
8 Years of Hell... Well Purgatory (P3)

My daily routine is as follows...

1) Wake up and hunt breakfast

2) Light Yoga to stretch

3) 8 hours of consistent swimming

4) Hunt for lunch

5) 6 Hours of hot Yoga as I manipulate my DKAs with TK

6) Down time to practice my Geomancy

7) Hunt for dinner

8) Full nights rest.


I kept this up every other day so my body could rest between workouts. On my off days, I would practice my magic and spar lightly with Hades. I would dust each monster I hunted to eat so my collection of bone dust has grown as the months have passed.


There are only 2 problems with my life right now... my monster urges to find a mate are acting up... and Iris is sick.


Iris isnt doing too well. After she woke up from absorbing her egg, She seemed fine for a year or so but then she started sleeping longer and longer as more time passed. When she was awake, she would be full of energy and train herself. She got use to the gravity MUCH faster then I did and even till this day, i have never won a race against her. She is scary good at hiding and going unnoticed. She somehow took an entire roasted pig away from me without leaving a foot print in the ground or a sound in the air. I only figured out it was her when she let rip a mighty burp 10 minutes later after I noticed my dinner was gone.


After having Gaia run every kind of test she could imagine... we found out the cause of her sleeping sickness...


Her Gene's aren't compatible with eachother. Her little body doesnt work. Her dragon half continues to try to harmonize with her dominant wolf half but the wolf in her refuses to submit. Her body is attacking itself like a virus.


[Gaia, What can we do? I dont want to lose her.]


Gaia: User, I have ran countless tests and have come up with no viable solution. She is coming undone on a genetic level and there is nothing we can do to prevent it.


[Hades, please tell me you know of some secretive skill or something that can save her]


Hades: Kid, my Silver Bone lost me at... genterak?


Gaia: Genetic


[Ugh. I didnt think this could happen. How can I lose her after we saved her from her shit mom!?]


Gaia: Perhaps Chaos has an answer.


Hades: ...




Hades/Slate: [THATS IT!!!]

I cant believe I've been so dumb. If normal people cant come up with a way... then maybe the creator of this universe can!!




(Super Crickets making noise in the distance)


[That didnt work... Maybe he cant hear me?]


Hades: Your not talking with sound kid... your writing your speech. How can he hear letters?


... Did Hades just burn me? Ok smart ass, point to you.


[Then you call for him. I cant talk...]


Hades: I'll try.


Hades nelt on the floor and placed his boney forhead on the ground. He took a second to ready himself. Then he lifted his head and arms to the sky and yelled...




Did he say "Disgrace"?


The surrounding area felt weird. I lost my Geomancy vision and my TK vision.


Chaos: What do you want you cheater?


Within my blindness, there was a hole in the darkness... about the size of a basketball. It looks like a window into Chaos's game room. Hes still playing Mario 64. He paused his game and looked at me.


Chaos: Blind, Mute and Tasteless. The separation has not been kind to you. I can hear your thoughts so hurry up. I'm busy... this game is truly amazing.


[Then I wont bear around the bush. Do you see the little wolf pup?]


He sticks his head out of the window and looks around. Once he sees Iris, he frowns...


Chaos: A offspring of the Omega Silver Wolf and an Ancient Mithril Dragoness. That shouldnt be alive. The Species dont mix well but it looks to be a few years old. Impressive will on it's part. It should last about another year or so before it falls apart.


[Can you stop that from happening? I saved it from its mother killing it but now it's own lineage is killing it and I cant do a thing to save Iris... Please help me]


Chaos: I'm sorry but No. To let you keep suck a beast would be unfair. The more I help you, the more the Impostor can get away with. When I gave you Ruin, the Impostor copied a power from another world. When I let you return to your world... He took an item from a different world. Helping you keep this hybrid will give him another chance to get another power from somewhere else. The reward outweighs the cost.


[What if I give up something as payment? I have gotten so much from Purgatory that I'm sure I can pay your price.]


He looks at me for a few minutes.


Chaos: You dont have enough to save the beast. For it to life as it is would be going against the natural world and the cost would be more then everything you have. That's including Hades and Gaia, Each of your Dark King Arms, every gift the 8 gods gave you, AND the girls back home not including Ruin.


That took my breath away. That is everything. I cant trade Hades, Gaia, Ink, Marina and Kareena just to save Iris. My DKA and my gifts are doable but not people.


[When she was first born, She spoke to me. Can you let us speak so that I can explain to her what's happening?]


Chaos: That... I can do.


Chaos opened his window enough to walk through it. He and I walked to where Iris was sleeping. He brought his hand down and poked her head with his finger. Iris jumped up in fright.


