
The Beginning

As I walked down the street just enjoying nature and enjoying the smell of nature a bus drove passed me and the sweet smell from nature turned into the smell of carbon and it ruined my mood. I began to walk home when I heard a sound of footsteps from the alleyway next to me. As I look down the narrow passage all I can see is a shadow figure standing there. Then a lady walked into the alley and just seemed to vanish. I ignored it like any american would do and just continued to go home. When I got to my door I could hear the TV on. When i walked inside it was on the news. The government said there was a national emergency and there was a possibility that the human race would go extinct. For the first few days I think no one cared. There were memes about the report but nobody paid any mind. Two months later the government announced that the human population is now below 100 million. That means over seven billion people already have been taken. This caused a huge panic and the world went into chaos. This caused the human population to disappear rapidly. After just 2 days there were only ten thousand people left. After that there were no more reports. The government was gone and I was on my own. As I wander the streets trying to find food I hear a lady crying. I slowly walked towards the crying and peaked around the corner. It was a short, black haired, Japanese. I walked closer to her and asked her what's wrong. For a moment she just sat there crying but after a minute or so she tried to talk but it was muffled by her sobbing. After a while of her repeating herself I could understand that her child was dead. I put my arm on her shoulder and said I'm sorry for your loss. She stared at me with her eyes still filled with tears and hugged me. After some time I asked if she wanted to travel with me. She didn't want to leave but after another minute of crying she got up and said "lets go". We wandered aimlessly looking for other people. While we looked we checked houses for supplies.

-to be continued

I know theres alot of mistakes but im trying :) .

i dont have a official upload schedule so update will be random sorry.

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