
Debarred Attraction

Lavender Deluxe... She's the country's most beautiful model across the agency. At the same time her parents passed their company to her at a young age after she was done with college. SHARK BUILDING CORPORATION She's the CEO just merely at 25 years and she was already famous from her modelling industry. But something lies with her... She's a single mother... Who birthed a child as a result of mistake. According to her statement... HARDIN MYERS... 27 years old handsome demigod. He's hella hot but one thing was that he was from a poor background. Ladies flushed at the sight of him because of his hotness. But something in this different worlds lies a familiarity, they are common even in their different worlds.

billbanky63 · Ciudad
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16 Chs

Chapter 15


After Hardin left Oliver's room,the next place he went to was the wine cellar, strangely he wasn't feeling sleepy. Maybe, that's cuz of his son attitude towards Ava and Lavender, Ava especially.

He poured himself another shot as he took everything down immediately,he exhaled as his eyes landed on lavender's picture which was hung on the wall. He began smiling as he stared at it.

30 minutes later,the wine cellar became a Mess as Hardin kept drinking nonstop.

He grabbed another bottle and made to pour himself another shot,when a slender hand grabbed the bottle from him. He looked up with drowsily eye and his eyes met with hers, Deep charming round eyes. 

He smiled as he made to stand up,but fell back on the chair heavily.

"Hubby? Why so gone?"Lavender asked as she tired to help him up.

She came down to grab a water from the fridge when she caught a glimpse of someone, drinking himself to stupor. Filled with curiosity,she decided to figure out who it was and it turned out to be her hubby! Why was he drinking himself to stupor? What happened?

"I....I...was thinking of you!"He stuttered,his lashes blinking repeatedly and lavender sighed.

"Whatever happened,did you think drinking this much was going to help?"She snapped and Hardin coughed.

"I... I.. couldn't help it"He replied tipsily and Lavender heaved.

"Let's go to bed!!"She said instead and helped him up.

"Do you know what?"He asked,as Lavender kept struggling to take him upstairs.

"What?"Lavender asked instead.

"I've really been meaning to tell you this... But I couldn't... I... Couldn't!!"He continued and Lavender sighed.

"We're almost there"she breathed as she pushed the door open and made to walk to the bed with Hardin,but her leg hit on something,and that got her falling heavily on the bed with Hardin. 

Hardin was underneath, while she was on top,thier body pressing tightly against each other that she felt it difficult to breath,their lips almost meeting.

She quickly tried to stand up,but Hardin held her back, wrapping his arms round her waist securely and that got Lavender gulping emptiness.

"Haven't said what I wanted to say!!"He pouted, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Lavender could only stare helplessly at him,she was short of words at the moment.

"You're pretty!! Really pretty!!"

The words struck lavender like lightening and all her body vibrated. She blinked her lashes and her brow raised in a questionable way. This was the first time Hardin was saying this since she got to know him. Or wait,was this cuz of how drunk he was? But it's always said that people express their true feeling or show their true identity when they're not in the right frame of mind.

"Is this a dream?"Lavender asked out loud and that got Hardin chuckling hard.

"Of course you're not!"He smiled, careesing her soft cheeks and for a moment, Lavender felt lost in her world as she continued staring at the handsome dude under her.

He is irresistibly handsome,even in his drunken state? Is that how much perfect he is? Lavender was still lost in thought when Hardin pulled her more closer and began leaning in for a kiss!

Her eyes was as wide as f**k as she watched Hardin place his lips on her,making her gasp softly. He pulled her More closer, ravishing her lips hungrily,he was kissing her real fast that Lavender struggled to meet up with his pace. She was slowly running of breath.

"You're... Drunk!"She managed to stutter out admist the passionate kiss and that got Hardin to break the kiss instantly.

"Well,I'm not!"He replied her and before Lavender could utter any other word, Hardin reconnected their lips, this time it was more faster than the first one.

He grabbed her neck, pulling her More closer as their lips crashed continuously,tongues rolling in and out of their mouth,each fighting for dominance and superiority. 

The kiss was so intense that Lavender felt her lips arching, and Hardin wasn't ready to stop.

His hands slowly left her neck going under her b**bs as he grabbed the left one, pinching on the nipples and a soft moan escaped lavender's throat. 