Iris: What was that!? Where is Leader? Who in the... IMPOSTOR OF THE LEADER!!??


Iris's childish voice sounded in my head as she looked around till she laid her eyes on Chaos. She went ballistic at his appearance. He still looks like me just entirely black with his Blue Cat Eyes.


[Iris... I'm right here, dont worry. This is Chaos. Hes... a friend I guess. That's not important right now, I have some bad news...]


Iris had her eyes locked onto Chaos but her focus was on me. Her tail was wagging as she had her angry face aimed at Chaos.


Iris: How can I hear Leader? I thought Leader couldnt talk outloud. The yummy looking bones said you talk through your mind...


[Chaos is helping me talk right now. Hes helping me so I can tell you some bad news. you see...]


Ieis: I'm dying. I know.


Within my glasses, my eyes almost exploded from their sockets. She knows and she is so nonchalant about it. Like it's a unavoidable fact... which I guess it is.


[Chaos. I have 1 more favor to ask. Can you return my sight to me for a minute so I can see her for the first time?]


Chaos: That's doable but to balance the scales, you will need to give up your glasses. Is that ok?


I grabbed my protective shades and tossed them to Chaos without a seconds thought.


Iris: NO LEADER! The hard to chew lady said those keep your eyes safe!! It's not a fair trade!! The Dark Impostor is stealing from you like I took your pig!!


[Iris, The trade is more then worth it to me. I want to see you with my real eyes.]


My eye sight started to return slowly. I felt tears run down my face as I kept my eyes open so I could burn her image into my memory.


For the first time, I witnessed the true sight of Iris. She has light blue short fur and beautiful grey eyes. Her pupils are a little vertically slit and her boney wings are blacker then black. On her little paws are tiny black claws She has floppy ears and a wet nose. Shes the most adorable puppy dragon to ever exist.


[Your adorable Iris. Your fur is the prettiest blue I've ever seen.]


Iris: Leader... your eyes. Please stop.


Turns out those weren't tears running but blood. I figured as much. My eyes are screaming in pain but that's not what's important.


I just kept looking at her. I raised my hand up and started to pet her. Even as she whimpered, I had a smile on my face as I brushed my hands through her fur letting every compliment I could think of come out.


I passed out as soon as my minute was up.



Iris POV


Leader went to sleep. His eyes are closed now. I looked up at the Dark Impostor. He was looking at me.


Iris: What do you want Dark Impostor?


Chaos: I have 3 questions for you little one. The first is... Do you want to live?


Iris: Of course I do... are you dumb?


Chaos: ... Why do you want to live?


Iris: To be helpful to Leader... Yeah... your dumb.


Chaos: This little... Which do you want more... to live or to be helpful to the kid?


Iris: Dark Dummie, to be helpful. If me living becomes harmful to Leader... living is pointless.


Chaos: Then come with me. We can find a way for you to do both. You will not stay as you are but you will be more helpful to him then you can be in the year you have left as you are. I want to introduce you to someone.


Iris: Who are you bringing me to?


Chaos: My daughter. Her name is Ruin.




Ruin POV


It has been 3 years sense Slate was sent to Purgatory. The girls and I have finished junior high and are home for the summer. We have had it somewhat rough... well, the other 3 girls have had it downright hellish. Turns out the girls are part monsterish. The 3 of them went into heat once throught out the year. It started with Marina. One morning, she woke up with a high fever and a temper that would be set off be any Male in her vicinity. She went nuts fighting each guy she could get her hands onto.


It took the 3 of us, My mom, Ms. Lunafreya, and Ms. Lulu to subdue her rampage. Mr. Noctis got punched in his face when he tried to help. It turned out that only Ink's new baby brother could calm down the Heat Rampages. After 3 days, the fever broke but the touchy mood lingered for another week.


Ink's cycle was next... Her fever was just as high but she didnt attack every guy she locked her eyes on... She launched magic at any guy she she heard.


For everyones information... Ink has AMAZING ears. She started launching high class spells left and right like she was afraid she would forget how to. She sunk our school with a top tier water spell then passed out from running out of mana. She was actually heralded as a school hero for getting classes canceled for the rest of the day.


The most ridiculous of the 3 was without a doubt Kareena. Her cycle started late in the year and she brought the school to its knees. Her magic went out of control and kept everyone awake with continuously healing. Every animal went into heat as well and most adults couldnt keep it in their pants...


For a straight week, everything alive couldnt sleep and was wildly procreating... The doctors and beast tamers smashed their heads together and came up with Rings that we all have to have on at all times at school. They change color when our bodies are beginning to go into heat so we can prepare.


