
Chapter 3 – Stripped of power

His blindfold was removed, and taken into a large and very dark chamber, colder than the weather outside, it felt suffocating like he was put in the inside of a freezer. Torches flicker along the stone wall casting animated shadows. The guards strip him off his clothes, leaving him naked on the cold floor. 

The very first thing he noticed was the appearance of his penis, it was a different shape, lighter than he was used to, slightly smaller and no bush hair. Whoever he was here, he must have never grown hair on his balls. 

They strap him to a chair, under a mechanical contraption his wrist and ankles bound tightly with harsh ropes, biting into his newfound delicate skin. The room smelled of sweat and very old blood. 

How many people have been subjected to this. "This is unnatural, you can't subject me to this."

They did not say anything.

A woman entered the room, dressed in white silky robes, she walked in with stiletto high heels and glasses, and the guards left the room. Leaving them alone, a second woman appeared much younger than the mature woman in front of him. A book in her hand?

Her assistant?

"Small dick, he has huh? That little penis apparently penetrated one of the crown princesses unbelievable." She laughed mockingly, holding her hand over her mouth, the assistant giggled along akwardly. "What are you without your abilities, August."

He guessed that was just his name now. 

His legs twitch, her mocking banter, it aroused him. His penis rose, erect. This whole scenario screamed bdsm to him. 

Oh he could play into it all day.

"My, my what a degenerate we have here. Do you want to touch the hero's penis Calia said, after today, he will be practically devoid of human rights. You can do what you want."

The girl blushed at the sight of his rod, hiding her face but peeking with curiosity

"No mam…" she let out. Her face was reddish like a tomato.

The woman approached him. 

What an embarrassment you are, and in a few moments you will be powerless." she humiliated him. 

"Wait…don't do this. We can work something out right, maybe you can help me escape. I'll do whatever you want." he begged as he was strapped shut.

"Hmmm, amusing but no, I like my head on my shoulders"

She removed a pipe like contraption, with a needle on the end and plunged it into him. A painful sensation starts spreading into his body, he could feel something being pulled out of him. 

"Aaarrrggghh, fuck me." he shouted in pain.

"Pay attention Calia, this experiment should be noted down as part of your assignment.

Theodore screams, the thing was draining his strength, he felt his limbs grow weaker and and his vision started blurring. The device glowing more every second as it robs him of his powers, he begins to feel limp and vulnerable.

She pulls the device away, And he feels devoid of any emotion or feeling, his powers whatever they were before, they are gone. His penis became flaccid again, this wasn't sexually arosing anymore.

Was this karma for the way he lived? 

"I thought you were a little stronger than that 'hero.' she laughs at her bound victim. 

The door creaks open and a knight enters the room, she becomes straightened, almost disciplined. The professionalism that was missing made itself present.

"Doctor marie? Is the procedure finished? We have a tight schedule today."

 "Almost sir knight, i have to run a test. But he is deprived of his power, you no longer have to fear him."

The knight scoffed and walked out again. And the women breathed out a sigh relaxing her muscles. Her tense demeanour easing.

Anxiety gripped theodore, what was next. More needles torture. 

"Oh… I would like to have fun with you, but scrying eyes are everywhere, maybe I can give you a parting gift instead."

She took a pill out of her robe pockets, held it against his mouth. 

"Eat it, don't worry, it won't hurt you anymore than you have already felt, this will make you feel better." 

He refused. Shaking his head, too tired to speak. They were going to treat him like property, why did he have to abide. 

He was as stationary as a doll, a scowl formed on his face, he didn't want to go through that pain for nothing. She pressed her face against his, putting the pill on her tongue and forcing her way into his mouth, he let go of sternness, her tongue lapping with his. Her warm breath, heating his cold face. The pill went down his throat, her saliva with it. She pulled back, a smirk on her face. 

Her assistant Calia was still writing. He was pretty sure it was not part of the assignment. 

The pill took effect, he felt his strength returning slowly. The pill had restored his energy, but whatever made him special was gone. 

She held his face with slender and delicate fingers, "Were you always this feminine, hero…" 

She was a certified freak. Was she even allowed to do this?

"If you manage to find your freedom again, do visit me sometime and then we can do a bigger experiment."

His heart started racing, perhaps this wasn't going to be this bad afterall. He refrained from saying anything, still pissed off at what happened. 

The knight and the guards slowly returned after untying him, his limbs still too weak to resist them. His naked body is dragged along the hallway of this facility, his cold feet scraping against the floor. 

He could hear the doctor giggle as he is taken away, the girl Calia waves him goodbye as he is thrust into horse shuttle again. 



They had thrown him into a dark, freezing and empty cell. The floor wasn't properly tiled, there were pieces of filth scattered through the cell, he swore he saw rats running on the edge of the small cell. Lying there, wearing nothing but a simple gown, no undergarments. He was afraid of sharing a room with some male criminal. He was happy that no one would be giving him booty shots tonight. 

He curled up on the horrible bed provided to him, no entertainment, not even a book to read. There was a toilet, a mirror and a small sink. He was glad that the people of this fantastical era at least had plumbing it seemed. 

He stood up and for the first time since he got here he stared at his body and figure. 

He really was feminine and his frame was small and slender, petite even. He had messy hair that was around neck length. He couldn't decide whether he was lucky or if he was cursed. Just who was August and why was he inhabiting his body.

How to make the best of it. He was supposed to wait until someone came to pick him up. Then he would live as their servant. 

Some part of him hoped it was a woman, he feared that his feminine figure might attract the wrong attention. Or at least a respectable gentleman.

A slave. The horror.

A sudden urge to pee, starts welling up in his balls and he stands over the primitive toilet. It was an open view cell, anyone who wanted to stare could see his penis. The toilet was positioned in a horrible way so he had to show himself while he was doing his business. 

The pee that came out was blue, what the hell did august drink before he inhabited his body.

"What the fuck." he said to himself. 

His voice must have drawn the attention of the guards. He noticed a creepy guard walk by as he was peeing, the guard circled back and his attention locked on his penis. 

"Blue pee what the fuck were you drinking."

He felt his privacy invaded, no one has ever stared at him peeing. Atleast he deserved the semblance of that

"Can you leave, I'm trying to pee."

The guards face contorted in a psychotic manner.

"I can see that pretty boy, just admiring the view." he smiled wickedly at 'August.' Starts licking his lips. "You do have a nice penis…" 

Theodore swallowed, he wasn't going to get out of this cell unviolated was he. It was nice when the science lady did it, but now he feared for his life.