
Debarred Attraction

Lavender Deluxe... She's the country's most beautiful model across the agency. At the same time her parents passed their company to her at a young age after she was done with college. SHARK BUILDING CORPORATION She's the CEO just merely at 25 years and she was already famous from her modelling industry. But something lies with her... She's a single mother... Who birthed a child as a result of mistake. According to her statement... HARDIN MYERS... 27 years old handsome demigod. He's hella hot but one thing was that he was from a poor background. Ladies flushed at the sight of him because of his hotness. But something in this different worlds lies a familiarity, they are common even in their different worlds.

billbanky63 · Ciudad
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16 Chs

Chapter 14


"Daddy please,my bed time story!!"Ava pouted, pulling Hardin back who was on his way out from the room.

He just carried her to her room,on her insistence and now,when he made to leave, she's insisting on a bed time story? Can she ever let him rest?? 


"Daddy please! Just a little story, it won't hurt or will it? It won't even take much of your time"She nudged further and Hardin sighed.

"I thought I got you a story book?"

"I feel so bored reading that alone"She blinked her lashes,whilst pouting her lips and Hardin chuckled as he went back to seat beside her on the bed.

Ava giggled happily as she placed her head on his laps and he began stroking her hair.

"The story title is Across the stars"Hardin said.

"Across the stars?"Ava asked, settling well on his laps and Hardin nodded.

"Mhmm, across the stars...."

"I'll love to hear it then"She giggled.

"Sure thing! This is a story about a little bunny named Flopsy, who lives in a forest with her mommy and daddy. One day, Flopsy was playing outside when she saw something very strange. There was a big, round object in the sky! It was spinning and glowing,...."

"Spinning and glowing? Then what could it be?"impatient Ava cut Hardin off who exhaled.

"No cuts off Ava"he told her and she nodded.

"and it looked like it was getting closer and closer to the ground. Flopsy was very curious, so she ran to find her mommy and daddy. "Mommy! Daddy! Look at the thing in the sky!" she said. Her mommy and daddy looked up, and they saw the strange object too"

"As Flopsy, her mommy, and her daddy watched, the object began to land in the forest, just a few yards away from them. Suddenly, the object stopped spinning and glowing, and it started to open up. Out of the object stepped a very tall, very strange-looking creature. It was green and fuzzy, with three eyes and four arms. It looked around and spotted Flopsy, her mommy, and her daddy. "Hello!" it said. "I'm a visitor from another planet. My name is Zorg"

"Woah!!!!!"Ava gushed as she covered her mouth.

"Flopsy, her mommy, and her daddy were very surprised to meet an alien from another planet! They had never seen anything like Zorg before. Zorg smiled and said, "I come in peace! I'm here to explore your planet and learn about your people." Flopsy's mommy and daddy were still a little scared, but Flopsy was very curious. "Are you friendly?" she asked Zorg. Zorg nodded and said, "I promise not to cause any trouble. I just want to learn about you and your planet"

"But Dad,it's zorg really friendly or it's it some kind of green snake hidden under a green grass?"She asked smartly, making Hardin chuckle.

"Well well, we'd find out as the story goes on"

"Cool then, continue!"

"Flopsy's mommy and daddy decided to show Zorg around their forest home. They showed him the trees, the flowers, and the animals that lived there. Zorg was very interested in everything he saw. He asked lots of questions about the different plants and animals, and he even took out a notebook and started writing down what he learned. Flopsy's mommy and daddy were impressed by how smart and curious Zorg was. "You're a very smart alien," Flopsy's mommy said. Zorg beamed with pride and said, "Thank you! I'm glad to know that you think so"

"The more time Flopsy's family spent with Zorg, the more they realized that he was a kind, friendly alien. He never tried to harm anyone or anything, and he always treated Flopsy and her family with respect. Flopsy's mommy and daddy started to trust Zorg, and they let him stay in their home for the night. Flopsy even offered to let Zorg sleep in her room. She told him that he could sleep on the floor, and she would sleep in her bed. Zorg was very grateful, and he said, "Thank you, Flopsy. I will never forget your kindness"

"The next morning, Zorg woke up early and went outside to explore the forest some more. He found some berries that he thought looked tasty, so he picked a few to try. Suddenly, he started to feel very strange. He felt dizzy and his skin started to itch. He ran back to Flopsy's house and called for Flopsy's mommy and daddy. They rushed to his side and saw that he was in distress. They quickly realized that the berries Zorg had eaten were poisonous. They didn't know what to do, but they knew they had to act fast. Do you want me to keep going??"He asked, but no reply came from Ava.

"You're asleep already?"He chuckled as he lifted her off his laps and placed her gently on the bed,he covered her properly With the duvet.

"Goodnight princess"He uttered and kissed her forehead,he turned off her room light before walking out of the room.



Hardin slowly opened the door and met Oliver already sleeping. He exhaled lowly as he walked closer to him.

He was sleeping on the floor, curling himself around like a chick who lost the mother. Hardin lifted him off the cold floor and carefully laid him on the bed,then covered him with the duvet afterwards.

"Poor child!!"He muttered as he sat beside him on the bed and began stroking his hair.

"I know you still miss your Mom, but isn't it high time you forget about her already? It's been three years we both divorced. Can't you at least forget about her and let's move on?"

"I've finally found love,but strangely you're against it! I'm scared of confessing my feelings to her,since you're not in support. Your happiness is my priority son! On the other hand,I badly want to let her know she've won! I badly want to let her know how Deep I've fallen for her,I badly wanna make her mine! I badly wanna be with her,but how can I be happy when my son isn't? This drives me crazy! What should I do huh?"He muttered,his voice quivering so much as if he was going to cry. He only chuckled and sniffed before ruffling Oliver's hair.

"I'll still hope that one day, you'd accept Ava and her Mom! Only then,will I be able to let her know of my feelings!"He uttered and stood up, staring one last time at his sleeping son! The moment he left, Oliver's eyes flung open and he sat on the bed.

"I guess right! He's already in love with her!"He gritted his teeth.