
Debarred Attraction

Lavender Deluxe... She's the country's most beautiful model across the agency. At the same time her parents passed their company to her at a young age after she was done with college. SHARK BUILDING CORPORATION She's the CEO just merely at 25 years and she was already famous from her modelling industry. But something lies with her... She's a single mother... Who birthed a child as a result of mistake. According to her statement... HARDIN MYERS... 27 years old handsome demigod. He's hella hot but one thing was that he was from a poor background. Ladies flushed at the sight of him because of his hotness. But something in this different worlds lies a familiarity, they are common even in their different worlds.

billbanky63 · Ciudad
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16 Chs

Chapter 8


Lavender woke up with heavy eyes, she couldn't still last night as a result of the drink she drank. She wasn't too tolerant with alcohol but she took it because of Hardin's presence.

Ten minutes later, she was done dressing so she came out only to be welcomed by the sweet aroma coming from the kitchen.

"Mhm," She moaned, tracing the aroma till she got to the kitchen.

There, she met Hardin preparing steaks and coffee for breakfast.

"Good morning," She said excitedly and he quickly turned to look at her.

"I'm preparing breakfast for y'all" He ignored her and went back to his cooking. She pouted, going closer to him.

"I'm sorry for what happened last night" She apologized.

"I just hope you won't take work personally Miss Deluxe" He replied and she nodded.

"Where's Ava and Oliver? School?" She asked and he chuckled.

"You forgot that today's Saturday" He answered and she giggled.

"Gosh! I forgot swear!" She smiled, walking out of the kitchen.

She got to her room pulling her phone from the lampshade. She dialled Kim's line.

"Hello boss" She greeted from the other end.

"I need you to replace me today at work..all our documents should be taken proper care of Kim" 

"Uh... Where are you going, boss?"

"I need to do something here at home... Goodbye," She quickly hung up. She went through the internet and started searching for interesting things to do on Saturday with your loved ones.

Only God knows she was doing all this just to spend time with Hardin. She's willing to have him even if it means taking him by force.

She dialled her best friend's line, Charlotte.

"Babe" Charlotte called.

"Hi Charlotte, need a favour from you," Lavender said, biting her fingers nervously.

"What's that?"

"Can you send me any good site for going for a family picnic?" 

"What!! Family?!" Charlotte yelled from the phone and Lavender shut her eyes. She knew she was gonna be furious and she just didn't get it.

"When did you have a Family Lavender? Don't tell me... Hardin is..."

"Yes, he's here. At my house" She cut her off and Charlotte gasped.

"You're fucking up girl! That guy isn't your type! He has a son he needs to take care of!"

"Just like him, I'm also a single mother and have a daughter to take care of too" She replied.

"What if Gerald comes back for Ava?" Charlotte asked and Lavender clenched her fist.

"It was just a one-night stand and nothing more! He impregnated me and left me to suffer so he's never gonna come near my family!" Lavender said, angrily.

Charlotte was about to speak again when a knock was heard on the door.

"Mummy, Daddy made food for us so it's time to eat" Ava interrupted.

"Coming in a jiffy baby" She shouted and Ava smiled as she ran away happily.

"I can't stop myself anymore Charlotte, Ava is getting so much closer to Hardin" Lavender muttered.

"I'll send some sites, bye" Charlotte replied with a scoff before hanging up.

Lavender sighed before coming out of her room. She went downstairs to see Hardin just coming out from the kitchen with breakfast. Both Oliver and Ava were seated, anticipating eagerly.

"Where's Nanny Esther?" Lavender asked, staring at Hardin and that was when Nanny Esther came out from the kitchen too, bringing the rest.

"So, I was thinking why don't we go for a rollercoaster ride? I would have said picnic but none is ready yet so a rollercoaster?" She asked, mischievously.

Hardin who was serving the meals stopped when he heard what she said and faced her.

"Yes Mommy!!!! Rollercoaster!!!" Ava screamed happily.

"What about you Oliver? Are you interested?" She asked and Oliver nodded.

"Yes ma'am" He smiled.

"Oh stop calling me ma'am, just call me Aunty" She replied and Oliver nodded, his eyes turning to look at his dad.

He gave a glare and look only Hardin could understand, Lavender saw that and smiled more.

'I'm taking this to the next level for real' She said inwardly, watching as Hardin served the food.

"What about you Hardin? Interested?" She asked.

"Uh... Ion thinks can meet up with..."

"C'moDadad, please don't say no. It isn't gonna be fun without you riding with us. Oliver and I want you there" Ava objected.


"Don't say no hubby" Lavender smirked, touching his shirt seductively and Hardin froze on that spot.

"What did she just call him?" He thought.

"Please Daddy" Oliver cut in.

"The kids want it so why don't you go also, hubby? Trust me, I'm gonna make it more fun when we get back" She whispered to him, giving a naughty wink and Hardin's mouth opened.

"What did... did..you... just call me?" He stuttered, shockingly and she giggled.

"Hubby?" She smirked, not feeling any act of regretfulness.

"What! Why?!"

"Hubby?" She smirked, not feeling any act of regretfulness.

"What! Why?!"

"Cuz you're Ava's Daddy and My... That's by the way, let's dig in"Lavender waved it off and Ava giggled before leaning closer to Hardin.

"Mom is scared to admit it" she whispered and Hardin looked at her.

"Scared of what?"Hardin asked cluelessly and Ava could only poke his forehead happily.

"Are you that daft about Romance? Mom is scared to admit the feeling, she thinks you'd turn her down"Ava smiled and without bothering to reply to her, Hardin pushed a steak into his mouth and began eating hurriedly.

Ava looked at him and giggled cutely before starting to eat.



"Let's go get some Cotton Candy please"Ava pulled Hardin with her as she ran after the Man with the Candy.

"You look sad. What happened?"Lavender couldn't help but ask Oliver who was looking all dull and unhappy.

"I miss Mom" He replied truthfully and Lavender felt a lump in her throat, she smiled nervously and took his hand.

"What happened to her? She's dead?"She threw More questions and Oliver shrugged.

"She ain't. Mom and Dad used to be close, they loved each other and they couldn't stay without one another but..."

"We are back!!!"Ava's voice interrupted Oliver who smiled before taking one cotton candy from her.

"Thanks" He smiled.

"You're always welcome bro!!"Ava winked at him and he smiled again.

"Let's go ride the rollercoaster, I'm running out of patience!!"As Ava talked, she began pulling Hardin with her who heaved.

Today is surely gonna be one hell of a day, cuz this cutie isn't ready to let him go.

"Let's join them!"Lavender pulled Oliver with her as they joined the duo.



"Why isn't my daughter at the office and why isn't she picking up her call?"Chairman Deluxe asked Kim who was fidgeting nervously.

The chairman always comes to the corporation every Saturday, always to find Lavender on the post, but today, right now she isn't in the office nor is she picking up her call, the first time since the company was handed to her.

"Erm Sir.. she called that she wouldn't be able to..."

"I never for once, knew you to be a stammer, what happened to her?"Chairman Deluxe cut Kim off and she gulped.

"Nothing happened to her sir, she only needed a Day off to..."

"Lavender is not someone to take a Day off, so why today of all Days? She knew I was supposed to be here today, so where did she go? Don't tell me that bastard is at it again?" Chairman Deluxe spat furiously and Kim knew better not to talk, she only kept gulping her saliva countlessly.

Chairman sighed angrily as he pinged on his phone screen.