Lydia, are you done with the assignment?" she asked Lydia, "uh..oh.. y..yeah, I'm done" as she said looking a little confused "okay then, what was your result" as Lydia stated her result to the class, "okay, now is there anyone here who opposes?", as Chris raised his hand, "You...Chris" the teacher said as the whole class started laughing and he just gave a smile, he stood up and gave the complete opposite of what Lydia said and proved Lydia to be wrong as the whole class was surprised, "Where did you learn all that from" the teacher said surprised, "Well, it's because I'm....Chris"," meet me in my office" the teacher said and left as Chris followed her and straight into her office, "so where do you come from Chris?", "it's my private thing I guess" he replied, "so how did you get to know all that, you proved Lydia wrong", "she can't think to my extent and I can't think to her extent, we're all special in our own ways" he replied to the teacher, as she kept quiet, "you can go to class now" she said looking at Chris thinking as Chris left without a word, "He's.....strange...,hm" she said. Chris entered the class room and the boys started clapping and stood up,"Good job Chris", "You did well!", "We finally have someone to stand up against Lydia" they said as he just went past them and sat down, the bell rang immediately for closing and they moved out as Chris sat down like he didn't hear any bell, "Let's go..., the car is outside" Lydia said to Chris as she turned, "You told me to get out, I'm not going with you" he replied as Lydia turned back to look at him and came near him, "Look, if you think I'm your mom to pamper you forget it, stand up and let's go!" she shouted, "please, don't bring my mother into this..." he also replied softly, "then don't make things complicated for me and besides, I have some hotdogs and milkshake too, so...if you won't go then I'll give it to someone else..hm" she said looking at Chris, "you wanna buy me...with a hotdog and a milkshake?", "I know it's your favorite and you can't resist it" she replied back as she turned back to the door and went out. Chris sighed and picked up his old backpack from childhood which his mom bought for him, it had their family picture in the first zip closure, "I haven't forgotten you mom...and dad...I'll surely find your bodies" as he left the room. He got out and into Lydia's car, "Where's the milkshake and...", "it's there" Lydia intercepted pointing to the front seat, Chris stretched to pick it up and sat back, "thanks" as he smiled whiles looking at the food, "why do you like this so much?" Lydia asked Chris, as Chris paused from the bite he had in the hotdog, "Well..." as he cleaned his mouth, "Well.... it's what my parents and I usually had...", "oh...okay,,and where are they?, why aren't you with them?" Lydia asked, "this is really cool, I love it" Chris immediately changed the subject with his statement, "oh...it's from the best restaurant in Maxburgh, I knew you would like it" as Lydia smiled to Chris, "thanks...friend.." Chris replied as he smiled back and had another bite on the hotdog, "Hha, friend....friend, head home" she finished off instructing the driver. They got home and Chris immediately got out not even waiting for Lydia, "he left!, he didn't even say bye or open the door for me as a gentleman!, I've had even with showing him pity!" Lydia shouted in the car as she says that he left the hotdogs pack in the car, "oh...maybe it was because he had to do something...he wouldn't leave his favorite here unattended" as she picked it up and came out. Chris went straight to his room and laid on the bed watching the ceiling as Miss Lynn arrives, "Hey, you're back from school, I got you some stuff you would need" as she drew near and sat on the bed, she opened the package she was holding and there was a phone and a headset as well as some money, "You'll need this, here" as Chris collected them, "...thanks, but why are you being so nice to me ma'am...?" as Miss Lynn smiles to him, "son, you gave me a helping hand when I didn't need it, and I'm helping you when you need it, don't worry" as she stood up and headed out, "seems like she's being too good to me, well, thanks though" as he smiled and picked up the phone and the headset, "pretty cool though" he said as Lydia entered, "Hey, you left me and your favorite in the car without turning back to look at anything as soon as we got here" Lydia said looking a little angry, "and...?" Chris replied, "and?..oh, and?, is that all you'll say, ha!" as she drew near the bed and left the package on his bed,"get reader for dinner, don't keep up waiting" she finished off as she went out and closed the gate. Suddenly, Chris heard the screams of the masked guy again in his head as well as the shots which killed his parents, louder and louder continuously eventually which sent him kneeling down and screaming as blood flew from his ears slowly, he touched the liquid with his hand and saw that it was blood, "b..b..blood..., m..mom..." as Lydia entered, "Chris!!" she shouted as she run to his side and laid his head on his lap, "Chris...,w..what happened..?" as Chris slowly raised his head to look at Lydia, "m....mom..." as his head went down again. Lydia called for help and they sent him to the hospital.

He woke up after a day on a hospital bed, "I...where am I?" he said as Lydia stood up and went to his side, "Chris, you're up, I was so worried" Lydia said as she stretched her hand to check his temperature, "you're cool now", "how did i get here...Lydia" he asked, "just relax, you might be discharged soon after the doctor sees you now" she assured him, "oh..and I bought fresh hotdogs and milkshake today after school, it's just beside the bed", "oh..thanks Lydia", as he held her hand looking into her eyes, "H..he held my hand, what does he think he's doing..." Chris heard Lydia in her mind as he let go of her and sighed, "how long have you been here" he asked, "all the time, after I returned from school." she replied, "so you slept here?", "y..yeah.., I did, I couldn't watch a poor boy sleep alone right, what if something bad happened again, don't say anything else, just rest" as she went back to her seat. Miss Lynn rushed in with a doctor, "Chris, you're awake, doc, check him please", "okay ma'am" the doc replied as he quickly checked his temperature and heart rate, "he's well now, you can take him home", he said as he left, "Just like that?" Chris asked, "Yeah, he said it was just a minor issue, nothing to worry about" Miss Lynn replied, they helped Chris get down and got to the car. They entered and the driver was instructed to go home. "oh.. and Chris, as we'll be going on vacation, we'll be going on a trip to the countryside and the mountains, it's actually a school trip", "to the.... countryside..?" Chris asked, "Yeah...Bethra, there's a small town there and it's got a cool mountain view", Chris smiled upon hearing this, "I'll be looking forward to that", "mom, I'm coming home, I'll get to know more when we get there" he said to himself as he was happy about they going on a trip to his home, Bethra. He put on the headset and looked into the window...smiling as they rode home.....