Her cl*t clunched and she began feeling insanely horny. Hardin's lips was moving on hers madly, while his hands worked wonders on her br**st! He was unknowingly doing More harm than good to her.

"Hardin..."Lavender moaned out between the kiss and Hardin smiled drunkenly,he broke the kiss and began caressing her swollen red lips, lavender could only stare at him as she breathed heavily.

"We... We're.... This is not good"Hardin uttered, making lavender's eyes grew wide in shock.

He was the one that started this right? Then what the heck is he saying?

"Who said it's not good? I'm enjoying every bit of it"Lavender replied hurriedly and Hardin sighed.

"I'm afraid if... If... If we should continue,I... Might end up doing... Doing what...."

"I don't care okay?"Lavender cut him off hurriedly.

"I don't care Hardin! I love you so f**king much and making love with you is not something I'll regret"She continued and before Hardin could protest, Lavender initiated back the kiss,her hands running round his chest and a throaty groan escaped Hardin's lips.

Within an eye blink,their clothes was off their body and of course, y'all know what happened next 

The rest was a history!!!



"Ahhhhh!!!"Hardin groaned as he opened his eyes, holding his head tight which was banging heavily.

The door squeaked open and Lavender walked in, beaming with all smiles. Of course,why wouldn't she be? Who wouldn't be happy if the person was to be in her shoe? Spending your first night with the guy you love after 6yrs of not having any sexual intercourse with anyone!! 

"I made you hangover soup"She bite her bottom lips as she sat on the bed bedside him.

"Vender...."Hardin called lowly, and Lavender looked at him.

"Hope I didn't do anything silly last night?"He asked, maintaining an eye lock with Lavender, obviously searching for true answer in her eyes, Lavender bite her bottom lips as she looked away.

Seriously? He doesn't remember anything? He f**king doesn't remember their first night together?? Her eyes turned misty and she sniffed Back her tears, Hardin turned her face to him,and his eyes widened when he saw her red eye.

It was obvious he did something! Then what could it be? Hope he didn't hurt her?

"Did I hurt you last night? Did I act strange? Did I do anything silly? I can't remember a thing"A blurted out, and Lavender nodded slowly.

"You really don't remember anything? Just anything?"

"I don't"He replied truthfully and Lavender nodded.

"So tell me...."

"Nevermind! Drink the hangover soup"Lavender cut him off as she stood up.

"I'll go prepare to go to work, don't bother coming today and take proper care of yourself"She uttered,not looking at his face and that alone got Hardin worried.

"Vender... Shit!!!!"He cussed when Lavender walked out from the room.

"What the f**k did I do last night and why can't I remember? Ahhhhh"He held his Head when it began banging hard again.



Hardin looked at the hotel,then at his phone before sighing out.

There was a message on his phone which read...

"Meet me at the Princess hotel. I've got a surprise for you"

The message actually came from Lavender and strangely,her line isn't connecting. He already looked up for her at the office and she's not in sight! 

"Why would she want us to meet here and what surprise is she talking about??"Hardin asked no one in particular as he exhaled and walked into the hotel. 

He slowly found his way into the sent room, and pushed the door open,only to be greeted by a figure which had her back on him.

"Jeez!!!!"He shouted as he turned his back on her,the figure was stark naked In the room.

"Was this the surprise Lavender?"He asked,but was greeted with silence,the next second he felt a hand wrapped round his chest and he exhaled.

"Wassup with you Lavender?"He asked,but she continued running her finger's on his chest,she gradually took her hand downwards and made to grab his member when Hardin cut her hand half way and turned briskly to her.

"Motherf**ker!!! Who are you?"He shouted as he flung the naked girl across the bed, making her crash with the table.

"Is this a set up?"He asked,his eyes dark as he began walking towards her angrily.

"I'm...I'm... Sorry!!"She muttered fearfully, shifting with her butt!

"Who sent you?"Hardin asked as he squat down before her, glaring at her angrily.

"I..I...I.."She stuttered as she stylishly searched for the sringe which had a sadation injection in it,once her hand made contact with it,she smirked deviously.

"Well,I was sent..."She immediately dug the sringe in his neck, reducing All the liquid's down his system.

"What... What... Did..... did...."His eyes went shut and he fell on her.