
Pitstop At Home

Slate POV

Well... That was anticlimactic. Oh well. Guess its time to return home. The 4 of us walk out of the forrest for the first time in a week. We make our way to the Beside Village and sell our items. We get rid of everything. Kareena hates that the Potions taste like ash and give you a rash so she plans to take up the Alchemist job when we return. We end up with about 80k Gil in total. Kareena holds the money because she has the biggest Wallet Materium.


We use the Port Gate to return to Realm 15s Altissia. Noctis and Lunafreya are waiting on the other side.


Slate: Yo, were home. We made some money.


Ink: I learned Thundara!


Marina: The prey was weak...




Noctis: Well done you 4. Now for the love of Zero... go take a bath...




I try to run with the girls but... Noctis is too fast.




I look at him with a deadpan face.


Slate: With the girls to take a steamy bath. Duh. Where else would I go? Wait... Does Lunafreya want to take a bath too? Ill go scrub her back then. Im a dutiful son-in-law. hehe


Noctis: Your dead. Come, ill drown you in the bath myself.


I spent the next half hour fighting Noctis in a towel. I might have gone too far when I asked if he could use his package to satisfy Lunafreya. I got punched into the roof and got stuck up there...


We are now at dinner. Its Noctis, Lunafreya, Me and the girls.


Lunafreya: Slate, when the girls came out of their Cocoons, we looked at their Materium Menu and found out what their bloodlines are. The trouble is... we dont know what yhey actually are...


Slate: Ah... Now that I think about it... I dont know what the 3 of your bloodlines are. Not that it matters to me... What are they?


Ink: Queen Banshee - Fairy Queen


Kareena: Apsara - Hakutaku


Marina: ... Chimera


I whistle.


Slate: Well that explains alot.

Ink... you get your sound powers from the Banshee and your wings from the Fairy. Banshees can sense death and Fairy Queens love to play jokes.


Kareena... you get your healing powers from your Apsara part. You are probably a great dancer too. You get your love of knowledge from your Hakutaku part. Thats also most likely why your a taming enthusiast...


Marina... What is your Chimera bloodline made of? You dont look like your part dragon, goat, and snake...


Marina: It says Hell Hound, Apophis, and Amazoness.




I yell in suprise. Everyone jumped. That combo... my gawd... she will be a freak in bed later... I hope my willie can take it.


Marina: What? Am I a monster!?


Slate: A monster? Hardly. You might just be the strongest of the 4 of us. Listen to this...

A Hell Hound is an untamed force of nature. It has fire and dark magic.

A Apophis is the Queen of Snakes who rules using her charm and Poison magic.

And lastly... An Amazoness is a tribe of Warrior women who are naturals with all weapons. They dont use magic because they dont need it. The only thing they need is an enemy and their weapon.


Slate: Each of your bloodlines are known for their beauty. You 3 will be even more stunning later in life. Lucky me 😗




Slate: Bring it on gramps, Ill take you down!!



Lunafreya POV

I am sleeping with my girls. Yes, MY girls. I adopted them while they were in their Cocoons so they had a home to return to. Noctis was all for it but when I said id like to adopt Slate too... he was more then against it. He said he would happily take more daughters but would refuse to have such a perverted son.


The 3 of them are taking up most of my bed and I wouldnt have it any other way. They are restless though. Its almost as if they cant get comfortable. Ink grabs Marina's tail but soon lets it go. Marina hugs Kareena but isnt happy either. Kareena snuggles up to Ink but doesnt fit.


Lunafreya: They are looking for Slate Noctis. Please get him. Id like to see how he fits into this equation.


Noctis: ...


He walks away with a sour look on his face. He returns with Slate Unconscious and with the new black eye. He places him right in the center of the girls and it is almost like a puzzle piece fitting into place.


Marina flips Slate onto his stomach and gets under his left arm. She then coils her tail around his left leg and relaxes. Kareena lays on his right arm and has her back pushed up to his side. She bends his arm and holds onto it. She then relaxes too. Ink somehow finds her way ontop of his legs with his tail as her body pillow. She mumbles "fluffy" then stops moving. I look at Noctis expecting to see him angry but he has a giant smile on his face. he takes his phone out and takes a picture of Slate. I go around to look at his face and see that he looks uncomfortable as ever. He shifts just the smallest bit and then relaxes himself.


Noctis: That cant be comfortable... why does he look so relaxed? I almost want to kick him.


Lunafreya: My silly fool. Would I ever make you uncomfortable while we sleep?


Noctis: Ofcourse not.


Lunafreya: Exactly.


Noctis: Ugh... its a lost battle isnt it...


Lunafreya: Im afraid so dear. Just look at their faces. Ink has never looked so relaxed while she slept... even as a baby in my arms. ... Now I kinda want to kick him.


Lunafreya: Lets go to sleep too. We finally have them back. They can get Typhoon tomorrow when Amulet closes her shop. Ill tell them the good news.

Chapter is a little bit smaller due to the last one being huge. Hope you like the chap.

Beviscreators' thoughts