
Realm 7

Yuffie POV


Yuffie: No. You cant come to Realm 7 for now. The Passover is happening. Realm 7 is unsafe for children for the foreseeable future. The last time we had one was 10 years ago.


Slate: Passover? Whats that?


Yuffie: It is when all of the Gods of Light turn away from the Realms to hold the Chaos Ocean in place. That means children can be hurt without worry. The Gods of Darkness watch over the Realms for the month of Passover.


Slate: Dark Gods?


Yuffie: Yes. They are directly opposed to the 8 of Light. The 8 of Light, 6 of Dark and the 1 of Chaos. The 15 powers of Zero. The Light and Dark hold Chaos in place and Chaos keeps us alive.


Slate: So... Chaos is what keeps us alive? Why?


Yuffie: No clue... but if it didnt, it would be the only thing living in Zero. So maybe it likes the company? The Light and the Darkness must summon Heroes or Demon Kings if the Chaos gets bored but we havent had either in years. Sephiroth was actually the last Hero we had. Sazh was our last Demon King.


Slate: How do you figure? Sazh was a good guy. Sephiroth... not so much.


Yuffie: The titles come from whatever gods summon them. Light summoned are "Heroes" Darkness summoned are "Demon Kings".


Slate: Well thats all and good but I still need to go to 7. I have a week to find my 2 other party members. Ill most likely just leave 7 and go to another realm soon after.


Yuffie: Fine, but you must leave 7 ASAP. Deal?


Slate: Sure. Lets go.



Yuffie POV


I have brought the kid to 7. We took the Trans Gate and right now the boy is puking his brains out.


Slate: That sucked. How...( Barf ) Long does this puking last?


Yuffie: For first timers? 5ish minutes give or take.


5ish minutes later...


Yuffie: Ok, can you tell which way you need to go?


Slate: Ughhh my stomach... No I cant. But Hades can. Come on out Hades.





Yuffie: Hades? Wow... you really let yourself go. Cloud would laugh.


Hades: Flat Ninja wannabe!! Still as annoying as ever. Still single too id imagine. Who would want to be with a piece of plywood? Even I have more curves then you.


Slate POV


Yuffie starts wailing like a Banshee and causing a ruckus.

Im assuming they were guards... Guards hulled Yuffie off for disturbing the peace.


This works in my favor... my 2 party members... they are here in Realm 7 and somehow... Hades says they are together. But the problem is that they are fading. Hades says something is wrong with them.


Slate: Which way do I go?


Hades: Leave the town. They are not within its city limits. You will need a ride though...


Slate: Where can a 10 year old kid find a ride in a city like this during this Passover thing?


Hades: Hmm good point...




but can I...

no, I must to help...

but would it work though...

Screw it, Ill make it work. Plus I can rob that blond haired pussy of a SOLIDER reject. Perfect!!!


Hades: I know where to get you a ride. One I hope stays with us forever. Hehehe. Follow me.


??? Im not liking that laugh...


I follow Hades's direction's to Tifa's house. Tifa and Cloud's house. Their little bar from Advent Children. Im about to walk in when Hades tells me to stop.


Hades: What we need is not inside the bar, its around the side. Where that Wimp parked it.


Slate: Parked? Wait... you cant mean


Hades: That is right my dear boy. We are taking Clouds ride.


Slate: No. I am no theif. I dont have the class yet. Plus how am I going to drive it out of here? We dont have the keys and im too small to drive it.


Hades: Correction...IM taking it. Some Eidolons have Mount forms. I will "Eat" the bike and have it become my Gestalt form. An added bonus is that I will destroy the assholes bike and he will never know who did it. MUAHAHAAA



Slate: Why do you hate Cloud? What could he have done to the "Oh So Great" Hades?


Hades: Do you truly want to know? Listen to this tragedy. HE HAS SO MANY WOMEN AROUND HIM THAT WANT HIM BUT HES TOO MUCH OF A WIMP TO DO ANYTHING!!! Tifa had to practically throw herself on him for him to even consider the idea of them together!! IVE WAITED FOR YEARS TO PAT HIM ON THE BACK FOR TAPPING THAT SWEET ASS TIFA!!! I WANTED DETAILS AND A PLAY BY PLAY!!


Sigh... But no, hes all mopey and depressed. Anyway, his bike is MINE!!


Hades floats his skull to Clouds bike and sinks into it. The bikes Golden trim shines... then the entire thing starts to crumpled in on itself. I made an ugly face. That bike is soooooo cool. The bike starts to fold itself into a heap of metal. Tifa and Cloud run outside due to the noise... only to see the bike ball floating. Tifa comes to me and grabs me in a protective hug. DAMN!!!! THESE PUPPIES ARE HUGE!! Shame on Cloud.


Tifa: Kid, are you ok? Whats happening?




Slate: I think im ok... Some guy was chasing me saying he would use this time to do the impossible and threw a black ball at me. I fell and the ball hit the bike.


Tifa: SAVAGES!! Did you look at him? What did he look like?


Slate: I looked a little. He had a black cape and a bald head head. Kinda short like your husband.


Tifa: Husband? Oh Cloud? Not yet but im working on it. :)


Slate: But... what about the baby?


Tifa: Baby? What baby? I dont have a baby?


Slate: But your boobies are so big. Big boobies have milk for babies. So you must have a baby.


I muster up courage from hell and cup both of Tifa's 5 pound emergency floation devices.


Slate: See, REALLY big. So you must have a baby.


Tifa blushed a little and looked at Cloud. He was staring at his former bike get smaller and smaller until it vanished in a magic sparkle. Nice special effects Hades.


I take a peek at him and damn near shit myself. He is looking right at me as if I has holding his woman by the tits.


which I guess I am. Well... RIP. Goodbye cool world


Cloud: Which way did the guy go? Ill have him pay for my bike. WITH HIS LIFE!!




Are you foreal?


Ok Hades, I understand now. All my doubts about this have disappeared. I answer while still holding the heavy weights in my grasp.


Slate: He went down the street I think. Oh! He had a line on his face too. On his cjin.


Cloud ran down the street after a figment of my imagination.


Slate: Well Ms.Pretty lady. I need to go home. Thanks for helping me. I hope your baby is cute.


I ran like my ass was on fire.


Once I made it to the outer wall gate, Hades popped out of nowhere scaring my.


Hades: How were they? I bet they were heavy and soft. You my friend got further in 5 minutes then Cloud has in years. May I call you Master?



Slate: Like 5 pounds my friend. Just by holding them my hands sunk into them. Cloud is an idiot.

Hades tries to sage nod... it doesnt really work due to him only being a skull...


Slate: So... did it work?


Hades's eyes shine and in a flash of light turns into a smaller version of Clouds bike with purple trim rather then the normal gold. I can see Hades's skull on the dash.

Hades: Lets go save your partners. I hope they are girls.


Slate: Me too

lol had fun with this one.

hope you enjoy.

Beviscreators' thoughts