
Ready Monster 1

Hades: Indra's are like Unicorns and Healthy Deep Fried Foods... They're only Mythical creatures that dont exist. Also... what do you mean by calling yourself a monster?


[My Status says I'm a Tribrid Monster called a Bonedust Indra.]


Hades: Huh... curious. Can you use monster magic then?


[Like a Blue Mage? I had a few classes with Blue Mage Magic trees...]


Hades: Not exactly what I'm talking about. Monsters dont chant or use names of their magic. Monsters use magic like breathing by using a medium and magic circle.


[Magic circle? Medium? Like what?]


Hades: Well for me, it is my Scythe. Here, take a look at my Magic Circle. ... Never mind, your blind now.


[Thanks Hades. I almost forgot Im blind...]


Hades: Always ready to help. Can you get us out of this Globe of unimaginable melted wealth?


[Umm... how? I'm not even how I'm breathing... ]


Hades: Well... I think this Globe of riches is your catalist. You should be able to control it. Try to shrink it?


[So... just think "Ball of Melted Riches... Shrink into my hand?"]


The liquid riches started to rotate and was pulled into my hand. I ended up falling on my face. Well... that worked easier then expected...


Hades: Wow... that worked. This Orb IS your species Catalyst. Maybe you will get to use magic like monsters. Theres a copy of your Materium mark within your Orb.


I picked myself off the floor. My Orb floated next to my shoulder. I cant see it but I can feel it. Almost like you can feel your hand in the dark.


Hades: Well... Those are new. You have 4 small boney spikes coming out of your back.




Gaia: Scan Complete. Increased Bone Plating on your back. 4 Boney Spikes about half an inch poking out of your back. One on each shoulder blade and 2 on your lower back. The spikes form a perfectly symmetrical square. Most of your skeleton is twice as dense. Your skull is 3 times denser then normal. 1 more boney plate on the surface of the back of your head. Dark Blue electricity is flowing within your blood as well. Unknown optic mutation found deep within your eyes.


[My eyes? Do my eyes have boney plates within them?]


Gaia: Unknown. No plates found within your eyes.


Well... ok. Atleast my eyes dont hurt. Hey, Maybe I'm not blind anymore?


I take off my shades and open my eyes slowly. Good news, they dont hurt.


[I guess I'm still blind. Hades, come on out. You dont have to be in passive mode anymore.]


I feel the cold draining feeling that follows after Hades is summoned from my arm.


Hades: Well... your eyes look the same. There might be more electricity within them but that's fine... Why is your mouth opened like that?


[Hades... I can see you. I can see your bones actually. That's actually all I can see. It looks to me like your Skeleton is floating in a black void.]


Hades: Your eyes... they started glowing Dark Blue. You can see me?


[Yeah but your bones are grey... trying a new color?]


Hades: Grey? No, my bones are still the Royal Blue they became after I became your Eidolon.


I put my shades back on but I can still "see" Hades.


Hades: What do you see when you look at your hands?


I looked at my hands... and screamed. Well... I tried but no sound came out.


Hades: I take it by your girly silent scream that you see your bones. I think you have bone sight that does exactly what it's called. you can see the bones of everything. It's really useful for bone horders like myself.


[So I can kinda see. We need to find new shelter now that my mountain is an Orb. Gaia, Can you scan for a new base to stay for the time being? Hades, Can you help me find animals to make clothes out of?]


Gaia: Understood User. Recon Drones starting to search.


Hades: Are you joking? The Forrest that we were in before has been utterly Obliterated thanks to your Geomancy going out of control. I bet we will find plenty of dead monsters around here. The question is... can you move within this ruined area with your sight as it is?


[I have some plans to make up for my lack of vision. Let's give them a try]


I sit down on my bare rear and close my eyes again. I reach for the ground with Geomancy. Something is wrong because I can only reach out a few feet with me in the center.


[Geomancy didnt work like I expected it to... Let's try my Telekinesis passive from my Psychic class.]


I try to feel the air around me with TK but it failed me like my Geomancy. I can only feel a few feet again.


Hades: Hey kid, your Orb is shining. Try to use your passives through it rather then all on your own.


Im confused. Passives can be used with items? I being my hand infront of my face and use TK and Geomancy on my Orb. It then flys out of my hand and starts to hover behind my back right in the center of my 4 spikes.


I feel a pulse from my Orb and my vision turns weird. Within 40 feet I can see perfect shapes of everything above ground and grey fuzziness in place of colors. I see the shapes of fallen trees and rocks everywhere. It seems the closer something is, the lighter the grey and the further... the darker.


Hades: How did it work? Can you see better now?


[Kinda, everything looks weird. I think it will do for now.]


Hades: Good, because we need to go. We need to hunt and train so we can return. This area is no longer safe. So... first lesson. Run. Dont stop unless you see bones. Time to train your body and get use to your vision.


Gaia: User, I will place an internal Compass within your mind. I ran scenarios where I consistently place pictures within your brain and each have resulted in brain damage. A Compass is the most your brain can handle. There is a new mountain and Forrest about 200 miles to your east.


Hades: Your heard my Beautiful Silver Bone, go. I will be running behind you.


I get a momentary headache before a very basic compass shows up in my grey world. I stand up and turn until the needle is facing east.


[East... here I come]


I kick off the floor and start to jog... for about 4 steps before I stub my toe on a stone and return to the ground with my face.


[That was less epic as I expected...]


Hades: Epic failure though...


After picking myself up over 70 times, I'm finally good enough to walk with my new vision. Running is still not happening or else I plant my face on the floor.


My journey of 200 miles 1 step at a time came to a halt when a Skeleton I have never seen or could ever mistake showed up on my bone view. I still couldnt see it with my TK or Geo vision so I guess my bone sight goes further then those two. Its bones were MASSIVE, its talon is easly bigger then my entire body.


[Dont move Hades. Dont talk out loud. Gaia, how far are we from the treasure mountain I destroyed?]


Gaia:[Less then a mile away.]


[I think I know who's mountain that was... I see a giant dragon skeleton ahead of us. I think I turned its home turf into my orb... ]

New vision and danger strikes on the first leg of his trip.

let me know what you think, hope you enjoy

Beviscreators' thoughts