I was given one as well even though om not part monster like the others. I'm now in my room in Slates house. The 4 of us took over his house... Each of us has a room that acts like a safe haven for us whenever we want or need it. As I'm in my bed, Pluto jumps from my hip and starts to shake.


Chaos: Come daughter, you are needed.


Fathers voice rings in my head and I grab the floating Pluto. Next thing I know, im in his realm. There is a little blue puppy with boney wings on the floor shaking.


Ruin: Hello father, what can I do for you?


Chaos: Are you happy with how I made you?


I'm confused... How he made me?


Ruin: Umm yes? I only wish I could be more helpful to Slate and the other girls. My abilities are starting to fall behind the other 3 somewhat.


Chaos: Well... I have a fix to that. You were made in this world without being born as opposed to this pup who was born but made to die. This pup has at most a year left to live. She wants to he useful to the one who saved her... the kid.


Ruin: How can she help me and Slate?


Chaos: Her lineage is unstable but your unique body can mitigate most of the problems. You are a being of Chaos given physical form. You can subdue her Omega Silver Wolf Gene's and nurture her Ancient Mithril Dragon Gene's. The down side is you would become part monster like the other 3... and the kid must still trade some treasures to offset the universal cost.


I look at the puppy that seems to be in pain. I walk up to it and pet it.


Ruin: How is he? Is he ok?


To my surprise, the puppy answers me...


Iris: Leader is doing well. He hurt his eyes looking at me but he should be ok. Yummy Bones fights him lots and he always gets back up.


Ruin: You can talk!?


Iris: My names not "You"! its Iris. I dont have much time, will you help me be helpful to Leader?


Ruin: Slates your leader right?


She nods to me.


Ruin: Then Ofcourse I'll help you.


Chaos: Then let's Slate. He needs to be here.


Father reaches into a shadow on the floor and pulls Slate into this room. My ears almost hop off my head. I hear him again!


Chaos: Wake up kid, nows not the time for naps.




[Ugh... What the hell hit me? My face hurts...




My Blindness was gone for some reason. I could see Ruin and she was the only thing that my attention focused on.


Chaos held his hand up and before I could move, I was locked into place.


Chaos: I'm sorry kid, you cant move from there. It's part of the cost. I have figured out a way to help the puppy somewhat but it will cost you dearly.


The first cost is seeing Ruin without being able to talk to her or touch her. This cost cant be changed.


You must give up 1 Dark King Arm and make another trash. You could Reforge the trashed DKA but that's up to you.


You must take the suffering that the puppy would have faced for the rest of its natural life span...


And remain in Purgatory for 1 year without moving your body in the slightest.


After agreeing to these terms... will I be able to help the puppy.


[Wouldnt I starve if I didnt move for a year? What about using the bathroom?]


Chaos: Those body functions will be halted for the year. No living creature will get within 1 mile of you. You will be completely alone for that year.


I take out my Spear and Heavy Sword.


[I give up my Spear and Trash my Heavy Sword.]


My Spear floats to Chaos and my Heavy Sword loses its color. It becomes a rusted slab of metal with flakes breaking off at the slightest breeze.


[I'm ready. Bring on the stillness and Iris's pain. Please do what you can for her.]


Chaos snaps his fingers and I'm back in Purgatory again. Blind and alone. I sit on the floor and take up a meditation pose. A few minutes later... I'm in hell without being able to budge.




Ruin POV


He was here. I could feel him but not hear his voice.


Chaos: Are you two ready? I will be reducing the Puppy to bloodlines and instincts. These will be added to Ruin so she can elevate her lineage. The puppy's soul will reside in the the Spear and the Spear will become your treasure Ruin.


The two of us sit on the floor and father floats the Spear infront of me.


Chaos: The kid made good choices. His Heavy Sword had the greatest hardness of his DKA while the Spear has the best flexibility. Let's begin...


Iris turned into dust. Some dark blue while other is silver. The dust circled my body before it fell onto my skin and entered through it. My legs felt like they became unbreakable and my ears got a little floppy. The Spear shrunk until it was the side of a pen. My back popped in pain as obsidian black colored bone wings came out. My wings returned inside my back then I fell on my hands and knees.


I had a fever and before I knew it... I was home in my room with the 3 girls holding me down. Turns out i steal ANYTHING when i go into heat...


This will be fun.

Much longer chapter this week due to my upcoming trip to Chicago. No chapter next week so this one is twice as long.

RIP Iris. I felt she was too broken so I mixed her with Ruin and took away Slate's Spear DKA. He now only has his 1 handed Sword, Heavy Sword, Scythe, and Daggers. His Treasure Orb and Thunder Wing is going to be his default weapons.

Beviscreators' thoughts