
Deathly Love .

A Girl find out she's practically terminally ill medication but the doctors cant really pinpoint as to why that is? The Treatment she's under is no longer working as its supposed to. Telling her bffs is not going to be an easy thing to do but the question is how to do it and when? ... ... ... During the extends trip with her friend she finds out her best friends werewolf brother is sweet on her but things may not be as simple as they seem on the outside will a relationship blossom, he hasn't found his mate but will he accept her will she have the heart to tell him shes got her days practically numbered... ... ... ... He's ruthless at times but determined in leading his pack the right way, the was his father and grandfather did but making things better. Will he rock her world and love her even with everything going on with her or will he reject her affections and move on its not like she can offer a long and loving life, so will he risk it all for her for what ever time they may have together. Will she spend what ever time she has in blissful love or alone consumed by her unending pain... What if?... Everything Ends! ***Slow Start but getting better as things progress (((Promise)))*** Rate and Comment ... Plz & Thank You! STILL UNEDITED UNTILL THE END * * * "I in No Way Own any of The pictures featured in any of the chapters pictures can be found as wallpapers online." * * * A/N : Slow start plz Bare with me I... Sorry ahead of time for any mistakes ... easy and be gentle with me some things might be a Little off but I will try my best to fix any issues and update every other day Thanks.

Wick3d · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Perfect Affair


Just as I reach the landing he is there ready to great me takes my hand placing a delicate kiss upon it with such a sweet and enticing smile that makes me go week in the knees.

"You look beautiful tonight!" I hear Michael say and of course I've got to be a little bit much right now... it's not everyday you get to see this guy gushing about such things and dare I say I think that I'm not the only one blushing here so lets live for the moment shall we now.

Why Mr Vileno are you implying that I don't... usually?...

I say with a faked frown as I pout my lip trying to seem a little disappointed, sad and a bit pathetic I know.

As he leads me towards the frond door he stops dead in his tracks and looks at me shock and a hint of fear and panic on his face at the sudden realization of my question towards him.

"I... I didn't... I mean you look... Your always beautiful... Your...um "

He instantly tries to explain him self rubbing nervously at the back and side of his neck while holding on to my hand a little tighter.

'Nice one dumb ass you've offered her made her sad she's definitely rejecting us now great job idiot!'

"She's not rejecting us!"

By the pained look on his face I think I've gone a little bit to far this time Micheal must be having a discussion with Mekhi about my little prank i can tell by the glossy look on his eyes or he's kindling someone ( Emma or Taylor ) about what to do now.

Hey Michael I was just joking!

I say pulling him out of his thoughtful conversation with Mekhi or someone else.

Come on its getting late you don't like being late remember your Mr. Punctual.

I say with a smile earning me a sly smile from him as he pulls me along side him again.

" I didn't... I meant... Your always beautiful! "

He explained still nervously once reached the car as he held the door open for me, then helped me in and buckled me in to the car ever so delicately. It was quite interesting I've never had someone be so overly sweet and attentive like he is with me I could get used to this to him.

On our way to the restaurant all he told me after apologizing again three more times was that everything would be a surprise I guess he noticed my curiosity peeking through some how and that he hopped i'd enjoy it so we drove for a while in peaceful silence after that. During the drive I couldn't help but glance over at him a few times here and there not my fault he looked very appealing and mouth watering delicious. Getting lost in my thoughts about him trying hard not to drool all over my self just gawking when suddenly i'm brought out of my sinful thoughts by none other than the living sin it self as he held my hand and gently placed another kiss on it saying...

"Stop It!... we're here and if you want to make it in for dinner we've got to get going now!"

All I can manage is a simple nod and blushing lightly its like he new what I was just thinking because of the dark lustful shine on his eyes. Within the blink of an eye he's at my door holding his hand out for me to take as he holds the door for me with a mischievous smile!

OK! now i'm pretty sure he knows what I was just thinking about him or at the very least can suspect some of it if or all of it.

But can you blame me this guy is like a walking addiction and I think I'm hocked on him if not I'm still willing to get hocked no rehab needed or wanted as a mater of fact.

' ... Your coat Miss? '

Day dream bubble bursted again by some guy standing near a hostess at the entrance.


"Our attendee Steven here would like to assist you and Mr.Vileno with your coats Miss!"

Looking over at the smug looking hostess I see her gawking at Michael like he's the last piece of chocolate cake in a meeting full of pregnant chicks craving chocolate, starving little bitch.

Suddenly I fell warmth roll over me as Michael is helping me out of my coat his finger tips tuching my skin ever so lightly then handing it over to Steven not once looking over at the thirsty bimbo in front of us.

As he was about to wraps his arm around me miss thirsty bimbo *Unofficial offical name now* places her hand on Michael's bicep and with a flirty smile say... "If you'll follow me Mr. Vileno your private hall is ready." Puffin up her most likely fake boobs towards him.

I don't know what got over me or into me but as soon as her hand touched him I instantly pulled him closer to me. Hell I practically became his second skin both my arms now wrapped around a very confused yet pleased looking Michael's waist as he looks down towards me.

"Your services are no longer need miss."

Its Bethany Mr. Vileno.

"Dosen't mater send our server over immediately we know the way thank you for your service that will be all!"

'Great you've done it again Idiot she looks upset you let that creature upset her now!'

You truly are one dumb mutt for an ancient spirit Mekhi! She's behaving possessive do you understand!

'She's... Jealous?'

As a mate should be! She's our mate after all she might be feeling the pull as well.

Releasing my self from the practical bear hug I had him in and still looking deep in his eyes looking for a sign something any thing when Michael suddenly kisses me deeply and passionately before leading the way to a suit labeled VIP in gold lettering.

Once inside the beautiful set up is breath takingly beautiful candlelight and flowers roses are arranged though out the room and at the center of it all an elegantly set up table awaits us.

Michael's hand encircles my waist and leads me in I notice the small sparks that run through me at the sudden feel of his touch I look up at him as he holds the chair open for me to take. With a slight smile and a deep blush I take my place and just as he is about to turn to his place he bends down and places a kiss on my forehead.

I've lost it I'm officially head over heels for this guy.

"Hope you like it!"

After that dinner was amazing we talked for what seemed like hours Ive got to admit I love the way he smiles that boysish charm of his.

As the night progressed things got more comfortable between us we seemed to fit in perfectly together. We ended the night with a nice calming walk along side the beach under the moon light. We settled on a nice place of the beach with a couple of blankets to await for the sun rise. Which by the way was a magically mesmerizing event especially in Michael's company.