
Debarred Attraction

Lavender Deluxe... She's the country's most beautiful model across the agency. At the same time her parents passed their company to her at a young age after she was done with college. SHARK BUILDING CORPORATION She's the CEO just merely at 25 years and she was already famous from her modelling industry. But something lies with her... She's a single mother... Who birthed a child as a result of mistake. According to her statement... HARDIN MYERS... 27 years old handsome demigod. He's hella hot but one thing was that he was from a poor background. Ladies flushed at the sight of him because of his hotness. But something in this different worlds lies a familiarity, they are common even in their different worlds.

billbanky63 · Ciudad
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16 Chs

Chapter 11


"Careful Ava please!!"Nanny Esther pleaded as she ran after Ava who was running down the stairs madly.

Ava sighted Hardin and rushed to him.

"Daddy!! Daddy!!! Nanny is forcing me to take the drugs. They're bitter!"She pouted and Hardin chuckled before carrying her.

He pinched her cheeks before kissing her forehead.

"You need the drugs to get stronger huh? See my muscles"Hardin lifted his shirt and showed him her muscles,she touched it and gasped loudly.

"They're strong daddy"She screamed and Hardin laughed.

"That's cuz I take my drugs. They make one's muscles very strong. So take your drugs and you'd be the strongest girl"he said and Ava smiled as she nodded slowly.

"Who is the soon strongest girl to be?"Hardin asked.

"Daddy's girl is!!!"Ava replied as she bumped fist with Hardin who laughed.

He turned to Nanny Esther and nudged at her to bring the drugs.

Lavender walked to them afterwards. she was standing at the entrance all along.

"Having a unique time with your princess?"She asked and Ava giggled.

"Dad, looks like Mom is jealous"She laughed and Lavender gasped.

"Don't worry Mom, I'd give you and Dad some space to make More babies"She grinned and before they both could say a word,she ran away.

"That witch!!"Lavender cussed with a smile.

"She's cute and adorable"Hardin complimented and Lavender chuckled.

They both looked at each other and smiled.



"Here... Can't still sleep?"Hardin asked as he gave her the glass of juice, before sitting beside her.

"No"she replied and drank the juice.

"Same here"Hardin replied with a smile.

"We can stay up and watch the stars. Sounds cool right?"Lavender asked and Hardin looked at her before nodding with a smile.

"Mhmmmm"Lavender giggled before shifting More closer to Hardin,she placed her head on his shoulder as she looked at the sky. Hardin looked at her face,a slow smile crepting the corner of his lips.

"How about your wife? How come ya a single Dad when you're this handsome?"Lavender asked and Hardin heaved.

"We are divorced"He replied truthfully and Lavender began rejoicing in her heart.

There's a chance for her after all.

"What happened? Ermmm.. I'm sorry for prying in,I just wanna know. It's fine if you don't want to tell me"She began blabbering and Hardin chuckled.

"Well,she did something which I would never forget"He replied and Lavender smuggled more closer to him.

"So you haven't forgiven her?"

"Of course I have"Hardin replied and Lavender's felt her hope crashing.

"But I'd never accept her in my life again"Hardin completed and Lavender smiled. She was just overthinking.

"So you plan to remain single?"She picked her question and Hardin heaved.

"Well,no.. I don't"

"So... Do I have a chance?"She asked hurriedly with a smile and Hardin furrowed a brow.

"Well I mean,can I pursue you?"

"Well I mean,can I pursue you?"She asked slowly and Hardin chuckled before poking her forehead.

"Where's that one coming from huh?"He quired with a smile and Lavender shrugged.

"Well,from me actually"She replied and Hardin smiled.

"I'd love to see you try"he snickered and she nodded.



Nanny Esther walked into the kitchen,but stopped on her track's when she saw Hardin making breakfast already.

"Good morning sir"She greeted cheerfully, earning Hardin's attention who swiftly turned to her.

"Morning ma'am"Hardin replied and Nanny Esther smiled as she walked closer to him.

"You're making breakfast already?"She asked.

"Isn't it obvious?"Hardin chuckled instead and when Nanny Esther made to reply,a voice interrupted her From the door.

"Baby!!!"Lavender giggled as she rushed and hugged Hardin from behind, making him gulpe multiple times. His c**CK erected just by her mere touch and the way she was rubbing his chest seductively. He quickly pushed his hand downwards and clutched his member as if trying to tell it to behave.

Nanny Esther immediately left the kitchen,when she saw what was going on between the two.

"Uhmmmm... Vender... Ummm,sorry I mean Lavender"Hardin began stuttering as Lavender continued rubbing his chest Non-stop.

Lavender immediately stopped what she was doing when she heard him call her "Vender" She turned him slowly,in a way that they both was facing each other.

"Can you call me vender again?"She asked More politely and what Hardin could do was only stare at her.

"Lavender hits differently,but hearing you call me vender... Is- is- the feeling is-- I could feel butterflies dancing in my stomach"She muttered shyly, burying her face on the floor this time and Hardin chuckled lowly.

"Vender?"He called More like a question and Lavender nodded like a kid.

"Vender!"He called and Lavender hummed a reply as she hugged him tighter this time, making Hardin's already erected d**k to press against her V.

They both began gulping multiple times at the sensation they were feeling,their body strongly gummed on another,as if never letting go.

"Again please"Lavender pleaded and Hardin wrapped his hands round her waist before pushing her More closer to his chest,he leaned in and whispered to her.


Yet again,he called and Lavender hummed a reply cutely like a teen who found Love.

Their nose suddenly caught the smell of something burning and like flash, they broke the warm hug.

