
Debarred Attraction

Lavender Deluxe... She's the country's most beautiful model across the agency. At the same time her parents passed their company to her at a young age after she was done with college. SHARK BUILDING CORPORATION She's the CEO just merely at 25 years and she was already famous from her modelling industry. But something lies with her... She's a single mother... Who birthed a child as a result of mistake. According to her statement... HARDIN MYERS... 27 years old handsome demigod. He's hella hot but one thing was that he was from a poor background. Ladies flushed at the sight of him because of his hotness. But something in this different worlds lies a familiarity, they are common even in their different worlds.

billbanky63 · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

Chapter 2


A red Jeep Wrangler pulled up in front of the school premises. It was a school meant for the young one with basics.

Ava came out from the front door with tears and anger. She wasn't really in a good mood.

"I told you to stop crying, Ava!" Lavender half yelled when she came out too.

She forcefully held her hand and started pulling her to the school building.

Look at Ava!

A fatherless child!! 


She never comes to school with her daddy!!

 Don't you think she was adopted!!

The few students kept mocking Ava as they walked.

Lavender glanced at her to see her already in her pool of tears and she held onto her tightly.

"It's alright baby" She whispered and Ava scoffed with tears.

"Leave me alone!"

"I'm your mother, Ava, I bring you here every day so don't listen to what others say okay?"


A fatherless child!!

Lavender clenched her jaw as she tried controlling her temper. They were just kids so she wouldn't wanna lose herself so easily.

Hardin was just coming out from the other direction with his son when he heard the children's laughs and mockeries.

In the midst of them was Ava who was in tears and Lavender couldn't control her.

"Do you know her Oliver?" Hardin asked and Oliver looked closely.

"That's Ava! She's my junior in class Dad" Oliver replied and he nodded.

"They seem to be making a mockery of her," He said and Oliver looked at him.

"She's used to it anyway"

"That isn't good son.."

Hardin released Oliver's hand and started walking into the midst of the kids.

"Didn't you teachers teach you about making jest of someone!?" He shouted and both Lavender and Ava turned to look at whoever spoke.

Suddenly, Lavender's heart began beating repeatedly and fast as she stared at him. He was just looking more handsome every single day.

"Making a mockery of someone is bad, especially your schoolmates!" He added and the students kept quiet.

 We're sorry Ava!

Hardin slowly diverted his eyes to them and his eyes widened when he saw Lavender.

"Ma'am!" He exclaimed. Lavender kept looking at him not willing to tear her gaze off him.

She found herself drooling into his gorgeousness and she knew she fell first.

"Daddy!" Ava suddenly called with a joyful smile and Lavender's eyes almost popped out of the socket.


 Is that Ava's real father??

"Have you gone crazy Ava! He's my dad!" Oliver interrupted, angrily.

Ava's tears turned into smiles as she kept staring at Hardin who was still looking shock by what he just heard.

"Ava he isn't..."

"Daddy!" Ava jumped on him this time and Hardin almost went insane.

"You're mistaken..."

"Just play along please" Lavender whispered to him when he made to speak and his eyes widened more.


"Just play along pls" Lavender whispered to him when he made to speak and his eyes widened more.


Hardin shouted with wide eyes and Lavender laughed nervously still giving him the sign to play along.

"And when I thought this lady was reasonable, she's a nut-head!!"He shouted inwardly while looking at Lavender who kept smiling at him.

Oliver was glaring at Mother and daughter with a balled fist while the student's mouth was wide open in shock.

"Daddy, where have you been? I Missed you!"Ava continued, wrapping her hands securely around Hardin's neck and he began coughing uncomfortably.

"Ava you see, daddy have been busy huh? He was on a trip for a long, he came back just yesterday and I needed him to rest before coming to see us!"Lavender cut Hardin off who was still stuttering making his eyes grow wider in shock.

What was this woman up to? What's going to be her gain in all this?

"Students come to the assembly ground right now!!"A teacher said through the mic and all the students began dispersing, Hardin breathed out in relief when Ava told him to drop her.

"Don't go away Daddy, come pick me up today huh?"Ava grabbed Hardin's arm blinking cutely as she talked.


"Sure he will, now go!!"Lavender told her and she giggled before running away, not without blowing a kiss to Hardin who shook his head still dumbstruck.


"I'm off Daddy!!"Oliver cut him off with a scoff before walking away.

"Damnit!!!"He dipped his hand in his hair, watching the retreating figure of Oliver.

"Erm... Sir..."

"Don't even talk!"Hardin warned before leaving too, leaving Lavender who was breathing heavily.

How was she going to come out From the Mess? Gawd!!!



Good morning Ma!!!

Seasons greetings Ma!!!

Lavender smiled lightly as she waved at the workers who kept greeting her.

Though she was already a billionaire at a young age, still yet she was very calm, peaceful, and tolerant. 

She treats her workers fairly and gives no room for maltreatment, according to her everyone should be accorded the same respect, cuz everyone is equal.

But never slack off during work periods, or else you're doomed.

"Oh, Good morning ma'am" Secretary Kim greeted with a smile when she saw Lavender walking in with her bodyguards walking beside her.

"Morning Kim" Lavender replied softly and Kim bowed.

"You came quite late today ma'am"Kim continued as she ran after Lavender who was bouncing.

"Do I have a penalty?"Lavender asked instead with a scoff and Kim smiled.

"No! No!! Someone came by to see you"Kim continued and Lavender turned swiftly to her.

"Don't even tell me who he is cuz his presence irritates me"Lavender warned and Kim bit her bottom lips.

"Sorry ma'am" She apologized and Lavender rolled her eyes.

They both finally walked inside the office.

"Brew a coffee for me first before reading out the schedule"Lavender told Kim who gave a gentle bow before leaving.

Lavender slumped on his swivel chair, and her mind suddenly went to Hardin, she bit her bottom lips and a smile slowly crept the corner of her lips.


"Hardin!! Hardin!! Don't flirt and just work else you'll have me to contend with"Manger Ken warned sternly and Hardin who was standing before him nodded slowly.

"I'll do just that!"Hardin replied softly. 

Though he knew he wasn't the one flirting, the girls wouldn't stop giving him sexual winks, It wasn't his fault that his this handsome, but taking it out on him was literally unfair.

"Get back to work"He uttered and once again, Hardin bowed before grabbing his apron.

Mr handsome over here!!

A cup of espresso, please!!

A night with me and I'll change your life for good!!!

Hardin rubbed his temples, looking around and luckily for him, manager Ken wasn't in sight.

"Good grief!! They're going to be my end!!"He cussed underneath his breath as he went to brew the espresso for the girl.

"Ta-da!!!!"Ana shouted, running in with two cups of ice cream in her hand.

"Morning Ana!!"Hardin smiled as he continued doing what he was doing.

"Morning handsome. I got us ice cream" Ana replied, dropping his before him and Hardin smiled softly.

"Ice cream this morning Ana, thanks thou" He smiled and Ana chuckled happily.

"Don't mention handsome. I'd get back to work, see ya!!"Ana waved before rushing out.

Hardin looked at the ice cream before looking at the door, he smiled softly and turned off the espresso machine.

"Cool!!"He shrugged and walked out with the cup of coffee.