
Death note: The 6 NOTES

This is a fan-fiction of the amazing piece of work "DEATH NOTE" this is a fictional story of what happens 16 years after the Death of Kira and L when an other character 'the new KIRA' finds the Death Note by accident and tries to become the new Kira and tries to avoid being caught like the first Kira, and on this generation there is of course an other L that is different from the previous L. this story is going to be interesting, I will do my best on uploading daily chapters for you to read. I hope you all will like it.

imadramdani · Cómic
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21 Chs


Ryuk, floats toward Jasper slowly while looking at his eyes and saying "Hello! Jasper, I am Ryuk, a Shinigami, the God of death, in the Japanese culture, look it up, but I suggest you to not do any searching on your computer concerning the death note things, because your officer friend has already started building her doubts about you, because the way Marry killed herself is suspicious, I mean what kind of people writes a suicidal not and burns it with them?" Jasper at this point is trying to analyse what Ryuk is saying and at the same time he is doing his best to avoid eye contact with him.

Ryuk reached Jasper's face while he was talking and he realized it, and said "Oh! I am too close to your face, I need to back up a little bit, I gave you this death note for a reason, that reason, is because I thought that you are smart, wait smart is not the word, genius is the right word in your language I suppose, so I thought that you can become the new Kira, and wanted you to be the new Kira so I can enjoy my time with you!"

Ryuk stopped talking and Jasper started speaking and asking questions "Why is all this? Why don't I just write your name on this death note right now? Who is Kira? Why would I be this, Kira?" Ryuk just laughs on Jasper's face and says after laughing for an entire minute historically, "Alright! Alright! That note kills only humans, and you have to be the new Kira to end all crimes all over the world, and look at this" Ryuk shows Jasper some documents that seem very strange and are written in Japanese "These are the top-secret files concerning the Kira case, it has everything from Kira's born till his death, you will find it very interesting" Ryuk said to Jasper while grabbing an apple and eating it.

Jasper read some pages and said "killing criminals that are already prisoned, this guy is an idiot, he should have gone after the politicians, the rich people that are committing unhumanised crimes, such as the Katon tea company that pays hard-working laborers 30 dollars a month or other companies, not killers that are already in prison"

Ryuk did a flip and said "Oh! Boy, I like you, I knew that I would like you! And boom, I really do like you, so what are you going to start with? Politicians? Business men? Gangsters' bosses? Tell me, I am so excited!" then he picked another apple to eat.

Jasper looked at Ryuk and said with confidence "Of course, I will start with both of them, but I need to be extremely careful since I am already being watched, and I think that the guy I met earlier at the elevator, was a test by the police, wasn't it?" Ryuk stops eating out of the sudden and stares at Jasper's eyes with owe and a big smile then says "Yes! Yes! Yes! This is the intelligence I am talking about! Yes, they used him as a bait, that guy is charged with 3 first level kills and is supposed to spend the rest of his life at prison, but you asked him for his name, he told them that you asked him for his name, and they think that you have the death note, what are you going to do about it now?" Jasper sits on his yoga position and stays quite for 3 minutes while Ryuk just flies around him and then he stands up out of the sudden "I will go tomorrow and buy a cup of coffee for that guy from Starbucks asking them to write his name on the cup and I will take it with me to the police station, as if I am actually apologizing, and I won't start my plans yet, I will start them after 1 month from now, during this month I has a school project that is about policy, so I can do research about politicians and not make them think that I am planning for anything because it is a school project, but during that I would start on killing the top wanted criminals and create a fictional KIRA that has the name KIRA, and I will call myself THE EXECUTIVE, that way I can mislead them into trying to find two different people, this is a perfect plan, now I need to start using my father's laptop to search for criminals and buy 2 KGs of apple for you" This plan has just amused Ryuk that he started flying around the room out of satisfaction and he said "this is a perfect plan, this is GREAT! But you need to know, that they know that I love apples and that the death note has been stolen about 2 weeks ago"

Jasper goes to his desk and pulls out his father's old laptop, and tries to turn it on while plugging it and says to Ryuk "Then I will buy a lot of fruits, you will love the grapes, I will be buying a lot of it, it is more juicy then the apple and more colourful" then he turns on the laptop and hotspots from his smart phone, then connects the laptop to his phone's internet, because it is too hard to follow, then he puts on Netflix on his laptop and starts the 'FRIENDS' series on it.

Ryuk likes the idea of the grapes and says to Jasper "but why did you turn on this series now, aren't we going to start looking for wanted criminals?" Jasper laughs and says with a massive amount of ego "They are checking what I do with my laptop and my iPad, and my phone, so I am using my father's old laptop to search, and using this show to make them think that I am watching it while doing so" Ryuk gets more pleasure and says "That is very smart, you are very good, but you need to be careful, from Near's replacement 'Hamza' or I should call him H, well he is the smartest detective on earth, but he hasn't started yet, because N is still alive and doing his work, by the way N was the detective that caught Light, sixteen years ago"