"The food!!!!"Lavender shouted with wide eye.



Hardin gulped as he averted his gaze from Ava who was glaring at him,down to Oliver who was sending daggers glare his way,and to Nanny Esther who had that pathetic look on her face. He finally looked at Lavender,who pouted instead.

He scratched his head and squeeze his face, before looking at Lavender who quickly looked at the time.

"Actually..."Both Lavender and Hardin said at a time and stopped.

Ava exhaled as she folded her hands under her br**st as she looked at the two.

"Let's..."Yet again, their voice came out again and Nanny Esther squeezed her face and afterwards, bursting into tears.

Hardin and Lavender exchanged looks while Ava covered her mouth as she suppressed her laughter, Oliver only scoffed.

"Ma... I just feel like crying"Nanny Esther deafened herself, wiping the little tears which ran down her cheeks.

"Go inside please"Lavender scoffed and turned to the kid's.

"I'd place some order,and sorry for what happened today. It won't repeat itself again, right hubby?"She asked Hardin with a smile.

"Yes.. Yes hubby"Hardin foolishly replied and Oliver who was frowning all along, broke into laughter as he couldn't help it.

How can a Man call a woman hubby? That's absurd and lame, seriously!!!



In a dim light room,decorated with scorpion drawings,a masculine Man sat on a swivel chair as he twirled the small gun in his right hand,a stick of cigarette in his left hand while he puffed out smokes from his mouth.

His door squeaked open and a hefty guy walked in afterwards.

"Location found boss"He uttered huskily and the Man just nodded as More smokes erupted from his mouth.

"Action starts soon!"He finally replied, picking a photo frame from the table.

"Yes Boss"He bowed and left.

A lady walked in afterwards.

"Baby!"She called, walking to the man after which she sat on his laps.

"Staring at her picture again?"She muttered sadly when he didn't give her any attention.

"No!! I just... Just..."He was cut short when she took the picture from him, slowly she kept it on the table before slamming her lips hard against his.




"Morning Ma"

"Morning Ma"

The workers greeted Lavender,who as usual replied cheerfully.

She hopped into the elevator which rode her to her floor and she entered into her office,she looked around the office as if looking for something and just then,her phone began ringing.

"Good morning...."

"Why aren't you at the office?"Lavender cut Kim off who gulped.

"I... I.. my Mom is ill Ma,just got a call and I had to rush home. Sorry I couldn't call to inform on...."

"It's okay Kim. Just take care of your Mom's health and be sure to come back once she's okay. My greetings to her though"Lavender uttered and Kim smiled happily.

"Thank you ma'am"

"Oh hey.. it's nothing"Lavender chuckled and the call got disconnected.

Lavender slumped back on the chair as she grabbed a file and began going through it.

An idea suddenly struck her mind and she giggled before grabbing her phone.



Hardin smiled as he kept staring at Lavender's picture, which was hung on the wall. His finger's running through her face as he admired her beauty.

No doubt,she is an epitome of beauty.

His phone began ringing and he chuckled, seeing the caller's ID.

"Missing me already?"He laughed but blinked multiple times, realizing what he said. 

Nevertheless,he picked up the call.

"Hey hubby"Lavender giggled and Hardin chuckled.

"What's up? Are you...."

"Kim is not at the office today and I'm not sure when she'd be back,and the work load... It's tiring,can you also play the role of my secretary till Kim comes back? I'd pay...."

"I'd be on my way"Hardin cut her off and Lavender's eyes widened,her lips slowly curved and a big smile appeared on her face.

He agreed willingly? Does that mean her charm is working already?



Hardin's car pulled to a halt in front of the company and he stepped down, looking elegant and captivating.

His black suit,well and neatly brushed hair,sharp jawline, everything screams perfectness.

"Oh my!! Oh my!! Who the heck is that guy?"

"A demigod?"

"No,an Angel!"

"How I wish he'd look my way!!"

"The lips for me? I'd just grab the lips and kiss the hell outta it"

The workers began murmuring and Hardin was forced to wave at them,some of them held their chest while some began blushing foolishly.

He smiled as he looked up to the skyscraper.

He made to start walking,when another car roughly drove in, almost hitting him down.

"Who the heck is that?"

"The person is obviously jealous. Why trying to knock him down huh?"

"I already hate the person"

They stopped talking when the door pushed open and Charlotte came down from the car,she walked straight to Hardin who was still dumpstruck and without warning,she landed a slap on his cheeks.


"Why the f**k are you here? Don't you get it that she's not your type? You're obviously a gold digger motherf**ker! Oh wait, you're already driving her car? How cheap! Aren't you...."

"Charlotte!!!!!!!!!!"Lavender shouted in pure rage as she glared angrily at Charlotte.

She just saw her slapping her Hardin,her own hubby!!!!

"How dare you Charlotte!!!!"Lavender continued as she walked to Charlotte and turning her to face her, Lavender returned the slap twice and all eyes went wide.

"You dare not insult my daughter's Dad, right at the presence of the workers. You don't!! You're my friend, but that doesn't give you any right so far to insult him... Else..."Lavender spat while Charlotte kept holding her stinging cheeks, not believing what happened.

Lavender slapped her? First time happening since the day they became friends, and to think she slapped her cuz of him?


"No word!!"Lavender cut Charlotte off and turned to the workers.

"You see him,just accord to him the same respect y'all accord to me,cuz any day,any time one of you disrespect him or even try to insult him, believe me you're going to hell that day"

"And one more thing, stay clear cuz he is mine. He is off-limit!!!"

With that said, Lavender pulled Hardin close and crashed her lips on his, right there.